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1) The first permanent English colony in the New World was established in what is now: A) Massachusetts B) New York C) Virginia D) Georgia 2) Rich soil and long growing seasons led to what type of economy in the Southern colonies? A) An economy based upon subsistence agriculture B) An economy based on cash crops C) An industrial economy D) An economy based upon shipbuilding and maritime trade 3) Why did Roger Williams establish the colony of Rhode Island? A) He was banished from Pennsylvania due to religious intolerance there B) He wanted to make money trading furs with the Indians C) The soil was well suited for growing cotton, so he established Providence Plantation D) He was banished from Massachusetts and wanted a place where he could worship freely 4) Which persecuted religious group(s) settled in Massachusetts in the 17th Century? A) Quakers B) Puritans C) Catholics and Jews D) Anglicans 5) Which choice best describes politics in 17th Century British colonies? A) Land-­‐owning white males participated in town-­‐hall meetings and practiced direct democracy in Virginia B) The "Half-­‐way Covenant" allowed partial membership in the House of Burgesses C) The basis for suffrage was church membership in New England and land ownership in Virginia D) Men and women could vote in most British colonies 6) Which of the following best describes mercantilism? A) An economic system in which the government owns all businesses B) An economic system in which the government leaves business alone C) An economic system in which colonies exist for the benefit of the mother country and trade is strictly controlled D) An economic system in which merchants run the government 7) The system of trade that emerged between Africa, North America, and Europe in the 17th Century was known as: A) The Middle Passage B) Triangular Trade C) New Immigration D) The Great Awakening 8) Dialects such as Creole in Louisiana and Gullah in coastal Georgia are examples of A) Cultural blending of French and Indian languages B) Cultural blending of French and British cooking C) Cultural blending of European and African religions D) Cultural blending of African and European languages 9) Born to a poor family in 1706, this Founding Father was an author, scientist, diplomat, scientist and politician. A) Samuel Gompers B) George Washington C) Thomas Jefferson D) Benjamin Franklin 10) All of the following are associated with the First Great Awakening EXCEPT: A) A more emotional style of preaching B) challenges to established religious authority C) social reform movements such as abolition and temperance D) Jonathan Edwards, William Tennent, and George Whitfield 11) Which law ordered the colonists to stay out of land west of the Appalachian Mountains following the French and Indian War? A) Treaty of Paris 1763 B) Proclamation of 1763 C) Intolerable Acts D) Coercive Acts 12) How did the British respond to the Boston Tea Party? A) Realizing how unpopular the tax on tea was, they repealed it B) They lowered the tax after the colonists paid for the tea they destroyed C) The British passed a series of laws designed to punish the colonists D) They replaced the tax on tea with a tax on whiskey 13) What was the main argument the colonists made against British taxes? A) the colonists shouldn't be taxed because they lacked representation in Parliament B) the taxes were unfair because the colonists paid higher taxes than people in England C) the colonists didn't receive anything from the government in return for their taxes D) the colonists weren't being protected from the Indians 14) Whose best-­‐selling work suggested that it was absurd to be loyal to a government three thousand miles away? A) Thomas Jefferson B) Benjamin Franklin C) Upton Sinclair D) Thomas Paine 15) "THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value." -­‐ Thomas Paine, The Crisis, December 23, 1776 In this section of The Crisis, Paine is suggesting that A) the war will soon be over. B) Americans are too weak to fight. C) times are tough, but victory is possible. D) the British are too powerful to conquer 16) Montesquieu is credited with devising the basic Constitutional principle of A) natural rights. B) popular sovereignty. C) separation and balance of governmental power. D) government was created by man for his own purposes. 17) Thomas Jefferson was important in the Revolutionary era because A) he wrote much of the Declaration of Independence. B) he was elected the President of the Continental Congress. C) his philosophies were used in the influential pamphlet Common Sense. D) his leadership and moral stand lead to the colonies to fight for the abolition of slavery. 18) Social Contract Theory holds that governments get their power from the people, and that if the government no longer serves the people it can be overthrown. Which of these offers the BEST example of Social Contract Theory in practice in America? A) The Bill of Rights B) The Federalist Papers C) The Articles of Confederation D) The Declaration of Independence 19) Valley Forge is significant in the American Revolution because A) The British Army surrendered there, marking an end to the fighting in the war B) It was where the 'Shot heard round the world' was fired C) It was the location of the winter camp where the Continental Army trained in 1777-­‐78 D) It marked the only time Washington was defeated in battle 20) Charles Cornwallis is significant because: A) He was one of George Washington's best officers B) He was the commander of British forces opposing Washington C) He was instrumental in helping Washington gain a foreign ally D) He helped write the Articles of Confederation 21) Where was the new western boundary of the United States after the Treaty of Paris (1783) A) The Appalachian Mountains B) The Mississippi River C) The Great Lakes D) The Rocky Mountains 22) What were the Federalist Papers? A) A series of essays arguing for the ratification of the Articles of Confederation B) A series of essays arguing against the ratification of the Constitution C) A series of essays explaining why a Bill of Rights was necessary D) A series of essays arguing for the ratification of the Constitution 23) All of the following were reasons why the Constitution was adopted over the Articles of Confederation EXCEPT: A) The Articles gave too much power to the state governments B) The legislative branch didn't have much power under the Articles C) Shay's Rebellion illustrated the weaknesses of the Articles D) It was difficult for the national government to collect taxes or create treaties 24) What is the purpose of the United States Bill of Rights? A) to provide more power to the national government B) to protect individual rights of the people C) to make it easier to collect taxes D) to establish the rule of law 25) "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible.... . Europe has a set of primary interests which to us have none; or a very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies, the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves by artificial ties in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities .... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world...." This quotation represents a major principle of US foreign policy known as _______, first espoused in the famous farewell address by President George Washington. A) Emancipation B) Imperialism C) Expansionism D) Neutrality 26) Which document in 1823 served as a warning to European nations to not try and re-­‐
colonize Latin America and established the U.S. as a protectorate of the Western hemisphere? A) Monroe Doctrine B) Manifest Destiny C) Emancipation Proclamation D) Roosevelt Corollary 27) During the early 1800s the British Navy began to take U.S. sailors and sea merchants captive during the early 1800s, forcing them to work on British ships. What was this practice called? A) arrest B) impressment C) imprisonment D) slavery 28) On the map above, which letter represents the Louisiana Purchase? A B C D 29) Historians regard Thomas Jefferson's decision to purchase the Louisiana Territory from France as being out of character for him because A) he had campaigned against such a purchase. B) he is considered to be a strict constructionist. C) he thought the country was too big prior to the purchase. D) he had previously said the Louisiana Territory as useless. 30) The land included in the Northwest Territories was ceded to the United States following A) the defeat of Spanish colonies in the region. B) Great Britain's defeat in the American Revolution. C) the Indian removal that occurred after the French and Indian War. D) the withdrawal of the French colonists following the French Revolution. 31) As a result of the westward expansion of the United States, A) laws were passed to limit immigration from Europe. B) laws were passed to preserve the civil rights of the Native Americans. C) cities like Cleveland, St. Louis, and Chicago attracted many new settlers. D) Canada declared war on the United States to halt our acquisition of new territory. 32) We hold these truths to be self-­‐evident: that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." This quote from the Seneca Falls "Declaration of Sentiments" closely follows the wording of the Declaration of Independence and was an important document in the early years of A) the abolition movement. B) the temperance movement. C) the labor union movement. D) the women's rights movement. 33) The cotton gin was an important invention because A) it inadvertently led to the spread of slavery. B) it made cotton much easier for slaves to pick. C) it prevented insects from damaging the cotton. D) it caused people to stop needing so much cotton. 34) All of the following were characteristics of "Jacksonian Democracy" EXCEPT: A) A strong executive branch B) expansion of suffrage C) the awarding of jobs to political supporters D) abolitionism and fair treatment of Indians 35) Which of these had the BIGGEST impact on industrialization in the early 1800s? A) the light bulb B) the transistor C) interchangeable parts D) internal combustion engine 36) The Nullification Crisis of 1832 centered around A) the annexation of Texas. B) Jackson's War on the Bank. C) decreased trade with France. D) southern opposition to tariffs. 37) This man's attempt to start a slave revolt in 1831 led to southern states taking harsher measures to prevent slave uprisings: A) John Brown B) James Brown C) Nat Turner D) Ike Turner 38) All of the following were well known for being abolitionists EXCEPT: A) Horace Mann B) The Grimke Sisters C) Frederick Douglass D) William Lloyd Garrison 39) The closure of the slave market in Washington DC and the Fugitive Slave Act were part of: A) The Wilmot Proviso B) The Missouri Compromise C) The Compromise of 1850 D) The Dredd Scott Decision 40) Which of these is an example of sectionalism? A) all states following the same laws B) all states having separate economies C) protecting America’s resources from foreign attack D) celebrating patriotism with one’s family and friends 41) What right did President Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus allow him to do during the Civil War? A) Emancipate the slaves in the North B) Emancipate the slaves in the South C) Put 13,000 Confederate sympathizers in jail without charges D) Give all former slaves 40 acres and a mule 42) Which Civil War battle, in which 16,000 people died, prompted President Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation? A) Antietam B) Appomattox C) Murfreesboro D) Vicksburg 43) Which of the following was a result of John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry? A) An increase in slave revolts in the South B) More support for slavery in the North C) An increase in abolitionism in the South D) Increasing tension between North and South as the South contemplated secession 44) Which of the following was a Southern advantage in the Civil War? A) Larger population B) Superior transportation network (railroads and canals) C) Superior industrial capacity D) None of the above E) All of the above 45) What was General William T. Sherman best known for during the Civil War? A) Accepting Robert E. Lee's surrender after the Battle of Appomattox Courthouse B) A "scorched earth" style of warfare, destroying much of the South's infrastructure C) Accepting Ulysses S Grant's surrender after the Battle of Appomattox Courthouse D) Being shot by his own men following the Battle of Chancellorsville 46) Which Constitutional Amendment calls for due process and equal treatment under the law? A) 13th Amendment B) 14th Amendment C) 15th Amendment D) 16th Amendment 47) Which president was impeached for violating the Tenure of Office Act? A) Andrew Johnson B) Ulysses S Grant C) Rutherford B Hayes D) Abraham Lincoln 48) What was the name given to members of Congress who opposed President Lincoln and Johnson's lenient plans for Reconstruction? A) Scalawags B) Radical Republicans C) Carpetbaggers D) Freedmen 49)