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Name____________________________________ Date ____________ Per.___
American History: Chapter 26
The Rise of Dictators and WW II (1931 – 1945)
READ: Pgs. 807-811 and answer the following questions.
1. How did the ending of WWI contribute to the start of WWII? (1 point)
The Treaty of Versailles did not resolve any of the issues which had led to WWI. Germany was
angered at the harshness and Italy were angered because they did not think they got their “fair share”.
In addition, it led to economic hardships and unemployment.
2. What conditions allowed dictators to take control in the 1930s? ( 2 points)
Dictators came to power because countries were looking for a way out of financial ruin caused
by WWI, the Great Depression, and mass unemployment.
3. What is “fascism”? (1 point)
A political philosophy advocating an extreme nationalistic dictatorship.
4. Explain how dictators in the 1930s threatened peace. (1 point)
Dictators in Europe and Japan seized territory and threatened democratic governments.
Little was done to stop them.
5. What was the “Axis” and why was it formed? (2 points)
Germany and Italy formed an alliance (Rome-Berlin Axis) and Japan joined later in
order to take more territory.
6. How did many Austrians react when Hitler invaded their country? (1 point)
The Austrians who were German speaking welcomed the unification.
7. What is “appeasement”? (1 point)
meeting the demands of a hostile power to avoid war
8. What was the Munich Agreement? (1 point)
An agreement which gave Germany control of the Sudetenland in exchange for his agreement to stop
seeking more territory.
9. What is the Sudetenland? Why did Hitler want that territory? (2 points)
It was a territory in western Czechoslovakia that was inhabited by people of German
descent. It had once been a part of Germany.
Hitler may have wanted it for strategic purposes, or because he felt that it belonged
to Germany
10. What actions proved that Hitler did not stop seeking more territory after the Munich Agreement?
(2 points)
Germany conquered the rest of Czechoslovakia, and invaded Poland, France, and the
Soviet Union.
11. What event caused Great Britain & France to declare war on Germany? (1 point)
Germany’s invasion of Poland.
12. What happened in April 1940? (1 point)
Hitler conquered Denmark and overran Norway.
13. What is a “blitzkrieg” (describe it)? (1 point)
Speedy, surprise attacks using troops, tanks, and airplanes.
14. What happened at Dunkirk? (2 points)
The British and French troops were not able to hold the German line and they had
to evacuate at the French seaport of Dunkirk. Under heavy German
bombardment, British vessels evacuated British, French, and Belgian troops. (In
about 9 days, a total of 338,226 soldiers were evacuated across the English
15. What did Germany do in June, 1940 and what was the result? (2 points)
Germany invaded France and in less than 2 weeks France surrendered. (Hitler
believed that Britain would seek peace after France fell.)
16. What was the “Battle of Britain”? How did the British people react? (2 points)
The German air force (Luftwaffe) fought the British Royal Air Force (RAF) in the skies
above Great Britain, and they also bombed London and other civilian targets.
Despite the constant bombing, the British people did not surrender.
17. Why did Hitler invade the Soviet Union in June 1941? (2 points)
Hitler wanted Soviet wheat and oil fields to help sustain his military machine and he
feared Stalin’s ambitions in Europe.
18. What did the Lend-Lease Act accomplish? (1 points)
It allowed the U.S. to send $50 billion worth of war goods to the Allies.
19. What event brought the United States into the war? What was the date that will “live in infamy”?
(2 points)
The Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor. December 7, 1941 (the day Pearl Harbor was
20. What do Japan’s allies, Germany & Italy, do on December 11, 1941?
(1 point)
They declared war on the United States.
(29 points so far)
Describe each dictator’s rise to power.
Benito Mussolini
Adolf Hitler
Draw and color the flag for each Dictator. (12 points)
Joseph Stalin
Hideki Tojo
Complete the WWII graphic organizer. (4 points)
Dictators seize power