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Welcome to the Wonderful New World of
Mitochondrial Energy Medicine
Part 1
Over the last 20 years, there has been a gradual change in the treatment of various disease
conditions. Previously treatment would be based on a person’s symptoms and specific
vitamins, minerals or amino acids for the symptoms would be given. New knowledge has
now changed that approach forever.
When you consider that problems with energy
production are a major part of the cause of most
disease conditions, you’ll start to realise that faulty
energy production must to be remedied if success is
to be achieved. Practitioners armed with this new
knowledge are now successfully treating many
conditions that have previously proven difficult or
impossible to treat by conventional means.
For instance Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which is
reaching epidemic levels in most western countries,
is just one of these difficult to treat conditions. Many
patients have had severe and debilitating symptoms
that have gone on for years. Chronic yeast infection
by Candida Albicans is another such condition. These
conditions and many more can now be successfully
treated using the Energy Medicine approach.
Many conditions are a result of poor energy
production in particular parts of the body. For
instance, if there is poor energy production in the
brain, depression, anxiety, anger, crying,
moodiness often results.
Not only emotional problems but also physical
problems can result from poor energy production in
those parts of the brain which form the co-ordination
system for your body’s hormonal production, the
thalamus, hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. This
can give you major problems with hormonal balance
and health.
Most doctors will treat hormonal imbalance
conditions by giving the hormone that’s lacking, but
as many people have found that doesn’t really solve
the problem. Because if you only give hormonal
treatment, and don’t treat the underlying cause of the
problem, then you are stuck with continually taking
the hormone treatment. But if you treat the thalamus,
hypothalamus and pituitary gland and improve their
energy production, everything resets back to normal
and the hormone production will again be in balance
and health restored.
This is the thinking behind the new science of Energy
Medicine. There are now available formulations that
act specifically on the energy cycle. Some formulas
contain nutrients that are directly involved in the
production of energy. Other formulas are designed to
support and protect the nutrients and cell components
that are directly involved with the production of
energy, allowing the energy production process to be
maintained at a high and continuous level.
In summary you need to do two things at the same
time –
 Provide all the nutrients that are directly
involved in the production of energy.
 Protect and support the energy production
process and its components.
The support process may be just as simple as
improving the circulation to the various tissues.
Improved circulation will bring in the oxygen and
nutrients needed for the energy production cycle, and
helps in getting rid of wastes and toxins via the liver,
kidneys and lungs.
Just as a lack of the right nutrients and oxygen will
cause a drop in energy production, an excessive build
up in wastes and toxins will overload and poison the
cells’ energy production pathways causing a lowering
of energy production.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a classic
example of both of these problems occurring at the
same time. The initial triggers for CFS are many and
varied – severe infections, illness, injury and
exposure to pesticides and toxins. But they all have
similar outcomes … a person’s defence and
detoxification systems become overloaded and as a
result, the body’s energy production goes down.
With lower energy available, circulation slows down,
digestion and absorption is reduced, and therefore
circulating oxygen and nutrient levels go down.
As a result of lower nutrient and oxygen levels
available to the cells, energy production goes down.
The lower levels of energy available for clearing the
cells of toxins allows the toxin levels go up, further
poisoning the cells and reduces their ability to
produce energy. And so it goes, round and round.
Therefore, it is important to improve
circulation to the cells to provide the oxygen,
anti-oxidants and nutrients the cells need to
produce energy – this is one of the core issues.
absorbing all the nutrients we need for the body’s
energy production process. Poor digestion results in
fewer nutrients being absorbed and affects energy
We should use nutrients that are specifically for
mitochondrial function. Things like Lipoic acid,
Activated B3 (NAD - Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), Phosphatydal Serine (which improves
the cells’ function by improving the operation of the
communication receptors on the cell surface) and
Acetyl L Carnitine.
We all know that we require energy to live and
function. Without energy we virtually don’t exist,
and there is a certain critical amount of energy that
we require to maintain life. Below that you just get
degeneration, decay and loss of life.
So, the big question is – What is this energy story
all about and how do we produce it?
Just as in our society we need energy for conducting
our daily lives and business in the body we have a
special form of energy that is used to run our body.
The energy currency of our body’s cells is
a substance called Adenosine TriPhosphate or ATP for short. ATP is the
molecule that provides the stored energy
that the cell uses to get things done.
We initially get our energy from the food we eat.
Carbohydrates –
 pasta, bread, vegetables and fruit which are full
of various kinds of starches and sugars
Oils –
 fat, lard, butter, margarine, safflower oil,
sunflower oil and olive oil etc.
Proteins –
 meats, fish, cheeses, milk, chicken, eggs.
These foods are broken down in the digestive system
into smaller and smaller pieces (molecules) that your
cell can take up and use. It needs to have very small
pieces to go inside a cell, so your digestive system is
used to provide the small pieces needed by the body
for absorption into the bloodstream and then into the
If we look at carbohydrates as an example, they are
initially broken down in the digestive system to
glucose (a sugar) which is then absorbed into
circulation. Glucose goes into the cells where it is
acted on by a number of enzymes (substances or
catalysts that break down the sugar molecule even
The sugar molecule, which is made up from a chain
of six carbon atoms, is broken down to smaller chains
of three carbon atoms. The breaking of the bond
from six carbon atoms to three atoms is just like
releasing a compressed spring. A compressed spring
has stored energy and if you cut the string binding it,
it releases its energy and springs outward with some
force. So that’s in effect what our cells do with the
glucose molecules.
In releasing the springs or the bonds binding the
glucose molecule our cells provide us with energy.
The energy can be released as heat to keep us warm,
or do mechanical work to move our muscles. In the
case of our cells’ energy production from glucose, the
“spring” energy from the glucose is captured and
stored in the form of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP),
which in turn is then used as an energy currency
wherever and whenever needed by the body.
The vital step between the breaking down of the
sugar molecule within the cells’ mitochondria and the
production of energy of our energy currency ATP, is
called oxidative phosphorylation.
Think of a cell as a fatty bag - an enclosed fatty
The outer layer of the cell is a fatty membrane, which
prevents water and other substances coming in until
 There is water inside the cell providing a liquid
for cell function and circulation.
It has a nucleus, which is the cell’s brain.
It has energy production powerhouses and
furnaces, which we call Mitochondria.
It has a stomach, called Lysosomes.
So you can see that if we improve digestion and
absorption, we go a long way towards improving
energy production by ensuring that we are
It has a factory with an assembly line called the
Endoplasmic reticulum, for the production of
proteins, hormones, enzymes etc.
It has a storage area called the Golgi apparatus
where substances made within the cell are stored
until needed for release.
So as you can see every cell in a way is a
miniature human, segmented into a one
cell compartment.
And the start of the fuel production cycle occurs in
the liquid phase when glucose first enters the cell.
Once the glucose comes inside the cell it can then be
acted on immediately through a process that we call
Glycolysis. (gly–col–a–sis)
 Glyco means glycogen or glucose
 Lysis means breaking down
This process produces 3 units of energy. It doesn’t
require any oxygen, and is known as anaerobic
(without oxygen) glycolysis (breaking down of
To have vibrant health and energy, we need a lot
more energy than just 3 units of energy from a single
molecule of glucose. The cells have a much more
efficient way of producing energy from the
breakdown of glucose using aerobic glycolysis (with
oxygen) … In fact - 86 Units are produced.
This process is named the Kreb’s Cycle after the
person who first discovered and described the
operation of this vital cycle of life.
The Kreb’s cycle occurs within the mitochondria, and
is the process where the body’s heat is produced and
the energy molecule ATP is formed. This is where
the chemical reactions, the breakdown of the hydrocarbon atoms from glucose to produce energy occurs.
In effect what is happening is the splitting up of the
glucose molecule into smaller pieces that in turn
undergo further breakdown, until finally electrons are
produced which are then sent through a cascade
known as the electron-chain transport system.
The transport system captures electrons produced by
the breakdown of glucose in the Kreb’s cycle, and as
they are carried down the electron transport system
the electrons provide the energy to force a chemical
reaction that produces our energy molecules,
Adenosine Tri-Phosphate or ATP for short.
Using the energy produced in the electron chain
transfer at the end of the Kreb’s cycle, Adenosine DiPhosphate or ADP is joined with a Phosphate ion to
form Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP).
But wait, there’s more … that is only part of the
story. In the second stage of the Kreb’s cycle carbon
ions that are of no further use are combined with
oxygen (that has been transported from our lungs to
the cells by our bloodstream), to form carbon
dioxide. And at the end of the electron transport train,
oxygen from the air we breath combines with the
hydrogen to form water.
The water once again enters the circulation and the
carbon dioxide is carried back to our lungs via the
bloodstream and we breathe it out. Without the ever
present oxygen to convert the hydrogen and
carbon ions to water and carbon dioxide, the cells
will rapidly die within minutes.
So, we eat our carbohydrates from plants and produce
glucose. Glucose in broken down via the energy
cycle. The released energy is used to form our energy
currency Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP) and carbon
dioxide and water are given off as waste products.
We breathe out the carbon dioxide through
our lungs, the plants take up the carbon
dioxide and produce more carbohydrates,
which we in turn eat to get glucose, and this
beautiful cycle starts all over again.
In the mitochondrial energy cycle or Kreb’s cycle,
there are additional co-factors or energy type factors
that are required. If you don’t have them the energy
system just limps along.
Imagine that you have a roaring fire in a box with lots
of holes in it. Sparks would be flying out all over the
place causing fires and damage all around the
surrounding area. The same thing can happen within
the cell. If you have leaky mitochondria, the ability
to concentrate, control and store the mitochondrial
energy production is going to be limited. You’re not
producing a great deal of energy that is usable, you
will produce mostly heat. That is exactly what
happens in a fever.
When there are high-energy components within the
cell, we have to make sure that we have protective
agents available that regulate and control the energy
Just as in a nuclear power plant, we regulate and
control the nuclear fuel in a reactor using moderator
cores - we must do the same thing within the
mitochondria. Within the mitochondria the regulating
substances are called catalysts.
block, fuelling the energy cycle and getting the cogs
in the energy cycle moving again.
If you take a urine or blood sample of a person
suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for
example and find high levels of any of the substances
found in the Kreb’s cycle, you will have a very good
idea where the blockage has occurred.
Just for a minute, imagine that the mitochondrial
energy production process is like a little factory with
various machines and cogs. When all is working well
and the production line runs smoothly we have raw
materials going in one end, and we get high quality
products coming off the other end.
But what would happen if a rock or stick happens
to jam up one of the important cogs in the
machinery? The plant would not run smoothly, the
quality of the finished product would suffer and
By using nutrients that are further down the cycle
than the blockage, it is possible to get the cycle
producing energy more efficiently. The cell then will
have the energy that is needed to help heal itself back
to full operating capacity.
If the block is early on the cycle you will see raised
Acetyl CoA
Alpha Ketoglutarate
production would go down as well.
The same thing can happen within the mitochondrial
cycle. The thing that jams up the machines and cogs
of the Kreb’s cycle could be a virus, bacteria, toxin,
pesticide or some type of heavy metal. The body tries
to either remove or bypass the block. It can bypass
the block to a certain degree because each is cog is
like an independent wheel.
If there is a seized cog at the beginning of the cycle,
and you can bypass that stuck cog and get the other
cogs moving, you would be able to produce energy
efficiently once more.
Some people say that when they have a grapefruit or
orange juice for breakfast that it picks them up a bit.
That is because citrus fruit is rich in citric acid and if
their energy block is higher up in the cycle, the citric
acid in the grapefruit or orange juice will bypass the
levels of Lactic Acid and Pyruvic acid. If the
blockage is further down, we will see higher levels of
Citric acid as well. The person will feel weak and
chronically fatigued and often have painful, aching
In chronic fatigue there is often a block at the
Isoconate level, just before the Alpha Ketoglutarate
level. If you take a sample of the urine or the blood of
those individuals - guess what you’ll find? High
levels of Lactic acid, Pyruvic acid and Citric acid
indicating that there’s a block there.
We can bypass the block by giving Alphaketoglutarate and Malic acid. And as was previously
mentioned, once you boost up the energy production,
the body has the energy and the ability to fix itself.
And that’s the key - you bypass the energy block with the right nutrient and give the body the energy it
needs to fix itself through its own self-healing mechanism. That is a very, very important thing to
Lets now look at our little energy factory with all of its little engines, cogs and wheels. For those of you
who prefer a more technical picture, I have included one at the end of this article.
Glucose from Carbohydrates
Ye Olde
Clank, Clank
Acetyl CoA
Alpha Ketoglutarate
Phosphate ions
P ion
P ion
(Put in your)
(Own sound
Electron Transport Cascade
ATP Adenosine Tri-Phosphate
When a country goes to war, it gathers up all of its
energy resources in order to survive. That includes
human resources, machinery, armoury and supplies.
At the same time it sacrifices certain other resources,
such as music, the arts or social services to free up
more resources for defence.
The same thing happens in the body. When a serious
infection attacks the body, the body switches off or
brings to a much lower level of activity many of its
maintenance type functions so that more energy is
available for defence, for fighting off the illness.
Everything is focussed on survival.
If the electrical potential or cellular force field drops,
various substances can find their way into the cells
producing a spasm or a cramp.
If the spasm is in a coronary vessel it can cause
a heart attack.
 If the spasm is in the brain an epileptic seizure
can result.
 If it happens in the muscle twitching or
cramping can occur.
 If it happens in a kidney, kidney function will
be affected.
If there is enough energy the cells will be able to
maintain the bilge pumps on the cellular membranes
preventing the cells from swelling and become toxic
and under-functioning.
Good energy levels enable cells to maintain the
electrical voltage across a cell membrane (the cellular
force field) that prevents the wrong substances
getting into the cells at the wrong time.
So far we have we’ve talked about some of the larger
molecules of the mitochondrial energy cycle. In
addition to these, there are a lot of co-factors,
vitamins and minerals involved in the production of
energy. One of them of great interest is Lipoic acid.
LIPOIC ACID is a very important co-factor
and a powerful anti-oxidant. As an anti-oxidant
it protects the mitochondrial membrane from any
“flying sparks” that result from the operation of the
energy production cycle.
Lipoic acid is a universal anti-oxidant that helps to
protect the mitochondria from damage and unlike
other anti-oxidants, is able to function in both the
fatty and watery layers of cells. That is very
important in the maintenance of a healthy energy
Heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium and lead
can cause major damage to cell and mitochondrial
function. Lipoic acid is able to bind up the heavy
metals for safe excretion from the body.
In addition, Lipoic acid restores and regenerates other
vital anti-oxidants such as vitamins C & E and
Glutathione. With Glutathione this is doubly
important as in addition to its’ anti-oxidant role,
Glutathione is a powerful detoxification agent
involved in removing harmful toxins from the body.
Less toxins equals better mitochondrial function and
more energy.
Another role for Lipoic acid is in the regulation of
blood sugar. As mentioned previously, the cells use
blood sugar or glucose in the Kreb’s cycle for the
production of energy. If there are problems with
blood sugar levels, energy production is affected.
Lipoic acid greatly improves blood sugar regulation,
helping to maintain steady blood sugar levels which
in turn makes sure that glucose is available to the
cells for energy production whenever needed.
Lipoic acid also plays a vital role in stage 1 of the
Kreb’s cycle as a controlling co-factor.
Alpha Ketoglutarate
Alpha-Ketoglutarate (AKG-Athletic Performance) is
one of the most important nutrients in the Kreb’s
cycle. It is found ½ way through stage 2 of the energy
cycle. When levels are down energy production is
greatly impaired.
Another vital role that AKG plays is in the
reduction of the levels of ammonia in the
body and brain.
When the body is under high physical stress such as
vigorous and extended sporting activities or as a
result of conditions such as chronic fatigue, and
other illnesses, breakdown down of muscle tissue to
provide energy occurs. This leads to increasing levels
of Ammonia building up in the body.
Ammonia is a toxic substance that must be
removed from the tissues as soon as possible.
The first step in getting rid of the ammonia is to bind
it with Alpha Ketoglutarate. The main source of the
AKG is guess where? That’s right, from within the
As mitochondrial levels of AKG drop, energy
production goes down, toxin and ammonia levels go
up, the mitochondria are further overloaded with
toxins and waste products and are robbed of more
AKG to try to get rid of the rising ammonia.
By supplying AKG in the form of Athletic
Performance we can replace the AKG lost from the
mitochondria improving cellular energy production
and detoxification, and at the same time provide extra
AKG for clearing the ammonia from the body.
Once the AKG binds the ammonia it undergoes
further processing to eventually be converted to
Glutamine, which can be used as a fuel by the cells.
Particularly the brain cells.
The more ammonia you produce as a result of
conditions such as chronic fatigue, other
diseases and high physical stress, the lower go
your levels of AKG and therefore the lower
energy you have.
Other nutritional co-factors that are important are
Magnesium, Manganese, Vitamins Biotin, B2 & B3,
Activated B3 - NAD (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), and Co Enzyme Q10 and amino acids.
The bottom end of the Kreb’s cycle is the
electron transport cascade. The electron
transport cascade is like water falling down a
hill powering a hydro-electric generator.
The falling water releases its’ energy by pushing
against the hydro-generator paddle wheel, turning the
generator and generating electricity. The electricity
can then be used in our homes to provide light, cook
our food and provide power for our washing
machine, TV and computers etc.
With our Kreb’s cycle, electrons are produced over 3
hills in the cascade. The energy that results is
captured and stored in the form of ATP which can
then be used to power all of the body’s processes.
The first hill is formed by NADH, the next by Co
Q10 and the last by Cytochrome C. As an electron is
released at each stage, the energy provided is used to
bind a phosphate ion to an Adenosine Di-Phosphate
molecule to produce our energy molecule, Adenosine
Tri-Phosphate - ATP.
When needed, the ATP is unbound and releases its
energy to make hormones, move muscles, energise
our immune system, power our thinking processes
etc. When ATP is unbound we are left with
Adenosine Di-Phosphate and Phosphate ions that are
ready to go through the Kreb’s cycle once again to be
turned into ATP.
The body normally produces NAD and Co Q10, but
if it doesn’t produce them in sufficient quantities
energy levels will go down.
If someone has problems with energy production and
we give CoQ10 or NAD we re-energise the cell, so it
can heal itself and start to function properly once
If the cells happen to be in the brain, re-energising
the cells allows them to produce more Dopamine or
Serotonin in the brain and that means the neurotransmission and communication is improved in the
brain. Depression for example from recent American
research has now been shown to be a problem of low
energy production in the front part of the brain
known as the prefrontal cortex.
Improve brain energy levels and supply the building
blocks for Serotonin and the depression goes away.
It is a easy as that!
If the problem is within the cells of the heart and a
person has problems with heart failure, and you give
Co Q10, you will improve the heart cells energy
production and the heart can pump more strongly,
improving circulation, health and energy.
As CoQ10 is part of the electron chain transport
system, and it is down the line from the NADH it is
vitally involved in the production of energy that is
required for the pumping of the heart.
Burning Fat for Energy
Now that we’ve pretty well covered the
story of glucose going down the Kreb’s
cycle, lets look at how Fat can be used
instead of Carbohydrate to create energy.
This process allows us to burn fat, get more
energy and lose weight all at the same time!
Now fat requires a shovel to force it into the energy
production system, and this is where Acetyl-L
Carnitine comes in. Acetyl L Carnitine acts as a
shovel, getting the fatty acids into the mitochondria
for energy production. Basically it gets the acectate
group from the fatty acid and it breaks up into
smaller carbon groups. This is known as Beta
oxidation of fats.
What that means is that a fatty acid which may have
as many as 18 carbon molecules in its structure, from
the food we eat or from our body fat stores, is
chopped off by 2 carbons each time and is then
transported by the Acetyl L Carnitine into the Kreb’s
cycle for energy production.
Acetyl L Carnitine stabilises and improves
the function the inner mitochondrial
membrane. The health of the inner
membrane is VITAL to energy production.
It helps in clearing toxic build-up of fatty acids from
within the mitochondria.
Essential Fatty Acids, important building blocks of
cellular and mitochondrial membranes, like fish oil
and linseed oil contain special fats and should be
used to make sure the cells and mitochondria perform
at their best.
Acetyl L Carnitine is able to bypass enzyme blocks
present in the brains of Alzheimers patients and helps
to improves their brain function and living quality.
Acetyl L Carnitine is so important that the body
produces it continually. But in many illnesses,
including heart failure, liver failure or some types of
brain conditions, the cells may not be able to produce
sufficient quantities of it. What then happens is that
your energy levels will begin to fall.
Taking Acetyl L Carnitine will promote energy
production and mitochondrial health.
In order to maintain energy levels the body will start
to burn up its’ fat stores and will also start to break
down the muscles in order to get amino acids to fuel
the Kreb’s cycle.
This creates further long-term problems as muscle
tissue is needed to maintain a good metabolic rate. If
you lose muscle you will lower your metabolic rate
and store more fat when you go off the diet.
In addition, as your protein stores run low you will
not be able to burn the fat you are trying to lose at a
good rate and weight loss slows down. Sound
You need a broad range of readily available amino
acids from protein to control and regulate the Kreb’s
Within the Kreb’s cycle there are many different
co-factors needed for healthy and sustained
energy production.
You need formulations specifically designed
to fill all of the cells energy production needs.
These formulations are now currently
If you haven’t got energy everything is an effort, you
are not well and life is hardly worth living.
If you’ve got plenty of energy, the body will utilise it
to do whatever is needed to maintain its function,
maintain its integrity, maintain its immune system, its
consciousness, its health and wellbeing.
Amino acids are another vital part of the energy
cycle. Amino acids are produced as a result of the
breakdown of protein in our digestive system. If you
are not eating enough protein, or if you have a faulty
digestive system and you are not able to break down
protein properly, you will lack many of the amino
acids that you need for a healthy and fully
functioning Kreb’s cycle.
Most Weight Loss Programs don’t work terribly
well in the long-term. People tend to regain the
weight that they lost plus a little more in addition.
The main reason for this is that as they reduce their
calorie intake from fat and carbohydrates, they
reduce their protein intake as well.
Radiation Exposure
Radiation exposure from the UV lights or from the
lack of ozone in the atmosphere, the exposure to
radiation from computer screens and from cellular
phones will damage mitochondrial function.
Radiation affects the lipid membranes or fatty
covering of the cells and the membrane of the
mitochondria within the cells.
This makes the membranes a little bit more rancid,
more rigid, not as effective and not as flexible.
Damage to the cell and mitochondrial membranes
interferes with the passage of nutrients and oxygen
into the cells and waste products out of the cells. The
result is toxic, under-functioning cells producing little
So what we have to be aware of is that factors from
outside the body are continually affecting and
damaging the energy cycle. We have to put in
protective mechanisms like the anti-oxidants
Gluthathione, Lipoic acid, Vitamin E and Vitamin C
to provide a barrier against radiation and other toxins
so we can function fully energised.
Once cells have enough energy to repair themselves,
vast improvements and even remission from the
cancer can result.
Once the cells forming the body’s immune system is
repaired, cells’ self healing ability is restored and
cellular function improved and the immune cells like
good little Pac Men can go and gobble up damaged
This is vitally important with cancer. A healthy and
vigorous and fully energised immune system is vital
if the cancer is to be beaten and full remission
Energy Medicine is vitally important with cancer
therapy. Medical studies have shown for example
that 300 to 600 mg of Co Enzyme Q10 per day has
helped women with rapidly spreading breast cancer
to go into full remission.
Many other studies have shown the link between the
destruction of cancer and nutritional medicine.
- is all about REVIVAL
With all this in mind powerful and safe formulas
have been developed to help produce more energy
and reduce toxin loads.
Some of these formulas are
Activated B3
Acetyl-L-Carnitine formula
Athletic Performance (Alpha Ketoglutarate)
BioEnhanced Magnesium formula
Co- Enzyme Q10
Lipoic Acid
LipoACE with Selenium
Mitochondrial Support formula
DHA / EPA essential fatty acids
Which formulas are used and the amount used is
determined by the problems that a person has within
their system
Can we manipulate the energy once there is
enough and to direct it to a particular area
organ, and stimulate it to do our bidding?
Guess what? We can. We most
certainly can. This is what energy
medicine is all about!!
For those who would like to view a more
detailed view of the Kreb’s cycle
including nutrients required and where
they work, I have included one for you.
Our current Formulations are designed especially for
revival of energy production, cellular healing and
health. Many people with chronic fatigue using these
new strategies are now feeling much better.
Fatigue is involved with all diseases from colds, to
depression, to schizophrenia, to surgery, to
poisoning. It’s all about energy.
Other factors such as diet, life-style and supplying
nutrients for specific conditions are important but if
we concentrate on energy production then we are
going to the core of the problem.
The Entire Dr Vera’s and Orthoplex Ranges are now available throughout Australia from Quest For Health.
Detailed but simple information sheets on all the new formulas and treatment programs for CFS,
Depression and many other conditions are also available. Please Contact 9
Quest For Health 55 Snow Wood Drive Eatons Hill Qld 4037
Tel: 0500 818 555
Fax: 0500 869 555
Email: [email protected]
The Energy ( Kreb’s) Cycle
Stage 1
Glucose & other Sugars
Fatty acids , Glycerol
Amino Acids
Lipoic acid, B3, Biotin, B2
Acetyl L Carnitine –
Acetyl CoA
Nutri 21- ½ teas x 2
Lipoic Acid 1 x 3
Stage 2
Acetyl CoA
B5, Carnitine
Magnesium - 1/2 teas x 3
B3, Mg, Mn
Athletic Performance - 1 x 2
B1, B2, B3, B5, Lipoic
Activated B3 – 1 x 3
Nutri 21
Stage 3
BioEnhanced Malate
Magnesium Isocitrate
NADH dehydrogenase
ADP + Pi
Co Q10 90mg - 1 x 2
Co-enzyme Q10
ADP + Pi
ADP + Pi
Cytochrome oxidase
2H + ½ O2