Download Honours in 2016/2017 Booklet

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School of Biological Sciences
Potential Honours Projects in 2016/17
Honours Projects ............................................................................................................................ 2 Honours Programme ...................................................................................................................... 3 Scholarships.................................................................................................................................... 4 Eucalypt genetics ........................................................................................................................ 6 Fire Ecology and Landscape Change....................................................................................... 10 Conservation Biology ................................................................................................................ 11 Developmental Genetics ........................................................................................................... 15 Cell Biology & Biotechnology .................................................................................................... 19 Ecology ...................................................................................................................................... 21
Behavioural and Evolutionary Ecology ..................................................................................... 25
Reptile Physiology……………………………………………………………………………………28
Origins and Evolution of our Biota ............................................................................................ 29 Forest Biodiversity ..................................................................................................................... 32 Restoration Ecology and Genetics ........................................................................................... 35 Forest Practices Authority Biodiversity program ...................................................................... 38 Forestry Tasmania .................................................................................................................... 40
Contacts ........................................................................................................................................ 42 Careers in Biological Sciences ..................................................................................................... 50 Current Honours Students ............................................................................................................ 50
Scholarship Flyers ........................................................................................................................ 50 57
School of Biological Sciences
Honours Projects
In this booklet we have listed the potential projects available in 2016/17 for students interested
in undertaking an honours year in the School of Biological Sciences.
The teaching and research excellence of the School of Biological Sciences is recognised at
local, national and international levels. Our research Biological Sciences staff have won
numerous research grants, including prestigious Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery
Projects over the last few years to support our research students. Furthermore, we are able to
provide our students with access to a network of researchers in Tasmania, interstate and
around the world.
We aim for our research to make a difference and to provide solutions to current and future
challenges. We have aligned our research along four research themes: (i) Wildlife, Ecosystem &
Landscape Dynamics; (ii) Forests, Trees & Agroforestry; (iii) Developmental & Functional
Biology; and (iv) Evolutionary Ecology. The School is very diverse and covers the entire
spectrum of biological research:
conservation biology
plant development
climate change
environmental change
plant/animal interactions
population genetics
cell biology
We encourage you to contact the supervisors listed for further information about the projects or
to discuss options.
For general Honours questions contact our Honours coordinator:
Dr Chris Burridge
[email protected]
Phone: 03 6226 7653
Honours Programme
The Honours course for 2016/17 will consist of a number of components, which are outlined
Literature Review:
An individual topic will be decided by the School for the literature review, which may be related
to your research interests. It is to be no more than 5000 words, excluding references, and
should be submitted for assessment in accordance with the guidelines below, as an unbound
copy. This review will be completed and assessed in the first half of your Honours programme.
At the end of the year it is to be bound and submitted with the experimental thesis.
Each student will give two seminars during the course of the year
An introductory seminar in which an outline of the research topic and proposed
research plan will be presented. This will be given about 6 weeks after the start
of the Honours course.
A final seminar will be given about one month before the submission of your
This will provide the opportunity to present the results of your research project.
In addition to your own seminar presentations, other members of the School (academic,
postgraduate and visitor) will also present seminars throughout the year. It is imperative that
you are available to attend these as well.
Grant Application:
A budgeted research proposal, which is prepared in accordance with the current ARC
guidelines and submitted on a modified application form.
Experimental Thesis:
Present a thesis on a research project, which has been supervised by a member(s) of the
academic staff. Part of the assessment of this component will include a short oral interview
before an examining panel. This takes place after the submission of your thesis but before
marks (grades) are determined.
Three (3) hardbound copies of the Thesis, submitted in accord with the guidelines, are required
for assessment. Any approved corrections can be made on a copy following the determination
of your grade and this should be lodged with the Honours Coordinator before you leave the
Professor Bill Jackson Tasmanian University Scholarship
For entry into any area of Plant Science Honours.
Valued up to $10,000.
Professor Newton Barber Honours Scholarship
For entry into any area of Plant Science Honours
Valued at $6000
Jane R. Gillies Scholarship.
For entry into Honours in field of Botany
Valued at $2500
J. Malcolm Gillies Scholarship
For entry into Honours in the field of Plant Genetics
Valued at $2000
Zoology Honours Scholarship
For entry into any area of Zoology Honours.
Valued at $4000
Tasmanian Government Honours Scholarship in Wildlife Conservation
Available to a student undertaking Honours in the School of Biological Sciences. The research
project must encompass wildlife conservation and management.
Valued at $5000
Natural and Environmental Science Honours Scholarship
For entry into any area of Natural and Environmental Sciences. Valued at $6000.
The Governor’s Environment Scholarship
For entry into any Honours or Masters program which relates to management of the
environment. Valued at $6000
The Don Gaffney Memorial Scholarship
Available to a female student from the north-west or north of Tasmania undertaking Honours or
Masters (coursework or research) in the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology
Valued at $25,000.
Dr Eric Guiler Tasmanian Devil Honours Scholarship
Valued at up to $7000
Bookend Trust Shadow Scholarship in Zoology
Valued at $6000, tied to specific project(s)
Tasmania Honours Scholarships
Valued up to $10,000
University Club Scholarships
Valued at $2,500+HECS for one year. Applicants are required to have completed their
undergraduate degree at the University of Tasmania.
To apply go to:
Eucalypt genetics
Eucalypts are one of Australia’s most identifiable symbols and
are critically important to biodiversity and environmental
sustainability. They are commercially Australia’s most important
native trees and are now the most planted hardwoods worldwide.
The Eucalypt Genetics group in the School of Biological
Sciences ( has a world-class
interdisciplinary research programme that investigates the
evolutionary and ecological forces that shape diversity in
Eucalyptus. The group consistently publishes in high impact
journals, with recent publications in Nature, New Phytologist and Molecular Biology and
Evolution. The research group involves strong alliances between molecular and quantitative
geneticists, ecologists, and collaborates with other universities and research institutions in
Australia and internationally that can bring other skills to a supervisory team (e.g. FT, DPIPWE,
Major advances in eucalypt genomics have occurred in recent years, such as the publication of
a reference genome sequence and development of high throughput genotyping systems
specifically for eucalypts, which create many new opportunities to push the frontiers in this
rapidly evolving field. Honours students will gain cutting-edge skills in genetic and genomic
analysis that are recognised by employers in Australia and overseas and easily transportable to
other systems and species.
We have opportunities for Honours students interested in the following:
1. Hybridisation in a newly colonised landscape – the case of the endemic alpine white
Supervisors: Brad Potts, René Vaillancourt, Rebecca Jones
We have been studying genetic admixture between the closely related Tasmanian endemic
eucalypts, E. gunnii, E. archeri and E. urnigera, where they co-occur in the sub-alpine forests on
the Central Plateau. The threatened E. gunnii subsp. divaricata is part of the clinal variation
within E. gunnii in this area, is one of the most frost resistant populations of Eucalyptus, and is
in rapid decline potentially because of global climate change. With our long-term field trials and
glasshouse trials providing evidence for selection shaping the patterns of quantitative genetic
variation in this area, our hypothesis is that there has been extensive hybridisation between
these species following their post-glacial upslope migration onto the Central Plateau, with
species resurrected from hybrid populations by natural selection.
This project will use the latest molecular technology to identify and characterise the key
genomic regions associated with species divergence and introgression in these species.
2. Genomic patterns of lineage, species and population divergence in eucalypts
Supervisors: Brad Potts, René Vaillancourt, Rebecca Jones, Jules Freeman
Determining the genomic regions contributing to reproductive isolation and phenotypic
differences among species is a primary goal of evolutionary research. New developments in
genomic technologies now greatly facilitate research in this area. In particular, the recent
availability of a reference genome sequence and many thousands of sequence anchored
markers now allows precise identification of regions of the genome which differentiate different
taxa. An examination of how these regions relate to other features of the genome, such as
recombination rate and diversity can then provide important insights into the genomic signatures
of natural selection within and between species.
This project will use existing phylogenies and new SNP data to determine the genomic patterns
of differentiation within and among seven major eucalypts, and how this relates to diversity and
recombination rate. The use of six of the nine most commercially important eucalypts worldwide,
plus the most frost tolerant eucalypt, the Tasmanian endemic cider gum E. gunnii, will provide
important information relevant to tree breeding.
3. Assessing the conservation value of ex situ plantings of the rare Eucalyptus morrisbyi
Supervisors: Rebecca Jones, Rob Wiltshire, Brad Potts, René Vaillancourt
Eucalyptus morrisbyi is restricted to two main natural populations in Tasmania. Until recently,
the Calverts Hill population was considered healthy, but there has been a dramatic decline in
health in the adult trees at this site in recent years. Ex situ plantings of E. morrisbyi have been
established, but the Calverts Hill population is poorly represented, mostly due to the increased
susceptibility of this provenance to possum browsing.
This project will assess the value of community conservation plantings as an alternative ex situ
resource of Calverts Hill seed. It will involve field work in the South Arm area of Tasmania
(health surveys and seed collections), genotyping to determine the origin of these plantings, and
glasshouse trials to determine the genetic purity of seed collected from these stands. It will
involve collaboration with agencies such as DPIPWE and the Tasmanian Seed Conservation
4. The genomic trace of hybridisation between E. globulus and the rare E. cordata
Supervisors: Brad Potts, René Vaillancourt, Rebecca Jones
Hybridisation is thought to be an important factor shaping genetic diversity and the evolution of
forest tree species. Our research into the genetic interactions between the widespread E.
globulus and the rare Tasmanian endemic E. cordata provides strong evidence that E. globulus
has assimilated maternally inherited chloroplast DNA and nuclear markers from E. cordata into
its gene pool.
This project will use short read Illumina sequencing to detect and map (i) species diagnostic
markers and (ii) introgressed genomic regions, and estimate the timing of these hybridisation
5. Population genetics of the Tasmanian endemic yellow gums
Supervisors: Brad Potts, René Vaillancourt, Rebecca Jones
The morphology of the Tasmanian yellow gum eucalypts varies clinally on many Tasmanian
mountains, from small shrubs on the mountaintops (Eucalyptus vernicosa), through small trees
(E. subcrenulata) in sub-alpine woodland, to tall forest trees near the base of mountains
(classified as E. johnstonii or E. subcrenulata). This project will use well-established molecular
genetics methods to understand the evolutionary changes which underlie the dramatic
differences between tall and shrub forms along these mountain clines. It will involve extensive
field work in sometimes difficult but beautiful terrain in the mountains of Tasmania. The data will
be added to genotype databases that we are building for Tasmania’s endemic eucalypts, which
contribute to our understanding of evolutionary processes and feed into conservation
management strategies for these species.
6. Comparative genomic analysis of flowering-related genes in eucalypts
Supervisors: René Vaillancourt, Rebecca Jones, Jules Freeman
Flowering time is an important transition involving complex genetic pathways mainly
characterised in annual plants. Genes in these pathways have been identified in the Eucalyptus
grandis genome but comparative studies among phylogenetically divergent eucalypts will
provide novel insights into the evolution of diverse developmental responses in this important
group. In collaboration with researchers at Southern Cross University (Lismore), this project will
capitalise on the recently constructed genome sequence in the eucalypt genus Corymbia. Gene
family / comparative genomics analyses will be undertaken which will improve the draft
annotation of the Corymbia genome.
7. Geographic and taxonomic patterns of monophyly and hybridisation in eucalypts
Supervisors: Brad Potts, Rebecca Jones, Dorothy Steane, René Vaillancourt, Barbara Holland,
Mike Charleston
Eucalypt phylogenies, which summarise the evolutionary relationships among species, are
increasingly being used for a range of practical purposes: to inform conservation programs, to
assess the risk and impact of exotic hybridisation, to predict eucalypt species responses to
climate change and pathogens such as myrtle rust, as well as for their fundamental purpose in
understanding evolution and informing taxonomies.
Our recent research into the phylogenetic relationships among eucalypts, using genome-wide
markers and multiple geographically widespread samples, has revealed numerous puzzling
discrepancies, most likely due to recent radiation, incomplete lineage sorting of given genomic
markers, and/or reticulate (non-tree-like) evolution. However, these evolutionary processes are
difficult to distinguish, and the relative contribution of each is likely to vary across the continent
and among groups of species. In collaboration with researchers in the Discipline of Mathematics
and Physics, this project will tease apart the different processes that are contributing to the
complex evolutionary dynamics of this important set of species, and investigate their geographic
and taxonomic patterns.
See also “Evolution of adaptive syndromes in Eucalyptus” in the “Origins and Evolution
of our Biota” section in addition to various eucalypt projects in the “Ecology”, “Forest
Biodiversity” and “Restoration Ecology and Genetics” sections.
For further information contact:
René Vaillancourt [email protected]
Brad Potts [email protected]
Rebecca Jones [email protected]
Dorothy Steane [email protected]
Jules Freeman [email protected]
Fire Ecology and Landscape Change
Flammability of Tasmanian Vegetation
Supervisor David Bowman
This project will use the newly established ‘pyrotron’ (fire lab) to determine the flammability of a
spectrum of Tasmania trees. This project will be modelled around the recent paper by Wyse et
al. (2016) [A quantitative assessment of shoot flammability for 60 tree and shrub species
supports rankings based on expert opinion. International Journal of Wildland Fire 25, 466–477
– see]. This project is of considerable applied and theoretical interest given the
implications for flammability of native vegetation in an increasingly drier and hotter climate and
tackling the question whether plants actually evolve to self immolate [see Bowman et al. (2014)
Have plants evolved to self-immolate? Frontiers in Plant Science 5:590. doi:
Impacts of the 2016 Tasmanian fires on Pencil Pine (Athrotaxis cuppressoides) Forests
on the Central Plateau
Supervisor David Bowman
This project will build on detailed vegetation mapping of Pencil Pine stands on the central
plateau and an associated demographic survey of over 250-pencil pine stands conducted in the
summer of 2013/14. We will revisit sites burnt by the 2016 fires thereby providing invaluable
data on the impact of this rare disturbance. Some fire-killed stems will be aged using
dendrochronological techniques. Such data are of critical importance in the current efforts to
conserve these unique ecosystems, and current debates about the consequence of the
Wilderness fires [see ABC Catalyst and
(Lapsed) Senate Enquiry Submissions
Kangaroos and patch burning
Supervisor David Bowman and Chris Johnson
We will undertake a series of experiments to determine how the impact of kangaroo herbivory
affects plant species composition, biomass and forage quality in grassland burnt at different
times of year and in different spatial scales. This work forms part of an ARC Linkage Grant that
involves working closely with Bush Heritage Australia. Study sites could include north and
central Queensland as well as some sites in Tasmania. This research is important as it
contributes to the idea that native herbivores can be ‘recoupled’ to fire thereby restoring the
ancient management practice of Aboriginal patch burning [see Murphy and Bowman (2007) The
interdependence of fire, grass, kangaroos and Australian Aborigines: a case study from central
Arnhem Land, northern Australia. Journal of Biogeography, 34: 237–250. doi:10.1111/j.13652699.2006.01591.x]
Conservation Biology
Distribution and restoration of frogs in Midlands habitats
Supervisor: Chris Johnson
The Tasmanian midlands area is a hotspot for biodiversity, but it is also one of the most heavily
modified regions of Tasmania. A large multidisciplinary project is looking at the habitat needs
and status of wildlife species in the midlands. This Honours project would contribute to that by
defining the distribution and conservation status of frogs in the midlands. The project would
assess the relationships of frog presence to the type and condition of water bodies, and test the
effects of disturbance in the terrestrial environment on populations of frogs. The surveys will use
passive audio recorders to log frog calls, and active aural and visual censuses to measure
abundance of frogs.
Forecasting impacts of land-use and climate change on biodiversity and ecosystems
Supervisor: Barry Brook
By analysing trajectories and impacts of the underlying drivers of global change, especially
those involving agroecosystems, this project will reveal better options for enhancing protection
of biodiversity, and support threatened species managers in making vital conservation
Optimising sustainable energy systems for biodiversity benefit
Supervisor: Barry Brook
Energy use rises as population and affluence increase, and this has a large impact on
biodiversity and natural areas. This project will evaluate the land use, emissions, climate, and
cost implications of alternative future energy-production systems, and use multicriteria decisionmaking tools to rank the costs and benefits of choices on national and global conservation
outcomes.Trade-offs and compromises will be inevitable and require evaluation of a range of
scenarios and energy mixes that minimize net environmental damage.
Biology of extinction
Supervisor: Barry Brook
Extinctions have occurred throughout the history of life whenever species have failed to adapt to
local, regional, or global changes. In the modern context, the need to understand the
mechanisms underpinning these evolutionary end-points is fundamental to the successful
conservation of biodiversity. Yet some commonly used methods of predicting extinction are
controversial (e.g., debate over how to interpret and extrapolate species-area relationships, and
how to apply vulnerability traits to forecast future threat). This general project will give the
student a broad scope to investigate the 'biology of extinction', via either Inference (e.g.,
deducing extinction times and confidence intervals from sighting or fossil data, creating
probabilistic rules for declaring extinction, incorporating uncertainties in detection models,
identifying drivers of declines from the patterns or forms of time-series data, detecting extinction
vortex feedbacks, and fusing fossil and recent data) and/or Prediction (e.g., life-history traits as
predictors of vulnerability, drivers of background and mass extinctions in deep time,
uncertainties in current extinction rates and species-area based forecasts, lessons learned from
observed historical extinctions, commonalities among past mass extinctions since people
evolved, and coupling of forecasting methods for assessing extinction risk based on a synergy
of threats, such as ‘meta-models’). The actual project focus can be tailored to the student's
specific interests.
Can we save the Tasmanian devil from extinction in the wild through understanding and
managing Tasmanian devil facial tumour disease?
Supervisor: Menna Jones
Our research provides the scientific grounding for adaptive management of devil populations in
the wild and in captivity. We are currently investigating the basis for heterogeneity in
susceptibility of the devil to facial tumour disease, adaptation of the devil, and coevolutionary
dynamics of host and pathogen. These projects link in with potential genetic restoration of devils
in the wild. We are also investigating the ecological, behavioural and genetic basis for managing
captive and semi-wild insurance populations to minimise adaptation to captivity and maximise
suitability for reintroduction to the wild.
The responses of terrestrial vertebrates to multiple land uses (farming, forestry and
urban), and habitat loss at landscape and regional scales.
Supervisor: Menna Jones
Projects in this area are related also to changing predator dynamics, the availability of predator
refuges in the habitat, and with a view to landscape restoration.
Predator – prey interactions in Tasmania with changing predator dynamics.
Supervisors: Menna Jones, Chris Johnson
The decline of the Tasmanian devil across its mainland Tasmania range from facial tumour
disease and the introduction of devils to Maria Island as a conservation measure for devils are
leading to changes in the structure of Tasmanian ecosystems. There are multiple direct and
indirect effects cascading through vertebrate food web. There are a range of projects on offer in
this area.
Ecological restoration – restoring resilience in wildlife in the Tasmanian Midlands
Supervisors: Menna Jones, Chris Johnson
Ecological restoration projects traditionally focus on vegetation leading to restored landscapes
that remain empty of wildlife. Enabling the persistence of wildlife in the landscape, frequently
under high predation pressure from non-native species such as feral cats, requires a
mechanistic approach to understand how animals use habitat elements to balance the need to
forage whilst avoiding predators. Identifying these habitat elements and restoring them in
landscapes will improve the biodiversity value of restoration programs. This research program is
part of a large restoration project being undertaken in the Tasmanian Midlands by Greening
Australia. There are possibilities for Honours projects on plant – animal interactions as well as
wildlife projects.
Feral Cats in the World Heritage Area
Supervisors: Menna Jones, Chris Johnson
The Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (WHA) is one of the most pristine and ancient
environments in the world, and is largely free of invasive vertebrates. It is, however, close to
disturbed agricultural landscapes where feral cats are likely to be abundant. These landscapes
are embedded in a complex matrix of habitats that are likely to have varying suitability for feral
cats. This project will investigate the habitat preferences and abundance of cats within and on
the margins of the WHA, and assess the potential for spillover of cats from other habitats into
the WHA. The project will be a collaboration with and will be part-funded by the Derwent
Catchment Natural Resource Management Group.
Tasmanian devil facial tumour disease and devil conservation
Supervisors: Menna Jones, Rodrigo Hamede
The Tasmanian devil is threatened with extinction from an unusual transmissible cancer. Our
group is studying the ecology, epidemiology and evolution of devils and DFTD so that we can
better predict the epidemic outcome and possibly find an evolutionary management tool in
which we could enhance evolution of the host or pathogen towards coexistence. There are a
range of project possibilities incorporating field and behavioural studies. Distribution of platypus and water rats in the Midlands agricultural region
Supervisors: Menna Jones, Leon Barmuta, Sarah Munks (FPA)
Platypus and water rats are widespread in Tasmania, occurring from coastal to alpine and even
urban habitats. This project is part of a large program, run in collaboration with Greening
Australia, to restore wildlife to the Midlands region, the oldest and most fragmented agricultural
region in Tasmania. The project involves the use of remote cameras to survey the distribution of
platypus and water rats in rivers and streams, wetlands, lakes and farm dams. It will include an
assessment of the aquatic habitat and food resource. Some trapping of platypus and water rats
will be done to assess how effective cameras are as a survey tool.
Can Tasmanian devils save swift parrots?
Supervisors: Menna Jones, Rob Heinson (ANU)
Swift parrots are endangered through loss of the old hollow blue gum trees they need to feed
and breed. A recent threat is predation by sugar gliders of adult birds and eggs in their nest
hollows. Other changes are afoot in Tasmanian ecosystems; the decline of the Tasmanian devil
from a transmissible cancer is causing trophic cascades including an increase in the activity of
feral cats, potentially impacting quolls. Spotted-tailed quolls are the only mammalian predator
that is capable of preying on sugar gliders high in trees. The project will investigate the
distribution and co-location of spotted-tailed quolls, feral cats, sugar gliders in relation to swift
parrot breeding sites and breeding success.
Why aren’t tussock skinks everywhere? Defining habitat requirements for a threatened
Supervisors: Clare Hawkins, Chris Johnson, Erik Wapstra
Tussock skinks can be found both near Cradle Mountain and on Hobart Domain - yet they're
threatened. So - what is it that they need from their habitat? This project would most likely
involve, first, some desktop work relating current records of skink locations to mappable
features such as climate, vegetation and topography, to get predictions about where else they
might be expected in high numbers. MaxEnt is one option – a program that deals with presence
only data. Another additional/alternative approach might be Niche Mapper, which can predict
species distribution on the basis of its physiological requirements. Then some field work would
be needed to test the models – e.g. surveying areas where your model predicts there to be lots
of skinks, to see if there really are. Finally, some better modelling should be possible on the
basis of the ‘absence’ as well as new ‘presence’ records found during the field work. The project
has the potential to help regulators ensure that activities such as road-building, construction and
agriculture do not worsen the species’ status. Identification of the most appropriate model to the
species is likely to reveal key threats to the species, and may provide methodological insights. It
would be necessary to apply for funding to finance the field component of this project.
Responses of threatened freshwater animals to water level fluctuations
Supervisor: Leon Barmuta
There are nearly a dozen listed species restricted to Great Lake and adjacent water bodies. The
recent record dry conditions have prompted renewed interest in where these animals live, what
they eat and what their likely responses are to fluctuating water levels. This project will move
beyond surveys to investigate the feeding biology and habitat selectivity of the more numerous
listed species in these lakes with a view to researching the traits and life history attributes that
could be used to build predictive models of their responses to draw-down and re-filling in these
Developmental Genetics
Studies on the genetics of plant development have been a central feature of research in the
School for over 50 years. Honours projects in this area investigate a range of different factors
and processes in the life of the plant, including stem and leaf growth, the transition to flowering,
the response to environmental stimuli, the biosynthesis and roles of plant hormones, and the
formation of symbiotic relationships with soil microorganisms. The research provides experience
in a range of techniques, including molecular biology, plant physiology, genetics and analytical
Plant development, flowering time and domestication
Supervisor: Jim Weller
Flowering is an important step in the life of a plant, and many plants use environmental cues
such as daylength and temperature to regulate flowering. In nature, genetic variation for
flowering allows plants to grow successfully across a wide range of climatic zones, and the
same applies for many crop plants. Projects in our group investigate the genes, physiology and
evolution of flowering in legumes. We are interested in discovering the fundamental molecular
mechanisms that control flowering, but also in applying our finding to practical problems in
agriculture, and in using molecular genetic analysis to investigate how these species were first
domesticated and have spread around the planet. Projects available include:
1. Genetic analysis of response to photoperiod in common bean
Genetic variation in response to daylength is an important factor determining plant distribution,
and the adaptation of crop plants to different regions and farming practices. The short-day plant
common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) originates from subtropical regions in present-day Peru, and
reduction in responsiveness to photoperiod was a key factor in its domestication and prehistoric
spread towards higher latitudes in North and South America. This project will use a range of
approaches (molecular and classical genetics, physiology, gene expression studies,
Arabidopsis transformation) to investigate the identity of two major genes that confer this
reduced photoperiod response. Identification of these genes will give important new insight into
how short-day plants sense photoperiod, provide new tools for breeding improved varieties, and
enable a “molecular archaeology” approach to understand in more detail how this crop was first
adopted by prehistoric farmers.
2. Investigation of genes conferring early flowering in lentil
Lentil (Lens culinaris) was domesticated in temperate middle-latitude regions in the Fertile
Crescent and requires long days and cold temperatures to flower. However, it is also an
important crop in semi-arid subtropical regions in Africa and the Indian subcontinent where
these requirements are not met. Adaptation to these environments appears to result from two
key genetic changes that confer early flowering, and this project will use genetic, physiological
and molecular approaches to characterise the genes responsible.
3. Pseudo-response regulator genes and flowering time control
Pseudo-response regulators (PRRs) are plant-specific signalling proteins that participate in light
responses, flowering time control and the circadian clock. Interest in PRR proteins has grown
since the discovery that mutations in PRR genes have a major role in flowering time adaptation
in several important cereal crops, including barley, wheat, rice and sorghum. However little is
known about the role of PRR genes in legumes, although it is possible that they may be key
intermediates in the regulation of FT genes and flowering. This project will address this
fundamental question by undertaking the genetic, molecular and physiological characterization
of several new PRR gene mutants in the model legume Medicago truncatula, that have been
generated by insertion of a tobacco retrotransposon.
4. Exploring florigen functions in legumes using reverse genetics
FT genes encode mobile signalling proteins (florigens) that play a central hormone-like role in
regulation of the plant life cycle and the transition to flowering. Legumes have three main types
of FT genes, but their individual roles are not clear. This project will use mutants for two newlydiscovered florigen genes to explore their function using gene expression, grafting, and double
mutant analyses.It will help reveal how flowering control systems have diversified in crop plants
relative to other simpler genetic model species.
5. Cellular location of the plant biological clock
In most organisms, physiological rhythms are closely synchronised to a 24-hour cycle. This
partly reflects the daily light/dark cycle, but also depends on an internal “biological clock” that
operates in the absence of environmental cues. The plant clock consists of several interacting
proteins, and recent evidence suggests that it is mainly located in vascular tissue of the leaf.
This project will test this idea by developing a protocol for isolating and preparing RNA from
vascular tissue, and comparing the patterns of gene expression relative to mesophyll tissue in
wild-type and clock mutant plants.
6. The contribution of light quality to daylength detection
Many plants can respond to changes in daylength and this depends on an ability to detect light.
However, the importance of light quality (colour) is not well understood in most species. This
project will make use of a new state-of-the-art LED lighting system to explore which
wavelengths of light are most effective for inducing flowering in the model legumes pea and
Medicago. The genetic pathways through which light acts will be explored using a range of
flowering time and photoreceptor mutants, and expression analyses of key flowering genes.
This will help clarify the specific photoreceptors and signalling pathways through which light can
influence flowering time.
Discovery of genes controlling plant development
Supervisor: Steven Smith and colleagues
The goal is to discover new genes that influence plant
growth and development. We recently discovered a gene
(KAI2) required for seed germination, seedling
morphogenesis and leaf shape. It is also required by the
host plant for symbiosis with fungi to form mycorrhizae. The
gene encodes a putative receptor protein which is very
similar to the receptor for strigolactone hormones, but KAI2
protein recognises an unknown signal molecule. The aim
now is to discover genes that are either required to produce
the unknown signal, or required to perceive the signal, or control plant development by
responding to the signal. The project will likely involve selection of new mutants using ‘forward’
and ‘reverse’ genetics in Arabidopsis, pea or rice, followed by analysis of phenotypes and gene
expression. You will obtain experience in a range of molecular biology techniques and will have
opportunity to develop the research in direction according to your skills and interests.
Plant-microbe interactions- Symbioses of legumes
Supervisors: Eloise Foo, Jim Reid
Application of nitrogen and phosphorous fertilisers
to nutrient poor soils is a major cost to farming.
Legumes, such as pea, have the unique
advantage of being able to form symbioses with
two distinct soil microbes that supply nutrients that
would be otherwise unavailable. Legumes form a
relationship with bacteria, which convert nitrogen
to a form that the plant can take up (nodulation),
and also form a symbiosis with phosphorousacquiring soil fungi (mycorrhizae). We are
interested in investigating how legumes balance
the development of these symbioses to ensure
that the nutrient requirements of the plant are
most efficiently met. We use a variety of
techniques, including mutant analysis, hormone
quantification, gene expression studies and
microscopy and we can design a project to suit a student’s preference.
Other projects are also available in the area of plant disease, plant light responses and other
plant hormones. We are open to discuss more options, including the possibility of joint
For more information contact
Jim Weller
Steven Smith
Eloise Foo
Jim Reid
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Cell Biology & Biotechnology
Hop breeding and understanding genetic variation in hop
Supervisors: Anthony Koutoulis, Simon Whittock
The cones of female hop are important to the brewing industry as they contain the resins and
essential oils that impart bitterness and aroma to beer. What is the natural range of variation in
hop chemical characteristics? What proportion of this variation is under genetic control, and
what contribution does the environment play make? What are the genetic relationships
between hop chemical characteristics?
A project based on these questions would make a fundamental contribution to hop breeding in
Australia. Skills acquired would include hop chemistry, field operating skills, genetic and
statistical analysis and data management. In conjunction with Hop Products Australia, this
research utilises conventional and modern biotechnological approaches to improve the
efficiency of the Australian hop breeding program.
Applying Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) in hop
Supervisors: Anthony Koutoulis, Simon Whittock
UTAS in collaboration with other hop researchers around the world and DArT (Canberra) has
developed a set of dominant molecular markers for use in hop. Such markers could: 1) be
developed for use in quality control (varietal identification); 2) provide insight into the genes
controlling biosynthesis important hop chemicals such as bitter-acids (alpha and beta), phytoestrogens, xanthohumol and essential oils; 3) provide the basis on which to identify marker-trait
associations with a view to developing marker assisted selection in hop breeding.
Acacia polyploid breeding
Supervisors: Anthony Koutoulis, Jane Harbard
Several species of Australian Acacia are of high commercial importance in tropical to temperate
regions. In conjunction with researchers in Australia and Vietnam, polyploid breeding strategies
are being developed and evaluated for Acacia improvement, including the generation of sterile
Near Infrared Spectroscopy in hop and/or Acacia
Supervisor: Anthony Koutoulis, Simon Whittock, Jane Harbard
Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) is a broadly applicable tool for the indirect assessment of
biochemical variation. By relating NIR spectra to lab based chemical assessments it is possible
to develop models for the assessment of chemical traits. Such technology could potentially
reduce the need for lengthy lab based chemical assays, and would reduce the use of chemicals
such as lead-acetate and toluene, resulting in faster, more efficient assessment of plant traits.
Plant tissue culture for conservation and commercialisation
Supervisor: Anthony Koutoulis
This work focuses on the conservation of rare and threatened Tasmanian plants using in vitro
techniques. An additional aim of this work is to generate elite quality Tasmanian plants for local
and export markets.
Barley Malt quality: Making better quality beer and more of it!
Potential supervisors: Evan Evans, Anthony Koutoulis
This research aims to improve the quality and processing efficiency of food products from
agricultural crops primarily by facilitating genetic selection by plant breeders. For brewing and
barley malt quality the research objectives are to modify malt quality to improve beer quality and
the efficiency of the brewing process. In malting barley research, Dr Evans’ philosophy is to follow
malt quality from barley genetics through biochemistry to the finished beer, that is from “Grass
to Glass”. This ensures that the selection of new quality genes by Australian barley breeders
results in the desired changes in malt quality without unexpected negative consequences that can
occur. The specific areas for which honours projects could be developed are as follows:
Malt components that influence mash and beer filtration – barley modification during
The diastase enzymes that hydrolyse starch into fermentable sugars.
The microbial safety and quality of barley – more good than bad.
Protein modification during malting and mashing.
For more information contact:
Anthony Koutoulis
[email protected]
03 6226 2737
Inferring deep ecological and evolutionary processes from observable patterns
Supervisor: Barry Brook
I am an ARC Australian Laureate Professor who is building a new research group in ecology,
global change, conservation and evolutionary biology. I cover both plants and animals, and use
a combination of fieldwork, experiments and modelling (depending on the student’s interest).
The student projects in the Dynamics of Eco-Evolutionary Patterns (D.E.E.P.) group cover a
diversity of topics in ecology and evolution, including research on populations, communities and
ecosystems. Some projects are relatively fundamental, whereas others have a strong focus on
applied or conservation outcomes. I seek to equip my research students with a strong
understanding of the concepts and issues relevant to ecology, evolution and global change
biology, and the technical competence to make best use of a wide range of tools,
methodologies and approaches to eco-evolutionary science (both in the field and at the
Some examples of projects include:
Impacts of vehicle collisions on roadside fauna
Turnover in forest ecosystems (including both plant and animal communities)
Impacts of climate and land-use change on biodiversity
Demographics, population ecology and conservation of echidnas
Processes shaping the structure and dynamics of tall forests (TAS, VIC, WA, NSW & QLD)
What makes the cool temperate forests of New Zealand different to Australian analogues?
Ways that mobile technology can be included in ecology and restoration
I would welcome discussion of the details, or if you simply don’t know what you want to do,
come and speak to me anyway and we can explore a variety of options!
How does the rising concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere alter the way that plants and
ecosystems function?
Supervisor: Mark Hovenden
Plants respond to the concentration of CO2 in the air in fundamental ways and these responses
lead to changes in growth, reproduction and behaviour, which in turn affects the way that the
entire ecosystem functions. Ultimately, these responses underlie the productivity of the planet
and whether the earth will continue to absorb the CO2 that we put into the air. Projects
addressing this globally relevant topic will use our state of the art TasFACE2 experiment in
Cambridge, one of the few places in the world where the CO2 concentration is controlled in the
open air. Studies will concentrate on plant physiological and growth responses, plant-soil
interactions or ecosystem productivity and nutrient cycling, combining field and laboratory
How do the properties of the plant community affect the way that the community and
ecosystem respond to rising temperatures?
Supervisor: Mark Hovenden
The WSR experiments at Silver Plains and Oatlands in Tasmania’s midlands are part of an
international experimental network that aims to investigate how important the properties of the
plants in a community are in determining the response of the ecosystem to global warming. In
these experiments, we measure both plant and ecosystem responses to experimental warming
in an effort to discover the processes the govern just how terrestrial ecosystems will function on
a warming planet. Projects working in these experiments can focus on the plant responses,
ecosystem productivity or a combination of the two.
How does plant competition actually occur and why does it matter?
Supervisor: Mark Hovenden.
Plants interact with other plants of their own species as well as with those of other species and
understanding how these interactions differ will help us to understand how ecosystems work.
Projects addressing this topic will combine experimental work in the field and glasshouse as
well as observations in natural forests and laboratory analyses and will help us to understand
what exactly controls the way that plants compete and how these interactions affect ecosystem
How do competition and facilitation occur together in regenerating populations?
Supervisor: Mark Hovenden.
Plants growing together necessarily compete for limiting resources like water, light, nutrients
and space. However, plants also benefit from the presence of other plants through amelioration
of harsh conditions and spreading the load of herbivores and pathogens. So how do the two
fundamental processes interact and when is one more important than the other? Projects
addressing this topic will combine experimental work in the field and glasshouse as well as
observations in natural forests and will help us to understand what exactly controls ecosystem
Plant-animal interactions.
Supervisors: Julianne O’Reilly-Wapstra, Brad Potts
Plants and their herbivores have a co-evolutionary relationship somewhat akin to an arms race.
Plants from low productivity environments, such as occur in Tasmania, are constantly adapting
to browsing pressure from animals and the animals are responding. These interaction have
resulted in many specific adaptations and whole evolutionary pathways. Research projects into
the details of these poorly understood relationships would concentrate on how browsing
pressure and other environmental factors affect plant physiology and chemistry and how that
impacts on animal behaviour and health.
The ecology of forested headwater streams.
Supervisor: Leon Barmuta
Small, headwater streams make up a very large proportion of the total drainage network of a
catchment, but we know little about their ecology. Previous collaborations with the Forest
Practices Authority of Tasmania and the CRC for Forestry and Freshwater Systems Pty Ltd
have developed a portfolio of projects examining the impacts of forestry on these potentially
sensitive systems. While we have documented the short-term impacts of forestry on ecosystem
processes, the biodiversity implications remain unknown, and several projects are possible
examining biodiversity issues especially for invertebrates and non-vascular aquatic plants..
Do introduced plant species pose a problem to freshwater fauna?
Supervisor: Leon Barmuta
My group has conducted a number of projects on the effects of introduced willows and aquatic
vascular plants (e.g. Canadian pondweed) on the community structure of invertebrates. In 2014
we have initiated new research in the flagship restoration of Lagoon of Islands and in Great
Lake and Woods Lake in which we expand this research to investigate the roles of herbivores in
plant recruitment and nutrient dynamics. Mid-year start projects would focus in the roles of
aquatic invertebrate herbivory in macrophyte beds, while Honours projects that start in February
are best suited to researching interactions with detritus and the possible impacts of vertebrate
herbivores in temporary systems.
Behavioural and functional responses to habitat complexity.
Supervisor: Leon Barmuta
My research group has already documented instances of how habitat shape can change the
outcome of predation and dominance in guilds. One of the new challenges is to identify how the
shape of the habitat alters the behavioural interactions between individuals and species to bring
about these marked changes in community structure. Recent Ph.D. projects have included use
fine-scale video techniques in lab experiments to unravel the interactions between two
distinctive invertebrate predators and field experiments with artificial plants and other structures
to examine the effects on predation by both invertebrates and fish. There is plenty of scope to
build on my group’s existing research base to develop highly innovative, exciting projects at
both Honours and Ph.D. levels.
Responses of native invertebrates to terrestrial detritus.
Supervisor: Leon Barmuta
Detritus drives the food-webs of forested streams, and I am collaborating with Dr Luz Boyero of
the University of The Basque Country on a number of projects contrasting temperate and
tropical detritivore assemblages and their feeding responses to different detrital resources. Our
recent publications document some surprising results, and I am offering at least one Honours
and one M.Sc. or Ph.D.-level project in this area.
The ecology of endemic galaxiid fish in lakes.
Supervisor: Leon Barmuta
A collaboration between a consultant and former Ph.D. student, Dr Scott Hardie, Hydro
Tasmania and the Inland Fisheries Service is currently discovering and documenting the
spawning and habitat preferences of some of the endemic fish species of Great Lake and
Arthurs Lake. An honours project is available to work up the collected material to examine the
feeding ecology of these species.
Ecology and geochemistry of Hastings Caves thermal springs.
Supervisors: Bernadette Proemse & Leon Barmuta
Thermal springs provide a unique environment for aquatic life due to the chemical composition
of the water as well as unusual physical conditions such as elevated temperatures. For
example, the threatened “Banff springs” freshwater snail (Physella johnsoni), is presently
endemic to only five thermal springs in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada. Unusual microbial
life has also been reported in hot spring systems, coping with temperatures as high as 89
degree Celsius, but is also present in extremely cold systems such as Lake Vida, Antarctica (13 degree Celsius). These extreme environments are pushing life to its limit, and some have
even been identified as suitable astro-biological analogues. Little is currently known about the
hydrology, geochemistry, as well as the ecology associated with the Hastings Caves springs,
Tasmania, releasing 28 degree Celsius warm waters (approx. 10 degrees warmer than the
average annual air temperature). This project is to survey and investigate aquatic plants and
organisms that are associated with the warm waters, as well as to better understand the
hydrology and geochemistry of the water and its adjacent karst system.
Behavioural and Evolutionary Ecology
(1) Mechanisms for sex ratio adjustment
Supervisor: Elissa Cameron
Sex ratios at birth show significant variation in some mammals. While there has been a lot of
attention on the evolutionary causes and consequences of such variation, there has been little
research on the mechanisms by which sex ratios are adjusted. Marsupials show adaptive
variation in sex ratios, and provide an excellent experimental system given the short duration of
gestation, enhancing the opportunity for experimental manipulation.
(2) Harassment, bonding and reproduction
Supervisor: Elissa Cameron
Male aggression can have significant consequences for females, which may be countered by a
variety of strategies in females, including social bonding. Social contact may enhance
reproductive success through reducing harassment directly, but may also reduce stress levels.
Furthermore, immune function and disease resistance may be enhanced by the quality of social
relationships. The benefits of social contact seem to transcend kin benefits. Consequently, while
difficult to measure, social integration may be an important overlooked variable in determining
reproductive success and shaping social structure. In addition, it may explain some
conservation successes and failures, since reintroductions are more successful when familiar
individuals are translocated.
(3) Non-lethal effects of predation
Supervisor: Elissa Cameron
There is emerging evidence that predation comprises multiple levels of effects on prey
populations. These can be divided into 1) direct (lethal) effects, 2) risk effects, and 3) secondary
effects. I am interested in the latter two effects, which relate closely to my other areas of
research. Risk effects include changes in vigilance and habitat use resulting from predator
avoidance behaviour, which can result in reduced survival, growth or reproduction. Recent
studies have shown that these risk factors can influence prey dynamics at least as much as
direct effects. Secondary effects of predation occur when the loss of the killed individual impacts
the remaining individuals. For example, stable social relationships moderate stress responses,
immune function and health, and even rate of reproduction. This effect level has been the least
studied, and has yet to be incorporated into a model of top-down effects.
(4) Climate variability and climate change and their impacts on vertebrate populations
Supervisor: Erik Wapstra
Assessing species' responses to climate change is one of the greatest challenges ecologists
face because global warming is expected to have significant, and at this stage largely unknown,
effects on a range of species. We use ectothermic reptiles in which temperature affects key life
history traits including timing of birth, offspring size and offspring sex. Our system is particularly
powerful because snow skinks have temperature-dependent sex determination and natural
fluctuations in climatic conditions results in significant shifts in offspring sizes and sex. This
could potentially have large and long-term impacts but these have not been assessed in detail.
(5) Maternal effects of offspring characters
Supervisor: Erik Wapstra
Maternal effects arise when the phenotype of a female affects the phenotype of her offspring,
over and above that of her direct genetic effects. These effects can either be the result of a
direct response of females or their embryos to the environment conditions, e.g., decreased
offspring size in response to low food quality, or alternatively, may be a result of a female’s
ability to shift behaviour in order to actively manipulate offspring phenotype in line with
environmental conditions. The importance of these non-genetic influences of female phenotype
on offspring fitness has become an increasing area of focus for evolutionary biologists with
recent research documenting many strong and persistent effects of environmental factors acting
during embryogenesis on fitness-related traits.
(6) Maintenance of individual variation in behaviour
Supervisor: Erik Wapstra and Geoff While
What determines (and maintains) individual variation in behaviour within populations? In recent
years there has been an acceptance that not all individuals behave in the same way and that
individuals often are consistent in their behaviour (that is they have a behavioural type - some
individuals are consistently more aggressive or less aggressive than their counterparts). What
remains poorly understood is what causes the variation in behavioural types, what maintains the
variation observed and what are the consequences of the behavioural type for ecological and
evolutionary processes.
(7) Origin and Maintenance of Social Behaviour
Supervisor: Geoff While
Why complex social behaviour evolved has fascinated philosophers and scientists since
classical times. To address this I use a social lizard group, the Egernia group, as a model
organism. Egernia display relatively complex social behaviour (for reptiles) which exhibits
variation between and within species. I have previously documented variation in social
organisation within a natural population of Egernia whitii and demonstrated that behavioural
traits, such as aggression, are key to explaining variation in social strategies (e.g. extra-pair
paternity parental care). My ongoing work is aimed at testing these patterns more thoroughly
through the use of experimental (large outdoor enclosures), theoretical and comparative
techniques (looking at variation in social organisation across the Egernia group). I also hope to
expand our understanding of key social traits which may mediate variation in social organisation
at the individual level (e.g., aggression, birthing asynchrony, kin recognition).
(8) Origin and Evolution of Parental Care
Supervisor: Geoff While
Parental care is extremely costly. The average amount of energy it takes a garden bird to raise
a clutch of chicks is equivalent to cycling the tour de France. Thus, a central question in
Evolutionary Biology is why do parents care. My research focuses on addressing fundamental
questions regarding what factors influenced the origins of parental care. Specifically, using
species with relatively simple forms of parental care, I focus on trying to understand the
conditions that initially resulted in an increase in the frequency and intensity of parent-offspring
interactions and the consequences of this for the evolution of more elaborate and complex
forms of parental care and sociality.
Reptile physiology
Supervisor: Ashley Edwards ([email protected])
The School has a long history of research into the role of hormones in the regulation of
physiology in vertebrates, particularly endocrinology. Key questions involve the physiological
roles of sex steroid hormones such as testosterone and estradiol—how do vertebrate animals
signal reproductive readiness to conspecifics, synchronise gamete maturation and mating
behaviours, or time all these events to fit within a single reproductive season of limited duration?
Reptiles have been a focus of this research within the School, as they make excellent models to
examine the roles of not only sex steroid hormones such as estradiol and testosterone, but also
the control of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG axis) and reproductive hormones in the
regulation of the onset of sexual maturity and the timing of seasonal reproductive events.
Stored energy resources are also crucial in decisions to breed—how and when do female
lizards in particular make the “decision” to reproduce? A mechanistic approach can be taken to
investigating the underlying hormonal controls related to both storage and mobilisation of
energy reserves, in which thyroid hormones may play an important role. This research
addresses the interface between physiology and ecology, looking to identify the mechanisms by
which ecological decisions about breeding are made and physiologically regulated.
Potential projects include:
1) Using hormones to sex newborn lizards
Examine the maturation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis to explore the
hormonal regulation of the different life stages of a reptile, from neonatal life, through the
juvenile and sub adult phases to sexual maturity. This project will consider the
differences between morphological and physiological maturity i.e. just because an
animal is of adult size doesn’t mean it is sexually mature and ready to be part of a
breeding program. Can we use hormonal signals to determine true maturity?
2) The role of androgens in female reproduction
The physiological functions of traditionally male sex hormones in females is a neglected
area of research. Androgens are suspected to play a role in ovulation, oviduct
development and oviposition but relatively few species have been considered. What
might testosterone be responsible for stimulating in Tasmanian reptiles?
3) The role of estrogens in male reproduction
Female sex steroids, the estrogens are known in several taxa including, amphibians and
mammals, to play a vital role in the process of sperm production in the testes. Reptile
spermatogenesis can be a lengthy process interrupted by a winter hibernation, which
has many implications for the hormonal regulation of this process. What role might
estrogens play in the initiation and “switching” on or off of spermatogenesis in cool
temperate zone reptiles?
Origins and Evolution of our Biota
(1) Evolution of adaptive syndromes in Eucalyptus
Supervisors: Brad Potts, Greg Jordan, Rebecca Jones, Dorothy Steane
This project will reconstruct the evolution of key adaptive traits that have made eucalypts so
successful. Some of the most obvious traits may have contributed to the high adaptability of
species (e.g. the very marked phase change from juvenile to adult foliage). This project will
exploit a new molecular phylogeny of eucalypts to reconstruct the relative timing of the evolution
of key traits, and will test whether these traits are correlated with each other in time, whether
they show evolutionary linkage with major features of the environment (climate, soils, fire
frequency, spatial distribution) and whether they are associated with major changes in
environment. It will involve field and laboratory measurement and literature surveys of the key
functional traits, and analysis using phylogenetic methods.
(2) Our ancient plants and how they tell us about the past
Supervisor: Greg Jordan
Tasmania is a world centre for ancient plant groups such as Athrotaxis (King Billy and Pencil
Pine) and Huon Pine. Recently we have developed a method of objectively identifying these
palaeo-endemic plants. This means that it is now possible to identify where the hotspots of
these plants are, and to work out what features of environment are important for them. This
project will develop a map of the hotspots, identify the environmental features they are
associated with and use this information to predict how vulnerable they will be to warmer and
possibly drier climates, and especially to changes in fire regimes.
(3) History of Southern Hemisphere alpine floras
Supervisor: Greg Jordan
The alpine floras of the different southern hemisphere landmasses (Australia, Tasmania, New
Zealand and South America) are striking in their similarities and differences. Although there are
important similarities and differences in the environments of these regions, history has played a
large part in the assembly of these alpine floras. This project will look at key traits of the plants
in these regions, and use phylogenetic methods to reconstruct the histories of these traits and
the floras.
(4) Evolution of drought tolerance
Supervisors: Tim Brodribb and Greg Jordan
This project is about what drives the success or failure of the major groups of vascular plants
(Ferns, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms). Although we have long known that there are large
differences in the ecology of these groups of plants, it is only recently that the physiological
basis of these differences has become apparent. How these plants use water and carbon
dioxide are critical factors. This project will use physiological methods to identify some of the
key components of these differences, and use phylogenetic methods to reconstruct their
(5) Why is Allocasuarina crassa rare?
Supervisors: Greg Jordan, Anthony Koutoulis
The Cape She-oak, Allocasuarina crassa, is a rare, endemic Tasmanian species that only
occurs on the Cape Pillar Peninsula. It is one of the dominant species on this further end of this
peninsula, but small populations occur further inland mostly in close proximity to a related
species, the Necklace She-oak (A. monilifera).
Even though the two species are obviously different in form, A. crassa is an octoploid (8n) that
appears to be derived from chromosome doubling in a tetraploid (4n) species (possibly A.
monilifera). Even more interestingly, the two species hybridise to produce hexaploid (6n)
hybrids, and possibly even 5n and 7n forms. Furthermore, while the plants at the end of the
Peninsula are octoploid, the isolated inland plants are 6n. This raises the possibilities that these
plants are either the last remnants of old populations of A. crassa or that they are new hybrids of
the species.
This project will assess the origins of this species – whether it is recently evolved and is
expanding its range by hybridising with A. monilifera, or much older (perhaps under the different
climatic conditions of the ice ages) and being overrun by A. monilifera. It will use morphological
measurements and flow cytometry to assess the distribution of different hybrid forms.
(6) Using plant fossils to investigate the past
Supervisors: Greg Jordan, Tim Brodribb
Fossil leaves provide a remarkable range of features (size, shape, the number and size of
veins, the number and size of stomata, the shape of epidermal cells) that are closely linked to
environment. That means that we can use fossil leaves to work out what the past was like what kind of vegetation was growing in an area, how much CO2 was in the air, what
temperatures and rainfall patterns were. We will develop a student-specific project using these
tools on the rich Australian and New Zealand plant fossil record.
(7) Mainland connections:
Supervisor: Chris Burridge
The Tasmanian fauna is comprised of taxa that are endemic to the island, and those that are
also shared with mainland Australia. What is the evolutionary history of our endemic taxa? Are
these the product of isolation from the mainland following the most recent Pleistocene sea level
rise, or do they have a much older history of isolation? Has speciation proceeded between
Tasmanian and mainland populations, or among Tasmanian populations? A phylogenetic
approach involving the Tasmanian passerine fauna will address these questions.
(8) Biodiversity on the beach
Supervisor: Chris Burridge
Tasmanian beaches are characterised by a number of apparently low-dispersal taxa, such as
amphipods. How have such taxa become present at most beaches throughout Tasmania? Do
genetic relationships reflect occasional movement to adjacent beaches, or longer, stochastic
movement? Also, Tasmania has many Tombolos, or beaches that have been formed between
historically isolated landmasses (e.g., the “Neck” at Bruny Island and similar isthmuses at South
Arm, Maria Island, Freycinet, etc). Are multiple genetic types present on these beaches,
reflecting past isolation of faunas? Are they mixing, or remaining segregated? These questions
will be addressed using comparisons of DNA sequences among individuals and
phylogeographic analyses.
(9) Evolution of galaxiid fishes:
Supervisor: Chris Burridge
A comprehensive phylogeny for galaxiid fishes now exists, and provides a framework to
investigate a wide range of questions regarding their evolution. This study will examine patterns
of variation in features such as morphology (e.g. caudal fin shape, number of vertebrae) and
rates of diversification while controlling for phylogenetic history of lineages.
(10) Phylogeography of Tasmanian species:
Supervisor: Chris Burridge
Through the reconstruction of genetic relationships among populations of species with narrow
habitat requirements, we can open a window into the past distribution of these habitats or the
conditions that led to the contemporary distributions of species. For example, what do the
genetic relationships among ‘sky island’ populations of snow skinks tell us about the distribution
of glacial refugia for these taxa? Likewise, what are the genetic relationships among populations
of freshwater crayfish, and what do they tell us about the past connections of rivers
(11) Cryptic species of galaxiid fishes:
Supervisor: Chris Burridge
Recent molecular analysis of Australian and New Zealand galaxiid species has revealed
variation that is worthy of consideration at a taxonomic level (i.e. new species). This project will
investigate genetic and morphological variation in the widespread species Galaxias brevipinnis,
which is presently recognised as a single species in Tasmania, mainland Australia, New
Zealand, and several subantarctic islands.
Forest Biodiversity
Numerous honours projects are available in the field of Forest Biodiversity. Projects can be
developed that fit student interests as well as link with organizations have the responsibility for
the management of forest biodiversity in Tasmania (e.g. Forestry Tasmania, Forest Practices
Authority and Greening Australia).
Possible areas for honours projects include:
1. Plant ecology in production forests.
Contacts: Neil Davidson, Robert Wiltshire, Mark Hovenden (with staff from Forestry Tasmania,
Forest Practices Authority).
The impacts and sustainability of production forestry in terms of plant ecology can be divided
into two aspects: the impact on sensitive or threatened species; the impact on ecological
processes and services. Impacts of forestry activities on threatened species is dealt with by the
Forest Practices Authority and we have strong collaboration with botanists there. Research
projects into the long term impact of forestry on the forest ecosystem are detailed in a separate
hand-out. These projects can be supervised by Biological Sciences staff.
2. Genetics of growth and survival in a changing environment.
Contact: Brad Potts, Jules Freeman and Matt Hamilton
This project will study the genetic control of growth and survival of eucalypts in a changing
environment. It will mainly adopt a quantitative approach and use large progeny trials already
established in multiple environments. The project aims to determine the extent to which these
fitness surrogates are: under genetic control; influenced by different genes in different
environments; and relate to genetic variation in functional traits. This information will ultimately
inform us of the potential of species to locally adapt to environmental change.
3. Community and ecosystem genetics
Contacts: Julianne O’Reilly Wapstra and Brad Potts
Community genetics is a field of research which links genetics and ecology. It aims to
understand the extent to which genetic variation extends beyond the phenotype of an individual
to affect the composition of dependent communities and ecosystem processes and ultimately
community evolution. Knowledge of community and ecosystem genetic effects not only
enhances our understanding of evolutionary processes, but can be used to better inform
management strategies around conservation and restoration. This is particularly relevant given
the extensive rural dieback of eucalypt trees throughout central regions of Tasmania. In
collaboration with Greening Australia we offer projects to investigate community and ecosystem
effects of plant genetics as part of ongoing forest restoration programmes in central Tasmania.
4. Impacts of contemporary forestry practices on diversity
Contacts: Greg Jordan and Sue Baker
This project will investigate how proximity to mature forest and the amount of mature forest at
the landscape level affects the ability of species to re-establish after disturbance. Fieldwork can
be based in either Tasmanian or Victorian wet eucalypt forests, and will be directed at
understanding the effects of different forest practices, but is relevant to the effects of
disturbance in any forested ecosystem. Projects on plants, bryophytes, birds or invertebrates
can all be accommodated.
5. Factors affecting the flowering of Eucalyptus globulus
Contacts: Brad Potts, René Vaillancourt, Rebecca Jones
We need to understand the environmental factors affecting flowering precocity, abundance and
success of Eucalyptus globulus growing in native forests and plantations, because (i) the
species is a major food resource for the endangered swift parrot, (ii) flowering is a key
determinant of the risk of seed and pollen escape from plantations, and (iii) reproductive
capacity may be one of the first sign of maladaptation brought about by climate change. This
information is required to guide forest management decisions, as well as understand the factors
likely to affect the reproductive output of this species and thus its ability to regenerate in
different environments.
6. Can LiDAR remote sensing predict forest biodiversity
Contacts: Greg Jordan, Sue Baker
LiDAR is increasingly being used to describe forest structure, e.g. through canopy height
models and information about plant density at various canopy profiles. Projects can be
developed to test whether LiDAR information is effective at predicting biodiversity composition
such as the presence of mature forest affiliated biota. Projects can be developed to assess
plant, invertebrate or bird communities.
7. Impacts of contemporary forestry practices on invertebrate diversity
Contacts: Sue Baker and Greg Jordan
Using spiders, myriapods or another group of invertebrates, this would be one of very few
Tasmanian studies to investigate the impacts of forest management practices on arthropods
other than beetles. There are several possible projects that can be based on existing pitfall trap
collections. These include:
 investigate the effectiveness of retaining patches of unlogged forest within harvesting
coupes for maintaining mature-forest spiders (or other invertebrates)
 assess the relationship between spider guild composition and functional traits and
the forest successional age and structural conditions
 investigate edge effects into harvested areas to determine how proximity to adjacent
oldgrowth forest edges affects the ability of species to re-establish after disturbance
8. Does the amount of retained mature forest at the landscape-level impact
beetles within harvested areas?
Contacts: Greg Jordan, Sue Baker and Tim Wardlaw (Forestry Tasmania)
This laboratory-based project would use previous pitfall trap collections to investigate the
importance of mature forest at the landscape-level as a source population for ground-active
beetles (or other invertebrates) to re-establish into harvested areas. The project would help
determine whether there are thresholds of the proportion of forest occurring in a mature ageclass needed for effective conservation. Results will assist managers in reserve planning.
9. A comparison of beetle functional traits in logged and unlogged forest in
Tasmania and Minnesota USA
Contacts: Sue Baker, Greg Jordan
Differences in species composition between regions make comparative ecological projects
difficult. Using existing beetle collections from logged and unlogged forest in Tasmania and
Minnesota, a number of functional traits can be measured that are known to relate to
succession and dispersal of beetles in Tasmania (e.g. body length, presence of wings, leg
length, body colour, etc). The project can determine whether traits relating to beetle responses
to logging are similar in USA and Australia. This would be the first international test of the
functional trait approach for beetles.
For further information contact:
[email protected] or [email protected]
Restoration Ecology and Genetics
1. New strategies for large-scale re-vegetation of degraded landscapes
Supervisors: Brad Potts, Tanya Bailey, Neil Davidson, Mark Hunt
As part of an ARC Linkage grant with Greening Australia (2012-2016) we have funding for
research to back the development of direct seeding technology for vegetation restoration in the
dry midlands of Tasmania. Greening Australia has begun implementing large scale revegetation/re-forestation projects to produce corridors linking the Eastern Tiers to the Central
Plateau of Tasmania. While direct planting will be possible for components, to achieve the
required scale of restoration, cheaper and more efficient approaches are needed. Direct
seeding approaches, widely used in agriculture and used in re-vegetation on mainland Australia,
will be explored. We will study the germination of restoration species, their community and
genetic trajectories, as well as biotic and abiotic factors affecting the success of direct sown
seed mixes. This research will provide insights into the complex dynamics of selection acting at
this critical phase in the life cycle of plants and its importance to the success and biodiversity
values of planted forests.
2. The contribution of restoration plantings to carbon sequestration, water use and
Supervisors: Neil Davidson, Tanya Bailey, Mark Hunt
We are participants in a $ million project involving a large ARC grant ($530,000) and a State
Government grant ($540,000) which aims to demonstrate how to establish restoration plantings
of local native species (eucalypts and their common understorey species) in degraded farmland
in the dry Midlands of Tasmania. We have planted five 20 ha demonstration sites across a
range of soil types between Meadowbank and Cressy. This project has strong links with
Greening Australia – the projects’ industry partner.
Questions we will be addressing
● What contribution does restored native forest make to carbon sequestration?
Comparisons will be made between farm land, restoration plantings and healthy remnant
● How much water is stored and consumed by restored native forest? Again,
comparisons will be made between farm land, restoration plantings and healthy remnant
● How structurally complex are restoration plantings, what structural elements are missing
(compared to healthy remnant forest) and what strategies can we use to improve the
structural complexity of these plantings?
● What animal biodiversity arises from establishing restoration plantings, and in what order
do functional groups start to use restoration plantings?
3. Oldfield succession as a model for restoration
Supervisors: Neil Davidson, Tanya Bailey, Mark Hunt
Important in restoration ecology is the proposal that degraded forests pass through thresholds
from which they will not recover without intervention. However in the Midlands of Tasmania
there are many examples of ‘oldfield succession’, where native plants are slowly returning to
abandoned degraded farmland. An insight into the changes in soil processes that are occurring
during ‘oldfield succession’ will play a major role in informing approaches to restoration.
Neil Davidson
[email protected]
Tanya Bailey
[email protected]
Brad Potts
[email protected]
Dorothy Steane
[email protected]
4. Adaptation of woodland wildflowers to changing climate
Supervisors: Dorothy Steane, Anthony Koutoulis & Suzanne Prober (CSIRO)
Woodland forbs (i.e. herbaceous plants other than grasses) are one of the
most threatened biological groups in eucalypt woodlands of southern
Australian agricultural landscapes. Little is known about how woodland forbs
will be able to adapt to a warming and drying climate. As generally widespread
species that span climatic ranges beyond those expected under climate
change, it may be possible to enhance their climate resilience by exploiting
genotypes that are already adapted to projected future climates. Initial steps
in this multi-disciplinary research will involve temperature-response seed germination trials and
ploidy assessments. Species with germplasm collections for initial investigations include
Microseris lanceolata (Yam Daisy), Arthropodium fimbriatum (Chocolate Lily) and Bulbine
bulbosa (Bulbine Lily).
5. Adaptive traits in widespread eucalypts
Supervisors: Dorothy Steane, Brad Potts, Greg Jordan & Libby Pinkard (CSIRO)
Many widespread eucalypt species that grow across
environmental/climatic gradients display morphological variation among
populations, only some of which is adaptive. This project will examine
morphological variation in several widespread eucalypts to determine
which traits may be important for adaptation to climate.
5. Lagoon of Islands: Tasmania’s first decommissioned dam
In April 2013 Hydro Tasmania removed the dam that had flooded the previously seasonal
Lagoon of Islands, Central Plateau, Tasmania since the 1960s. This is only the second lake
restoration project of this kind in Australia, and the first studies of seed-banks were initiated in
an Honours project in March 2014. There is at least one Honours project to follow seed bank
processes over summer, and other projects examining the potential roles of both invertebrate
and vertebrate herbivory in the recruitment dynamics and early successional processes of this
exciting restoration project.
Forest Practices Authority Biodiversity
This document lists higher degree projects which would enhance the applied research being
undertaken by ecologists in the FPA Biodiversity program. The FPA biodiversity program
contributes to the conservation of biodiversity in areas outside of the CAR reserves by
conducting research, developing planning processes and planning tools, training industry
personnel, providing advice on proposed harvest operations and monitoring the implementation
and effectiveness of management strategies. Publications by FPA staff, information on current
research priorities and details of the FPA student grant can be found on the FPA web page Contact the FPA Research Biologist, Dr Amy Koch for more information
([email protected], Tel. 6165 4082).
Please note that the viability of these projects is dependent on the support of an academic
supervisor within the appropriate disciplines. Some FPA scientific staff can co-supervise
projects. The FPA could potentially contribute technical and logistical support for these projects,
and a student grant is available for students conducting research relevant to the forest
practices system.
Site and landscape level attributes of grey goshawk habitat
Contact: Amy Koch (Forest Practices Authority)
Grey goshawks are a threatened species with special habitat requirements. This PhD project
would develop a model of grey goshawk habitat that could be used to guide management for
this species at both a landscape and local scale. Expert elicitation would be used to determine
important structural attributes of grey goshawk habitat. Field and LiDAR data would be used to
model suitable habitat, and the model would then require field testing and validation.
Habitat use by masked owls
Contact: Amy Koch (Forest Practices Authority)
Masked owls are a threatened species that roost in large tree hollows. Management for this
species currently focuses on retaining intact patches of mature forest. However, masked owls
are known to use paddock trees, and agricultural areas may provide a rich food resource for this
species. This PhD study will use established call playback techniques to compare owl activity
between forested and agricultural areas to gain greater understanding of how they use the
Tasmanian landscape. This study will be used to review current management of this species.
Bat activity in relation to the availability of mature forest in the surrounding landscape
Contact: Amy Koch (Forest Practices Authority)
Tree hollows provide important habitat for a range of species, but take very long periods of time
to form. This study would look at the activity of hollow-using bat species in the wet forests of
south-western Tasmania, in harvested and unharvested areas that differ in the amount of
mature forest in the surrounding landscape. This study would add to a growing body of work
looking at the importance of managing habitat availability at a landscape-scale.
Habitat use by giant freshwater crayfish
Contact: Amy Koch (Forest Practices Authority)
Giant freshwater crayfish are a threatened species found only in Tasmania. A map is available
which predicts habitat suitability for this species. This study would assess the accuracy of the
map, and the impact of harvesting activities on this species. The results of this study would be
used to revise current management.
Distribution and characteristics of habitat utilised by Skemps snail
Unpublished information suggests that this snail which is listed on the Threatened Species
Protection Act, 1995, occupies a small range in the NE of Tasmania. It appears to prefer
riparian areas where it is believed to graze on detritus on the underside of logs. A detailed study
is required to determine the actual distribution of the species and to determine the
characteristics of its preferred habitat.
Distribution and ecological requirements of the threatened dwarf galaxiid
This species is found in three main areas (2 in NE and 1 in NW) and can live in temporary water
bodies. This study would determine the occurrence of dwarf galaxiids throughout their range
and would examine the characteristics of the wetlands in which they are found.
The importance of remnant native trees in plantation areas for birds and bats
Contact: Amy Koch (Forest Practices Authority)
Remnant native trees in plantations can help maintain native biota in these modified
landscapes, but we need greater understanding of how the value of these trees changes over
time as the plantations mature. Data on bird diversity and use of hollows by birds were collected
in very young plantations in 2007 and 2008. This study will re-survey the retained trees and
compare bird species diversity and use of hollows as the plantations have grown and provide
more structure. This study could also look at the bat activity in plantations with and without
retained native trees.
Regeneration of threatened vegetation communities that have been harvested
Contact: Amy Koch (Forest Practices Authority)
Some threatened vegetation communities are available for harvest if they are regenerated to the
same community. This study will do vegetation condition assessments of a range of vegetation
communities that have been harvested in the past, to confirm whether the vegetation
communities do recover adequately after harvest. This study will be used to inform current
management practices.
Assessing the effectiveness of management for threatened flora
Contact: Amy Koch (Forest Practices Authority)
One of the strategies used to manage threatened fauna in production forestry areas, is to retain
small patches of forest around known plant localities. This study will examine whether this
management practice has been applied appropriately, and will survey the retained areas to
determine whether the threatened plant species are being maintained under this management
Forestry Tasmania
Monitor the health of remnant rainforest?
Rainforest is widely distributed in Tasmania; however in drier parts of the state, notably lowland
environments in the east, north and north–east, it is restricted to small, disjunct patches amidst
eucalypt forest types. The term ‘relict rainforest’ refers to such patches, which are outside the
typical climatic ‘envelope’ of rainforest. Patches of relict rainforest are protected under the
Tasmanian forest practices system, as outlined in FPA Flora Technical Note No 4. However,
some vegetation types can be negatively affected by edges. This project will assess the health
and integrity of small patches of retained rainforest to determine the effectiveness of current
Monitor the health of Sphagnum communities?
Sphagnum peatlands are of special importance in Australia. They make up a small part of the
landscape but they are ecologically unique and provide distinctive habitat for flora and fauna.
Sphagnum moss has an extremely high water holding capacity, making it a useful commodity in
the nursery industry. Harvesting occurs at a relatively small scale in Tasmania (and on the
Australian mainland), however the scarcity of Sphagnum peatlands means that the impacts of
harvesting can be high. FPA Flora Technical Note No. 6 outlines current management practices
for Sphagnum communities in Tasmania. This project aims to assess the effectiveness of
current management by determining the impact of adjacent harvesting on Sphagnum
Projects associated with Forestry Tasmania’s Research and Development Branch
Note: the primary contact within FT for further details of the research project appears in brackets
after the project description, with email addresses at the end of the document. Potential
University supervisors have also been identified and approached for some, but not all, of these
Forest pest entomology
 Are Poa tussocks used as overwintering sites for the eucalypt leaf beetle
Paropsisterna bimaculata? (Leonie McCrossen)
 How do leaf beetles in native forests compare with those in eucalypt plantations?
(Leonie McCrossen)
Pathology and forest health
 What is the identity and role of an Armillaria species in the mortality of celery top pine
(Phyllocladus aspleniifolius)? (Tim Wardlaw)
 How does production of native truffles in eucalypt plantations compare with native
forests? (Tim Wardlaw)
Forest Carbon
 How do leaf physiological attributes of E. obliqua vary seasonally in mature and
regrowth trees?(Tim Wardlaw)
 How does dead wood density vary by decay class for different species of eucalypts
in Tasmania forests? (Martin Moroni)
Native forest silviculture
 What are the relative impacts on the soil of aggregated retention harvesting and
clearfell burn and sow harvesting? (Robyn Scott)
 How does stand development in thinned compare with unthinned stands of
silvicultural regeneration? (Mark Neyland)
 How does stand development in wildfire-origin regrowth compare with silvicultural
regeneration? (Mark Neyland)
 How does sapwood area, leaf area and basal area vary in Tasmanian plantation
species in response to differences in site quality, plantation age and management
regime? (Sandra Roberts)
Email contact within Forestry Tasmania:
[email protected]
Assoc Prof Leon Barmuta BSc Hons (Adel), PhD (Monash)
Tel: 03 6226 2785;
E-mail: [email protected]
My research interests are in the general area of community ecology, with an
emphasis on experimental studies. I specialise in freshwater systems (although
I digress into terrestrial and estuarine topics occasionally) and have five active
areas of research that ultimately bear on conservation biology in freshwater systems.
Dr Chris Burridge BSc Hons, PhD (Tas) GradCertULT
Tel: 03 6226 7653
Email: [email protected]
My research interests encompass three disciplines. Firstly, I am interested in
the reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships based on DNA sequences to
address questions of biogeography and earth history, trait evolution,
macroecology, and taxonomy. Secondly, I am interested in the use of molecular data for the
inference of historical and contemporary movement of individuals among populations, and
changes in population size (impact of perturbations, past climate changes etc.).
Prof David Bowman BSc (Hons) PhD DSc
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 03 6226 1943
My research is focused on the ecology, evolution, biogeography and
management of Australian forested landscapes. Specifically, I undertake pure
and applied research to understand the effects of global environmental change,
natural climate variability and the cessation of Aboriginal landscape burning on bushfire activity
and landscape change.
Assoc Prof Tim Brodribb PhD (Tas)
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 03 6226 1707
How plants transport and use water is one of the most important factors in
determining the success of plants in different environments. I use physiological
methods to study the movement of water in leaves and stems, and how this is
different among major groups of plants (conifers, flowering plants, cycads and
Prof Barry Brook BSc (Hons), PhD (Macq)
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 03 6226 2655
I am Chair of Environmental Sustainability at the University of Tasmania (since
2014). My research focuses on the causes and consequences of environmental
change and extinctions, analysis of energy systems for carbon mitigation,
response of biodiversity to climate change, and models of the synergies of human interactions
with the biosphere - past, present and future.
Prof Elissa Cameron MSc (Canterbury NZ); PhD (Massey)
Tel: 03 6226 7632
Email: [email protected]
My research interests centre on integrating evolutionary behavioural and
population ecology with conservation and management issues using a variety of
techniques and approaches. The basis of my research programme is intensive
behavioural and demographic sampling on known individuals, combined with experimental
manipulations. I am currently working in three main areas, within which there is potential for a
variety of different projects: Mechanisms for sex ratio adjustment; Harassment, bonding and
reproduction; Non-lethal effects of predation
Dr Scott Carver BSc MSc (Victoria Uni Wellington), PhD (UWA)
Tel: 03 6226 2794
E-mail: [email protected]
I am a disease ecologist, with emphasis on conservation, ecosystem, wildlife
and human health. My main areas of interest are community ecology and the
ecology of infectious diseases across both natural and anthropogenic
environments. Most pathogens infect multiple species and their transmission is inherently an
ecological process among organisms. Thus, the health of ecosystems plays a profound, but
poorly appreciated, role in incidence of many diseases, wildlife and human health. Broadly, the
goal of my research is to use pathogens to better comprehend the intimate connections
between environment, wildlife and humans.
Mr Patrick (Paddy) Dalton BSc Hons, Dip Ed, MSc (Tas)
Tel: 03 6226 7873
Email: [email protected]
Paddy’s research interests and favourite plants are bryophytes – the mosses
and liverworts - and he’s keen on ferns as well.
Dr Neil Davidson PhD (Tas)
Tel: 03 6235 8000
Email: [email protected]
Neil’s research interests include: The effect of ecological factors such as
nutrition, temperature, water deficit, waterlogging and salinity on plant
regeneration, growth and survival, ecological and physiological factors which
influence dominance patterns in eucalypt forests, eco-physiological differences between the
eucalypt subgenera Monocalyptus and Symphyomyrtus, the relationships between plant
parasites and their respective hosts, water relations, photosynthesis and water use efficiency
and the effect of salinity and waterlogging on growth, water relations and ion uptake of salttolerant plants.
Dr Ashley Edwards BSc Hons (Macquarie), PhD (Tas) GradCertULT
Tel: (03) 6226 2617
Email: [email protected]
I am a comparative endocrinologist fascinated by the role of hormones in the
regulation of physiology in vertebrates. My own research focuses on the
physiological roles of sex steroid hormones such as testosterone and estradiol:
how do vertebrate animals signal reproductive readiness to conspecifics,
synchronise gamete maturation and mating behaviours, or time all these events to fit within a
single reproductive season of limited duration?
Dr Jules Freeman BSc (Hons), PhD (Tas)
Tel: (03) 6226 1828
Email: [email protected]
I work in the eucalypt genetics group, specialising in the application of
molecular techniques to study population genetics, biogeography, and
genomics. At present much of my work focuses on capitalising on the recently
released eucalypt genome sequence to gain new insight into genome organisation and
evolution, comparative genomics, the role of meiotic recombination in eucalypt evolution, as well
as the genetic basis of phenotypic variation.
Dr Eloise Foo BSc Hons (UQ), PhD (UQ) ARC Future Fellow
Tel: (03) 6226 2605
Email: [email protected]
I am a plant developmental biologist. I study how plants establish and regulate
important symbioses with bacteria and fungi by defining the role of plantderived hormones, particularly strigolactones. I explore the development of
these symbioses in a series of well-characterised pea mutants with altered
hormone synthesis or perception. My current work is examining how plant hormones allow
plants to differentially respond to microbes, to maximise nutrient acquisition and protect
themselves from pathogen attack. Approaches include whole plant physiology, in vitro studies,
gene expression, hormone application and importantly endogenous hormone quantification.
Dr Clare Hawkins BA Hons (Oxon), MSc (Aberdeen) PhD (Aberdeen)
Tel: (03) 6165 4314
Email: [email protected]
I am Senior Zoologist for the State Government’s Threatened Species Section for
half of my week, while the other half is increasingly focussed on threatened
species conservation research. My background is in understanding and
managing the special issues associated with low density, wide-ranging species. I'm now
exploring novel approaches - most particularly focussing on citizen science - to better monitor
and manage Tasmania's diverse threatened fauna (from quolls and eagles to skinks, butterflies
and burrowing crayfish). I enjoy working with experts in a range of fields interested in getting
wildlife monitoring to be really effective.
Prof Chris Johnson B. Nat. Res; PhD (UNE)
Tel: 03 6226 6634
Email: [email protected]
I work in wildlife ecology, conservation biology and wildlife management. I
specialize in the ecology of Australian mammals, especially the marsupials. My
work on mammal ecology has two main goals: (1) to provide the underpinning
science for the management of threatened species, and prevent further
declines of mammalian biodiversity; and (2) to understand the way in which mammals interact
with other elements of the Australian fauna and flora to maintain ecological processes and
sustain biodiversity. Beyond this, I have broad interests that include ecological modelling,
Quaternary environmental change and human impacts in prehistory, macroecology and
biogeography, and the biology of extinction.
Assoc Prof Greg Jordan PhD (Tas)
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 03 6226 7237
I am mainly interested in the evolution of Australia's vegetation and particularly
Tasmania's unique flora. This involves both the study of Tasmania's rich fossil
record from the last 50 million years and also studies of the ecology and
biogeography of the living flora.
Assoc Prof Mark Hovenden PhD (Tas)
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 03 6226 7874
My main interest is in improving our understanding of ecological processes,
especially in light of global climate change. In particular, I am interested in how
plants interact with each other and the soil and how this translates into
ecosystem processes. My major projects focus on how global change affects
plant-plant and plant-soil interactions and how these interactions lead to ecosystem-level
Dr Menna Jones BSc Hons (UNE), PhD (Tas)
Tel: (03) 6226 2593, 0407 815606
E-mail: [email protected]
My research interests are in the conservation biology and evolutionary ecology
of Australian mammals, with a special focus on marsupial carnivores: the
Tasmanian devil, spotted-tailed quolls and eastern quolls. My current focus is
on two urgent and related conservation issues: the Devil Facial Tumour
Disease and the ecosystem impacts that result from devil decline, both leading to ecological
Dr Rebecca Jones BSc (Hons), PhD (Tas)
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 03 6226 2736
I work in the eucalypt genetics group, currently focusing on phylogenetics,
hybridisation and evolutionary processes in eucalypts. I am also interested in
conservation genetics, developmental genetics of eucalypts and eucalypt
Assoc Prof Anthony Koutoulis PhD (Melb)
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 03 6226 2737
Anthony’s research areas include cellular and molecular biology as well as
Dr Julianne O'Reilly-Wapstra PhD (Tas)
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 03 6226 2482
My research focuses on plant/herbivore interactions. I merge the fields of
ecology, chemical ecology and community genetics to understand the
ecological and evolutionary relationships between eucalypts and their
Prof Brad Potts PhD (Tas)
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 03 6226 2641
I am a specialist in eucalypt genetics with interests from gene pool utilization
and conservation and genetic pollution, to understanding the evolutionary
relationships and process that have shaped extant variation patterns in this
iconic genus. A major line of my research is understanding the genetic control and adaptive
significance of variation in tree phenotype. I also work in the field of community and ecosystem
Distinguished Prof James Reid PhD (Tas), DSc (Tas)
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 03 6226 2604
I am investigating the biological functions and interactions of a number of
different plant hormones, including the gibberellins, brassinosteroids, auxin,
abscisic acid and ethylene. This work involves defining biosynthetic pathways,
characterising mutants deficient in hormone biosynthesis or signalling, environmental regulation
of hormone biosynthesis, and cross-talk between hormone systems.
Prof Steven Smith BSc Leic., MA Indiana, PhD Warw.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 03 6226 2482
Steve carries out research in plant biochemistry and genetics. His interests
span broad areas from ecology and crop biology to bioenergy and
nanotechnology. Steve in interested in a ‘big picture’ perspective on energy,
resources, water, food, climate change, biodiversity, human population growth and wellbeing.
Dr Dorothy Steane DPhil (Oxford)
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 03 6226 1828
My current research is part of a multi-disciplinary project on plants’ capacities
to respond and adapt to environmental change. I use genome-wide molecular
markers to elucidate patterns of genetic variation that relate to adaptation to
environment (e.g., aridity), with a view to modelling – and potentially mitigating - the potential
impact of climate change on Australia’s native ecosystems. I also enjoy getting involved with
projects involving phylogenetics and systematics.
Prof René Vaillancourt PhD (Saskatchewan)
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 03 6226 7137
My research involves studying the natural history, evolution, genetic control of
complex traits and genome structures of plants species. My specialty is in
genetics, using DNA based tools to better understand plants such as eucalypts,
other tree species and rare plant species. I have growing expertise in genomics, a new subdiscipline at the forefront of genetic research.
Assoc Prof Erik Wapstra
Tel: 03 6226 2813
E-mail: [email protected]
I am interested in many aspects of terrestrial and behavioural ecology and I am
interested in supervising projects on a variety of animal groups – although the
emphasis with my own research has been on using reptiles to answer key
questions in behavioural and evolutionary ecology.
Dr Jim Weller
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 03 6226 7828
Jim's research focuses on understanding how environmental factors such as light
and temperature regulate important processes in plant development, including
stem elongation, leaf development and flowering. His work uses genetics, genomics, physiology
and molecular biology to investigate these basic biological mechanisms and their application to
crop improvement. He is also interested in how crop plants have been domesticated from their
wild ancestors.
Dr Geoff While
Tel: 03 6226 7822
E-mail: [email protected]
My main area of interest lies in behavioural and evolutionary ecology. While my
general interests within this area are relatively wide (I have published on
foraging ecology, hatching asynchrony, social behaviour, parental care, maternal effects, lifehistory trade-offs, and sex allocation theory), the majority of my research fits within the
overriding theme of examining the links between ecologically induced short-term phenotypic
change (with a particular focus on behaviour), population dynamics, and long-term evolution.
Dr Rob Wiltshire PhD (Tas)
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 03 6226 2690
Rob’s research interests include ecology, biodiversity and conservation, and
eucalypt genetics.
Careers in Biological Sciences
Hans Ammitzboll
Honours student
Environments across the globe are
expected to experience an increase in
aridity and fire due to the effects of
climate change.
Understanding how plants have
adapted to grow and survive in these
conditions is integral to how we
manage our natural resources in the
© Wiltshire
Hans is looking at the genetic control
of physiological traits associated with
drought and fire adaptation in
Eucalyptus globulus. His study will
provide further insights into how plants
can evolve to survive in arid and fire
prone environments.
Timothy Gibbons
Honours Student
Tim is working with Elissa Cameron and
Erik Wapstra to explore potential
influences of prenatal testosterone on
behaviour and cognition in mice.
This project aims to prove a link
between testosterone and the
presence of particular behavioural
traits, and to determine if these
effects can be observed
The project will involve using
behavioural tests and cognitive
mazes to examine differences in
behavioural traits. Personality traits
and archetypes will also be explored.
Justine Krueger
Honours Student
Stomata are tiny valves in the surface of
leaves, which limit water loss. Veins
transport water throughout the leaf to
prevent desiccation.
The coordination of stomata and vein
development, and how this relates to the
development of stomatal function has not
been investigated in a coordinated way.
Justine’s project will follow how veins and
stomata develop in rhubarb and
determine when the stomata start to
The project will involve using gas and
hormone analysis techniques to measure
photosynthetic rate and concentration
levels of the hormone abscisic acid (ABA)
which promotes stomatal closure.
Peter McGuiness
Honours Student
Peter is working with the Hormone
Group for his project. This group has
a diverse range of research topics in
plant hormones.
Peter is investigating cytokinin as a
shoot derived inhibitor of plantmicrobe symbiosis and the KAI2
gene as an essential part of the
formation of plant-microbe
The project uses both gene
expression analysis and hormone
extraction to measure the effects of
symbiosis on both cytoknins and
genes associated with KAI2.
Jessica Newman
Honours Student
Bark stripping by native herbivores is a
significant management problem in
Pinus radiata plantations in Tasmania. It
leads to disease which decreases wood
quality and ultimately tree death.
Bark stripping of trees is highly variable,
and while one tree may be severely
ring-barked, another tree may escape
damage. The reasons why this variation
in bark stripping occurs is not well
Jessica’s project will investigate whether
there is a genetic basis in resistance to
bark stripping and determine if bark
type and chemistry play a role.
Elise Ringwaldt
Honours Student
Disease plays an important ecological role
in shaping host community dynamics. The
development of frameworks for
understanding disease driven effects on
community structure is needed for
conservation at a population level,
especially for emerging infectious diseases
such as chytridiomycosis.
© Walker & Gow
Chytridiomycosis is caused by the fungal
pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis,
and is responsible for extinctions and
declines of amphibians worldwide.
Elise’s project aims to test if chytridiomycosis
influences the structure of amphibian
communities. Elise will develop multispecies
conceptual models involving differential
susceptibility, reservoir hosts and
competition, which will be tested against
stable amphibian communities in the field.
Laura Rood
Honours Student
Premature yeast flocculation (PYF) is a
serious problem within the brewing
industry as it results in incomplete
fermentation. Research has
hypothesised that PYF is caused by
specific types of microbial communities
present within barley grain.
Laura hopes to prevent PYF from
occurring by controlling PYF causative
The project will involve applying
electrolysed water (EW) with
antimicrobial properties throughout the
malting process. Microbial community
composition will be analysed using
genetic and culturing techniques
before and after EW treatment.
Amanda Sinclair
MAppSc Student
The soil nitrogen cycle is a key
component of ecosystem function.
Understanding the dynamics of
climatic influences on soil nitrogen
cycling is crucial to predicting and
interpreting ecological responses to
climate change at both the local and
global scale.
In particular, pools and fluxes of soil
nitrogen are sensitive to changes
driven by elevated CO2 and
precipitation regimes. Amanda’s
project will investigate how these
factors affect plant available soil
nitrogen pools and nitrogen
This project will be conducted at the
Free Air Carbon Enrichment
experiment, TasFACE 2 (pictured left).
Jorden Stevenson
Honours Student
In phylogenetics, it is not uncommon
for species trees and gene trees to
differ; often the assumed cause of this
is introgressive hybridization. In some
cases however, incomplete lineage
sorting can be responsible.
Jorden is investigating whether
incomplete lineage sorting is an
explanation for differences in
chloroplast gene trees and species
trees for Nothofagus cunninghamii
and N. moorei. Introgressive
hybridization is an unlikely explanation
given their present distribution and
strong morphological differences.
The project will use coalescent
simulations and sequences of several
nuclear DNA fragments.
Laura van Galen
Honours Student
Mature forests are highly valued,
particularly within landscapes where they
are declining due to timber harvesting or
Our current understanding of what
constitutes a mature forest is not well
developed. Therefore, assessing the
‘maturity level’ of forest stands for
sustainable management is difficult.
Laura aims to examine the relationships
between the biological and structural
variables associated with forests of different
successional stages, to determine if they
relate in a way that reflects the overall
maturity of the forest. If these variables can
be used as indicators to define maturity
level, Laura will develop a simple and easy
to use index to assess the maturity level of
forest stands.
Bill Jackson Scholarship
Are you doing Honours in Biological Sciences?
Do you have a good academic record?
The late Professor Bill Jackson was a highly respected
leader, researcher and teacher in the School of Plant
Science for over half a century. He endowed this
scholarship to encourage talented students to continue to
work in the discipline of plant science at the highest level.
The Bill Jackson Scholarship in Plant Science will be
awarded to a student who is undertaking an Honours
course in the School of Biological Sciences, in the
discipline of Plant Science. It is valued up to $10,000.
Apply online at
Round opens 1st August and closes 31st October
School of Biological Sciences
Bookend Trust Shadow
Scholarship in Zoology
The Bookend Trust is a not-for-profit education initiative that seeks to inspire
students and their communities with the positive environmental careers they can
build making the world a better place. Bookend is funded through the donation of
time, energy and resources by private individuals concerned about building a
positive and co-operative environmental future for our students and community.
The inaugural recipient of this scholarship will have the exciting opportunity to be the
first to undertake exploration and evaluation of fauna (and possible flora) fossilised
remains that have been preserved in a cave in the Mole Creek region. The project
will involve sample collection ensuring minimal disturbance to the site, and sample
analysis using a range of techniques including ancient DNA dating and photography.
This scholarship will be awarded to a student who is undertaking an Honours course
in the School of Biological Sciences, in the discipline of Zoology. It is valued at
Apply online at
Round opens 1st August and closes 31st October
(Mid Year Starters) Round opens 1st May and closes 30th June
School of Biological Sciences
Professor Newton Barber
Honours Scholarship
Are you doing Honours in Biological Sciences?
Do you have a good academic record?
Horace Newton Barber was the first Professor
of Botany at the University of Tasmania from
His training in genetics and
cytogenetics led him to foster a School interest
physiological genetics. He worked extensively
on both eucalypts and peas
The Professor Newton Barber Honours
Scholarship in Plant Science will be awarded
to a student who is undertaking an Honours
course in the School of Biological Sciences, in
the discipline of Plant Science. It is valued at
$6000 and based on academic performance in
3rd year Plant Science.
Apply online at
Round opens 1st August and closes 31st October
(Mid Year Starters) Round opens 1st May and closes 30th June
School of Biological Sciences
Zoology Honours
Are you doing Honours in Biological Sciences?
Do you have a good academic record?
The Zoology Honours Scholarship will be awarded to a student who is
undertaking an Honours course in the School of Biological Sciences, in
the discipline of Zoology. It is valued at $4000 and based on academic
performance in 3rd year Zoology.
Apply online at
Round opens 1st August and closes 31st October
(Mid Year Starters) Round opens 1st May and closes 30th June
School of Biological Sciences
Jane R. Gillies
Are you doing Honours in Biological Sciences?
Do you have a good academic record?
Jane Rebecca Gillies was the daughter of Earnest Pascoe Falkner,
Hotelier and grazier of Launceston, grandson of John Pascoe Falkner,
founder of Melbourne.
The Jane R. Gillies Scholarship in Plant Science will be awarded to a
student who is undertaking an Honours course in the School of
Biological Sciences, in the discipline of Plant Science. It is valued at
$2000 and based on academic performance in 3rd year Plant Science.
Apply online at
Round opens 1st August and closes 31st October
School of Biological Sciences
J. Malcolm Gillies
Are you doing Honours in Biological Sciences?
Do you have a good academic record?
John Malcolm Gillies was the son of John Gillies, professor of divinity at
Ormond College Melbourne. Jane and Malcolm were married in 1933
and retired to Tasmania in 1956 where they developed a magnificent
garden under Jane’s supervision and spent much time botanising.
The J Malcolm Gillies Scholarship in Plant Science will be awarded to a
student who is undertaking an Honours course in the School of
Biological Sciences, in the discipline of Plant Science. It is valued at
$2000 and based on academic performance in 3rd year Plant Science.
Apply online at
Round opens 1st August and closes 31st October
(Mid Year Starters) Round opens 1st May and closes 30th June
School of Biological Sciences