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PACER Program
Pre-Preliminary Design Review Document
For the
Measuring, Temperature, Pressure, and Humidity at
Increasing Altitudes
Knoxville College (KC)
Prepared by:
Team Spokesperson: Denae Bullard
Munshi Idris
Caitlin Johnson
DeAnna Anderson
Dr. T. Gregory Guzik
Dr. John Wefel
PACER Signoff
Cover ............................................................................................................................................. i
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................... ii
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................. iii
Graph........................................................................................................................................... iii
1.0 Document Purpose ..................................................................................................................1
1.1 Document Scope ...............................................................................................................1
1.2 Change Control and Update Procedures ...........................................................................1
2.0 Reference Documents ......................................................................................................... 1-2
3.0 Goals, Objectives, Requirements ............................................................................................3
3.1 Mission Goal .....................................................................................................................3
3.2 Objectives .........................................................................................................................3
3.3 Science Background and Requirements ..................................................................... 4-10
3.4 Technical Background and Requirements ................................................................ 10-13
9.0 Master Schedule ....................................................................................................................14
9.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) ................................................................................14
9.2 Staffing Plan....................................................................................................................14
9.3 Timeline and Milestones ........................................................................................... 14-15
12.0 Glossary .............................................................................................................................15
Team Knoxville College
Pre-PDR v4.0
1. Shows the average relationship of Temperature vs. Altitude and the isothermal of the
atmosphere marked by a circle………………………………………………………...….4
2. Shows pressure decreasing with high altitudes up the atmosphere…………………….…..6
3. Shows the relationship between altitude and average humidity……………………………7
4. Shows the relationship between altitude and temperature collected from a balloon payload
in Ft. Worth, TX from July 25 – 31, 2009…………………………………………..…….8
5. Shows the exponential fit on pressure collected from a balloon payload in Ft. Worth, TX
from July 25 – 31, 2009………..………………………………………………………….8
6. Shows the relationship between altitude and humidity collected from a balloon payload in
Ft. Worth, TX from July 25 – 31, 2009…………………………………………………..9
7. Shows the quadratic fit on temperature in the troposphere collected from a balloon payload
in Ft. Worth, TX from July 25 – 31, 2009……………………………………………….9
8. Shows Thermistors are commonly used in bridge circuits………………………………10
1. Shows the output voltage vs. Temperature of silicon temperature sensor……………….11
Team Knoxville College
Pre-PDR v4.0
1.0 Document Purpose
This document describes the preliminary design for the Temperature, Pressure, Humidity, and
Imaging experiment by Team Knoxville College for the PACER Program. It fulfills part of the
PACER Project requirements for the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) to be held June 23,
1.1 Document Scope
This PDR document specifies the scientific purpose and requirements for the Temperature,
Pressure, Humidity, and Imaging experiment and provides a guideline for the development,
operation, and cost of this payload under the PACER Project. The document includes details of
the payload design, fabrication, integration, testing, flight operation, and data analysis. In
addition, project management, timelines, work breakdown, expenditures, and risk management is
detailed in different sections. Finally, the designs and plans presented here are preliminary and
will be finalized at the time of the Preliminary Design Review (PDR).
1.2 Change Control and Update Procedures
Changes to this Pre-PDR document shall only be made after approval by designated
representatives from Team Knoxville College and the PACER Institution Representative.
Document change requests should be sent to Team members and PACER Institution
2.0 Reference Documents
Holton, James R., Judith A. Curry and Pyle, J. A. 2003. Encyclopedia of Atmospheric
Sciences. Amsterdam; Boston: Academic Press.
Lerner, K. L. and Lerner, Brenda. 2003. World of Earth Science. Gacl.
Labitzke, Karin G. and Loon Harry Van 1999. The Stratosphere: Phenomena, History,
and Relevance. Singapore Tokyo: Springer.
Radiosondes. UW-Madison Department of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences.
<> (accessed June 18, 2010).
Atmosphere: Composition & Structure. Indiana University.
<> (accessed June
18, 2010).
Pidwirny, M. 2006. Atmospheric Science, Water and Environmental Monitoring.
<> (accessed June 18, 2010).
Greenhouse Gases and Aerosols. NOAA's Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research.
Web. <>. (accessed June 18, 2010).
Team Knoxville College
Pre-PDR v4.0
Wolk, Carl. Humidity Data « Climate Change Clarity.
<> (accessed June
19, 2010).
JASON Mission Center. The Physical Structure of the Atmosphere. JASON Science Home. <>. (accessed June 19, 2010).
The Earth and the Atmosphere--Images and Diagrams. Welcome to the Physics
Department at ISU. <>
(accessed June 20, 2010).
Atmospheric Soundings. Wyoming Weather Web.
<>. (accessed June 18, 2010).
Pressure Altitude. NOAA.
<>. (accessed June 21,
Capgo - Thermistor Temperature Sensors. Capgo - Data Acquisition and Data Loggers.
<> (accessed
June 22, 2010).
Roveti, Denes K. Choosing a Humidity Sensor: A Review of Three Technologies | Sensors
Magazine. Sensors Magazine | Sensors Magazine | Sensor technology news and realworld sensor application. <> (accessed June
20, 2010).
Kodak Zi8 Pocket Video Camera Camcorder - 1080p - 5.0 MP - Raspberry from Kodak
in Camcorders & Digital Cameras.
Team Knoxville College
Pre-PDR v4.0
3.0 Goals, Objectives, Requirements
3.1 Mission Goal
The goal of the project is to construct a payload that will measure the variations of temperature,
humidity, and pressure as a function of altitude.
3.2 Objectives
The objective of this project is to fly a payload that will reach an altitude of 100,000 feet to
measure and record temperature, humidity, and pressure. The data collected will be compared to
data retrieved from a Radiosonde via the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA). The footage from the camera will be used to recruit students for the PACER program
at Knoxville College. The PACER experience will help us teach students at Knoxville College to
apply physics to life.
3.2.1 Science Objectives
 Measure and record temperature as a function of altitude
 Measure and record pressure as a function of altitude
 Measure and record humidity as a function of altitude
 Determine records of temperature, pressure, and humidity from NOAA
3.2.2 Technical Objectives
 Graph temperature as a function of altitude
 Graph pressure as a function of altitude
 Graph humidity as a function of altitude
 Compare to Radiosonde data from NOAA
 Record a high resolution video
 Complete PDR, CDR, and FRR successfully
 Analyze post-flight weather data
 Produce recruiting video
 Produce a science report with valid results
 Successfully fabricate temperature, pressure, and humidity sensor interface
Team Knoxville College
Pre-PDR v4.0
3.3 Science Background and Requirements
Earth’s Atmosphere
There are five layers of Earth‟s atmosphere:
the Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere,
Thermosphere, and Exosphere. These different
levels of the atmosphere each have distinct
characteristics from one another.
The Troposphere (where human life exists) is
the lowest atmosphere. This lowermost region
is the planetary boundary layer. In this level of
the atmosphere, temperature decreases with
altitude, ranging from 17˚ C to 52˚ C. The
Troposphere rises to an altitude of 14.5 km
from the Earth‟s surface. It is within this level
most weather and water vapor occurs. [1] It
consists of 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, and a
small amount of trace gases. [7] These
components within the Troposphere are „well
mixed‟ since it is constantly agitating and
„turning over‟ as warm air at the surface
upswings and colder denser air at altitude
descends to take its place. The pressure in the
Troposphere ranges from 1000 to 200
millibars. [5]
Figure 1 shows the average relationship of Temperature vs. Altitude
and the isothermal layers of the atmosphere marked by a circle.
The Tropopause is the uppermost region of the troposphere which extends approximately 6 km
to18 km from the Stratosphere. [1] As temperature shifts from the Troposphere to the
Tropopause, temperature change creates turbulence. This is a result of high temperatures near the
Earth‟s surface and high density rates due to gravity. [7]
The Stratosphere is located between the Troposphere and the Mesosphere. In the lowermost
region of the Stratosphere, temperatures are -60˚ C increasing with altitude. Air temperatures
increase due to absorption from sunlight caused by the Ozone layer [3]. In the uppermost region
of the Stratosphere, temperatures extend to a maximum of 0˚ C. In the lowermost region,
temperatures are isothermal, meaning that temperature does not change. Figure 1 shows the
isothermal areas of the atmosphere marked by a circle. [3]
Team Knoxville College
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The Stratosphere extends approximately 10 to 50 km above the Earth‟s surface. As Figure 2
shows, the pressure in the Stratosphere ranges from 200 to 0 millibars. The Stratopause is
approximately 50 to 55 km above the earth‟s surface. It is the warmest level of the stratosphere.
(Labitzke,et al. 1999). It separates the Stratosphere from the Mesosphere. [3]
The Mesosphere is a level of the atmosphere at approximately 48 to 85 km above the Earth‟s
surface. Temperature ranges from 50˚ C and decreases as low as -130˚ C. The uppermost region
of the Mesosphere is the coldest of all the atmospheres. The highest clouds are located in this
level of the atmosphere. They are known as Noctilucent Clouds (NLC) which is formed by ice
particles that originate from water vapor in the Stratosphere. This water vapor in the Stratosphere
eventually travels into the mesosphere and freeze. Very little water vapor and thin air are
contained in the Mesosphere making it impossible for atoms and molecular gases to form
together. Pressure within this level of the atmosphere is constantly 0 millibars.[1]
Mesopause is the lowest level of the Mesosphere also known as the lower boundary of the
Earth‟s partially ionized plasma blanket, called the ionosphere. Temperature in the Mesopause
ranges from -103.15 ˚C to -73.15˚C. It extends approximately 80 to 85 km to the Thermosphere.
The Thermosphere consists of neutral gas temperatures increasing to an altitude of 200 km and
then remains constant to heights exceeding 100 km. Its temperature ranges from 500 ˚C to 2000
˚C. The isothermal (Figure 1) behavior of the upper Thermosphere rises because its thermal
conductivity is so high that most of the energy absorbed by the gas is removed downwards. The
limiting Thermospheric temperature is determined by incoming ultra-violet radiation, so that
there are seasonal variations in heat input and variations over the solar cycle as well as the
diurnal and latitude differences in temperature.
Team Knoxville College
Pre-PDR v4.0
Pressure begins to decrease with high altitudes up the atmosphere, as shown in Figure 2. At 40 km in the
atmosphere pressures change to 0 millibars, hence the change in slope in Figure 2. This reaction is unlike
temperature. As pressures within the atmosphere decrease, the amount of oxygen per breathe decreases,
this results as being incapable of breathing at low pressures. For this reason astronauts are required to
wear space suits with an oxygen tank. Two measurement units are used when measuring pressure
millibars and Pascals. At sea level the average pressure is 101325 Pascals (Pa) and 1013.25 millibars
(mb). [10]
Figure 2 shows pressure decreasing with high altitudes up the
Team Knoxville College
Pre-PDR v4.0
Humidity is the place large amounts of water, in its liquid state, evaporate into atmospheric water
vapors. Relative humidity changes in a parcel of air with an increase in air temperature. The
amount of humidity the air can hold before rain is 100 percent. Humidity can be measured using
many different instruments. Very often relative humidity is measured with a psychrometer. In
Figure 3 it shows the relationship between altitude and average humidity as altitude increases
the percentage of the relative humidity decrease. [6]
Figure 3 it shows the relationship between altitude and average humidity
Team Knoxville College
Pre-PDR v4.0
3.3.2 Studies of Temperature and Pressure vs. Altitude
Weather balloons used to measure atmospheric conditions date back to 1855 to 1930. French
meteorologist Leon Teisserenc de Bort pioneered the use of the weather balloon with balloonacquired data. He discovered the existence of the Troposphere. Since the 1930s, Radio Tracking
Systems were invented and weather balloons were used as complete floating weather stations
using instruments such as the thermometer, barometer, hygrometer, cameras and telescopes. [4]
Pavel A. Molchanov, a Russian meteorologist successfully made radio soundings into the
Stratosphere. It was 1936 when the U.S. Weather Bureau first used the radiosonde to measure
temperature, moisture and wind data. Today there are over 70 weather stations around the U.S.
These stations launch weather balloons twice daily approximately 0000 and 0012 GMT. One
known location used to launch weather balloons is the Wyoming Department of Atmospheric
Science. [4]
The collected data from the University of Wyoming on July 25-31, 2009 was used to graph the
relationship between temperature, pressure, and humidity with altitude shown in Figure 4,
Figure 5, and Figure 6. Fort Worth, TX was the closest location to the balloon flight launching
location. The dates chosen were selected because launch will take place July 27, 2010.
The temperature, pressure and humidity vary with altitude 0 to 30000 meters which is equivalent
to 550 to 100000ft. [11]
Figure 4 above shows the relationship between altitude and temperature
collected from a balloon payload in Ft. Worth, TX from July 25 – 31, 2009
Figure 5 above shows the exponential fit on pressure collected from a
balloon payload in Ft. Worth, TX from July 25 – 31, 2009
Shown in Figure 5 the pressure is exponential with altitude, with maximum change within the
first 10000 meters which is 32808.4 ft. The 1 hPa of change in pressure occurs in less than 40
ms. The sampling rate for pressure needs to be 1 sample every 35sec for an accurate reading.
Team Knoxville College
Pre-PDR v4.0
Figure 6 above shows the relationship between altitude and humidity
collected from a balloon payload in Ft. Worth, TX from July 25 – 31, 2009
Figure 6 shows humidity as a function of altitude collected from a balloon payload in Ft. Worth,
TX. Humidity changes 60% every 5,000 m (16,404.20 ft.) throughout the day as seen in graph
above. The balloon payload ascends at 1000ft/min, which converts to 304.8m/min. Calculations
show relative changes 9.84% per minute. The sampling rate is 1 sample every 5.74% per 35
Figure 8 above shows the quadratic fit on temperature in the troposphere collected from a
balloon payload in Ft. Worth, TX from July 25 – 31, 2009
Figure 8 shows that tropospheric temperatures are polynomial with altitude. The temperature
increases at 2-07˚Celsius/m. The balloon payload ascends at 1000ft/min, which converts to
304.8m/min. Calculations show temperature changes 2.38˚C/min. The sampling rate is 1
sample every 35 seconds which is change of 1.38˚C/35sec. There will be approximately 100
samples taken throughout payload flight lasting for 100,000ft.
Team Knoxville College
Pre-PDR v4.0
3.3.2 Science Requirements
 Take measurements with temperatures ranging from -60°C to 52°C
 Temperature accuracy within +/- 1.38°C
 Take measurements with pressure ranging from 1013.2mb to 0mb
 Pressure accuracy within 6,561.7 feet
 Take measurements with humidity ranging from 30% to 100%
 Humidity accuracy within 5.74%
 Measurements will be taken every 500 feet/35 seconds
 Real-time clock will record time
3.4 Technical Background and Requirements
This section describes, in essence, the “principle of operation” of team KC‟s experiment. It
provides a technical description of how our experiment works as well as the necessary
3.4.1 Technical Background
The payload requires specific sensors for temperature, pressure, and humidity to determine
atmospheric conditions.
Two temperature-sensing methods include contact and non-contact. Contact sensing brings the
sensor in physical contact with a substance or object. It can be used with solids, liquids, or gases.
Non-contact (infrared) temperature sensing reads temperature by intercepting a portion of the
infrared energy emitted by an object or substance, and detecting its intensity. Non-contact
method is used to sense the temperature of solids and liquids. Non-contact sensor cannot be used
on gases due to their transparent nature. Contact temperature sensors such as resistance
temperature detectors (RTDs) generate varying resistance values. RTDs as a class are divided
into two types including resistance wire RTDs and Thermistors (Thermally sensitive transistor).
RTDs work by producing a predictable resistance at a given temperature. Resistance wire RTDs
(generally platinum) has a positive coefficient by increasing resistance with temperature
increase. Thermistors are generally negative coefficient by decreasing resistance with
temperature increase. RTD is good for wide temperature range from -200 ° to 650 °C. The
current drop across an RTD provides a much larger signal than thermocouple voltage output.
Platinum and copper RTDs follow a more linear curve than thermocouples or most thermistors.
Figure 8: Bridge Circuit
Team Knoxville College
Thermistors have base resistance that may be several thousand
ohms. This provides a large signal change compared to resistance
wire RTDs with same measuring current, negating leadwire
resistance problems. Many new thermistor models are trimmed to
very tight tolerances over limited temperature ranges. The resistance
decreases with increasing temperature. Thermistors are commonly
used in bridge circuits as shown in Figure 8. The resistive values Ra,
Rb, Rc are kept constant while Rs (resistive sensor) varies with
Pre-PDR v4.0
temperature. Thermistors can measure temperature ranging from -80 °C to 120°C.
Thermocouples are best suited to high temperatures, environmental extremes. RTDs are best for
most industrial measurements over a wide temperature range, especially when sensor stability is
essential for proper control. Thermocouples are relatively inexpensive and reliable. Physically,
it is just two different metal wires joined in junction. These two wires create a temperature
dependent voltage. The produced voltage can be measured and converted into temperature
reading. The conversion, however, is nonlinear.
Semiconductor temperature sensors can be installed directly on PC boards, heat sinks,
underneath high-power integrated circuits, and in small
portable electronic devices. A semiconductor
temperature sensor is an integrated circuit that
combines a temperature-sensing element with signal
conditioning, output, and other types of circuitry on
one chip. It relies on the change of voltage across a p-n
junction, essentially a silicon diode, in response to a
temperature change to determine the ambient
temperature. As can be seen in Graph 1, when linear
relationship between temperature and altitude is
needed, silicon temperature sensors are a better choice.
Silicon temperature sensors come in various output
scales and offsets. Usually, the output of these devices
is fed into A/D convertor to convert temperature data
into digital data. [12]
Graph 1: Output voltage vs Temperature of
silicon temperature sensor
A pressure sensor measures pressure, typically of gases or liquids. Pressure is an expression of
the force required to stop a fluid from expanding, and is usually stated in terms of force per unit
area. A pressure sensor usually acts as a transducer; it generates an electrical signal as a function
of the pressure imposed. Pressure sensors can also be used to indirectly measure other variables
such as fluid/gas flow, speed, water level, and altitude. There are many applications for pressure
sensors including altitude sensing used in aircrafts, rockets, satellites, weather balloons. All these
applications make use of the relationship between changes in pressure relative to altitude.
Pressure sensors may be classified in term of pressure ranges they measure, temperature ranges
of operation, and most importantly the type of pressure they measure. In terms of pressure type,
pressure sensors can be divided into five categories: absolute pressure sensor, gauge pressure
sensor, vacuum pressure sensor, differential pressure sensor, and sealed pressure sensor.
Absolute pressure sensor measures the pressure relative to perfect vacuum pressure (no
pressure). Therefore, it is equal to atmosphere pressure plus gauge pressure. Atmospheric
pressure is 101.325 kPa at sea level with reference to vacuum. Gauge pressure sensor is used in
different applications because it can be calibrated to measure pressure relative to a given
atmospheric pressure at a given location. It is measured in reference to ambient air pressure,
meaning absolute pressure minus atmospheric pressure. Vacuum pressure sensor is used to
measure pressure less than atmospheric pressure at a given location. Differential pressure sensor
Team Knoxville College
Pre-PDR v4.0
measures the difference between two or more pressures introduced as inputs to the sensing unit
such as measuring pressure drop across an oil filter. Differential pressure is also used to measure
flow or level in pressurized vessels. Sealed pressure sensor is the same as the gauge pressure
sensor except that it is previously calibrated manufacturers to measure pressure relative to sea
level pressure. Electronic pressure sensors use other properties (such as density) to infer pressure
of a gas, or liquid. [5] Different types of pressure sensing technologies include piezoresistive
strain gage, capacitive, electromagnetic, piezoelectric, optical, and potentiometric. Piezoresistive
uses the piezoresistive effect of bonded or formed strain gages to detect strain due to applied
pressure. Generally, the strain gauges are connected to form a wheatstone bridge circuit to
maximize the output of the sensor. This is the most commonly employed sensing technology for
general purpose pressure measurement. [13]
Humidity can be measured using many methods including capacitive relative humidity (RH)
sensors. RH sensors are widely used in industrial, commercial, and weather applications. They
consist of a substrate on which a thin film of polymer or metal oxide is deposited between two
conductive electrodes. The sensing surface is coated with a porous metal electrode to protect it
from contamination and exposure to condensation. The substrate is typically glass, ceramic, or
silicon. The incremental change in the dielectric constant of a capacitive humidity sensor is
directly proportional to the relative humidity of the surrounding environment. The change in
capacitance is typically 0.2 – 0.5 pF for a 1% RH change, while the bulk capacitance is between
100 and 500 pF at 50% RH at 25° C. Capacitive sensors are characterized by low temperature
coefficient, ability to function at high temperatures (up to 200° C), full recovery from
condensation, and reasonable resistance to chemical vapors. Two capacitor plates sandwich a
polymer-based dielectric material that absorbs or releases water according to the relative
humidity. The increase or decrease in water level changes the capacitance. The response time
ranges from 30 seconds to 60 seconds for a 63% RH step change. Resistive humidity sensors
measure the change in electrical impedance of a hygroscopic medium such as a conductive
polymer, salt, or treated substance. A distinct advantage of resistive RH sensors in their
interchangeability, usually within +/- 2% RH, which allows the electronic signal conditioning
circuitry to be calibrated by a resistor at a fixed RH point. This eliminates the need for humidity
calibration standards, so resistive humidity sensors are generally field replaceable. The accuracy
of individual resistive humidity sensors may be confirmed by testing in an RH calibration
chamber or by a computer-based DA system referenced to standardized humidity-controlled
environment. Nominal operating temperature of resistive sensors ranges from -40°C to 100°C.[6]
3.4.2. Recording and Imagery
A Kodak Zi8 Pocket Video Camera Camcorder will be used to take photo documentation of our
balloon flight to show future PACER students. By showing them the results of our project we
hope to persuade them into being interested in PACER as well as physics and astronomy.
Team Knoxville College
Pre-PDR v4.0
3.4.2 Technical Requirements
 Payload must remain intact during flight and post-flight
 Payload should not weigh more than 500 grams
 Temperature Sensor should accurately measure temperatures ranging from -60°C to
 Temperature Sensor will be located on the top, outside of the payload box
 Pressure Sensor will be located inside the payload, on the BalloonSat.
 Pressure Sensor should accurately measure ranges from 1013.2milibars to 0milibars
 Humidity Sensor should accurately measure the atmosphere‟s humidity range
approximately 30%- 100%
 Humidity Sensor will be located on the BalloonSat and the sensor will be outside of the
payload box
 Measurements of temperature, pressure, and humidity should be taken every 35 seconds
 A pre-flight checklist will be made in order to ensure every task is complete for lift-off
Team Knoxville College
Pre-PDR v4.0
9.0 Master Schedule
This section describes how team KC will organize and manage the effort associated with our
9.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
9.2 Staffing Plan
Denae Bullard
i. Project Management
ii.Version Control
Munshi Idris
i. Integration
ii. Calibrations
Caitlin Johnson
i. Science Requirements
ii. Electronics
iii. Mechanical
DeAnna Anderson
i. Flight Software
ii. System Testing
iii. Data Processing and Analysis
9.3 Timeline and Milestones
Team Knoxville College
Pre-PDR v4.0
Major Milestones:
CDR Presentation
FRR Presentation
Payload Launch
Science Presentation
June 23, 2010
July 2, 2010
July 12, 2010
July 13, 2010
July 22, 2010
July 23, 2010
July 27, 2010
July 29, 2010
Major Project Task Categories:
Science Requirements
System Design
Electronics Design
Electronics Prototyping & Development
Flight Software Design
Flight Software Prototyping & Development
Mechanical Design
Mechanical Prototyping & Development
Data Processing & Analysis Plan Development
Flight Payload Component Fabrication
Flight Payload Integration
System Testing
Flight Operations
Data Processing & Analysis
12.0 Glossary
Team Knoxville College
Physics & Aerospace Catalyst Experiences in Research
Critical Design Review
Flight Readiness Review
Preliminary Design Review
To Be Determined
To Be Supplied
Work Breakdown Structure
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Pre-PDR v4.0