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1. During the Middle Ages, the careers of Maimonides and
Averroes demonstrated the
A) intellectual vitality of Muslim centers of learning in
Spain and Morocco.
B) awarding of the Abbasid Caliphate to the foremost
Islamic scholars.
C) influence of Islamic jurisprudence on
constitutionalism in Europe.
D) predominance of non-Arabic languages, such as
Persian and Urdu.
2. •
Development of medical encyclopedias
Development of algebra and astronomical tables
Production of cotton textiles and woolen carpets
Production of literature, calligraphy, and geometric
All of the phrases above can be classified as
contributions of the Islamic civilization.
features of Hara Japan.
customs and practices that spread via the Silk Road.
abilities of a Confucian scholar-gentry.
3. An accurate description of early Islamic art would refer
A) its lifelike depictions of the major deities.
B) the common use of geometric patterns and shapes.
C) its many maritime scenes since most Islamic cities
were along the coast.
D) the many poses of Allah in natural environments.
4. The golden age of Islam, in which significant cultural
and intellectual achievements were made, occurred
during the
A) Abbasid Caliphate when the capital was at
B) Umayyad Caliphate when the capital was at
C) Yuan Dynasty in China.
D) fall of the Seljuk Turks.
5. Calligraphy can best be described as
A) a stylized form of decorative handwriting used for
the Koran and scholarly texts.
B) an informal writing style used for correspondence
throughout the Abbasid Empire.
C) the official Arabic dialect of the Fatimid Dynasty.
D) a print-making technique that Islamic craftspeople
borrowed from China.
6. Why did Muslim intellectual achievements thrive during
the Abbasid Dynasty?
A) Abbasid rulers had conquered the great cultural
centers of the Roman Empire.
B) The Abbasid Dynasty did not tax the scholarly
C) It was the first time the civil service examination
system was implemented.
D) It was a period of blending between Islamic
culture and Arab, Persian, Egyptian, and European
7. Who of the following was a great Islamic physician and
scholar during the Abbasid Dynasty?
A) Avicenna
C) Ibn Battuta
B) Marco Polo
D) Saladin