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Chapter 4 Birds and Mammals Notes
Section 1- Birds
1. Modern birds all share certain characteristics
a. A bird is an ___________________________ vertebrate that has feathers and a fourchambered heart, and lay eggs.
b. Many birds have nearly ____________________________ bones which make them light
2. All birds have feathers.
a. A ________________________________________________ is one of the large feathers
that give shape to a bird’s body. The long contour feathers that extend beyond the body
on the wings and tail are called flight feathers. These feathers help the bird balance and
b. Birds have short, fluffy ___________________________________________ that are
specialized to trap heat and keep the bird warm. These feathers overlap, trapping air
right next to the bird’s skin. Air is a good insulator. An _______________________ is a
material that does not conduct heat well and therefore helps prevent it from escaping.
3. Birds do not have teeth.
a. Birds use their ___________________________to capture, grip and handle food.
b. After a bird eats its food digestion begins. Many birds have an internal storage tank, or
_________________________________________, that allows them to store food inside
the body after swallowing it.
c. Once food is partially digested it moves to a thick-walled, muscular part of the stomach
called the _________________________. The _________________________squeezes
and grinds the partially digested food.
4. Birds have a system of air sacs in their body that connects to the ________________________.
5. Birds have hearts with four chambers (2 atria and 2 ventricles)
a. The right side of the bird’s lungs pumps blood to the lungs where it picks up oxygen.
______________________________ filled blood then returns to the left side of the
heart which pumps the blood to the rest of the body.
6. Birds are the most diverse land-dwelling vertebrates
a. There are ______________________________ species of birds
b. In addition to adaptation birds have adaptations for flight; birds have adaptations of
their leg shape, claws and bills for living in widely diverse environments.
7. People benefit from birds in many ways.
a. Their eggs provide food for people to eat.
b. ___________________________________ birds, like humming birds, carry pollen from
one flower to another which allows flowers to reproduce
c. ___________________________________ birds, like painted buntings, carry the seeds
of plants to new places where they can grow.
d. Birds eat pest animals like rats, mice and insects
Section 2- The Physics of Bird Flight
1. Air is a mixture of gas molecules that exert pressure on the objects they surround.
a. The faster air moves the less __________________________ it exerts.
b. When the wings of a bird move forward, air travels a longer distance over the upper
wing in the same amount of time as it takes to travel a shorter distance beneath the
c. The difference in pressure above and below the bird’s wing produces an upward force
that causes the wing to rise. The upward force is called _________________________.
d. Birds need to use their ____________________________________ to lift off into flight
e. In order to remain in the air, birds flap their wings. The downward stroke provides
power that pushes the bird forward and upward.
Section 3- What is a mammal?
1. Mammals are a diverse group of vertebrates that share many characteristics
a. All mammals are ___________________________________ vertebrates with a fourchambered heart, and skin covered with fur or hair.
b. The young of most mammals are born alive, and every young mammal is fed with
________________________________________ produced in its mother’s body.
c. Mammals have teeth of different shapes that are adapted to their diets.
2. All mammals have ______________________ or ___________________________at some point
in their lives.
a. Thick fur provides light weight insulation that prevents body heat from escaping.
b. Animals that live in cold regions have thicker coats of fur than animals in warmer
3. Mammals teeth are adapted to chew their food, breaking it into small bits that make digestion
a. _________________________ are flat-edged teeth used to bit off and cut parts of food.
b. __________________________ are sharply pointed teeth that stab food and tear into it.
c. _________________________ and _________________________grind and shred food
into tiny bites.
d. The size, shape and hardness of a mammal’s teeth reflect its diet. For example, the
canines of carnivores are especially large and sharp (helps kill prey) and the molars of
herbivores are broad and flat (helps grind plants)
4. Mammals breath with their ____________________
a. Mammals breathe in and out because of the combined action of rib muscles and a large
muscle called the ____________________________ located at the bottom of the chest.
b. Mammals have a four chambered heart and a two-loop circulation system.
5. The nervous system and senses of an animal receive information about its environment and
coordinate the animals movements
a. The brains of mammals enable them to learn, remember and behave in complex ways.
b. The sense of mammals are highly developed and adapted for the ways that individual
species live. For example, Tarsiers, which are active at night, have huge eyes that enable
them to see in the dark.
6. Mammals have internal fertilization.
a. All mammals feed their young with milk produced by their mammary glands.
b. Young mammals usually stay with their mother or both parents for an extended period
of time.
Section 4- Diversity of Mammals
1. There are three groups of mammals; monotremes, marsupials and placental mammals. The
membership of these three groups depends on the way their young develop.
a. Monotremes are mammals that lay eggs such as spiny anteaters and duck-billed
b. Marsupials are mammals whose young are born alive, but at an early stage of
development and they usually continue to develop in a pouch on their mother’s
i. Koalas, kangaroos, bandicoots, wallabies and opossums are marsupials.
ii. Marsupials have a very short gestations period. A gestation period is the
length of time between fertilization and birth.
c. Placental Mammals develop inside its mother’s body until its body systems can
function independently. The name of this group comes from the placenta. A
placenta is an organ in pregnant female mammals that passes materials between
the mother and the developing embryo.
i. Placental mammals are classified into groups on the basis of characteristics
such as how they eat and how their bodies are adapted for moving such as
carnivores, primates, marine mammals, insect eaters, etc. (pages 144-145 in