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Chapter 8
Cardiovascular System Diseases and
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Anatomy and Physiology
• Cardiovascular system
– Heart, arteries, and veins with blood
• Heart
– Size of man’s fist
– Four-chambered
– Muscular
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The Heart
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Anatomy and Physiology
• Heart:
– Three layers
• Epicardium
• Myocardium
• Endocardium
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Click Here to Play the Heart Animation
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Diagnostic Tests
• Non-invasive procedures:
Ultrasound arteriography
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Diagnostic Tests
• Cardiac catheterization
– Invasive procedure to determine oxygen content and blood
• X-rays
– To determine normal function of heart and vessels
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Diagnostic Tests
• Common x-rays:
– Angiocardiography
– Angiography
– Venogram
• Blood tests
– Enzymes
• Creatine phosphokinase (CPK)
• Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)
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Diseases of Arteries
• Hypertension
– Indicator of development of cerebrovascular,
cardiovascular, and kidney disease
– Chronic disease
– Leading cause of stroke and heart failure
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Diseases of Arteries
• Hypertension
– Normal blood pressure
• 120/80
– High blood pressure
• Greater than 140/90
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Diseases of Arteries
• Hypertension
– Top number
• Systolic
• Measures highest pressure in artery when ventricles contract
– Bottom number
• Diastolic
• Measures pressure in artery when ventricles relax
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Diseases of Arteries
• Hypertension
– Primary
• Idiopathic with gradual onset
• Also known as essential hypertension
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Diseases of Arteries
• Hypertension
– Risk factors:
Stress and type A personality
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Diseases of Arteries
• Hypertension
– Treatment:
Anti-hypertensive medications
Lifestyle changes
Low-salt diet
Stress-reducing exercise
Smoking cessation
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Diseases of Arteries
• Arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis
– Loss of elasticity and thickening of artery wall
– Also known as hardening of arteries
– Plaque
• Deposits of fatty or lipid material in wall of artery
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Diseases of Arteries
• Atherosclerosis
– Major areas affected:
Coronary arteries
Cerebral arteries
Peripheral arteries
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Diseases of Arteries
• Atherosclerosis
– Risk factors:
• Non-controllable factors
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Diseases of Arteries
• Atherosclerosis
– Risk factors:
• Controllable factors
Sedentary lifestyle
Cigarette smoking
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Diseases of Arteries
• Atherosclerosis
– Diagnosis by blood pressure, arteriograms, x-rays, and
– Symptomatic treatment:
• Bypass surgery of occluded arteries and plaque removal
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Diseases of Arteries
• Peripheral vascular disease (PVD)
– Caused by atherosclerotic plaque in arteries supplying
blood to legs
– Intermittent claudication
• Muscle cramps relieved with rest and increased with activity
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Diseases of Arteries
• Peripheral vascular disease (PVD)
– Treatment:
• Endarterectomy
– If necrosis occurs, amputation or resection may be
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Diseases of Arteries
• Aneurysm
– Weakening in wall of artery leading to bulge or rupture
– Usually asymptomatic and discovered accidentally
– Aorta
• Most common location
– Treatment:
• Repairing aneurysm before rupture through resection and grafting
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Types of Aneurysms
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Diseases of Arteries
• Coronary artery disease
– Narrowing of arteries that supply blood to myocardium
– Single leading cause of death in United States
– Commonly due to atherosclerosis
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Diseases of Arteries
• Coronary artery disease
– Progressive narrowing of vessels may lead to ischemia of
heart muscle and symptoms
– Scar tissue replaces muscle
– Occlusion may progress slowly or suddenly as result of
thrombus or embolus
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Diseases of Arteries
• Coronary artery disease
– Myocardial infarction
• Death of heart muscle
– Diagnosis by history, electrocardiogram (EKG), and
– Treatment:
• Aimed at increasing blood flow or decreasing oxygen needs
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Diseases of Arteries
• Coronary artery disease
– Treatment:
Angina treated with vasodilators
Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)
Reduction of atherosclerotic risk factors
– Diet
– Exercise
– Smoking
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Diseases of the Heart
• Angina pectoris
Chest pain
Lack of oxygen to heart
Sign of impending myocardial infarction
• Decrease workload of heart
• Use nitroglycerin
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Diseases of the Heart
• Myocardial infarction
– Heart attack
– Occurs when heart does not get enough oxygen
– Symptoms:
• Severe chest pain with diaphoresis and nausea
• Referred pain to neck, arm, and jaw with discomfort similar to bad
or unrelieved indigestion
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Diseases of the Heart
• Myocardial infarction
– Treatment:
Give immediate attention to prevent shock
Relieve respiratory distress
Decrease workload
If cardiac arrest, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) must be
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Diseases of the Heart
• Myocardial infarction
– Treatment:
Oxygen and pain medication
Medications to treat arrhythmias
Clot-busting medications
Education on prevention by lifestyle changes
– Smoking cessation
– Diet
– Exercise
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Diseases of the Heart
• Hypertensive heart disease
– Result of long-term hypertension
– Causes:
• Disease or disorder causing chronic elevation in blood pressure
– Treatment:
• Treat cause of hypertension
• Can only be controlled
– No cure
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Diseases of the Heart
• Rheumatic heart disease
– Autoimmune disorder caused by streptococcal throat
– All layers of heart and valves can be affected
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Diseases of the Heart
• Rheumatic heart disease
– Treatment:
• Prevention/treatment of streptococcal infections
• Rest during acute stage
• Valve replacement to correct deformity
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Diseases of the Heart
• Congestive heart failure (CHF)
– Heart fails to pump adequate blood supply
– Develops slowly and increases workload of heart
– Symptoms:
• Gradual increase in dyspnea
• Tachycardia
• Tachypnea
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Diseases of the Heart
– Symptoms:
Neck vein distention
Edema in ankles and lower legs
Right-sided leads to congestion of liver and spleen
Left-sided leads to congestion of lungs
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Diseases of the Heart
– Diagnosis by history and physical, chest x-ray, and EKG
– Treatment:
Decrease workload
Salt and fluid restrictions
Medications to strengthen and slow heart
– E.g., digitalis
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Click Here to Play Congestive Heart Failure Animation
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Diseases of the Heart
• Cardiomyopathy
– Disease of heart muscle
– Characterized by dilated, enlarged, thin, flabby heart
– No cure
– Leads to CHF, myocardial infarction, and death
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Diseases of the Heart
• Carditis
– Inflammation of heart
• E.g., pericarditis, myocarditis, endocarditis
– Often secondary to respiratory, urinary tract, or skin
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Diseases of the Heart
• Carditis
– Treatment:
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Diseases of the Heart
• Valvular heart disease
– Malfunction of heart valves
– Murmurs or abnormal heart sound
– Causes:
• Congenital abnormalities or malformations
• Rheumatic fever
• Endocarditis
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Diseases of the Heart
• Arrhythmias
– Abnormal heart rhythm
– Sinus rhythm is normal heart rhythm
• 60 to 120 beats per minute
– Fibrillation
• Wild and uncoordinated
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Diseases of the Heart
• Arrhythmias
– Flutter
• Unusually fast heart rate
– Up to 350 beats per minute
– Heart block
• Interruption in conduction system
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Diseases of the Heart
• Arrhythmias
– Divided into first-, second-, or third-degree
– Premature or early contractions (PVCs) may affect atria or
– Treatment:
• Unnecessary if asymptomatic
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Diseases of the Veins
• Phlebitis
– Inflammation of superficial veins
– Symptoms:
• Pain
• Swelling
• Red, cord-like hardening along vein toward heart
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Diseases of the Veins
• Phlebitis
– Treatment:
Warm compresses
Elevation of area above heart level
Elastic stockings
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Diseases of the Veins
• Thrombophlebitis
– Clotting in vessels of legs, thighs, and pelvis
– Asymptomatic until embolization occurs
– Risk factors:
• Immobility
• Dehydration
• Varicose veins
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Phlebitis and Thrombus
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Diseases of the Veins
• Deep vein thrombophlebitis (DVT)
– Treatment:
• Reduce clot
• Prevent embolization
• Use anticoagulants
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Diseases of the Veins
• Varicose veins
– Dilated, tortuous, and elongated veins in legs
– Causes:
• Prolonged sitting or standing
• Pregnancy
• Obesity
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Diseases of the Veins
• Varicose veins
– Symptoms:
Leg fatigue and cramps
Thickening veins
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Diseases of the Veins
• Varicose veins
– Treatment:
Elevate legs
Use support or elastic hose
Strip vein
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• Hemorrhage
– Abnormal loss of blood
– May be acute or chronic
– Exsanguination
• Loss of circulating blood
– Internal bleeding can lead to anemia or shock due to blood
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• Hemorrhage
– Low-pressure vessels lead to petechiae or ecchymosis of
– High-pressure vessels lead to squirting of bright red blood
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• Shock
– Extremely low blood pressure that leads to decreased tissue
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• Shock
– Types:
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• Shock
– Symptoms:
Facial pallor
Cool and clammy skin
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• Shock
– Symptoms:
Altered mental status
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• Shock
– Treatment:
• Rest in supine position
• Move to warm, quiet environment
• Elevate feet and legs above heart
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Rare Diseases
Malignant hypertension
Cor pulmonale
Raynaud’s disease
Buerger’s disease
Polyarteritis nodosa
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Effects of Aging
• Decreased contractility of heart muscle
• Decreased elasticity of vessels
• Thickening of valves
– Becoming sclerotic
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Click Here to Play Ventricular Fibrillation Animation
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