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2nd Six Weeks Test Review (Key)
1. According to the theory of mercantilism, the principal purpose of the 13 American colonies was
to provides Great Britain with- Raw Materials and Markets
2. According to the Declaration of Independence, the main purpose of government is to –
- Protect the rights of it’s citizens
3. What was the main purpose for writing the Declaration of Independence?
- To explain to the world (present and future) why the colonists split from England.
4. What were the roles of the following people whom played key roles in the American
Revolution? Haym Solomon, Benjamin Franklin, Patrick Henry, John Adams, Wentworth
Cheswell, Bernardo de Galvez, Crispus Attucks and James Armistead.
See your Revolutionaries foldable for these answers.
5. The authors of the Declaration of Independence used the phrase “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit
of Happiness.” This phrase was used to identify what?
- Unalienable Rights
6. The main reason that Great Britain established the Proclamation Line of 1763 was to –
- To protect the colonists from conflicts with Native Americans.
7. Which geographic feature served as the western boundary for British colonial settlements
before the American Revolutionary War?
- Appalachian Mountains
8. The American colonists used the slogan, “No taxation without representation. “ to express their
belief in the need for –
The consent of the governed.
9. During the 1700’s, the triangular trade routes influenced the economy of the New England
Colonies by- Trade with the West Indies created markets which helped merchants and shipping.
10. Which document included the idea first suggested by John Locke that people have a right to
overthrow a government that oppresses them?
- Declaration of Independence
11. According to the theory of mercantilism, the principal purpose of the 13 original colonies was to
provide Great Britain with –
- Raw Materials and Markets
12. The principals of government that Thomas Jefferson included in the Declaration of
Independence were most influenced by… (Author and document/literature)?
- John Locke’s “Social Contract” Theory.
13. British colonists objected to the Proclamation of 1763 because they –
- Wanted to expand westward but were not allowed to.
14. In 1787, Congress awarded John Paul Jones the Congressional Medal in honor of his “valor and
brilliant services” during the Revolutionary War. Which accomplishment was Congress
- Commanding a naval victory over the British off of the Labrador coast.
15. What did Samuel Adams say about taxation without representation?
- That “taxation without representation is tyranny.”
16. What is civil disobedience? Which action by the colonists could be categorized as an act of civil
- Breaking laws to create social change.
- The Boston Tea Party.
17. What was the Stamp Act? How did it impact the colonists in leading them to declare
independence from England?
- Tax on paper items in the colonies.
- The colonists’ protests were met with opposition from the British which led to conflict and
18. Who was named Commander and Chief of the Continental Army by the Continental Congress?
- George Washington