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Solar System Outlines
I. Motions of the Moon
a. Satellite ­ object that moves around another object in space.
b. orbit = revolution
c. Moon orbits Earth ­ natural satellite of Earth
d. Moon does not give off its own light
e. just over 28 days to complete cycle of phases
f. new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, waning crescent
Solar System Outlines
II. Motions of Earth
a. orbits/revolves the Sun
b. natural satellite of the sun
c. rotates in one day on an axis
d. axis ­ imaginary line running through the center of Earth from the North Pole to the South Pole
e. revolves around sun in 365 1/4 days
III. Earth and the Seasons
a. undergoes seasons as a result of tilted axis
b. the hemisphere that is more tilted towards the sun (more direct sunlight) has summer.
Solar System Outlines
IV. The Sun
a. a star in the center of our solar system
b. made of burning gases
c. largest object in our solar system.
d. heats the Earth and gives Earth light
e. has sunspots and prominences
Solar System Outlines
V. Other Objects in Our Solar System
a. 8 planets ­ large object that moves around a star
b. most planets have at least one natural satellite ­
their moons
c. asteroids ­ small and rocky objects
d. comets ­ small mass of dust and ice that orbits the sun.
VI. Paths Around the Sun
a. rotate, or spin on their axes
b. orbit, or revolve around the sun
Solar System Outlines
Solar System Outlines
VII. The Inner Planets
a. Surface ­ Rocky
b. Size ­ Small
c. Mercury ­ smallest planet, no atmosphere, no moons
d. Venus ­ about same size as Earth, thick atmosphere, 475 Celsius, no moons
e. Earth ­ largest inner planet, one moon, only planet with liquid water, only known planet to support life.
f. Mars ­ known as the Red Planet, two moons, largest volcano system in the solar system, may have had water.
Solar System Outlines
VIII. Outer Planets
a. surface ­ gaseous
b. size ­ large
c. moons ­ many
d. Jupiter ­ largest planet in solar system, many moons, Great Red Spot is a huge storm, rotates in 10 hours, 12 years to revolve.
e. Saturn ­ know for its rings, many moons, rings made of dust, ice crystals, and small bits of rock coated with frozen water.
f. Uranus ­ many moons, faint rings, blue­green color
g. Neptune ­ many moons, faint ring, circular storms.
h. PLUTO is no longer a planet. Solar System Outlines
XI. Moons and Rings
a. Moons ­ small, planet­like objects that revolve around planets
b. Rings ­ bits of dust, ice, and rocks that circle most outer planets
X. Telescopes
a. radio telescopes
b. optical telescopes ­ refracting and reflecting
XI. Crewed Missions
a. first in Space ­ Yuri Gagarin
b. Apollo 11 landed on moon
c. space shuttle
XII. Space Probes
a. uncrewed missions
b. Galileo sent to Jupiter
c. Sojourner sent to Mars
d. Voyager 2 ­ fly­by