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Cell Unit Vocabulary
Cell Organelles
Organelle – A specialized part of a cell that has a specific function.
Organelles Found in Both Animal and Plant Cells
Cell Membrane – The outer portion of a cell. It surrounds the cell and helps keep the
contents inside. The membrane also controls what enters or leaves a cell.
Cytoplasm – All the material between a cell membrane and the nucleus; it includes the
various organelles which help a cell to function.
Cytoskeleton – Provides shape and support to the cell.
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) – A series of interconnected membrane tubes and channels
in the cytoplasm; moves material through the cell. There are two types – Rough ER and
Smooth ER.
• Rough ER – Transports ribosomes around the cell.
• Smooth ER – Makes most of the fats used by the cell membrane.
Golgi Body (Apparatus) – Stores, packages, and distributes proteins and fats made by
the ER.
Lysosome – Digests food in the cell; packages and removes waste from the cell.
Mitochondria – Power plant of the cell.
Nucleolus – Located in the nucleus; manufactures ribosomes.
Nucleus – The control center of a cell. It contains genetic information that regulates
how a cell functions.
Ribosomes – Makes the proteins needed by the cell.
Vacuole – Stores food and waste products; removes waste from the cell; provides
support for the cell.
Cell Organelles Found ONLY in Plant Cells
Cell Wall – The outermost part of a plant cell. It is found outside of the cell's
membrane. It is quite rigid and helps maintain the shape of the plant.
Chloroplast – A green structure found inside a plant cell. This structure changes
sunlight into a usable form of energy for the plant. Works in conjunction with the
mitochondria to produce energy.
Plastids – Helps with photosynthesis; stores pigments (colors); stores starch for winter