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The Creed: part I
Trinitarian Theology and Christology
©All rights reserved Dr. George P. Bithos
The climate in which the emergence of
the Creed:
(The Symbol of Faith) Occurred
Prior to Constantine the Great
 The
Church grew and spread to all the
corners of the Roman World.
 Great centres of the Church began to be
 There were intermittent periods of peace or
 Great Persecutions at the beginning of the
Fourth Century under Diocletian (284 – 305)
produced an age of Martyrs.
Changes brought about by
Constantine the Great
Constantine was declared Emperor. Starting in
Britain, fighting across Italy and used “XP” to
rally his troops. He won the decisive battle at
the Milvian Bridge.
Edict of Milan 313 A.D. allowed Freedom of
Religion for Christians.
Two heresies that arose at this time were
Donatism and Arianism.
Donatism was a power struggle in the
North African Church. Resulted in
DIRECT intervention of the Emperor. This
set a precedent for the Church to appeal
to the Emperor to settle ecclesiastical
Arianism – Teaching of a priest of the
Alexandrian Church, Arius. He did not
believe the Son was co-equal to the
Father, i.e. “The Son was created and
inferior to God the Father.”
Arian Teachings
The Divine Logos, the Word of God, who
became man – Jesus Christ is not the
divine Son of God
 He was merely a creature like everything
else created out of nothing by God.
 Therefore, God is not the uncreated
 Jesus is not the uncreated divine Son of
God and the Holy Spirit is also created by
God the Father.
All Seven Great Councils
of the Church
Dealt with two questions and their
Who is Christ?
What is the Nature of the
Holy Trinity?