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To propose a course for inclusion into the AC General Education Course List (Core Curriculum) please
complete the following areas of inquiry. Please review the description of the Core Objectives (General
Education competencies) from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
Course under Consideration:
BIOL 1414 Introduction to Biotechnology I
Catalogue Description of the Course:
An overview of classical genetics, DNA structure, the flow of genetic information, DNA replication, gene
transcription and protein translation. Includes principles of major molecular biology and genetic engineering
techniques, their application in huma
Foundational Component Area:
Life and Physical Sciences
Course Student Learning Outcomes:
1. Discuss the structural and functional characteristics of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. 2. Define
biotechnology and discuss its applications in agriculture, medicine, and forensics. 3. Discuss laboratory safety
techniques. 4. Demonstrate the use of proper laboratory mathematics. 5. Demonstrate sterile bacteriological
techniques, to include media preparation. 6. Describe DNA and protein function in genetics. 7. Compare and
contrast the structure and functions of nuclear DNA, mitochondrial DNA, and Plasmid DNA. 7. Describe the
function and use of restriction enzymes. 8. Discuss the steps involved in the construction and manipulations
of recombinant DNA. 9. Describe the mechanisms of gene transfer: including transformation and transfection.
10. Discuss the procedure of chromosome mapping. 11. Discuss the use and construction of genomic libraries.
12. Discuss the bioethics in this emerging field. 13. Demonstrate the proper use of the laboratory equipment
to include: pipetting, microscopy, spectrophotometry, photodocumentation, centrifugation, electrophoresis,
etc. 14. Demonstrate the construction and maintenance of a laboratory journal.
Communication Skills
Brief Description of Assignment
and/or Activity to fulfill Course
Direct Assessment Method
As applied to above
Student groups will set up and run a DNA restriction analyses
experiment, document results, and measure migration distance of
each DNA restriction fragment. Students individually will graph
logarithmic results and use these to determine unknown size
fragments and will write a scientific laboratory report that will be
submitted to the instructor.
Brief Outline of Assessment
Rubric will assess communication skills in a written scientific
laboratory reports and will be scored on clarity, descriptive statistics,
graph construction, conclusion, and literature cited.
65% of the students will effectively communicate how they designed
and carried out the experiment.
Critical Thinking Skills
Brief Description of Assignment
and/or Activity to fulfill Course
Student groups will set up and run a DNA restriction analyses
experiment, document results, and measure migration distance of
each DNA restriction fragment. Students individually will graph
logarithmic results and use these to determine unknown size
fragments and will write a scientific laboratory report that will be
submitted to the instructor.
Direct Assessment Method
As applied to above
Brief Outline of Assessment
Rubric will assess the student’s critical thinking ability by how
they justify the size fragments of the unknown samples.
65% of the students will correctly determine the size fragments of
their unknowns.
Empirical and Quantitative Skills
Brief Description of Assignment
and/or Activity to fulfill Course
Direct Assessment Method
As applied to above
Student groups will set up and run a DNA restriction analyses
experiment, document results, and measure migration distance of
each DNA restriction fragment. Students individually will graph
logarithmic results and use these to determine unknown size
fragments and will write a scientific laboratory report that will be
submitted to the instructor.
Brief Outline of Assessment
Rubric will assess the student’s ability to correctly manipulate the
data and to transfer the numerical data to a graphical display.
65% of the students will correctly manipulate the data and construct
an appropriate graph form the data collected in the experiment.
Brief Description of Assignment
and/or Activity to fulfill Course
Direct Assessment Method
As applied to above
Student groups will set up and run a DNA restriction analyses
experiment, document results, and measure migration distance of
each DNA restriction fragment. Students individually will graph
logarithmic results and use these to determine unknown size
fragments and will write a scientific laboratory report that will be
submitted to the instructor.
Juried Assessment, Rubric,
Brief Outline of Assessment
Rubric and juried assessment will assess the student’s ability to
work as a team to include individual contribution, experimental
design, and delegation of duties.
65% of the students will demonstrate the ability to work as a team to
design and carry out a scientific experiment.