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Page 5
part of the Roman Empire, was born probably in the year 280 somewhere near
the Dardanels. At the death of his father, he was proclaimed Caesar in 306.
When, in the year 372, he, was informed that the two other Caesars of the
Empire, Maxentius and Maximinus, had agreed to oust him, he marched against
Italy. There he saw a vision of the Cross of Christ with this inscription: “With this
sign you shall conquer.” Constantine engaged a raging battle near the Melvius
bridge on the Tiber, on October 29. Maxentius was defeated and drowned in the
river. The next day, Constantine entered Rome where the Senate proclaimed’
him Emperor of the West, while Licinius was Emperor of the East. In the year
313, Constantine and Licinius signed the edict of ,Milan by which they gave
freedom of worship to the Christians and ended the era of persecutions. Very
soon, Licinius broke his promise and renewed the persecution of Christians in the
East. Constantine declared war against him and defeated him in 324. Thus the
became sole Emperor of East and West. Peace, prosperity and a strong
organization prevailed in the Church. Constantine transferred his Capital from
Rome to Byzantium and gave it his own name
“Constantinople.” It was also known as the “New Rome" in opposition to the “
Ancient Rome,” the former capital. In the year 325, Constantine called the first
Ecumenical Council of Nicea which promulgated the Nicean Creed we recite in
the Divine Liturgy. He died on May 22, 337. Helena was the Mother of
Constantine. She found the holy Cross of Christ in Jerusalem where she built the
Church of the Holy Sepulcher. She died and was buried in Rome.