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Name _______________________________________ Period # _______
Write rock or metal to indicate the composition of the layer.
1. Crust ___Rock_______
2. Mantle ___ Dense Rock_ 3. Inner Core __Solid Metal_ 4. Outer core _Liquid Metal
5. Which structural layer is divided into tectonic plates? ___Lithosphere_____________________
6. Which structural layer do the tectonic plates float on? ___Asthenosphere__________________
7. What method of heat transfer likely causes the plates to move? ____Convection_______________________
8. Continental mountain ranges are often found along what kind of plate boundary? ___Convergent________________
9. The type of boundary where plates collide is called a _____Convergent_______________ boundary.
10. The type of boundary where subduction occurs is a ____Convergent_______________ boundary.
11. The type of boundary where plates pull apart is called a _____Divergent______________ boundary.
12. The type of boundary where plates slide past each other is called a ____Transform_____________ boundary.
13. What event occurs often at transform boundaries? _____Earthquakes_________________________
14. What often forms in subduction zones to allow magma to escape? ____Volcanoes_________________________
15. Name the transform boundary in California that causes earthquakes: ____San Andreas Fault__________________
16. What happens along the Ring of Fire and what type of boundary is to blame? _Volcanic Eruptions caused by
convergent plate boundaries with subduction.___________________________________________________
17. The North American plate is diverging from the Eurasian plate. What is happening to the Atlantic Ocean basin
between North America and Europe? ___The ocean basin is getting wider. (Seafloor spreading)______________
18. In subduction zones, why is it the oceanic crust that subducts under continental crust and not the other way
around? __The oceanic crust is more dense than the continental crust. (Dense things sink.)__________________
19. When two continental plates diverge, what landform can result? ___Rift Valley_____________________________
20. Alfred Wegener explained the moving of continents in his theory: __Continental Drift________________________.
21. What type of boundary formed the Himalayan Mountains? ____Convergent_____________________________
Be familiar with the names of the plates and be able to tell
what kind of plate boundaries exist by looking at the