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Learning Difficulties and Teaching
Strategies Related to Electric Circuits
David E. Meltzer
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa
Research on Learning of
Electric Circuit Concepts
• Pre-college students
– Shipstone (1984)
• Early work with college students
– Fredette and Lochhead (1980)
– Cohen, Eylon and Ganiel (1982)
• Extended investigations with college students
– Shaffer and McDermott (1992)
– Harrington (1995)
Why do students have such difficulty
learning about circuits?
• Lack of practical experience with circuits
• Widespread linguistic imprecision in dealing
with subtle physical concepts confounding of
“current,” “voltage,” “energy,” and “power”
• Abstract and counterintuitive nature of closely
related concepts e.g., charge, field, force, potential, etc.
General Problems with Circuits
• Students retain confusion with “building
block” concepts such as charge, field, potential, etc.
• Students struggle with common
representations of circuits e.g., relating circuit
diagrams to drawings, and drawings to actual equipment
• Students do not have separate concepts
attached to the words “current,” “power,”
“energy,” and “voltage.” (it’s all “electricity”)
This exacerbates tendency toward confusion
• “batteries have constant current” [instead of voltage]
• “current gets used up in circuit elements” [instead of
Example: Exercise given in an elementary physics course:
(1) Draw a circuit diagram for the physical layout shown below (assume
bulbs are identical)
(2) Draw a physical layout that corresponds to the circuit diagram shown
Results: Many students drew physical layout for #2
to be same as shown in first diagram!
The two most universal conceptual
difficulties regarding circuits:
• Most students believe strongly that electric
current gets used up as it moves through
circuit elements.
• The overwhelming majority of students are
certain that a battery will always produce the
same amount of current regardless of the
circuit to which it is attached.
students that these ideas are not correct!
Pitfalls of All Instructional Methods
• Students are very good at devising theoretical
justifications (for observations) that conform to their
original beliefs.
• Students will frequently “observe” nonexistent
phenomena (e.g., differences in bulb brightness) that
they believe should be present.
• Students may greatly exaggerate the significance of
minor observational discrepancies (to match their
theoretical preconceptions).
[It is possible that some physicists may occasionally
behave in a similar manner . . .]
Observation: Bulbs in two-bulb circuit
are dimmer than bulb in one-bulb circuit
Students’ Theorizing to Explain
Student: Same current goes through battery in
each case; battery always has to produce the
same amount of current.
Instructor: But since these bulbs are dimmer,
doesn’t that mean that less current goes
through these bulbs than through the bulb in
the one-bulb circuit?
Student: Yes. The same current flows out of
battery, but it is shared between the two
bulbs, so each gets only half.
Effect of “successful” intervention by
instructor on student understanding:
• After discussion with instructor, students agree that
less current goes through battery in case of two bulbs
in series. (Concept of “current conservation” is
• Five minutes later, students make observations of
two-bulbs in parallel: this time, both bulbs are same
brightness as one bulb alone.
• Question to students: How does amount of current
through the battery now compare to single-bulb
• Answer [given by 90-100% of students]: Current is
the same!
What about using ammeters . . .
• Randal Harrington asked physics majors
(who had completed E&M + lab course) to
compare ammeter readings in these circuits:
Result: 20% said readings would be different.
Difficulties with “Voltage”
• “Potential Energy” is a difficult concept in itself;
“Electric Potential” is still more confusing.
• Students are very slow to understand that difference
in electric potential between two points is what is
proportional to current flow.
• Common usage of “voltage” and “V” in Ohm’s law
seriously aggravates this problem.
• After study of loop rule, students will frequently
confuse “voltage drops” with current drops (i.e., reemergence of idea that “current gets used up” )
Instructional Strategy Developed at
University of Washington
Physics Education Group led by L. C. McDermott
“Physics By Inquiry” and “Tutorials in Introductory Physics”:
Extended hands-on investigations using batteries and bulbs.
1) Introduce concept of complete circuit: try to light bulb with wire
and battery
2) Introduce concept of current: current not “used up”; current
through a battery depends on circuit configuration.
3) Introduce concepts of resistance and equivalent
resistance: “indicator” bulb with various configurations.
4) Introduce ammeters, voltmeters, and concept of potential
5) Finally, introduce concepts of energy and power.
Advantages of “Current First” Strategy
• Avoids need for immediate grappling with
“potential” concept.
• Notion of “flow” relatively easy for students to
• Averts probable early confusion of “energy
loss” with current “non-conservation.”
• Allows much deduction and model-building
based on qualitative observation.
Another Strategy: Emphasis on
“Workbook for Introductory Physics” by Meltzer and
Manivannan; for in-class use without relying on lab.
• Extended development of electric forces and
fields, electric potential energy, and electric
• Intensive study of current, “voltage” [potential
difference], and Ohm’s law before discussion of
• Step-by-step analysis of very simple circuits.
Balance Sheet of “Workbook” Strategy
• Advantages:
– close contact between circuit theory and
preceding development of field, force and energy
– provides an option when lab work is not required
or not available
• Disadvantages:
– confusion between current and potential is
– only very simple circuit configurations are dealt
– lack of “hands-on” a potentially fatal constraint on
• If universally held misconceptions regarding
circuits are not explicitly addressed, most
students will never give them up.
• Methodical attention to subtle distinctions
among key circuit concepts is essential.
• Whatever strategy is adopted, common
conceptual difficulties will make their
presence evident in numerous guises.