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Home Economics – Senior 3
Ms. Azzopardi
St. Catherine High School, Pembroke
Home Economics
Food, Nutrition and Health – Revision Pack
Name: ________________________
Class: ______________
Food, Nutrition and Health
1. Many people think that health is about not being sick. But the World Health
Organisation says otherwise.
a. How does the World Health Organisation define health? (Tick the correct one).
i. A state of physical well-being.
ii. A state of physical, social and emotional well-being.
iii. A state of physical, social, emotional and intellectual well-being.
b. Give the definition of the following:
Diet: ______________________________________________________________________
Malnutrition: _______________________________________________________________
iii. Undernutrition: _____________________________________________________________
c. List the 5 food groups which are found in the CINDI food pyramid.
d. Which food group should we eat the LEAST?
2. There are 5 nutrients that our body needs.
a. For each of these nutrients, list their main function and ONE food source.
One food source
Home Economics – Senior 3
Ms. Azzopardi
b. What is the difference between Macro nutrients and Micro nutrients?
c. The Macro nutrients provide us with energy. List the energy value (in kcal) that is
provided by:
i. 1 gram of carbohydrates: ______________
ii. 1 gram of protein: ____________
iii. 1 gram of fats: ___________
d. What percentage of daily energy intake should come from:
i. Carbohydrates? _____________
ii. Fats? _____________
iii. Proteins? _____________
3. One of the most important nutrients is Protein.
a. Are the following phrases referring to ESSENTIAL amino acids or NON-ESSENTIAL
amino acids?
i. These are made by the body.
ii. These need to be taken from the
food we eat.
b. Essential amino acids can be of High Biological Value or Low Biological Value.
Explain the difference between HBV and LBV.
Write down TWO food sources of:
HBV protein:
LBV protein:
Home Economics – Senior 3
Ms. Azzopardi
iii. Write down ONE dish that makes use of complementary protein.
4. Carbohydrates are classified into THREE groups.
a. Which are these three categories of carbohydrates?
b. Sugar is a type of carbohydrate.
Name ONE condition that can result from high intake of sugar.
Name the 3 monosaccharides:
iii. Name the 3 disaccharides:
iv. Give THREE practical ways how one can reduce the intake of sugar.
5. Dietary fibre is also known as cellulose.
a. Give another name for dietary fibre (other than cellulose).
b. Why does our body need fibre?
c. What can happen if one does NOT take enough fibre? (Underline the answer)
Tooth decay
List TWO practical ways how we can increase fibre intake.
Home Economics – Senior 3
Ms. Azzopardi
Suggest a meal that is high in fibre.
6. Water is very important to sustain life.
a. Give TWO reasons why our body needs water.
b. Name THREE food sources of water.
c. How many litres of water should we drink each day?
7. Write down TWO hygiene rules and TWO safety rules that should be followed in the
Hygiene rules: _________________________________________________________________
Safety rules:
8. a. List the 4 functions of fats.
b. Explain what is:
Saturated fat: ________________________________________________________________
Unsaturated fat: ______________________________________________________________
iii. Cholesterol: __________________________________________________________________
iv. Essential fats: _________________________________________________________________
Home Economics – Senior 3
Ms. Azzopardi
c. Name 3 conditions that can result if we eat too many fatty foods.
d. Suggest 3 practical ways of reducing our fat intake.
e. Draw AND label a diagram to show what CHD is.
9. Milk is described as a complete food.
a. Why is milk so important for our health?
b. Suggest a type of milk suitable for the following:
An obese woman: ___________________________________
A 3 months old baby: ________________________________
iii. An elderly man: _____________________________________
c. Why is milk heat treated?
d. Name FOUR dairy products.
e. Explain the following:
Bio-yoghurts: ______________________________________________________________
Home Economics – Senior 3
Ms. Azzopardi
Lactose intolerance: _____________________________________________________
10. This question is about the rubbing-in method.
a. Name TWO desserts that can be prepared with the rubbing-in method.
b. Rebecca will be making the shortcrust pastry with the rubbing-in method. She
is making 400g of pastry.
How much flour will she use? ___________________________________
How much margarine will she use? _____________________________
iii. At what temperature should she bake the pie? _________________________
c. Briefly describe how Rebecca should make the shortcrust pastry.
d. Why should Rebecca knead the dough?
e. Why should Rebecca use her finger tips to rub the fat into the flour?
11. Rebecca will also be making some cupcakes.
a. Which method of cake making will she use to make the cupcakes?
b. Why are cakes made with this method called ‘rich cakes’?
c. Rebecca decided to do the cupcakes with the food mixer. Which attachment
should she use to prepare the cupcake mixture? ____________________________
Home Economics – Senior 3
Ms. Azzopardi
12. One of the main ingredients needed to make cakes are eggs.
a. Why are people suffering of high blood cholesterol advised not to eat many
b. Explain the difference between free-range and battery-farmed eggs.
c. Comment about the nutrients present in eggs.
d. Name a dish whereby eggs are used as:
Coating: __________________________________________________________________
Binding: ___________________________________________________________________
iii. Emulsifying: _______________________________________________________________
13. Another useful food in our diet are cereals.
a. List the 6 cereals.
b. Draw AND label the structure of a cereal grain.
Home Economics – Senior 3
Ms. Azzopardi
c. Explain why wholemeal flour is considered healthier than white flour.
d. What is ‘extraction rate’?
e. Why are oats ideal for people who suffer of high cholesterol levels?
f. Coeliac sufferers cannot take gluten.
What is gluten?
Why can’t coeliac sufferers take gluten?
iii. Draw the symbol found on gluten-free products.
14. Pulses are widely used in food preparation.
a. Which are the 3 main TYPES of pulses?
b. Name 2 dishes which make use of pulses.
c. How should pulses be stored?
d. Describe how fresh pulses should be prepared before eaten.