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6.6 Mechanical Energy and Its Conservation
6.7 Problem Solving Using Conservation of Mechanical Energy
6.8 Other Forms of energy; Energy Transformations and the Law of Conservation of Energy
6.9 Energy Conservation with Dissipative Forces; Solving Problems
6-10 Power
1. Students will explain the concepts involved in the conservation of mechanical
2. Students will solve problems involving the conservation of mechanical energy
including gravitational, kinetic, and elastic energy for conservative forces.
3. Students will solve problems involving the conservation of mechanical energy
including gravitational, kinetic, and elastic energy including dissipative forces.
4. Students will relate power to a variety of work expressions.
Homework: 33-36 p.163, 47-54 p.164, 58-67 p.164
Formula Search –Find all formulas state the units and purpose for making
Vocabulary to Know:
Total Mechanical Energy
Conserved Quantity
Conservative Forces
Conservation of Mechanical Energy
Kinetic energy
Gravitational potential energy
Elastic potential energy
Law of Conservation of Energy
Dissipative Force
6.6 Mechanical Energy and Its Conservation:
1. What happens to a system if no nonconservative forces exist?
2. How can the total mechanical energy of a system be conserved?
3. Explain the principle of conservation of mechanical energy.
6.7 Problem Solving Using Conservation of Mechanical Energy
1. Explain what happens to the variables used in the conservation of mechanical energy
due to gravity.
2. What is the relationship of kinetic and potential energy in a falling object?
3. Why does gravitational potential energy depend only on height and not the path of the
falling object?
4. How would mass affect a rollercoaster ride?
5. Explain how conservation of energy can be applied to sports.
6. Why can a spring be considered a source of potential energy?
7. How is the conservation of energy formula changed when using springs versus height?
8. How would both elastic and gravitational potential energy be intergraded into the
equation for mechanical energy?
6-8 Other Forms of Energy; Energy Transformations and the Law of Conservation of
1. What other forms of energy exist?
2. How do we relate these forms of energy to potential or kinetic values?
3. Explain how energy transfers occur by using several examples.
4. How is work done in energy transfers?
5. Explain the law of conservation of energy including when and when it does not apply.
6-9 Energy Conservation with Dissipative Forces
1. Why is friction considered a nonconservative or dissipative force?
2. How can friction be written into the formula for the conservation of energy?
3. Compare and contrast the work-energy and conservation of energy principles.
6-10 Power
1. Define Power.
2. What is meant by average power?
3. How was the horsepower created and what is its relation to Watts?
4. Explain the principle of efficiency.