Download Section 3 What is energy? Energy “Ability to do work” Anything that

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Section 3
What is energy?
 “Ability to do work”
 Anything that causes change must have energy.
 SI unit for all energies
 Joules (J)
Potential Energy
 Even motionless objects can have energy
 Stored energy due to position, shape, or condition
 Energy of Position
Elastic PE
 Energy stored by something that can stretch or compress
 Ex: rubber band, spring, bungee cord
Gravitational PE
Energy stored by objects due to their position above Earth’s surface
Anything that can fall has stored energy
Increased by increasing its height
If two objects = height, larger mass more GPE
 GPE (J) =mass (kg) x gravity (m/s2) x height (m)
 GPE =mgh
• Gravity=9.8 m/s2
Mechanical energy
 ME= PE + KE
 Chemical PE
 Formation and breaking of bonds
 Match releases energy as light and heat
Kinetic energy
 The energy of an object due to its motion
 Depends on
 mass and speed
 Equation
 KE(J)=1/2 x mass(kg)x speed2(m/s)2
 KE=1/2mv2
Radiant energy
 Energy from the Sun
 warms the planet
 provides energy to plants
 Perform photosynthesis
 Fusion (sun)
 Atomic nuclei combine to form heavier nucleus
 Fission
 Single larger nucleus splits into 2 or more smaller nuclei
 Lightning
 Electrons moving through the air between the ground and a cloud
 Electrical energy
Energy in Plants
 Calorie
 Food energy
 1C=4,186 J
 Biofuel
 Ethanol and methane
Conservation of energy
Section 4
Roller coasters
 Propelling
 GPE, KE, heat
 Locations of KE/GPE
 Lowest PE/Highest KE: bottom of lowest hill
 Highest PE/Lowest KE: top of highest hill
 Law of conservation of energy
 Energy cannot be created nor destroyed
 A.k.a. 1st law of thermodynamics
 Lost energy
 Energy is lost as heat, sound, or vibrations
Types of systems
 Closed
 Energy but not matter exchanged
 Open
 Energy and matter are exchanged with the surroundings
 Isolated
 Neither energy nor matter are exchanged
 How much useful work a machine can do
 Equation
 Efficiency=useful work output/work input
 Unit %
 Why not 100% efficiency
 Every machine has some friction