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11-1 Pressure
โ€ข Tell what pressure depends on.
โ€ข Explain how fluids exert pressure.
โ€ข Relate how fluid pressure changes with elevation and depth
A. What Is Pressure?
1. Pressure and Area
a.) Pressure is defined as ___________________________________.
b.) As area is __________________ the pressure ______________________.
2. Calculating Pressure
a.) Pressure is calculated by dividing the total ___________ by the ________.
b.) ๐‘ƒ๐‘ƒ๐‘ƒ๐‘ƒ๐‘ƒ๐‘ƒ๐‘ƒ๐‘ƒ๐‘ƒ๐‘ƒ๐‘ƒ๐‘ƒ๐‘ƒ๐‘ƒ๐‘ƒ๐‘ƒ = ๐ด๐ด๐ด๐ด๐ด๐ด๐ด๐ด
B. Fluid Pressure โ€“ A fluid is a material that can easily __________________.
1. What Causes Fluid Pressure?
a.) As particles in a fluid __________________ with their container and with
objects in the fluid, they produce __________________.
b.) All of the forces exerted by the individual particles in a fluid combine to
make up the __________________ exerted by the fluid.
2. Air Pressure
a.) __________________ is a fluid.
b.) We live at the bottom of about ____________________________ of air.
c.) Each cubic meter of air has a mass of about __________________.
d.) The force with which air presses down on Earth and those objects on Earth
is known as _____________________________.
3. Balanced Pressure
a.) At sea level, air pressure is about __________________.
b.) Fluid pressure is exerted equally in _________________________.
c.) Also, pressure from fluids __________________ your body balance
pressure from fluids __________________ your body.
d.) If the air were removed from a can, the outside air pressure would
____________________ it.
C. Variations In Pressure
1. Atmospheric Pressure and Elevation โ€“ as you travel __________________ in
altitude, air pressure __________________ explaining why your ears โ€œpopโ€.
2. Water Pressure and Depth
a.) Water pressure __________________ as depth __________________s.
b.) At 10 meters, the water pressure is __________________ atmospheric
c.) The pressure at the bottom of the ocean (or any body of water) is the
combined total of the __________________ and __________________
above that point.
d.) In the deepest parts of the ocean, water pressure can reach
__________________ that of air pressure.
3. Measuring Pressure
a.) Atmospheric pressure can be measured with an instrument called a
b.) Rapidly decreasing air pressure usually means __________________ is on
the way.
c.) Air pressure is expressed in several ways:
i.) Normal air pressure is ____________________________________.
ii.) Normal air pressure is ____________________________________.
iii.) Normal air pressure is ____________________________________.
11-2 Floating And Sinking
โ€ข Explain what the effect of the buoyant force is.
โ€ข Demonstrate how you can use density to determine whether an object will float or
sink in a fluid.
A. Buoyancy
1. Gravity and the Buoyant Force
a.) __________________ is the ability to float.
b.) Water and all other fluids exert an __________________ force on all
objects submerged in them called the _____________________________.
c.) The buoyant force acts in the __________________ direction as the force
of gravity, so it makes an object feel lighter.
d.) An object sinks if the force of __________________ (its weight) is greater
than the __________________ force.
2. Archimedesโ€™ Principle
a.) Archimedesโ€™ Principle states that the buoyant force acting on a submerged
object is equal to the weight ______________________ the object
b.) If the object weighs less than the weight of the fluid it displaces,
c.) If the object weighs more than the weight of the fluid it displaces,
B. Density
1. What Is Density?
a.) The density of a substance is its __________________ per unit volume.
b.) ๐ท๐ท๐ท๐ท๐ท๐ท๐ท๐ท๐ท๐ท๐ท๐ท๐ท๐ท = ๐‘‰๐‘‰๐‘‰๐‘‰๐‘‰๐‘‰๐‘‰๐‘‰๐‘‰๐‘‰๐‘‰๐‘‰
2. Comparing Densities of Substances
a.) All __________________ have their own density.
b.) The density of water is __________________.
c.) Materials with lesser densities ___________________________ of
material with greater densities.
3. Changing Density
a.) Ice float because it has __________________ than water.
b.) Submarines can __________________ their density in order to float or
11-3 Pascalโ€™s Principle
โ€ข State Pascalโ€™s principle
โ€ข Explain how a hydraulic system works.
A. Transmitting Pressure In A Fluid
1. What Is Pascalโ€™s Principle?
a.) In the 1600โ€™s French mathematician Blaise Pascal developed a principle
that explains how pressure is _________________________ in a fluid.
b.) Pascalโ€™s __________________ is used for the SI unit of pressure.
c.) Pascalโ€™s principle states: When __________________ is applied to a
__________________ fluid, the change in pressure is transmitted
equally to all parts of the fluid.
2. Using Pascalโ€™s Principle โ€“ The ____________________________________
explained in Figure 15 on page 390 makes use of Pascalโ€™s principle.
B. Hydraulic Systems
1. A hydraulic system uses __________________ to transmit pressure in a
confined fluid.
2. The hydraulic system multiplies __________________ by using the same
pressure on a ___________________________.
a.) ____________________________________
b.) ____________________________________
11-4 Bernoulliโ€™s Principle
โ€ข Explain how, according to Bernoulliโ€™s principle, fluid pressure is related to the
motion of the fluid.
โ€ข List some of the applications of Bernoulliโ€™s principle.
A. Pressure And Moving Fluids
1. Fluid Motion
a.) Fluids move from an area of ___________ to an area of ___________
b.) Removing ___________ from a straw causes the pressure exerted on the
fluid in a drink to ____________________________________ the straw.
2. What Is Bernoulliโ€™s Principle?
a.) In the 1700โ€™s Swiss scientist Daniel Bernoulli discovered that the pressure
in a moving fluid was __________________ than that of a fluid sitting
b.) Bernoulliโ€™s principle states: As the speed of a moving fluid
_______________, the pressure within the fluid __________________.
B. Applying Bernoulliโ€™s Principle
1. Objects in Flight
a.) Airplane wings are designed with a _________________________ on top
that is __________________ than the surface on bottom.
b.) As the wing slices through the air, the air moving across the top of the
wing must travel __________________ than the air moving across the
bottom of the wing.
c.) The decrease in pressure creates โ€œ__________________โ€ on the wing.
2. Atomizers
a.) In an __________________, air is squeezed past a tube that opens into a
container of liquid.
b.) The decrease in air pressure caused by the moving air causes the fluid to
__________________ in the tube and be blown out.
3. Chimneys
a.) As air moves outside the chimney, its pressure is __________________
than the still air __________________ the chimney.
b.) The difference in pressure causes the __________________ in the
4. Flying Disks
a.) A Frisbee uses the same principle as the __________________ to
maintain flight.