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Unit 4: The Periodic Table
Name: _________KEY____________
Text Questions from Corwin
1. List five properties of metals.
solid, has luster, highly dense, has high melting point, and is a good conductor of heat and electricity
2. What is the difference between something being malleable and it being ductile?
malleable = able to be hammered into thin sheets; ductile = able to be drawn into fine wire
3. List three properties of nonmetals.
has a low density, low melting point, and is a poor conductor of heat and electricity
4. Solid nonmetals, such as _carbon_ and _sulfur_, have a _dull_ appearance. They _crush_ into a
_powder_ if hammered. Eleven nonmetals occur naturally in the _gaseous_ state.
5. What is a semimetal, or metalloid?
an element that has properties midway between those of metals and nonmetals
6. In the semiconductor industry, the semimetal silicon is used in the making of what two things?
transistors and integrated circuits
7. On the periodic table, where are the metals and nonmetals, relative to each other?
metals are on the left side; nonmetals are on the right
8. List the names and symbols of the eight semimetals mentioned in the text.
astatine (At),
boron (B), silicon (Si), germanium (Ge), arsenic (As), antimony (Sb), tellurium (Te), polonium (Po)
9. With the exception of the element _mercury_, all of the metals are in the _solid_ state at 25 C.
10. List the symbols for the…
…five nonmetals that are solid at 25oC
C, S, P, Se, I
…one nonmetal that is liquid at 25oC
…eleven nonmetals that are gases at 25oC
H, N, O, F, Cl, He, Ne,
Kr, Xe, Rn
11. In the 1860s, Mendeleev proposed that the properties of the elements _repeat_ at regular intervals
when they are arranged according to…
increasing atomic mass
12. Today, Mendeleev is regarded as…
the architect of the modern periodic table
13. Mendeleev had the insight to predict what?
the existence and properties of three undiscovered elements
14. Why were the gases on the far right side of the periodic table originally called the inert gases?
because they showed no chemical reactivity
15. Today, the “inert” gases are known as…
the noble gases
16. According to Moseley, the elements should NOT be arranged according to _atomic_ _mass_ but rather
according to…
the number of protons in their nucleus
17. What does the periodic law state?
that the properties of elements recur in a repeating pattern when arranged by increasing atomic #
18. With regard to the periodic table, what is the difference between a group and a period?
group is a vertical column; period is a horizontal row
19. In the periodic table, there are _7_ periods and _18_ groups.
20. Although there has been historical disagreement about how to number the groups, today UIPAC
recommends simply numbering the groups using…
the numerals 1 through 18
21. What are the names given to the following groups of elements?
Group 1:
alkali metals
Group 17:
Group 2:
alkaline earth metals
Group 18:
noble gases
22. The _representative_ elements (also called the main-group elements) are found on the far _left_ and
_right_ sides of the periodic table. The _transition_ elements are found in the _middle_ of the table,
while the _inner_ _transition_ elements are found _beneath_ the main portion of the table.
23. The inner transition elements include, firstly, those of the _lanthanide_ series (so named because they
follow the element _lanthanum_). These are considered to be a part of _Period_ 6. The elements of
the _actinide_ series (so named because they follow the element _actinium_) are also inner transition
elements and are a part of _Period_ 7.
24. Elements 93 and above are the results of what?
high-energy synthesis in particle accelerators called “atom smashers”
25. Elements 93 and above have isotopes with lifetimes that last for…
less than a millisecond
26. What are the transuranium elements?
the elements following uranium (i.e., Np through element 118)
27. What is meant by the term “atomic radius”?
the distance from the nucleus to the outermost electrons
28. What happens to the atomic radius of the atoms as we go up a group of elements from bottom to top?
it increases
29. How do we explain the trend you stated in Q28?
there are fewer energy levels of electrons surrounding the nucleus
30. What happens to the atomic radius of the atoms as we go from left to right with a period?
it decreases
31. Because the number of protons increases as we go from left to right across a period, the nuclear
charge _increases_. This has the effect of _pulling_ the electrons _closer_ _to_ the nucleus and
_reducing_ the size of the atom.
32. As we move from left to right metallic character of the elements _decreases_. As we move up a group,
metallic character _decreases_.
33. How did Mendeleev design the periodic table?
so that elements with similar properties were placed in the same group
34. By understanding the organization of elements in the periodic table, it is possible to do WHAT?
predict the products of chemical reactions
35. Groups 1 and 2 are collectively called the _s_ block. Groups 13 through 18 are called the _p_ block.
Groups 3 through 12 are called the _d_ block. The inner transition elements comprise the _f_ block.?
36. What is significant about valence electrons?
they form chemical bonds between atoms and are responsible for an element’s chemical behavior
37. The number of valence electrons is equal to the total number of electrons in…
the outermost s and p sublevels
38. In the IUPAC designations for group numbers, the last digit of the numbers of the main-group elements
indicates what?
the number of valence electrons
39. Why is the maximum number of valence electrons equal to 8?
because the s and p sublevels can hold only 2 + 6 = 8 electrons
40. The elements that easily lose electrons are the _metals_, which undergo chemical reactions by…
losing one or more valence electrons
41. Metals become _positively_ charged after _losing_ electrons because…
electrons are negatively charged
42. What is an ion?
an atom bearing a charge
43. A. Define ionization energy.
the amount of energy necessary to remove an e- from a neutral atom in the gaseous state
B. Write the equation for the ionization energy of sodium.
Na  Na+ + e–
44. Why do the noble gases have such high ionization energies?
their valence shells are completely filled (i.e., they don’t need to gain or lose e- to become stable)
45. Ionization energy _increases_ going up a group of elements and generally _increases_ from left to right
across a period.
46. When metals and nonmetals react, what – specifically – happens with regard to both?
metals lose e- from their valence shell; nonmetals add electrons to their valence shell
47. Metals become _positive_ ions and nonmetals become _negative_ ions.
48. What does it mean to say that two or more ions are isoelectronic?
they have the same # of e49. From which sublevel do the transition metals first lose electrons?
the highest s sublevel
50. In core notation, the noble gas symbol represents what?
the nucleus and the inner electrons
Unit 4: The Periodic Table
Name: _________________________
Text Questions from Corwin
1. List five properties of metals.
2. What is the difference between something being malleable and it being ductile?
3. List three properties of nonmetals.
4. Solid nonmetals, such as _________ and ________, have a _____ appearance. They ______ into a
___________ if hammered. Eleven nonmetals occur naturally in the __________ state.
5. What is a semimetal, or metalloid?
6. In the semiconductor industry, the semimetal silicon is used in the making of what two things?
7. On the periodic table, where are the metals and nonmetals, relative to each other?
8. List the names and symbols of the eight semimetals mentioned in the text.
9. With the exception of the element ______________, all of the metals are in the _______ state at 25 C.
10. List the symbols for the…
…five nonmetals that are solid at 25oC
…one nonmetal that is liquid at 25oC
…eleven nonmetals that are gases at 25oC
11. In the 1860s, Mendeleev proposed that the properties of the elements __________ at regular intervals
when they are arranged according to…
12. Today, Mendeleev is regarded as…
13. Mendeleev had the insight to predict what?
14. Why were the gases on the far right side of the periodic table originally called the inert gases?
15. Today, the “inert” gases are known as…
16. According to Moseley, the elements should NOT be arranged according to _________ ______ but
rather according to…
17. What does the periodic law state?
18. With regard to the periodic table, what is the difference between a group and a period?
19. In the periodic table, there are ___ periods and ___ groups.
20. Although there has been historical disagreement about how to number the groups, today UIPAC
recommends simply numbering the groups using…
21. What are the names given to the following groups of elements?
Group 1:
Group 17:
Group 2:
Group 18:
22. The _______________ elements (also called the main-group elements) are found on the far _____ and
_______ sides of the periodic table. The ____________ elements are found in the ________ of the
table, while the _______ ___________ elements are found __________ the main portion of the table.
23. The inner transition elements include, firstly, those of the _____________ series (so named because
they follow the element _______________). These are considered to be a part of _________ 6. The
elements of the ____________ series (so named because they follow the element ____________)
are also inner transition elements and are a part of _________ 7.
24. Elements 93 and above are the results of what?
25. Elements 93 and above have isotopes with lifetimes that last for…
26. What are the transuranium elements?
27. What is meant by the term “atomic radius”?
28. What happens to the atomic radius of the atoms as we go up a group of elements from bottom to top?
29. How do we explain the trend you stated in Q28?
30. What happens to the atomic radius of the atoms as we go from left to right with a period?
31. Because the number of protons increases as we go from left to right across a period, the nuclear
charge ___________. This has the effect of __________ the electrons ________ ___ the nucleus and
____________ the size of the atom.
32. As we move from left to right metallic character of the elements ___________. As we move up a group,
metallic character _____________.
33. How did Mendeleev design the periodic table?
34. By understanding the organization of elements in the periodic table, it is possible to do WHAT?
35. Groups 1 and 2 are collectively called the ___ block. Groups 13 through 18 are called the ___ block.
Groups 3 through 12 are called the ___ block. The inner transition elements comprise the ___ block.?
36. What is significant about valence electrons?
37. The number of valence electrons is equal to the total number of electrons in…
38. In the IUPAC designations for group numbers, the last digit of the numbers of the main-group elements
indicates what?
39. Why is the maximum number of valence electrons equal to 8?
40. The elements that easily lose electrons are the ___________, which undergo chemical reactions by…
41. Metals become ______________ charged after _________ electrons because…
42. What is an ion?
43. A. Define ionization energy.
B. Write the equation for the ionization energy of sodium.
44. Why do the noble gases have such high ionization energies?
45. Ionization energy ___________ going up a group of elements and generally __________ from left to
right across a period.
46. When metals and nonmetals react, what – specifically – happens with regard to both?
47. Metals become ______________ ions and nonmetals become _______________ ions.
48. What does it mean to say that two or more ions are isoelectronic?
49. From which sublevel do the transition metals first lose electrons?
50. In core notation, the noble gas symbol represents what?