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bill (in government): a suggested law to be approved
by a law-making body, such as Parliament
Aboriginal people: people who have been living in
a land from the earliest times; in Canada, Aboriginal
peoples are First Nations, Inuit, and Metis
biome: a large region of Earth's surface that has similar
climate, plant life, and animal life throughout
absolute location: the exact position of a place on
Earth, described using latitude and longitude
boundary: a line that marks the outside edge of an
area such as a region, country, province, or territory
abyss: a very deep opening in Earth
abyssal plain: a level, wide area of the ocean floor
acrostic poem: a poem in which the first letter of each
line spells out a word or message
adapt: to adjust to new conditions
all-terrain vehicle (ATV): a motor vehicle with
oversized tires, designed for travel over rough land,
through water, and on snow
Appalachia (in geography): a land mass in eastern
North America, that contains the Appalachian
Cabinet (in Canadian federal government): a
group of advisors, usually consisting of Members of
Parliament (MPs), chosen by the Prime Minister to be
in charge of special areas of responsibility
candidate (in Canadian election): a person who seeks
election to government
cardinal direction: any of the four main directions on a
compass: north, south, east, and west
cartographer: a person who creates maps
cause: a reason or motive
archaeologist: a scientist who studies the past by
digging into Earth to discover where people once lived
and examining the objects found there
Arctic: an extremely cold, dry, and treeless region in
the northernmost parts of Earth
artefact: an object that was made by people,
especially one from the past (sometimes spelled
astronomer: a scientist who studies outer space and
all the natural objects within
atmosphere (in geography): the gases surrounding
Earth, other planets, and natural objects in outer space
ballot: a paper or card used for voting
base (in geography): the lowest or bottom part (of a
mountain, for example)
bay (in geography): a body of water partially
enclosed by land but with a wide mouth, allowing
access to the sea
chain diagram: a graphic organizer that shows a series
of connected ideas or events
climate: an area's weather patterns over time
coniferous forest: a type of forest made up mainly of
trees that have cones and needle-shaped leaves that
stay green in winter
the result of an action
conservationist: a person who supports the protection
of the natural environment and works to help protect
the environment
consume: to use up such as energy, resources, water
continent: one of Earth's seven large land masses
continental island: an island that was formed as
melting glaciers raised the sea level, cutting off land
from a continent
continental shelf: a shallow, gently sloping,
underwater piece of land just off the edge of a
cordillera: a system of parallel mountain ranges
crust (in geography): the rocky layer that covers
Earth's surface
culture: the traditions, beliefs, arts, language, and
habits of a community, people, or country
custom: practices and beliefs that are passed down
through generations
data: facts or information, such as numbers, maps,
photos, charts, and graphs, used to draw conclusions
deciduous forest: a type of forest made up mainly of
trees and other plants that lose their leaves in the fall
delta: sand and soil that collect at the mouth of a river
democracy: a type of government that is elected by
the people of a country to make decisions on their
desert: a dry area of land with very little precipitation
or vegetation
dike: a low wall that attempts to stop water from
coming onto the land
echo sounder: a tool that measures the depth of
water. It works by sending out sound waves and
measuring the time it takes for the echo to return
from the bottom
ecosystem: all the living and non-living things that
exist naturally in an area and depend upon one
elect: to select one person from a group by voting;
the person with the most votes is elected
election: selection of a person or government by
election campaign: the period of time before an
election when candidates try to persuade people to
vote for them
electoral district: a specific area in Canada
represented by a Member of Parliament in the House
of Commons
endangered (animals): describes animals in danger of
extinction (disappearing)
equator: the imaginary line of latitude around the
middle of Earth, dividing it into north and south
erosion: the wearing away of Earth's surface by water,
wind, heat, cold, or glaciers
to dig into the earth
explore: to study a new place, people's ways of life, or
ideas in order to learn more about ourselves and the
world around us
exporter: a person or company that sells goods to
other countries
federal (in Canada): having to do with a political
system made up of a central government and
provincial and territorial governments
fold mountain: a type of mountain formed over time
when Earth's plates push together, causing the land to
lift and fold
fossil fuel: an energy source, such as oil, coal, or
natural gas, formed from the remains of plants and
animals that lived millions of years ago
Geographic Information Systems (GIS): a system that
uses many sources of data (e.g., imagery) to create
and display geographic data
glacier: a very slow-moving mass of ice
Global Positioning System (GPS): a system of
satellites and computers that can find an exact location
on the surface of Earth
goods: items that can be bought and sold
Governor General (in Canada): a person who
represents the British Monarch (queen or king)
an area where grass is the main vegetation
gulf (in geography): a body of water partly
surrounded by land; a gulf is usually larger than a bay
elevation: the height of the land above sea level
habitat: the natural environment of animals and plants
employee: a person who is paid to work for someone
hemisphere: one half of Earth (for example, northern
and southern hemisphere, eastern and western
employment: work; hiring someone to work; being
hired to work
heritage: information and items such as family stories,
photos, art, buildings, etc. that are transferred from
one generation to the next
hot spot: a hole in Earth's crust through which magma
spurts up
House of Commons (in Canada): the elected
Members of Parliament (MPs) form the House of
Commons. This also refers to the Chamber where
they meet
human footprint:
on Earth
the ecological impact people have
immigrant: a person who leaves his or her native
country to live permanently in another country
impact: to have an influence on or cause change
a conclusion based on fact or evidence
Loyal Opposition (in Canada): the political party that
wins the second-highest number of seats in the House
of Commons during a federal election
magma: hot, melted rock found below Earth's crust
malaria: a flu-like illness spread by the bite of an
infected mosquito
media: ways of communicating information to large
numbers of people at the same time. Examples include
television, radio, newspapers, and web pages
Member of Parliament (MP) (in Canada): a person
elected to the House of Commons as a result of a
federal election
mid-ocean ridge: an underwater mountain range
mineral: a naturally occurring substance that is neither
plant nor animal, such as diamonds, silver, and gold
insulator: a material or substance that prevents heat,
sound, or electricity from escaping
monsoon: a wind that creates two distinct seasons in
South Asia-a wet season and a dry season
intermediate direction: any of the directions that
lie between the four main, or cardinal, directions:
northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest
motivation: a reason for acting in a certain way
island: an area of land surrounded by water
knowledge: what a person understands through
experience or study
mountain: a high point of land with steep or sloping
mountain range: a group of connected mountains
mouth (of a river): the point at which a river empties
into a sea or lake
lake: a body of fresh or salt water surrounded by land
landform: a natural feature of Earth's surface, such as
a hill, mountain, valley, or plain
law: a set of rules created and enforced by
natural resource: naturally occurring materials that
people use
need: something that a person must have to survive
non-renewable resource: a natural resource, such as
minerals or oil, that cannot be replaced once it has
been used
legend (on a map): a list of the symbols and colours
on a map with an explanation of what each one means
line of latitude: on a map, an imaginary horizontal line
that runs side to side. This line is numbered in degrees
to measure the distance north or south of the equator
ocean trench: a long, narrow, and very deep valley in
the ocean floor
line of longitude: an imaginary vertical line that
runs from top to bottom, numbered in degrees; the
distance east or west of the prime meridian
log (primary source): a record of experiences made
by an explorer
lowland: land that is lower than the land around it
ocean: a large body of salt water
oceanic island: an island formed from a volcano that
has erupted on the ocean floor
oil sands: an area of sand or clay and water mixed
with thick, heavy oil (also called tar sands)
opposition (in Canada): all Members of Parliament
(MPs) who do not belong to the governing party
Opposition House Leader (in Canada): the leader of
the political party that has the second-highest number
of seats in the House of Commons
orient: to place in a certain position
(in Canada): the main law-making body
primary source: an original or first-hand account
created by someone based on his or her experiences
prime meridian: the line of longitude around Earth
through parts of Europe and Africa, dividing Earth into
east and west
Prime Minister (in Canada): the leader of the
country's government
peninsula: a piece of land that is surrounded by water
on three sides
produce (food): fruits and vegetables
permafrost: permanently frozen ground or soil
physical characteristic: a natural quality or feature,
such as size, shape, and colour
physical feature: a natural part of Earth's surface; for
example, mountains, oceans, and islands
physical map: a map that shows the natural features
on Earth's surface
physical world: all living and non-living things in
quest: a search or exploration
racism: unfair treatment of people because of their
culture or ethnicity
rainforest: a dense, evergreen forest that has a heavy
annual rainfall and warm climate
reference: a source of information, such as a book
plate (in geography): a large piece of Earth's crust
region: a specific area or territory; an area that has
common features, including physical features, climate,
vegetation, animals, natural resources, and people
plateau: a mainly level area of land that is raised
above other areas
relative location: the location of a place in relation to
another place
point of view: the way a person sees, thinks, and feels
about a subject, topic, or issue based on his or her
relief map: a type of physical map that uses different
shades of colour to show elevation, or land height
plain: a large stretch of level or gently rolling land
polar (region): having to do with the area around the
North or South Pole
political map: a map that shows the boundaries of
countries and areas within those countries
renewable resource: a natural resource, such as
plants, that can grow again or be replaced over time
rural: having to do with areas outside cities
saga: a story about heroes and their adventures
political party: a group of people who share similar
beliefs and concerns about their country and who seek
political office during an election
satellite image: an image taken by a satellite's camera
in outer space
polling station: the place where people go to vote in
an election
sea: a large body of salt water usually surrounded by
population: total number of people living in an area
sea level: the level of the surface of the sea
population density: the number of people per square
unit of land area
seamount: a submerged cone-shaped mountain that
rises from the ocean floor
portage: to carry a boat and goods across land
between lakes and rivers
secondary source: a book, biography, map,
newspaper, magazine or Internet account, film, or
another item created by people who were not part of
the original experience or event; these people often
use primary sources for reference and research and to
help them better understand the past
porter: a person who is hired to carry backpacks,
luggage, and other items
power: to control or influence people or events
precipitation: the moisture in the air that falls to
Earth such as rain and snow
self-employed: describes a person who owns a
business and works for himself or herself
Senate (in Canada): a group of people in government,
appointed by the Prime Minister, to consider any laws
proposed by government. This also refers to the room
where senators meet
service: something that is provided to help people,
such as water and electricity
sextant: a tool people used in the past to measure the
position of objects, such as the Sun, Moon, and stars
to determine a ship's location
traditions: beliefs, opinions, stories, and customs that
are passed on from generation to generation
a stream that flows into a larger river
tropical (region): very hot and humid area near the
tundra: a treeless area with permanently frozen
Sherpa: a Himalayan person who is skilled at climbing
urban: having to do with cities
shield (Canada): a vast area of land with exposed rock
slave trade: the act of taking people by force from
one part of the world and selling them to people in
other parts of the world
valley: a low area between hills or mountains
source (of a river): where a river begins, such as an
underground spring or stream
plant life of a particular place
volcanic mountain: a type of mountain created by
melted rock (magma) escaping to Earth's surface
vote: the way citizens of Canada choose a government
a king or queen; also called a Monarch
Speaker (House of Commons): a Member of
Parliament (MP) who is elected by other MPs to
oversee meetings and keep order in the House of
Speech from the Throne (in Canada): a speech
given by the Governor General of Canada that tells
Canadians what the government plans to do
want: something that a person would like to have but
does not need to survive
way of life: how people live; a lifestyle
wealth: riches, such as money or property
storm surge: a rise in coastal water level due to the
wind from a storm
strait: a narrow passage of water connecting two large
bodies of water
summit: the highest point (of a mountain, for example)
sustainability: using natural resources in a way
that ensures the resources will remain for future
sustainable: describing a way to use natural resources
so that they will remain for future generations
symbol: something that represents something else
temperate (region): an area with four distinct seasons
heat and cold, measured on a scale
terrace: a level area built on the side of a hill, like a
step, and used to grow crops
topography: the shape and features of Earth's surface,
including elevation, physical features, and vegetation
traditional: based on beliefs, opinions, stories, and
customs that are handed down from the past