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Human Anatomy
Session 4, 2017
Instructor: Kalli Gedwed
Overview: Students will learn about the main organ systems of the human
body. Each week we will focus on one system, analyzing its function and
learning what organs are involved. Some light independent work may be
required; plan for about 1 hr/wk.
Course Expectations:
• Come prepared with materials needed (spiral notebook for note
taking, pen, pencil, and highlighter)
• Complete homework
• Participate in the class in a positive way
• Allow others to enjoy and learn
Lesson 1: The Skeletal System-Students will be introduced to the 206
bones of the body. They will learn their function in the body and be able to
name and know the location of the major bones of the body.
Lesson 2: The Muscular System-Students will be introduced to the major
types of muscles in the body (smooth, cardiac and skeletal). They will
learn the functions of each type of muscle and be able to name the major
skeletal muscles of the body.
Lesson 3: The Digestive System-Students will be introduced to the organs
and helper organs of the digestive system. They will be able to explain
how food is digested in the body by creating a “digestive system in a bag”
and presenting it to the class.
Lesson 4: The Respiratory System-Students will be introduced to the
organs of the respiratory system. They will be able to explain their function
and explain the path Oxygen takes in our body and the importance of
getting rid of Carbon Dioxide for a healthy, functioning body.
Lesson 5: The Circulatory System-Students will be introduced to the
cardiovascular system and the arteries, veins and capillaries that transport
the blood throughout our body. They will be able to name the major
organs and trace the path blood takes throughout our body.
Lesson 6: The Nervous System-Students will be introduced to the organs
of the nervous system. They will learn that these organs together are
responsible for the control of the body and communication among its parts.
Lesson 7: The Skin-Students will be introduced to one of the largest
organs of our body (the skin). They will learn that the skin is involved in
many body systems. Students will also understand and name the 3 layers
of the skin.
Lesson 8: Nutrition-Students will get a comprehensive overview on how
proper nutrition can either help or hinder homeostasis in the body. They
will learn how proper nutrition can enhance one’s well-being and how it can
contribute to a disease-less body.
Lesson 9: Create a body- Students will get an opportunity to show their
knowledge by putting together a human body (on paper). The body
systems that we have studied will be used to culminate our investigation of
the human body.