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Fall-Winter Semester Final Exam
Advanced Human Anatomy ● Skeletal and Muscular System Exam Study Guide
Name:_________________________________________________________________ Date:______________________Block:_____________
Hey, you…. This is due the day of your final exam. Seriously.
1. Study the diagrams of the anterior and posterior human skeleton. (18 labels)
2. Study the diagrams of the skull, spine, and ribcage. (9 labels)
3. Study the diagrams of the arm and leg muscles. (15 labels)
4. What are the 6 functions of the skeletal system?
5. What are the 4 classifications of bones and give examples of each.
6. What are the 2 types of tissue that make up bones?
7. List several bones that make up the appendicular skeleton.
8. List several bones that make up the axial skeleton.
9. Describe the spinal cord in terms of number of vertebrae and types of vertebrae.
10. Describe the rib cage in terms of the types of ribs and their attachment locations.
11. Describe the location of the temporal and parietal bones of the skull.
12. How many bones are in the human hand? How many of these bones are carpal bones?
13. Describe the makeup of distal, middle, and proximal phalanges in the human hand.
14. Differentiate between stromal (yellow) and hematopoietic (red) bone marrow.
15. List and explain the 4 stabilizing ligaments of the knee.
16. List and provide examples of the 6 types of synovial joints.
17. Describe various movements that occur at synovial joints (flexion, extension, etc.). Be prepared to
identify these types of motions on diagrams.
18. What are the three types of muscle tissue? Give defining characteristics of each.
19. What are tendons? Describe their regenerative capacity.
20. What is another name for a muscle cell?
21. Describe the three general functions of muscles.
22. Define agonist, antagonist, and synergist.
23. Describe and differentiate between the glenohumeral and acromioclavicular joints.
24. What muscles make up the quadriceps of the leg?
25. What muscles make up the hamstrings of the leg?
26. What muscles make up the rotator cuff of the shoulder?
27. Muscles are complex organs with various levels of organization. Starting with the muscle itself,
list the 5 levels of organization of a skeletal muscle.
28. What is the sliding filament theory?
29. Define the following:
a. Myosin
b. Actin
c. Troponin
d. Tropomyosin
e. Myosin head
f. Sarcomere
g. Epimysium
h. Endomysium
i. Perimysium
30. What is the purpose of calcium during the muscle contraction?
31. What structure forms crossbridges by binding to the active sites of the thin filaments?
32. What is the name of the step in which the actin filament is actively contracted?
33. What is the primary energy compound used in muscle contraction?
34. In terms of contractions, what happens to the body during rigor mortis? (What compound is not
available and what happens as a result?)
35. Be familiar with the various regions/parts of a sarcomere.
36. Describe characteristics of slow twitch, fast twitch, and intermediate fibers.