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Cuboid {xmin, ymin, zmin}] is a three-dimensional graphics primitive that represents a unit
cuboid, oriented parallel to the axes.
Cuboid {xmin, ymin, zmin}, {xmax, ymax, zmax}] specifies a cuboid by giving the
coordinates of opposite corners.
Each face of the cuboid (rectangular parallelepiped) is effectively a Polygon object.
You can specify how the faces and
The coordinates of the
edges of the cuboid should be rendered using the same graphics directives as for polygons.
corners of the cuboid can be given using Scaled.
See page 430. See also: Polygon, Rectangle.
Web sample page from The Mathematica Book, Second Edition, by Stephen Wolfram, published by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company (hardcover ISBN 0-201-51502-4; softcover ISBN 0-201-51507-5). To order Mathematica or this book contact Wolfram Research: [email protected];; 1-800-441-6284.
 1991 Wolfram Research, Inc.
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