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India’s First Empires
__________________ Empire 321 BC-184 BC
 Chandragupta Maurya, a military officer, established the ____________ Indian ___________ by
overthrowing an unpopular king. He maintained _____________ by creating:
1. An efficient ____________ system
2. A strong ________
3. An extensive ____________ network
 ____________- emperor from 274-232 BC, converted to _____________ after viewing the carnage of
a bloody battle. He vowed to never rule with terror. Wrote ________ on pillars throughout the
kingdom in the ___________ ________. He also built ______________, veterinary clinics, ____________,
rest houses and planted shade trees to help travelers. Also enforced religious
______________ Empire ______________ AD
 Started by Chandra Gupta I controlled _______________ India for over ________ years. Government
maintained __________ through ______ network and use of political ________________.
 ______________ was the official religion. State sponsored the building of elaborate temples to
various deities/gods.
 ______________ 375-415 AD under Chandra Gupta II, achievements in literature,
__________________, __________________, and trade.
Trade Spreads Indian Religions & Culture
 ________________ became a center of __________ between China, Africa, the Middle East &
eventually Europe
 _________________ traveled the _________ ___________ (trade routes from China to the Middle
 Traders also used the ______________ to push their ships to SE Asia and then back to India
 By 250 BC _____________ & ______________ were the main ____________ in India.
 Buddhism divideso
_______________- begins to __________ _____________ as a god, they believe one can
work to save humanity by self-sacrifice and giving up nirvana
_______________- traditional Buddhists, they follow the ___________teachings, the 4 Noble
Truths & the Eightfold Path
 Hinduism had became more personal again with people devoting themselves to one of the
___________ deities
 Achievements
Literature-________________, poet & playwright & Tamil poetry
Sun based ______________, 7 day week, divided the day into hours, determined the
_________ is ____________, solar year=365.358605 days
___________, _____________l point, value of _______
Han Dynasty
 Liu Bang establishes _______ dynasty after the decline of the Qin Dynasty. He ______________ the
government, ______________ taxes, & ______________ the harsh Legalist punishments
 _______________ Lu ruled after Bang’s death by naming ________________ as emperor
 Emperor ____________ expanded the empire through ___________
 ______________ social structure-emperor, official & scholars at the top, soldiers & slaves at the
 Established ___________ _______________- positions given based on knowledge of ________________
instead of connections. Only wealthy could afford education. System lasted until ___________.
 Chinese ________________ conquered _____________ through settlement and intermarriage
 Achievements
___________ invented in 105 AD
___________ _____________-allowed horses to pull heavier loads
2 blade ______________
Water ___________ to _____________ grain
____________ monopoly
 Han Dynasty interrupted by peasant ______________ due to ______________ the poor &
______________ of land among all sons upon death of the father
Tang & Song Dynasties
 _______________ was the most ________________ & _________________ country in the world at this
 _____________ Dynasty 581-618 AD—completed the ____________ _____________ between the
Huang He & the Chiang Jiang Rivers, linking the agricultural south to the urban north
 __________ Dynasty _________________ AD—expanded the empire & built up the infrastructure
(____________ & ____________) and revived the __________ ___________ exams, fell to
 Empress ______ 625-705—the ___________ ___________ to ever claim the title emperor &
_____________ China
 ______________ Dynasty _____________ AD—maintained the power and status of China as the
world power through _________________, southern China grew rich with international trade
 Achievements ______________ type- made printed materials cheaper
 _________________-allowed for many new weapons
 _____________-still used today (“china” dishes)
 ________________clock-still used today
 __________________ money-still used today
 ___________________ compass-quickly spread to the West
 Fast growing ____________________-two harvests a year (doubled)
 Poetry- Li Bo & Tu Fu
 Art- strong Daoist influence
 Social Structure—aristocrats_____________ power to the gentry who maintained status through
____________________, an urban middle class emerged, peasants still worked for rich land
 Women’s status ______________, upper class girls had ___________ bound, effectively
_______________ them and made them status symbols for husbands & families
Mongol Empire
 The _____________________ were nomadic _____________________
 Temujin united the Mongols around 1200 AD, he was named ___________________ Khan or
universal ruler in 1206 after defeating all of his enemies
 Ghengis ____________________ using a well _________________ army, brilliant
_________________ and cruelty to __________________ his enemies
 The Mongols ______________________ the land from _______________ to _______________ within
50 years of Ghengis Khan’s death in 1227, the ________________ land _________________ in
 Empire ________________ into 4 _________________________, China, Central Asia, Persia, and
the Golden Horde (Russia)
 Many areas never ____________________ due to lost population and/or destruction
 The Mongols did not ____________ their __________________ or __________________on
conquered peoples
 The _____________ & _________________ brought by the empire is known as the ___________
_______________________ (1200s-1300s), travelers, missionaries & merchants could travel
throughout Eurasia which fostered cultural diffusion
 ______________ Khan, grandson of Ghengis Khan, conquered ________________ in 1279 and
started the Yuan Dynasty
 United all of China for first time in _________________ years, considered one of the greatest
 __________________ China to more foreign trade
 Built capital at _________________________, the present day capital
 Failed to ____________________ Japan due to a typhoon that destroyed the largest sea
invasion until WWII, the typhoon was called a kamikaze or divine wind by the Japanese
 Venetian trader ______________ _______________ served in Kublai Khan’s court and published
an account of his travels when he returned to Europe around 1300
 Mongol Empire _________________ after Kublai Khan’s death and was ____________________
by the ____________ in 1368
 The Persian Khanate lost power in the 1330s, the Central Asian Khanate in the 1370s and
Ivan the III freed Russia from the Mongols in 1480
Feudal Japan
Japan’s _______________ allowed it to be _______________ by _____________ but
_______________________ from complete domination by its stronger neighbor
Japan is an ________________, group of _________________, with _____________ natural
The ancient _________________ of Japan combined to form the ________________ religion which
focuses on respect for nature and ancestors
The ________________ family took control of Japan in the _____________ and began ruling as
________________ also spread to _______________ from China in the ______________
The Japanese emperor sent people to China to learn and bring the ideas back, like Chinese
__________________________ and ______________________
The cultural exchange __________________ in the 800s
The ________________ period, ________________________, was a _______________ age of Japanese
Life in the royal court was dominated by complex rituals, careful manners, and an
appreciation of art
Land owners began to gain _____________ as the power of the emperor declined
Land owners hired private armies that developed into the _______________that followed a strict
code of honor called _______________
A civil war in the________ century ended with the emperor naming a _______________ to
________________ the samurai
The Shogun, Samurai, and a kamakazi (divine wind) defended Japan against the Mongol
invasion in the 13th century
The ___________________ Shogunate controlled Japan from _________________________
Southeast Asia
A ___________________________ of trade, influenced by ___________& ___________
_______________ Empire ruled over present day Cambodia, peaked around 1200 AD, built
_____________ ___________, the largest sacred building in the world, a temple to the Hindu
god _______________
__________________ islands were home to the ________________Dynasty that prospered
through international trade
________________ broke away from China and established an ________________ kingdom
_________________ also established an independent kingdom but was strongly influenced
by China
The ________________ Dynasty was _________________ after the ________________government
including civil service but the social structure was ____________________ by
___________________ land owners
Koryu culture is known for the _________________ porcelain (a milky green pottery) and
blocks carved to print ____________________ scriptures
The __________________ Dynasty overthrew the Koryu after the Mongol threats had
weakened it