Download 1. If the total momentum of a system is changing: A) particles of

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1. If the total momentum of a system is changing:
A) particles of the system must be exerting forces on each other
B) the system must be under the influence of gravity
C) the center of mass must have constant velocity
D) a net external force must be acting on the system
E) none of the above
2. Two objects, P and Q, have the same momentum. Q can have more kinetic energy than
P if it:
A) weighs more than P
B) is moving faster than P
C) weighs the same as P
D) is moving slower than P
E) is moving at the same speed as P
3. For a block of mass m to slide without friction up the rise of height h shown, it must
have a minimum initial speed of:
A) 1 2 gh
gh 2
C) 2 gh
D) 2 2 gh
E) 2 gh
4. Two objects interact with each other and with no other objects. Initially object A has a
speed of 5 m/s and object B has a speed of 10 m/s. In the course of their motion they
return to their initial positions. Then A has a speed of 4 m/s and B has a speed of 7 m/s.
We can conclude:
A) the potential energy changed from the beginning to the end of the trip
B) mechanical energy was increased by nonconservative forces
C) mechanical energy was decreased by nonconservative forces
D) mechanical energy was increased by conservative forces
E) mechanical energy was decreased by conservative forces
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5. Which of the following bodies has the largest kinetic energy?
A) Mass 3M and speed V
B) Mass 3M and speed 2V
C) Mass 2M and speed 3V
D) Mass M and speed 4V
E) All four of the above have the same kinetic energy
6. The center of mass of Earth's atmosphere is:
A) a little less than halfway between the Earth's surface and the outer boundary of the
B) near the surface of the Earth
C) near the outer boundary of the atmosphere
D) near the center of the Earth
E) none of the above
7. An elastic collision is one in which:
A) momentum is not conserved but kinetic energy is conserved
B) total mass is not conserved but momentum is conserved
C) kinetic energy and momentum are both conserved
D) momentum is conserved but kinetic energy is not conserved
E) the total impulse is equal to the change in kinetic energy
8. A 0.5-kg block slides along a horizontal frictionless surface at 2 m/s. It is brought to rest
by compressing a very long spring of spring constant 800 N/m. The maximum spring
compression is:
A) 0 cm
B) 3 cm
C) 5 cm
D) 80 cm
E) 80 m
9. The amount of work required to stop a moving object is equal to the:
A) velocity of the object
B) kinetic energy of the object
C) mass of the object times its acceleration
D) mass of the object times its velocity
E) square of the velocity of the object
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10. A baseball is hit high into the upper bleachers of left field. Over its entire flight the
work done by gravity and the work done by air resistance, respectively, are:
A) positive; positive
B) positive; negative
C) negative; positive
D) negative; negative
E) unknown since vital information is lacking
11. The potential energy of a body of mass m is given by U = –mgx + 1/2kx2. The
corresponding force is:
A) –mgx2/2 + kx3/6
B) mgx2/2 – kx3/6
C) –mg + kx/2
D) –mg + kx
E) mg – kx
12. A simple pendulum consists of a 2.0 kg mass attached to a string. It is released from rest
at X as shown. Its speed at the lowest point Y is:
0.90 m/s
3.6 m/s
3.6 m/s
6.0 m/s
36 m/s
13. A man sits in the back of a canoe in still water. He then moves to the front of the canoe
and sits there. Afterwards the canoe:
A) is forward of its original position and moving forward
B) is forward of its original position and moving backward
C) is rearward of its original position and moving forward
D) is rearward of its original position and moving backward
E) is rearward of its original position and not moving
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