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Should We Fight for the Right/Privilege
To Vote A 12 Lesson Unit on the road to Revolution
And an 8 Lesson Unit on the Continued Fight for the Right to Vote
Nikki Hays
5th Grade
Sunrise Elementary
Central Valley School District
A two part look into the Journey for the right to representation
Section 1 12 Lessons CBA assignment and wrap up.
Essential question:
Would you sign the Delectation of Independence?
GOAL: By looking at primary source documents, reading quotes,
watching videos and doing activities, students will look at the different stake holders position and decide if they would
be willing to risk their life and sign the declaration of independence
Needed: Primary source power point, Part 1.
Copy of You decide CBA available on OSPI web sight.
We The People Text
United Streaming videos
Section 2
Essential question:
Who should have the right to vote?
GOAL: After studying primary sources, reading quotes, and watching videos, students will evaluate the fight and decide who should have the right to vote.
• Needed: Primary Source Power point, Part 2.
• Copy of You decide CBA.
Section 1
Do we sign the Declaration?
Table of Contents
Lesson 1: Setting the Stage page 6
Lesson 2: Britain Begins
page 8
Lesson 3: The Boston Massacre page 11
Lesson 4: Here Comes More From the King page 13
Lesson 5: First Continental Congress page 15
Lesson 6: How are people feeling? Page 17
Lesson 7: The Regulars are coming to Lexington and concord! Page 19
Table of Contents
• Lesson 8: Second Continental Congress Page 21
• Lesson 9: What about the Natives? Page 23
• Lesson 10: What about the Slaves? Page 25
• Lesson 11: A few last quotes. Page 26
• Lesson 12: Present characters debate and Tea Party. Page 27
• Present CBA to class and complete. Page 28
• Wrap up for section 1 page 29
General Directions • Print out copies of the slides for Section 1. I put mine in the plastic coversheets. • Make cards for who is who using slides 40, 41, 42 and 43.
• Make posters for Loyalists, Patriots and Undecided/Neutral.
• Have a time line up with an area that you will be able to put posters and cards around.
• Students need a place (note book or vocabulary book) for vocabulary words. • Students will make a flip book to keep track of the events that occur. • Students should have a back ground knowledge of the colonies and their beliefs and economic needs.
• Optional Extra Activities:
Fiction book: Literature circles and Pop up book.
Student research of Revolutionary war figure and wanted posters.
Readers theater Plays.
Tax activity
Lesson 1
Setting the stage
• Materials needed
1. Loyalist, Patriot, Undecided/neutral posters
2. Loyalty to Great Britain (slide 1 )
3. Cards of who is who
4. Students vocabulary books
• Objective 1: students will become aware of the three different stake holders of the revolution and why the hold their beliefs.
• Objective 2: Students will place the different share holders in the correct place on the wall.
Lesson 1 Plan
• Put up the three Stake holder posters and develop a definition for each.
• Discuss the Loyalty to Great Britain poster and put it up.
• Go through the Who is who cards and decide where they should be placed. At this point all are Loyalists. Lesson 2 Britain Begins
Material needed
Posters for slide 2, 3, 4
Student’s flip books
Students will gain an understanding of the effects of the French Indian War, who was involved and how It affected the British and the Colonists. • Students will develop an understanding of the stamp act, Townshend act, and the sugar act.
• Students will relate the tax to their own lives and share how these taxes would affect them if enacted today.
Lesson 2 Plans
• Post the French Indian War poster
Instruction should include:
1. The French and Indians fought against the British and the Colonists.
2. It was Gorge Washington’s first leadership roll in an army.
3. It was expensive for Great Britain.
4. The Colonists were fighting for the right to settle west of the Appellation Mountains.
5. The Declaration of 1765 said that there could be no settlement west of the Appellation Mountains.
• Students should write the French Indian war proclamation of 1765 on the first flap of their book and include the information on the underside of the flap.
• Post the Stamp, Townshend, and sugar act poster and read through them. Help students understand what each act did.
• Add to Flip book flip 2, 3, and 4, stamp act 1764, Townshend Act 1965, and sugar act 1765.
• Pose the question: Why did the king need to tax the colonists? Was it reasonable? • Home work assignment: Find at least 10 different items at your house that would have been taxed. Write them on a sticky note. On another note write at least 2 things that you use that might be taxed today that were not taxed then. • Next day: post and discuss: how would the act look today and how might it affect you? • Do tax activity. (optional)
Lesson 3
Boston Massacre
• Materials needed
1.United Streaming Video Boston Massacre
2.Slide 5
• Objectives: Students will understand the motivation for the Boston Massacre and how it affected the Citizens of Boston.
• They will also become familiar with the term propaganda and how it was used.
Lesson 3 Plans
• Show Video • Show poster 5
• Discuss View point and propaganda. Why did Paul Revere carve the picture inaccurately? • Activity: Have a student from another class come in and do something in your room during the discussion and leave without saying anything. Later ask the students about what happened.
• Discuss how peoples perspective changes depending on how they feel. Example: a call in a game; who you want to win will influence if you thought the call was fair or not. Did anyone’s perspective change because of the Massacre?
• Go to the timeline and move any cards that should be moved.
• Add The Boston Massacre 1770 to the Flip book and time line.
• Writing activity:
• Students are assigned a stakeholder and will write an eye witness account of a person with that perspective.
Lesson 4
Here Comes More
Materials Needed
Poster 8, 9 and 10
Flip book
Graph of stakeholders
Jonney Tramain Video
Students will understand the tea act and why colonists were frustrated with their government. They will be able to tell about the Boston Tea Party and its affects on the colonies. 2. They will also know what percentage of each stakeholder the country was divided into. •
Lesson 4 Plans
Watch Jonney Tramain video
Read and post Poster 8 and 9 Add Tea Act 1773 to flip books
Discuss as class poster 10, Boston Tea Party Handbill
• Reassess Stake holders and who’s who cards, move as necessary
Lesson 5
First Continental Congress
• Materials needed
1.Poster of slide 11 and 12
2.Flip books
• Objectives
1.Students will be able to list the outcomes of the First Continental congress.
2.Students will know where the congress was held and who attended.
First Continental Congress
Add to Flip book
Lesson 5
• Held September 5, 1774
• Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
• Encouraged Boycott of British goods. Names of merchants buying from Britain would be published and goods would be confiscated.
• Declaration of rights and grievances sent to King George III and parliament.
Declaration included:
1. Colonists have the rights of British citizens.
2. They are entitled to Life, Liberty and property.
3. They should be represented in parliament. Lesson 6
How are People Feeling?
• Materials needed:
1.Posters from slides:14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,21, and 22.
2.Primary source analysis sheets.
• Objectives:
1.Students will analyze the primary sources and write a 2 sentence summary of the document.
2.Students will assess which stake holder the document represents.
Lesson 6 Plans
1. Divide class into 8 Groups.
2. Put out posters and analysis papers
3. Have groups go to each station and fill out analysis papers.
4. Whole group discussion.
5. Move who is who cards as appropriate.
Lesson 7
The Regulars are coming To Lexington and Concord
• Materials
1.United streaming Videos
Elementary Video Adventures: Early America Paul Revere and The Minute Men
Why don’t you get a horse Sam Adams
And Then What Happened Paul Revere
CD The Founding of the United States Experience 1765‐1815 Track 4
Worksheet Paul Revere’s Ride
Worksheet Lexington and Concord
Lesson 7
• Objectives:
1. Students will be able to name the reasons for The famous ride and the signal.
2. Students will be able to name the important individuals involved in the ride.
3. Students will know the details about the battles including the conflicting details of the first shot and who started the battle casualties and injuries on each side.
Lesson 8
Second Continental Congress
• Materials Needed
1. Posters for slides 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18.
2. We The People Text.
3. Flip Books
3. Copy of the declaration of Independence.
• Objectives
1. Students will be able to list the accomplishments of the congress.
2. Students will become familiar with the Olive Branch Petition.
3. Students will be able to tell what the different sections of the declaration declare. Lesson 8 Plan
• Put up slide for 2nd Continental congress and add it to the flip book.
• Put up Olive Branch petition slides and discuss the attitude and outcome of the petition.
• Use the We the People book to diagram the Declaration of Independence.
Lesson 9
What about the Natives?
• Materials needed:
1. Poster for slide 18, 19, and 20.
1. Students will understand the attitude of the British and Colonists toward the natives and their attitude towards them.
Lesson 9 Plan
• Read the posters and discuss the Native American part in the Revolution. There were Natives in each of the three stake holder sections.
What about the Slaves
• Materials Needed:
1. Posters for slide 38 and 39
• Objectives:
1. Students will discuss the attitude of the slaves and know that there were slaves and free blacks among each of the stakeholders.
Lesson 10
A few last quotes
• Materials Needed
1.Posters for Slide 30‐37
• Objectives
1.Students will read the final quotes and move any cards as necessary.
• Plans:
Introduce Characters; attend Constitutional Convention and debate
Lesson 11
• Materials needed:
1 Students will introduce the character that they have researched and will attend the Constitutional Convention and represent their character.
Present and explain CBA to students
• Materials Needed:
1.Copy of CBA expectations for each student.
2.Availability of posters for students.
3.Books for extra research.
1.Students will use their research, the posters, flipbooks, and other research books to complete the CBA.
Who has the Right to Vote?
• With the signing of the Declaration a group of citizens were given the right to vote. In most of the Colonies it was white, men that owned property. The fight for suffrage would continue for the rest of the citizens.
• See Section 2
Section 2
Who Should Have the Right to Vote?
After you have finished section 1 you will continue teaching to the end of the Revolutionary war, the articles of confederation, the Constitution and Bill of rights. At this time the right to vote is determined by the states.
Background information
• Needed for this section:
Posters made from the Primary Source Power Point 2.
• Timeline
• Student Who can vote when books.
Who Should Have the Right to Vote?
Table of contents
Lesson 1: Constitutional voting rights
Lesson 2: Who Can Vote Now?
Lesson 3: Civil War
Lesson 4:What about the women?
Lesson 5:What is happening with voters rights?
• Lesson 6: How did we fix things?
• Lesson 7:What about the 18 ‐20 crowd?
• Lesson 8:Those that couldn’t speak the language
Lesson 1
Constitutional Voting Rights Materials needed:
1. Slide 1
• Objective:
• Students will be able to tell what the government’s position on voting rights was, after the Bill of Rights was written.
• Lesson Plan: Read Article 1 Section 4 of the Constitution. (Slide 1) As a class you should determine that each state has the right to decide who can vote in their state. Congress does have the right to change it at any time if necessary but can not appoint the states representative.
Lesson 2
Civil War
• Materials Needed
1. United Streaming Video: Animated Hero Classic, Abraham Lincoln.
2. Posters from slides 3, 4, and 5.
3. Students books
• Objectives:
1. Students will be able to tell the date of the 15th
Amendment was passed and the outcome of the 15th Amendment. Lesson 2 Plans
• Watch United Streaming video: Animated Hero Classics, Abraham Lincoln.
• Post Poster for slide 3, 4, and 5.
Lesson 3
Who Can Vote?
• Materials Needed:
1. Poster for slide 2
2. Student books
1. Students will become aware that there were a very limited percentage of the population that could vote.
Plans for Lesson 3
• Post the poster and discuss the different groups.
• Students will put the date and stake holders that are able to vote on the time line and in their books.
Lesson 4
What about the Women?
• Materials Needed
1.Posters for Slides 6, 7, 8 and 9.
• Objectives
1.Students will know who 3 of the main woman’s rights leaders were and when and how they got the right to vote in Washington and the United States.
Lesson 4 Plans
• Post and discuss the posters.
• Inform the students that woman have been fighting for the right to vote from the time of the revolution. Women in the state of Washington got the right to vote in 1910 and the 19th amendment was passed in 1920.
• Add women’s right to vote to books.
Lesson 5
What is Happening With Voter’s Rights?
• Materials Needed:
1. Poster for slide 10.
2. United Streaming video TLC Elementary School: American Diversity.
• Students will become aware of unfair practices that kept minorities, especially blacks from voting. Lesson 5 Plans • Watch the Video.
• Post the poster and discuss the different laws.
• Determine how each one would keep people from voting.
Lesson 5
How Did We Fix Things?
• Materials Needed:
1.Posters for slides 11‐15.
• Objective:
1.Students will understand the process used to overturn the unfair laws that were keeping people from voting.
Lesson 6 Plans
• Post posters and teach what the voting acts meant in 5th grade language. Have students put the acts in their books.
Lesson 7
The 18‐20 year olds
Materials needed:
Poster for slide 16.
Students will become aware of the fight for the right to vote by the 18 year olds and what the motivation was for the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1970.
Lesson 7 Plans
• Review background of Vietnam war and the push for the right to vote by 18 year olds.
• Post poster and discuss both sides of the debate.
• Add Voting Rights Act of 1970 to student books. Lesson 8
Those Who Couldn’t Speak the Language
• Materials Needed
1.Poster for slide 17.
• Objective:
1.Students will be able to tell about the 1975 act making ballots in different languages a requirement so that people who couldn’t speak the language would still have the ability to vote.
Works Cited
1890s, By The. "Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution." Wikipedia, the Free
Encyclopedia. Web. 30 Sept. 2010.
>. Amendments to the Constitution.
"Abigail Adams Quotes." Share Book Recommendations With Your Friends, Join Book Clubs,
Answer Trivia. Web. 22 Oct. 2009.
<>. Abigalie Adams
"Africans in America/Part 2/Runaway Ad for Titus Close-up." PBS. Web. 20 Sept. 2010.
<>. Information about Colonial Tye.
"American Map - Google Search." Google. Web. 22 Oct. 2010.
an map&gbv=2&aq=0&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=american ma&gs_rfai=>. French and Indian
war map
"American Revolution: Resolutions of the Stamp Act Congress." The History Place. Web. 15
Dec. 2009. <>. Stamp
Act information.
"American Revolution: Resolutions of the Stamp Act Congress." The History Place. Web. 22
Dec. 2009. <>. Stamp
"American Revolution: Second Continental Congress." Oracle ThinkQuest Library. Web. 26
Sept. 2010. <>. Second contenental
congress information. John Hancock quotes.
Arksey, By Laura. the Free Online Encyclopedia of Washington State History.
Web. 18 Sept. 2010.
<>. Hutton
information and quote and Susan B Anthony information .
Beller, Susan Provost, and Larry Day. Yankee Doodle and the Redcoats: Soldiering in the
Revolutionary War. Brookfield, Conn.: Twenty-First Century, 2003. Print. Used for
background informationa and was a source for some of the quotes used in the
"Benedict Arnold's Letter To America - Page 1." Archiving Early America: Primary Source
Material from 18th Century America. Web. 22 Nov. 2009.
<>. Benadedict
Arnold's letter to the country telling why he did what he did.
Boston Massacre Historical Society. Web. 30 Oct. 2009.
<>. Picture Boston Massacure.
Britain, Of Great. "The Sugar Act of 1764." The History Carper -- Primary Source Documents,
Histories, and Stories. Web. 22 Oct. 2010.
<>. Primary source Sugar Act.
Britannia: British History and Travel. Web. 15 Oct. 2010.
<>. Proclamation of Rebelion.
"Common Sense by Thomas Paine." Web. 22 Oct. 2010.
<>. Thomas Paine's
Common Sense
"First Continental Congress." United States History. Web. 30 Oct. 2009.
<>. Information about the 1st
Contenental Congress
Fleming, Thomas J. Everybody's Revolution: a New Look at the People Who Won America's
Freedom. New York: Scholastic Nonfiction, 2006. Print. Used for background
information. Has excellent picturse to show as primary sources.
Keyssar, Alexander. The Right to Vote the Contested History of Democracy in the United States.
New York: Basic, 2000. Print. Used for background information and quotes.
"Quartering Act." Web. 22 Oct. 2009.
<>. Primary sourve
quartering act
"Quartering Acts." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 28 Oct. 2009.
<>. Information
about the Quartering Act.
"Revere Speaks." Web. 15 Nov. 2009.
<>. Actual account from Paul Revere
discribing the ride.
Stanley, George Edward. The New Republic (1763-1815). Milwaukee: World Almanac, 2005.
Print. Excerpts of many primary source documents. General information
"Tea Act." United States History. Web. 28 Oct. 2009.
<>. Information about the tea act.
Washburn, Wilburn. "Indians and the American Revolution." Web. 17
Nov. 2009. <>. Information about Native
Americans and the Revolution.
We the People. the Citizen & the Constitution. Calabasas, CA: Center for Civic Education, 2003.
Print. Class text book
Web. 25 Sept. 2010. <>. Primary source copy of
the tea act and information about it. EALRs:
Social Studies Skills 1.1.1f: Create a product that demonstrates
understanding of information and responds to central questions;
present product to a meaningful audience.
5.1.1: Understands the purpose of documents
and the concepts used in them.
5.1.2: Evaluates the relevance of facts used in
forming a position on an issue or event.
5.2.1: Understands how essintial questions
define the significance of researching an issue or event.
5.3.1: Engages others in discussions that
attempt to clarify and address multiple viewpoints on public issues
based on dey ideals.
5.4.1: Researches multiple perspectives to
take a position on a public or historic issue in paper or presentation.
5.4.2: Prepares a list of resources, including
the title, author and type of source, and arranges the sources
1.1.1b: Identify and analyze relationships
between historical events.
4.1.2: Understands how the following themes
and developments help to define eras in U.S. history from time
immemorial to 1791.
Development of indigenous societies in North America.
Encounter, colonization and devastation.
Revolution and the Constitution.
4.2.2: Analysis how people from various
cultures and groups have shaped the history of the United States.
4.4.1: Understands that significant historical
events in the United States have implications for current decisions and
influence the future.
3.2.1a: Provide examples of conflict,
cooperation and interdependence among individuals, groups, and
1.1.1a: Recognize that wants exceeding
available resources implies alternative uses of the resources and forces
individuals into making choices. Every choice has an associated
opportunity cost in both a personal and community context.
2.1.1: Analyzes the costs and benefits of
decisions colonists made to meet their needs.
2.2.2: Understands how trade affected the
economy of the thirteen colonies.
2.3.1: Understands the impact the British
Government on the economy of the thirteen colonies.
3.1.1: Constructs and uses maps to show and
analyze information about the colonies.
3.1.2: Understands the physical and cultural
characteristics of the thirteen colonies.
3.1.3: Understands and analyzes the impact
of the European colonists' movement to the Americas on the land and
the indigenous peoples.
Optional Tax activity Make up tax scrolls with a tax on something (desk Drink of water, pencil, paper) and amount of money if you have a money or points system in your class (or some other commodity on it) Have another teacher be King for the day and periodically send a student down the read the scroll with the new tax for the class. Reaction to this is a great writing activity Loyalty To Great Britain
Loyalty Tradition
French Indian War 1754
Proclamation of 1765
• French and Indians Fighting Against the Colonies and Great Britain. • No Colonization past the Appalachian Mountains.
The Sugar Act: 1764
• …For every hundred weight avoirdupois of such foreign coffee… two pounds, nineteen shillings, and nine pence…
• For every ton of wine … of the Nadeiras pounds…
• For and upon every gallon of molasses or syrups the sum of three pence…
Quartering act 1765
• Required Colonists to house and feed British Soldiers if necessary.
• Contributed to unrest and protests by colonists.
The Stamp Act: 1765
• …For every skin or piece of vellum or parchment, or sheet or piece of paper, on which shall be engrossed, written or printed, any declaration… or other pleading, or any other pleading, or any copy thereof … within the British colonies and plantation in America, a stamp duty of three pence…
• For every skin or piece of vellum or parchment, or sheet or piece of paper, on which shall be engrossed, written or printed any donation, presentation, collation, … or any writ or instrument for the like purpose, or any register, entry, testimonial, or certificate of any degree taken in any university … or seminary of learning, within said colonies ..a stamp duty of one shilling… Townshend Act 1767
The act was named for Charles Towshend who was the Exchequer or Treasurer in Great Britain. It taxed
Glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea.
Some colonists believed these new taxes were unfair and
Protested and boycotted British goods.
Boston Massacre March 5, 1770 Sons of Liberty reaction to the repeal of the Townsend acts
• Because of the strong reaction of the Colonists, Great Britain took off the tax on everything except the tea.
• The Association of the Sons of Liberty in New York,” published Dec. 15, 1773: “Parliament, in 1770, repealed so much of the Revenue Act as imposed a duty on glass, painters’ colours, and paper, and left the duty on tea, as a test of the parliamentary right to tax us.”
Tea Act 1773
Great Britain in charge of who could buy and sell tea in the colonies. It lowered to price of tea for English Companies. There was also a tax on
Tea sold. Resolved, that whoever shall aid or abet, or in any manner assist, in the introduction of tea from any place whatsoever, into this colony, while it is subject, by a British Act of Parliament, to the payment of a duty, for the purpose of raising a revenue in America, he shall be deemed an enemy to the liberties of America."—The Association of the Sons of Liberty of New York
Boston Tea Party Handbill Published December 2, 1773
• Whereas it has been reported that a permit will be given by the Custom house for landing the tea now on board a vessel laying in this harbor, commanded by Captain Hall: this is to remind the public that it was solemnly voted by the body of the people of this and the neighboring towns assembled at the Old South meeting‐house on Tuesday the 30th day of November, that the said tea never should be landed in this province, or pay one farthing of duty. And as the aiding or assisting in procuring or granting any such permit for landing the said tea, or any other tea o circumstanced, or in offering any permit, when obtained, to the master or commander of the said ship, or any other ship in the same situation, must betray an inhuman thirst for blood, and will also in a great measure accelerate confusion and civil are; this is to assure such public enemies of this country that they will be considered and treated as wretches unworthy to live, and will be made the first victims of our just resentment.
First Continental Congress September 1774
• Attended by 12 of the 13 Colonies – Georgia didn’t come because they were fighting Native Americans and needed the British Army’s help.
– Encouraged a Boycott of British Goods. Names of merchants buying from Britain would be published and contraband would be confiscated.
– Declaration of Rights and Grievances sent to King George III and parliament.
– http://www.u‐s‐
First Continental Congress
Declaration of Rights and Grievances …That the inhabitants of the English Colonies in North America, by the immutable laws of nature, the principals of the English constitution, and the several charters or compacts have the following rights:
• … That they are entitled to life liberty and property, and they have never ceded … a right to dispose of either without their consent.
• … That our ancestors, who first settled these colonies, were …entitled to all the rights, liberties and immunities of free and natural‐born subjects, within the realm of England.
• … That the foundation of English liberty and all free government, is a right in the people to participate in their legislative council: and as the English colonists are not represented and … cannot properly be represented in the British Parliament, the are entitled to a free and exclusive power of legislation in the several provincial legislatures …
Provincial Congress of Massachusetts February 20, 1775
• “Most earnestly recommended to the militia in general, as well as the detached part of I in minute‐men, that they spare neither time, pains, nor expenses… in perfecting themselves forthwith in military discipline … that the encourage such persons as are skilled in the manufactory of fire‐arms and bayonets, diligently to apply themselves there for supplying such of the inhabitants as shall be deficient.”
Second Continental Congress
• Olive Branch Petition
• Boycotts
• Washington was Appointed General over the army.
• Letter to Native Americans
• Declaration of independence.
Olive Branch Petition
Olive Branch Petition
July 5, 1775
• To the King's Most Excellent Majesty. Most Gracious Sovereign,
• We your Majesty's faithful subjects of the colonies of New‐Hampshire, Massachusetts‐bay, Rhode island and Providence plantations, Connecticut, New‐York, New‐
Jersey, Pennsylvania, the counties of New Castle, Kent, and Sussex on Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina, in behalf of ourselves and the inhabitants of these colonies, who have deputed us to represent them in general Congress, entreat your Majesty’s gracious attention to this our humble petition.
John Hancock
Continental Congress 1775
• You Indians, are not concerned in it, we don’t wish you to take up the hatchet against the king’s troops, we desire you to remain at home, and not join either side
Ethan Allen to the Iroquois
• Ethan Allen, of Vermont, sent a message to the Iroquois urging them to shun the King's side. Allen asserted: I know how to shute and ambush just like the Indian and want your Warriors to come and see me and help me fight Regulars You know they Stand all along close Together Rank and file and my men fight so as Indians Do I want your Warriors to Join with me and my Warriors like Brothers and Ambush the Regulars, if you will I will Give you Money Blankets Tomahawks Knives and Paint and the Like as much as you say because they first killed our men when it was Peace time.
Iroquois response to the British • We have now lived in Peace with them a long time and we resolve to continue to do so as long as we can ‐ when they hurt us it is time enough to strike them. It is true they have encroach'd on our Lands, but of this we shall speak to them. If you are so strong Brother, and they but as a weak Boy, why ask our assistance. It is true I am tall and strong but I will reserve my strength to strike those who injure me. If you have so great plenty of Warriors, Powder, Lead and Goods, and they are so few and little of either, be strong and make good use of them. You say their Powder is rotten ‐ We have found it good. You say they are all mad, foolish, wicked, and deceitful ‐ I say you are so and they are wise for you want us to destroy ourselves in your War and they advise us to live in Peace. Their advice we intend to follow.
August 23, 1775A proclamation issued by George III, responding to increasing Proclamation of Rebellion
hostilities in the American colonies.Whereas many of our subjects in divers parts of our Colonies and Plantations in North America, misled by dangerous and ill designing men, and forgetting the allegiance which they owe to the power that has protected and supported them; after various disorderly acts committed in disturbance of the publick peace, to the obstruction of lawful commerce, and to the oppression of our loyal subjects carrying on the same; have at length proceeded to open and avowed rebellion, by arraying themselves in a hostile manner, to withstand the execution of the law, and traitorously preparing, ordering and levying war against us: And whereas, there is reason to apprehend that such rebellion hath been much promoted and encouraged by the traitorous correspondence, counsels and comfort of divers wicked and desperate persons within this realm: To the end therefore, that none of our subjects may neglect or violate their duty through ignorance thereof, or through any doubt of the protection which the law will afford to their loyalty and zeal, we have thought fit, by and with the advice of our Privy Council, to issue our Royal Proclamation, hereby declaring, that not only all our Officers, civil and military, are obliged to exert their utmost endeavours to suppress such rebellion, and to bring the traitors to justice, but that all our subjects of this Realm, and the dominions thereunto belonging, are bound by law to be aiding and assisting in the suppression of such rebellion, and to disclose and make known all traitorous conspiracies and attempts against us our crown and dignity; and we do accordingly strictly charge and command all our Officers, as well civil as military, and all others our obedient and loyal subjects, to use their utmost endeavours to withstand and suppress such rebellion, and to disclose and make known all treasons and traitorous conspiracies which they shall know to be against us
Declaration of Independence
Picture from National archives
Ben Franklin
•“We must all hang together, or we will all hang separately.”
Patrick Henry’s Speech:
March 23, 1775
• … “I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging the future but by the past …
– Sir, we have done everything that could be done to avert the storm which is now coming on – Gentlemen may cry, “Peace, peace!” –but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! …Why stand idle? … I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”
Holt’s Journal
A colonial Newspaper, April 4 1775
• “a royal proclamation, declaring the inhabitants of Massachusetts Bay … actual rebels, with a blank commission to try and execute such of them as he (British General Thomas Gage) can get hold of.”
Thomas Paine’s
Common Sense: 1776
• O! ye that love mankind! Ye that dare oppose not only the tyranny but the tyrant, stand forth! Every spot of the old world is overrun with oppression. Freedom hath been hunted round the Globe. Asia and Africa have long expelled her. Europe regards her like a stranger, and England hath given her warning to depart. O! Receive the fugitive, and prepare in time an asylum for mankind.
A Motion in the Virginia House of Burgess May 29, 1765
• “The first adventurers and settlers of this his Majesty’s colony and dominion of Virginia, brought with them … all the privileges and immunities that have at an time been held, enjoyed and possessed by the people of Great Britain.”
Eliza Wilkinson, a young South Carolina girl
• “When the British embarked for America, they were sure of success; for they expected no opposition from a people so little skilled in arms; and who had no experience in the art of war; but to their cost they found, that those who have a true sense of their rights and liberties, will conquer difficulties by daring to oppose them”
Jonathan Boucher An American Loyalist
• Though I really had no views nor wishes but such as I believed to be for the true interest of the country, all the forward and noisy patriots, both in the Assembly and out of it, agreed to consider me as an obnoxious person. Abigail Adams
• I long to hear that you have declared an independency &endash; and by the way in the new code of laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would remember the ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. Remember, men would be tyrants if they could.
John Dickinson refused to sign the Declaration of Independence • I value the love of my country as I ought; but I value my country more ... The declaration will not strengthen us by one man or by the least supply, while it may expose our soldiers to additional cruelties and outrages. Without some precursory trials of our strength we ought not to commit our country upon an alternative where to recede would be infamy and to persist might be destructive {original obscured} abrogating for ever their connection with a warlike commercial empire. It might unite the different parties in Great Britain against us; and it might create disunion among ourselves.
John Dickinson
• Would not sign the Declaration of Independence and resigned from congress. He said he could not be part of treason.
• He later wrote The Liberty Song.
• “Then join in hand brave Americans all,
• By uniting we stand and, and by dividing we fall.”
Nathan Hale
• “I only regret that I have but one life to Lose for my country.”
John Hancock
• The British had said that if anyone could capture one of the Sons of Liberty that there would be a reward. John Hancock was one of the Sons of Liberty. He said something about this at the signing of the Declaration of Independence,"The British ministry can read that name without spectacles; let them double their reward."
Richard Henry Lee
• “That these United States are and ought to be free and independent states; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown; and that all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain is , and ought to be, totally dissolved.” A letter Written by a British Soldier
in the Spring of 1781
I wish our ministry could send us a Hercules to conquer these obstinate Americans, whose aversion to the cause of Britain grows stronger every day.If you go into company with any of them occasionally they are barely civil, and that is, as Jack Falstaff says, by compulsion. They are in general sullen, silent and thoughtful. The King's health they dare not refuse, but they drink it in such a manner as if they expected it would choke them.The assemblies which the officers have opened, in hopes to give an air of gaiety and cheerfulness to themselves and the inhabitants, are but dull and gloomy meetings; the men play at cards, indeed, to avoid talking, but the women are seldom or never to be persuaded to dance. Even in their dresses the females seem to bid us defiance; the gay toys which are imported here they despise; they wear their own homespun manufactures, and take care to have in their breasts knots, and even on their shoes something that resembles their flag of the thirteen stripes. An officer told Lord Cornwallis not long ago, that he believed if he had destroyed all the men in North America, we should have enough to to to conquer the women. I am heartily tired of this country, and wish myself at home.
John Adams
• “Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people. This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution.”
Lord Dunmore’s Proclamation
• And I hereby further declare all indented servants, Negroes, or others (appertaining to Rebels) free, that are able and willing to bear arms, they joining His Majesty's Troops, as soon as may be, for the more speedily reducing the Colony to a proper sense of their duty, to this Majesty's crown and dignity.‐‐
Lord Dunmore's Proclamation
• Runaway ad for Titus who Later became known as Colonel Tye
Revolutionary War Figures
Lord Charles Cornwallis – British General
Abigail Adams ‐ slide
John Adams ‐ slide
John Andre – British Major – Was captured while working with Benedict Arnold trying to capture George Washington. The plans were in his socks. He was hung at the age of 31.
Colonel Tye – African American Loyalist. Led a gorilla militia against the patriots.
Benedict Arnold
John Dickenson
Ben Franklin
• King George III
• Nathanial Greene – Major General in the militia. Was a Quaker and was expelled for attending a local militia parade.
• Nathan Hale
• Boston King
• John Hancock
• Patrick Henry
• Agrippa Hull
Prince Hall
Richard Henry Lee
General William Howe – British General
Thomas Jefferson
Cybil Ludington – Her father was a Cornel in the Militia. At the age of 15 she rode out to warn him of British danger.
Thomas Paine
Molly Pitcher
William Prescott ‐ Bunker Hill
Paul Revere
George Washington
Other Cards to make
Hessian Soldiers
Shop keepers
Plantation owners
Native Americans
US Constitution
Article 1 Section 4
• The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Place of Chusing Senators.
Who Can Vote? •
White men who own property
All white men
White women
African American men
Native Americans
African American women
General William Sherman, “when the fight is over, the hand that drops the musket cannot be denied the ballot. Henry Ward Beecher
Influential New York Protestant Minister • The broad and radical rights of men shall be applied to all men without regard to race, color or condition.
15th Amendment
• Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
• Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
May Arkwright Hutton
Lived in Spokane Washington
"Women should vote because they have
the intelligence to vote. They should vote
because it gives them responsibilities,
and responsibilities better fit women for
all conditions of life. Equality before the
law gives women a fair chance with men
in a question of wages for the same
work. In other words, the
enfranchisement of women means a
square deal for all”
Susan B. Anthony
It was we, the people; not we, the white
male citizens; nor yet we, the male
citizens; but we, the whole people, who
formed the Union.
Men - their rights and nothing more;
Women - their rights and nothing less.
[There never will be complete equality until
women themselves help to make laws and
elect lawmakers.
Emma Smith DeVoe
19th Amendment
• The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
• Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Voting Restrictions
Literacy Tests
Poll Taxes
Residency Requirements
Primary restrictions
Voting Rights Act of 1957
• House Report 291, Accompanying , H.R. 6127 The Civil Rights Act of 1957
• As Americans, we must also realize and accept the fact that the responsibility of worldwide leadership carries with it a concomitant duty of providing the world with examples of freedom and liberty in our daily lives. Any intolerance or discrimination or deprivation of our constitutionally guaranteed rights and privileges resound and reverberate throughout the globe.
Civil Rights Act of 1957
• Commision on Civil Rights
• Courts could file civil suits in voting rights cases.
Civil Rights Act of 1957
• Commision on Civil Rights
• Courts could file civil suits in voting rights cases.
House Minority Report
• It seems that neither Thaddeus Stevens nor Charles Sumner ever advocated any such thing as is found in the present proposed legislation, which has the effect of making the United States the parent guardian of minority groups, and the pursuer of all of the other citizens in the United States…
• Why swap the harmony and unity prevailing over this country for proposals that will undoubtedly bring chaos, dissension and strife into this land so rich with promise for the future, that promise being predicated upon a glorious past.
Voting Rights Act of 1965
5 years
• Immediate end to literacy tests and other devices ( including “good character tests and other character requirements and the need for someone to vouch for them)
• Federal exameners to enroll voters
• Governments couldn’t change voting laws without approval
• Justice department test of poll taxes
18‐20 Year Olds Voting Rights act 1970
Emanuel Celler New York Democrat
“To my mind the voting age and the draft age are as different as chalk is from cheese. The thing called for in a soldier is uncritical obedience, and that is not what you want in a voter.”
Justice Douglas Oregon vs Mitchell
“It is reasoned judgment that those who have such a large stake in modern elections as 18‐
year‐olds, whether in times of war or peace, should have political equality.”
• Included Language minorities
• Hispanics ,Native Americans, Alaskan Natives, and Asian Americans
Revolutionary War Research Name of Person________________ Date of birth_____ Date of death_____ Age when declaration was signed_______ Where they lived during the revolutionary war______________ What side were they on?__________________ What did they do to contribute to their beliefs? ________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________ What other interesting things did they do? ________________________________________________________________
________________________ Try and find a quote ________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________ Look for a picture of your person. Revolutionary War Research Power Point
Your Name
Person Researched
Statistical information
Primary source and Picture
What were they remembered for
Interesting Facts
Wanted Poster
Name of person
Who are they wanted by?
What are they wanted for? ( be specific )
What is the reward? ( be realistic )
What will happen to them when they are caught?
Picture of the person
Wanted Poster
Name of person
Who are they wanted by?
What are they wanted for? ( be specific )
What is the reward? ( be realistic )
What will happen to them when they are caught?
Picture of the person