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Download CP Physics Name Magnetism HW #5 Why is electrical energy
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CP Physics Name __________________ Magnetism HW #5 1) Why is electrical energy transmitted at high voltages and low current? 2) What are the parts of the simplest AC transformer? 3) Why does a transformer require alternating current? 4) What exactly does a transformer transfer? 5) If a transformer is efficient enough can it step up energy? Why or Why not. 6) In a step up transformer there are more turns on the ________________ coil and the voltage will ___________________ and current will _________________ in the secondary coil. 7) In a step down transformer there are more turns on the ________________ coil and the voltage will ___________________ and current will _________________ in the secondary coil. 8) If 10 volts of alternating current is inputted across a primary coil of a transformer, how much voltage is induced in the secondary coil if the secondary coil has 5 times the number of turns? 9) A transformer has 50 turns in its primary coil and 250 turns in its secondary coil. If 12 volts of alternating current is connected to the primary coil, how many volts are available at the secondary coil? 10) What is the current in a 10 ohm device that is connected to the secondary coil above? CP Physics Magnetism HW #5 Name __________________ 11) What is the power supplied to the primary coil above? 12) A model electric train requires 6 volts to operate. If the primary coil of its transformer has 240 turns, how many turns should the secondary coil have it the primary is connected to a 120 volt household circuit?