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Ch. 11.4 The North Takes Charge Section Objectives: 1. Describe the battle at Gettysburg and its outcome. 2. Describe Grant’s siege of Vicksburg. 3. Summarize the key points of the Gettysburg Address. 4. Summarize the final events of the war leading to the surrender at Appomattox. 1. Armies Clash at Gettysburg ­What was the significance of ​
Gettysburg? A. Prelude to Gettysburg ­What happened at ​
Chancellorsville? ­What important Confederate general died after Chancellorsville? B. Gettysburg ­What state is Gettysburg located in? ­How did the Battle of Gettysburg start? C. The Second Day ­How did Joshua Chamberlain save the Union position on the second day at Gettysburg? D. The Third Day ­What was Pickett’s Charge? ­What was significant about the Union victory at Gettysburg? 2. Grant Wins at Vicksburg ­What was ​
Vicksburg? A. Vicksburg Under Siege ­How did Grant capture Vicksburg? ­Why was Vicksburg such an important victory for the Union? 3. The Gettysburg Address ­What was the ​
Gettysburg Address​
? ­How did the Gettysburg Address change the way Americans thought of the United States? ­What reasons did Lincoln give in the Gettysburg Address for why the Union was fighting the Civil War? 4. The Confederacy Wears Down ­What important supplies was the Confederacy running low on? A. Confederate Morale ­What happened to Confederate morale in the last years of the war? B. Grant Appoints Sherman ­Who did Lincoln appoint commander of all Union armies in 1864? ­Who was ​
William Tecumseh Sherman? ­What kind of war did Grant and Sherman believe in? C. Grant and Lee in Virginia ­What strategy did Grant use against Lee? D. Sherman’s March ­What were Sherman and his troops doing on the march south? E. The Election of 1864 ­What event helped ensure Lincoln’s reelection in 1864? F. The Surrender at Appomattox ­How did the Civil War end? ­What was the ​
Appomattox Court House?