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The world of microbes
Bacteria are prokaryotes (single cells
that do not contain a nucleus).
 Bacteria lack the membrane-bound nuclei
of eukaryotes; their DNA forms a tangle
known as a nucleoid, but there is no
membrane around the nucleoid, and the
DNA is not bound to proteins as it is in
Bacteria are living things that are neither
plants nor animals, but belong to a group
all by themselves.
 They are very small--individually not more
than one single cell--however there are
normally millions of them together, for
they can multiply really fast.
Bacteria Morphology
Most bacteria are very small, a few
micrometers in length.
 Come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
 Shape is used for classification.
Size and Shape
Sphere (coccus)
May exist as a
 Most often exits as
a multi-cell form.
Multi-celled arrangements
Two cocci joined
 Chains of cocci
 Clusters
 Packets of eight
Rod-like (bacillus)
Short to very long
Multi-celled arrangements
Two bacilli joined
 Chains of bacilli
 Clusters
 Packets of eight
The cell membrane is surrounded by a
cell wall in all bacteria except one group,
the Mollicutes, which includes pathogens
such as the mycoplasmas.
 The composition of the cell wall varies
among species and is an important
character for identifying and classifying
Cell Wall
There are broadly speaking two different
types of cell wall in bacteria, called Grampositive and Gram-negative.
◦ The names originate from the reaction of cells
to the Gram stain, a test long-employed for the
classification of bacterial species.
Cell Wall
In this diagram, the
bacterium has a
fairly thick cell wall
made of
polymers crosslinked by proteins);
such bacteria retain
a purple color when
stained with a dye
known as crystal
violet, and are
known as GramGram
Gram Positive
Other bacteria have
double cell walls,
with a thin inner
wall of
peptidoglycan and
an outer wall of
proteins, and lipids.
Such bacteria do
not stain purple
with crystal violet
and are known as
Gram Negative
Gram Negative
Many but not all bacteria exhibit motility, i.e.
self-propelled motion
Motion can be achieved by one of three
 Flagella (singular, flagellum)
 Axial filament (a specialized internal
structure which is responsible for
rotation of the cell in a spiral fashion
and consequent locomotion of the
Spirochaetes a helical bacteria.)
 Slime (as seen with gliding bacteria)
Bacterial Motility
In some bacteria, there is only a single flagellum such cells are called monotrichous.
 the flagellum is usually located at one end of the cell
Some bacteria have a single flagellum at both
ends - amphitrichous.
Many bacteria have numerous flagella;
 if these are located as a tuft at one end of the cell, this is
described as lophotrichous (e.g. Chromatium),
 if they are distributed all over the cell, as peritrichous.
Bacteria anatomy
Flagella consist of
a hollow, rigid
cylinder composed
of a protein called
flagellin, 20 nm in
diameter and 1520 µm long which
protrude from the
cell surface.
Flagellae are, in
effect, rotary
motors comprising
a number of
proteinaceous rings
embedded in the
cell wall.
In action, the
filament rotates at
speeds from 200 to
more than 1,000
revolutions per
second, driving the
rotation of the
flagellum. The
direction of rotation
determines the
movement of the
Fimbriae and pili are interchangeable
terms used to designate short, hair-like
structures on the surfaces of procaryotic
cells. They are composed of protein.
 Generally, fimbriae have nothing to do
with bacterial movement. They are most
often involved in adherence of bacteria to
surfaces, substrates and other cells or
tissues in nature.
 Fimbriae are very common in Gramnegative bacteria, but occur in some
archaea and Gram-positive bacteria as
Bacteria species
differ greatly in the
conditions they
need for growth.
Some grow best in
cool places such as
soil or bodies of
water, but others are
able to grow in hot
springs, hot water
heaters, or undersea
The bacteria which
cause disease in
mammals and birds,
usually grow best at
body temperatures.
Many bacteria which
cause diseases in
hydra, snakes,
turtles, and other
cold-blooded animals,
are not able to cause
disease in birds or
mammals because
the high body
temperatures kill
these bacteria or limit
their growth.
Competition for food
 Predation
 Antibiotics produced by others
Reproduction control
Another method used for classification is
to determine the biochemical pathway it
 Bacteria are single-cell organisms and
most of them must find foods to live.
 Many bacteria use carbohydrates(carbon
compounds) as energy sources, digesting
complex carbohydrates such as starches
and table sugar down to simple sugars
 Find food by responding to chemical
signals - CO
Energy Source
Other bacteria can digest proteins down
to amino acids.
 Bacteria can be cultured to determine
whether they can ferment various
carbohydrates or hydrolyze starches,
lipids and proteins.
Microstatic antibiotics prevent growth and
 Microcidal antibiotics actually destroy the
Antibiotics and similar drugs, together
called antimicrobial agents, have been
used for the last 70 years to treat patients
who have infectious diseases.
 Since the 1940s, these drugs have greatly
reduced illness and death from infectious
 Antibiotic use has been beneficial and,
when prescribed and taken correctly, their
value in patient care is enormous.
Antibiotic use
Antibiotics are
effective in small
Four modes of
◦ Inhibition of cell wall
formation (penicillin)
◦ Damage to the cell
◦ Interference with
protein synthesis
◦ Inhibition of nucleic
acid activities
Various combinations of antibiotics are
sometimes used against a pathogen that
is not affected by a single antibiotic.
Antibiotics are classified according to
three criteria and although that category
contains several drugs each one of them
is unique in some features and effects.
Classification of antibiotics
the number of the organisms affected by
the same drug. There are narrow and
wide spectrum antibiotics.
 The wide spectrum antibiotics affect
several types of bacteria and it is usually
used where the specific type of the
microorganism is unknown.
1. Spectrum
It could be
bactericidal or
2. Type of action
The bactericidal
antibiotics kill the
The bacteriostatic
ones tend to slow
down their growth
and give the body
the chance to use
its immune system
against the
The prevalent route of administration is
the oral route but, there are other routes
of administration that are more effective
in certain cases like injection or topical
3. Route of administration of the
Over the past decade, antimicrobial
resistance has emerged in all kinds of microorganisms worldwide.
 This is primarily due to the increase in antibiotic
Early detection of emerging trends in
antimicrobial resistance may facilitate
implementation of effective control
People/animals infected with antimicrobialresistant organisms are more likely to have
longer, more expensive hospital stays, and
may be more likely to die as a result of the
Antibiotic Sensitivity
Identify infecting organism
Evaluate drug sensitivity
Target site of infection
Drug safety/side effect profile
Patient factors
Antibiotic Therapy
Bacteria and other microorganisms that
cause infections are remarkably resilient
and can develop ways to survive drugs
meant to kill or weaken them.
◦ This antibiotic resistance, also known as
antimicrobial resistance or drug resistance, is
due largely to the increasing use of antibiotics.
Antimicrobial Resistance
A growing number of disease-causing
organisms, (pathogens), are resistant to
one or more antimicrobial drugs.
 A wide range of pathogens—including the
bacteria that cause tuberculosis, the
viruses that causes influenza, the
parasites that cause malaria, and the
fungi that cause yeast infections—are
becoming resistant to the antimicrobial
agents used for treatment.
Antibiotic resistance evolves naturally via
natural selection through random
mutation, but it could also be engineered
by applying an evolutionary stress on a
 Once such a gene is generated, bacteria
can then transfer the genetic information
in a horizontal fashion (between
individuals) by plasmid exchange.
Resistant pathogens Staphylococcus
aureus ( "Staph aureus" or a Staph
infection) is one of the major resistant
 Found on the mucous membranes and the
skin of around a third of the population, it
is extremely adaptable to antibiotic
It was the first bacterium in which
penicillin resistance was found—in 1947,
just four years after the drug started
being mass-produced.
 Methicillin was then the antibiotic of
choice, but has since been replaced by
oxacillin due to significant kidney toxicity.
 MRSA (methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus) was first detected
in Britain in 1961 and is now "quite
common" in hospitals.
The addition of antibiotics to the feeds of
animals to increase the growth rate by
 Over prescribing of antibiotics to patients
with virus caused infections.
 Prescribing antibiotics as preventions.
 Not completing the full course of the
prescription of antibiotic.
Antibiotic Abuse
The Kirby-Bauer test for antibiotic
susceptibility, called the disc diffusion
test, is a standard that has been used for
years. It has been superceded in clinical
labs by automated tests. But the K-B is
still used in some labs, or used with
certain bacteria that automation does not
work well with.
Kirby-Bauer test
The basics are easy:
◦ The bacterium is swabbed on the agar and the
antibiotic discs are placed on top.
◦ The antibiotic diffuses from the disc into the
agar in decreasing amounts the further it is
away from the disc.
If the organism is killed or inhibited by the
concentration of the antibiotic, there will be
NO growth in the immediate area around
the disc:
 This is called the zone of inhibition .
 The zone sizes are looked up on a standardized
chart to give a result of sensititive, resistant, or
 Many charts have a corresponding column that
also gives the MIC (minimal inhibitory
concentration) for that drug.
Agar Plates
Results from the plates will help
determine what antibiotics could be used.
 This is needed when dealing with bacteria
that have developed resistance to many
of the commonly prescribed antibiotics.
What’s in a name?
Shape plus configuration =name
Bacilli = rod shaped
Coccus – globular – sphere
Spirillium = helix shape
Strepto = chains
Diplocci = pairs of spheres
Tetrads = four cells arranges as squares
Shapes & Configuration
Gram positive
 Ferment lactid acid contained in milk =
Bleu cheese
Streptocarpus lactid
Gram positive, non motile
 Non spore forming
 Chains or pairs
 May present as:
◦ Strep throat
◦ Scarlet fever (rash)
◦ Impetigo (infection of the superficial layers of
◦ Cellulitis (infection of the deep layers of skin
Streptocarpus pyogenes
Large gram positive anaerobic bacillus
 Motile with flagella
 Spore forming
 Botulism
Bacillus botulinum
Gram positive
Aerobic bacillus
Non motile
Spore forming
Bacillus anthracis
Gram positive
Rod shaped
Bacillus tetani
Clostridium tetani
Create lactic acid from what they
 Lactic acid causes destruction
 Tooth decay
Bacillus lactis
Rod shape with flagella
Transmitted in fluids
Gram negative
Can be carriers
Typhoid fever
Bacillus typhoid
salmonella typhis
Gram negative
 Encapsulated
 Menigitis
 Septicaemia
Diplococcup meningitidis
Gram positive
 Unencapsulated
Diplococuus pneumonia
Gram positive
Clusters like grapes
Non motile
Non spore
Staph infection
◦ Boils, impetigo, toxic shock syndrome,
Staphlococcus aureus
Spirochete with flagella
 Syphillus
Treponema pallidum
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