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Urinary System
Functions of the Urinary System
 elimination of _______________________________________
o ______________________________________ (byproducts of chemical reactions that are no
longer useful such as ammonia, urea, uric acid, creatinine)
control the volume and composition of body fluids
o __________________________________________________
blood volume is closely associated with the salt balance of the body
the kidneys are involved in regulating blood pressure and also maintain appropriate levels
of certain ions in the blood
o __________________________________________________
the kidneys monitor and control blood pH through the excretion and reabsorption of
certain ions
o principal job is the removal of urea and the regulation of water in the bloodstream
Waste Products
o end product of __________________ _________________
_____________________________in body cells
o water soluble
o primary end product of the urinary system
o _______________________________________
o end product of the deamination of amino groups
o ______________________________________
o converted to urea in the liver in land mammals
o end product from creatinine phosphate in muscle metabolism
Structures of the Urinary System
o reddish brown organs
o ______________________________________ (4 inches long, 2 inches wide, 1 inch thick in an
average sized adult)
o located on either side of the spinal column, anchored against the dorsal (back) body wall by
connective tissue
o ______________________________________________________________________________
renal vein
o carries blood from the kidneys back to the heart
renal artery
o carries blood into the kidney
o muscular tube
o ______________________________________________________________________________
urinary bladder
o urine storage, can hold up to 600 to 1000 mL of urine
o ___________________________________________
stretch receptors indicate when it is full, signal notifies the brain resulting in the desire to
o tube that connects the urinary bladder to the outside
The Components of the Urinary System
The Kidneys
composed of over __________________________________
produces urine
positioned so that urine flows into a collecting duct with several nephrons entering the same collecting
3 Main Regions of the Kidney
renal ________________________
o _________________________________
o dips down in between a radially striated or lined inner layer
renal ________________________
o consists of cone shaped tissue masses called renal pyramids
renal ________________________
o central space or cavity that is continuous with the ureter
o ___________________________________________________
Other Key Kidney Anatomical Terms
 Hilum
o Medial indentation
o Point of entry for ________________________ and ___________________________
o Point of exit for renal vein and _______________________
 Calyces
o Cup-shaped area
o Enclose the tip of the _______________________________
o _____________________________________________
 Kidneys protected and stabilized by connective tissue
o ____________________________
Encloses kidney
Gives _________________________appearance
o Adipose capsule
____________________________ that helps hold the kidney in place
 Medullary pyramids
o ____________________________ with a striped appearance
 _______________________________________
o Separate the medullary pyramids
Blood Supply
 Kidneys receive ____________________________ of total cardiac output
 Blood Flow
1. Renal artery
2. ________________________________
3. Lobar arteries
4. Interlobar arteries
5. _______________________________
6. Interlobular arteries
7. Interlobular veins
8. __________________________
9. Interlobar veins
10. ___________________________________
The Nephron
 ______________________________________________
each has its own blood supply provided by 2 capillary regions
role is to filter wastes while retaining water and other vital materials
Structures of the Nephron
Bowman's (glomerular) capsule
o closed end of a nephron pushed in on itself forming a cuplike structure
o ______________________________________________________________________________
o outer layer made up of squamous epithelial cells
o inner layer composed of podocytes that have long cytoplasmic processes
o ___________________________________________________
o knot of capillaries inside the glomerular capsule
o _____________________________________________
Afferent arteriole
o carries blood to the glomerulus
Efferent arteriole
o carries blood away from the glomerulus
o ___________________________________________________
Renal Tubule
o Consists of
Rest of the tubule divided into ________________ regions
Rest of tubule
o About 1.25 inch long
o Coils and twists before entering the collecting duct
o 3 different regions
proximal convoluted tubule
loop of Henle
distal convoluted tubule
Proximal convoluted tubule
o ___________________________________________________
o lined by tightly packed epithelial cells with numerous microvilli about 1 m in length forming a
brush border (increases surface area)
o ______________________________________________________________________________
o found in the renal cortex
o as the tube narrows, a U-turn making a loop in the tubule
o consists of a descending limb that allows water to leave and an ascending limb where NaCl
o __________________________________________
Distal convoluted tubule
o last tubule region following the loop of Henle
o lacks microvilli
o ______________________________________________________________________________
o found in the renal cortex
o area where urine is collected in the kidney
o ______________________________________________________________________________
o many collecting ducts in each kidney
o ____________________________________________
o found in the renal medulla
Capillary Beds
o Glomerulus
Specialized for ___________________________
Unlike any other in the body because it is both fed and drained by arterioles, which are
high-resistance vessels
o Peritubular capillary network
The Kidney
surrounds the loop of Henle and the nephron
The Nephron