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7th grade science
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Scavenger Hunt: Who am I?
Go to website. Then click on student>Projects>Solar System
Scavenger Hunt. Use the websites to help you answer the following questions:
_______________ 1.
I am the closest star to Earth.
_______________ 2.
I invented the first telescope and discovered the 4
moons of Jupiter.
_______________ 3.
We discovered the relationship between a star’s
temperature and its brightness.
_______________ 4.
I discovered Pluto.
_______________ 5.
My theory of the universe was held as law for thousands
of years even though I was wrong.
_______________ 6.
I discovered the first and largest asteroid.
_______________ 7.
I developed the big bang theory.
_______________ 8.
I discovered Triton, the largest moon of Neptune.
_______________ 9.
I realized that the planets go around the sun.
_______________ 10.
I discovered Titan the largest moon of Saturn.
_______________ 11.
I discovered the four moons of Saturn.
_______________ 12.
I discovered a new star in Cassiopeia.
_______________ 13.
I made the first catalogue of stars and the first map of
the skies.
_______________ 14.
I discovered the planet Uranus.
_______________ 15.
I study black holes and the subatomic particles that
radiate from them.
Adapted from S.Baker’s Astronomy Scavenger Hunt & Past & Present Scavenger Hunt
Both can be found at G.Baker
7th grade science
_______________ 16.
I predicted the return of a comet, which was eventually
named after me.
_______________ 17.
I discovered Hyperion, one of Saturn’s moons.
_______________ 18.
I discovered the two moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos.
_______________ 19.
We discovered Neptune together.
_______________ 20.
I created a model of the Solar System in which all the
planets orbit the sun.
_______________ 21.
I named stars by assigning them to constellations and
giving them Greek letters.
_______________ 22.
We discovered Neptune. Who are we?
_______________ 23.
I believed that the Earth was the center of the universe.
_______________ 24.
I discovered the surface of Venus was noxious and hot.
_______________ 25.
I made a list of comets in the 1700s.
_______________ 26.
I showed that other galaxies existed and observed that
the universe is expanding.
_______________ 27.
I published the first moon map.
Using the Nine Planets web site, answer the following questions: (Hint: They go in order
from Pluto to Mercury)
_______________ 28. I am the mythological figure who ferried the dead across
the River Styx into Hades (the underworld). What moon
am I?
_______________ 29.
I am the Roman God of the Underworld. The Greeks
called me Hades. What planet am I?
_______________ 30.
I am the Roman God of the Sea. The Greeks called me
Poseidon. What planet am I?
_______________ 31.
I am one of the sea nymphs, the 50 daughters of
Nereus and Doris. What moon am I?
Adapted from S.Baker’s Astronomy Scavenger Hunt & Past & Present Scavenger Hunt
Both can be found at G.Baker
7th grade science
_______________ 32.
I am is a god of the sea, the son of Poseidon; usually
portrayed as having the head and trunk of a man and the
tail of a fish. What moon am I?
_______________ 33.
I am a daughter of Aether and Hemera. My name is also
the Greek word for "sea". What moon am I?
_______________ 34.
I am a daughter of Oceanus and Tethys. What moon am
_______________ 35.
I am a Titaness and sea goddess who was both sister and
wife of Oceanus. What moon am I?
_______________ 36.
I am the nymph daughter of the river God Asopus. What
moon am I?
_______________ 37.
I am the son and mate of Gaia the father of Cronus
(Saturn) and of the Cyclopes and Titans (predecessors of
the Olympian gods). What planet am I?
_______________ 38.
I am a daughter of Lear in Shakespeare's King Lear.
What moon am I?
_______________ 39.
I am a daughter of the banished Duke in Shakespeare's
As You Like It. What moon am I?
_______________ 40.
I am the wife of Othello in Shakespeare's Othell. What
moon am I ?
_______________ 41.
I am a mischievous airy spirit in Shakespeare's The
Tempest. What moon am I?
_______________ 42.
I am the Queen of the Fairies and wife of Oberon in
Shakespeare's Midsummer-Night's Dream. What moon
am I?
_______________ 43.
The Romans called be the God of Agriculture. The
Greeks called me Cronus, the father of Zeus. What
planet am I?
Adapted from S.Baker’s Astronomy Scavenger Hunt & Past & Present Scavenger Hunt
Both can be found at G.Baker
7th grade science
_______________ 44.
I am the Titan condemned by Zeus to support the
heavens upon his shoulders. What moon am I?
_______________ 45.
I am the god of gates and doorways, depicted with two
faces looking in opposite directions; also the root of the
English word "January". What moon am I?
_______________ 46.
I am the King of the Gods, the ruler of Olympus and the
patron of the Roman state. What planet am I?
_______________ 47.
I am a Phoenician princess abducted to Crete by Zeus.
What moon am I?
_______________ 48.
I am the distributor of rewards and punishments, was
the daughter of Jupiter and Ananke. What moon am I?
_______________ 49.
I am the god of War. What planet am I?
_______________ 50.
We are the sons of one of the sons of Ares and
Aphrodite? What moons are we?
_______________ 51.
I am is the goddess of love and beauty. What planet am
_______________ 52.
I am the god of commerce, travel and thievery, the
Roman counterpart of the Greek god Hermes, the
messenger of the Gods. What planet am I?
Adapted from S.Baker’s Astronomy Scavenger Hunt & Past & Present Scavenger Hunt
Both can be found at G.Baker