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The Eightfold Path: Intro to Buddhism. Ask students to read
about each step on the Eightfold Plan. Student must select about
which to write, identify these two steps, and give each of the two
selected its Buddhist meaning. Direct students to describe why
each step would, or would not be, difficult to follow here in
America. Eightfold Path
Make a Chinese Panel: Chinese painting typically has three sections, birds and/or flowers,
figures, and glimpses of the countryside, which might include mountains, a field, a waterfall, a
stream. The pictures create a feeling of harmony and balance. Some painting illustrate a poem,
which is included on the painting. Many paintings were done with just a few brush strokes, to
suggest, rather than detail, an idea. First, show your class some examples of Chinese paintings.
Discuss how each reflects an idea or feeling. Then, using pencil or crayon, have your kids create
a Chinese panel that illustrates an original poem they have written about Ancient China. This
can be done as a group project, or individually.
More Ideas for Ancient China: Submitted by Barbara D. Martin; California, USA
This was created for Ancient China, 6th-grade, but the concept could easily be adapted for any
culture, any unit, any grade.
Instructions to my Class: Listed below are the points it is possible for you to earn in our special
projects section, during our study of Ancient China. Space is provided at the end of every
section so that you may write in a project that you wish to do which isn’t listed--just be sure to
check with me (before you begin) to make sure that it’s OK. Be sure that you complete the
required number of points from each section. You may earn the rest of your points from any
area or areas you choose. Please write the number of each project on the project itself and turn
it in with this paper as each project is completed. Note that the points listed are for points
possible--if you don’t do a good job, you won’t earn many points. A=200+ pts., B=160+ pts.,
C=100+ pts., D=80+ pts. F is anything less than 80 points.
GEOGRAPHY-- Minimum 50 points required:
1. Map of eastern hemisphere with geographic features 10
2. Map of modern China with political divisions 10
3. Map of China’s geographic features 10
4. Map of sources of China’s products 10
5. Map showing locations of archaeological finds 20
6. Map showing boundaries of each dynasty 10
7. Methods of travel and routes used in Ancient China 10
8. Methods of travel and routes used in Modern China 20
9. Flour and salt relief map painted to show geographical features 05
10. List 10 major cities by longitude and latitude 05
11. Do a Find-A-Word hand out on Ancient China 10
12. Make your own Find-A-Word using China’s geographical features 10
ART-- Minimum 20 points required:
1. Make a paper cutout 10
2. Make a scratch-through of a Chinese scene you’ve drawn 5
3. Draw pictures showing one product from beginning to end 10
4. Make a paper mache mask used in a traditional Chinese play 10
5. Draw one of the religious figures of China 5
6. Draw replicas of modern China’s coins and give their value in U.S. dollars 10
7. Draw 5 symbols of China, and tell why you chose them 10
8. Build a pagoda, replica of the Great Wall, etc. 20
9. Draw an illustrated alphabet of words about China: A=ancestor, B=bamboo, etc. 20
10. Make a Chinese screen 10
11. Draw a traditional Chinese landscape 10
12. Make a typical “jade” carving out of Ivory soap. 15
13. Reproduce one of China’s inventions 20
14. Draw or reproduce ancient Chinese instruments 20
15. Choose one of the minority people of China and illustrate the things that set them apart
(houses, clothes, etc.) 5
16. Reproduce ancient oracle bones or sticks 5
17. Illustrate the development of money in China 10
18. Make something with embroidery 10
HISTORY AND GOVERNMENT-- Minimum 30 points required
Diagram the structure of government under one of the dynasties 5
List accomplishments of each dynasty 10
Make a crossword puzzle 5
Find 10 newspaper articles which deal with China 5
List things imported from China today 10
Make a map of the “Silk Road” and list things imported to and exported from China 10
List things of Chinese origin that are in general use in America today (food, vocabulary,
etc.) 5
8. Report on the conquests of a dynasty 5
9. Diagram the difference of Legalism, Confucianism, and Taoism. 10 (A lesson plan for
Legalism, Taoism & Confucianism can be found here)
GENERAL-- Minimum 20 points required
1. Plan a 2 week vacation showing points of interest, places to stay in Ancient China 20
2. Write letters for posters, information, etc. to the Chinese consul, airlines, etc. 5
3. Bring to school and share with the class things from China 5
4. Put up a bulletin board about Ancient China 10
5. Do a 1 page report about a special aspect of Ancient China 10
6. Write “A Day in the Life of...” an emperor, farmer, etc., of Ancient China 10 (Information
about ancient China daily life can be found here.)