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Matter & Energy Flow in Living Things
Name __________________
Color the diagram using the key below:
Sun & Sun’s Energy (A, A1)
Water (D)
Oxygen (G)
O Chloroplast (B – green)
O Photosynthesis (E)
O Mitochondria (H)
O Carbon Dioxide (C)
O Carbohydrates (F)
O Cellular Respiration (I)
1. In any chemical reaction, matter is neither created nor destroyed – the atoms are simply
____________________ as matter cycles through living things and the ecosystem.
2. Energy ___________ be recycled; it changes form as it flows through living things and the
ecosystem. As energy is transformed, only about 10% of it is captured in living things – the rest
escapes as ______...for this reason, ecosystems must receive a constant input of new energy from
an outside source – in most cases, this source is the ______.
3. Write the chemical formula for photosynthesis:
4. Underline the “matter” (chemical compounds) in this formula.
5. Circle the energy source that drives this the process of photosynthesis
6. Put a star next to the compound created that stores the chemical energy produced during
7. Photosynthesis takes place in the _________________ of a plant cell
8. Write the chemical formula for cellular respiration:
9. Underline the matter in this formula.
10. Put a star next to the compounds that store chemical energy before and after cellular respiration
has occurred.
11. Cellular respiration takes place in the __________________ of a cell.
12. Cellular respiration is a process that takes place in _____ cells, because ____ cells need ATP in
order to function
13. Photosynthesis only takes in _________ cells, and other organisms that have _____________
(that contain the green pigment chlorophyll) that are able to capture light energy from the _____
and use it to convert water and carbon dioxide into ___________________.
14. Photosynthetic organisms are the _____________ producers for all other organisms on Earth.
Color the diagram using the key below:
O Phosphate Groups (J3)
O Adenine (J1)
O Ribose (J2)
15. ATP contains the chemical energy used to power ALL cell work. A cell releases the energy stored
in ATP by breaking the bond between the _______________ groups (refer to the diagram). This
energy will be used by the cell to do work.
16. Cells use the chemical energy stored in sugars to replenish their ATP supplies. When the bonds
of a sugar molecule are broken, the chemical energy released is used to attach a ____________
group to ADP to make more ______. The ONLY fuel source that a cell can use is ATP – so they
must continually make more of it.