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Session 2017-18 (16th May to 30 June)
“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always
to try just one more time”.
1. Have you ever travelled abroad? Which country would you like to visit? Write about its food,
language, climate and landmarks. Paste pictures also.
2. Paste pictures of ten abstract nouns and ten collective nouns on A3 size sheet.
3. Complete pages 20 to 30 in successful spellings book.
4. Whom do you like the most in your family? Describe him in your words using adjectives. Paste
his /her picture also.
5. Learn syllabus for Pre mid term-1.
6. English Syllabus – L-1 (The man who fought with Windmills), L-2 (A visit to France)
Workbook –Pg -1to 21, Grammar Full work done in grammar copy.
Make the diagrams of ‘General Purpose Application Softwares’ and write few lines
about them in computer copy.
Make a diagram of “Dash Icon” and write its importance in Edubuntu.
Read chapter- 1 to 3 and learn chapter-1,2.
1. Chart on important parallels on the globe.
2. Paste weather forecast cutting of one month in the file.
3. Make a project file on Democratic Republic Of Congo and include all the following
a. Location and extent
b. Physical features
c. Climatic conditions
d. Vegetation and wildlife
e. Economic activities
f. Life of the people
4. Learn all the questions answers of chapter 1, 2, 3 and 5 done in your copy.
5.Draw a chart of our national leaders.
1.Learn tables 2 to 20.
2.Revise Unit 1 (More on Large numbers), 2 ( Operation on Large numbers) and 3( Factors and
Multiples) for midterm examination .
3. Learn divisibility rules from 2 to 10.
4. ACTIVITY “ Jewellary Designing”
Practise designing jewellery using various material like clay, cardboard etc and their decoration .
5.Learn activities done in maths activity file and practise pasting work.
Rounding Worksheet-2
Round the following numbers to the nearest hundred.
1 a.
1 b.
2 a.
2 b.
3 a.
3 b.
Round the following numbers to the nearest ten.
1 a. 2 6 7 0
1 b. 3 7 2 4
2 a. 8 1 2 3
2 b. 8 5 9 5
3 a. 7 6 0 5
3 b. 9 7 6 4
4 a. 2 8 5 2
4 b. 5 7 3 5
5 a. 8 5 3 4
5 b. 4 2 7 6
1 c.
2 c.
3 c.
4 c.
5 c.
1)समाचार पत्र में से एक अनच्
ु छे द काटकर ए -4 आकर की शीट पर चचपकाएँ l उस में से व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा
,जातिवाचक संज्ञा और भाववाचक संज्ञा ( पांच –पांच) छांटकर लिखिए I
2)गाँधीजी की सूक्तियों का संकिन कर चाटट परचचपकाएँI
(3)नैतिक मूल्यों से संबंचधि कोई एक कहानी याद कररए I
(4)तनम्नलिखिि कहातनयों की पुस्िकें पढ़िए-
पंचिंत्र की कहातनयाँ, नंदन, चंपक, दादा-दादी की कहातनयाँ , मेरी प्यारी नानी की कहातनयाँ , चोिी कहातनयाँ
(गीिा प्रेस , गोरिपुर) I
(5) कक्षा में करवाया गया समस्ि कायट याद कीक्जए l
Mid-term Syllabus __Revise chapters 1. Plants: Increasing The Number, 2. Food And
Health and 4.Houses All Around for exam in July.
Complete the work sheets given. Paste them in your science note book.
Prepare a working model. Make the project report and a chart related to your model
according to assigned group. ( Group Activity)
Bring one pot with a plant of proper size.
Chapter 1
Tick the correct answer.
• Xanthium seeds are mainly dispersed by
• air
b) water
c) animals
2. Which of the following help to loosen soil ?
a) manuring
b) ploughing c) harvesting
3. New plants can grow from the leaves of
a) ginger
b) bryophyllum
c) onion
4. Which of the following plant grows from spores ?
a) mushroom b) rose
c) carrot
5. Mango seeds are dispersed by
a) air
b) wind
c) man
B. Fill in the blanks
1. Wheat has ____________________ seed leaf / leaves.
2. _______ store food for the baby plant .
3. Plants help to reduce soil _______________________.
4. Rice and maize are grown in summers. They are called ______________________
5. Seed of madar are dispersed by _____________________.
C. Complete the series
1. tigernail : animal :: __________________ : wind
2. jute : clayey soil :: ________________ : black soil
3. wheat : winter :: _________________ : summer
4. rose : stem cutting :: __________________ : seed
D. HOTS questions
1. Why can’t we grow tea in Rajasthan?
Chapter 2
• Complete the table.
Bones become soft
Gland in the neck
swells up
Vitamin C
Bleeding gums
Night Blindness
Vitamin B1
Affects the nervous
B. Riddle time: Who am I?
Growing children need more of this . __________________
• I give more energy than carbohydrates. _____________________
• I help in quick removal of waste matter from your body _______________
I am a colorless liquid and you cannot survive without me.
Incurable disease, I spread by a virus called HIV . __________________
C. Fill in the blanks.
1. __________ keeps us fit and improve our ability to fight diseases.
2. Malaria is spread through __________.
3. We must keep our surroundings ___________.
4. _________ posture gives us graceful appearance.
Chapter 3
Tick all the things from which a house protect us :
Animals , Rain, Sweets, storms , Snake, Friends, Thieves, Teachers ,Heat
Write True (T) Or False (F) for the following statements.
• A n igloo is made using snow only.
• The early man lived in boats,
• Every house must have proper drainage system.
• Stilts in the house in Assam are usually made of iron.
• A mud house helps in keeping interiors of a house cool in hot and dry deserts.
General Knowledge
Humans by nature are curious beings. The level of curiosity is the highest among children. They
tend to explore and wonder about the things around. With this aim, the G.K Homework is given
that will provide amazing knowledge facts, Quiz games, IQ tests, Inventions, Crosswords etc to
help children learn new things .
My Amazing Book of Knowledge
1. Work Book
 Complete pages 1 to 20 and revise them thoroughly.
 Think Quick – Test Your IQ on page 31.
 Complete Test Paper – 1 (Based on Units 1 and 2) on page 58.
Test Paper - 2 (Based on Units 3 and 4) on page 59.
 Let’s make ‘Learning a Fun’. Based on this concept do some activities from your
Craft Zone – Paper Birds on page 28.
Play Time – Drawing is Fun on page 29.
2. Reading Book
Read the given chapters carefully. Learn the given Question Answers and paste them properly in
your note-books. Try finding out some more questions and write their answers neatly in your
note-books. You may paste / draw some relevant pictures using your own creative skills.
 Wonderful Plants
 Amazing Animals
 Human Body
 Our Earth
3. Question Answers from My Amazing Book of Knowledge (Units 1 to 4)
Unit 1- Wonderful Plants
1) What are coniferous plants? Why are they generally cone shaped? Give two
Ans. Coniferous plants or conifers are cone bearing trees and shrubs whose seeds
develop in their cones. They are generally cone shaped so that water and snow do
not harm their leaves and branches.
Eg. Fir, Pine
2) Water are Mosses?
Ans. Mosses are non flowering plants with no real roots and stems.
3) Why does Lemon taste sour?
Ans. Lemon tastes sour because they contain about 5-6% citric acid.
4) Why do fruits change colours as they ripen?
Ans. When a fruit begins to ripen the green chlorophyll pigment undergoes chemical
reaction and breaks down. New pigments give a new colour (yellow , brown, red,
blue etc.) to the ripe fruit.
5) Name the following :
A plant that can cause burns :
Ans. The Giant Hogweed plant
A touch sensitive plant :
Ans. Mimosa Pudica
A Dancing Plant :
Ans. Telegraph plant
Tallest and largest trees in the world :
Ans. Giant Sequoia trees
Oldest tree in the world :
Ans. Bristlecone pine tree
Most expensive fruit :
Ans. Yubari King
Unit – 2 Amazing Animals
Why is the tongue of Giraffe blue – black in colour?
Ans. The blue – black colour of the tongue protects it from being sunburnt due to
long exposure to the Sun.
Why do Elephants have big ears?
Ans. Big ears of the Elephants on flapping cools them down and keep their body
temperature normal. They also use their big ears to threat away their enemies.
How do Bats fly around in the dark?
Ans. As Bats fly, they make high pitched sound which humans cannot hear. They use
echo – location to find their way while flying at night.
Why do birds sit on their eggs?
Ans. The birds sit on their eggs to provide them warmth and to make sure that the
chicks inside them develop properly. This is called ‘Incubation’.
5) Why do fish have scales?
Ans. The scales cover and protect the body of a fish. They can easily bend and slide
over one another to help the fish for easy movement.
6) Why is Echidna a unique mammal?
Ans. Echidna a unique mammal because –
a. It has spines on its body like a porcupine and a beak like a bird.
b. Female Echidnas lay eggs instead of giving birth to babies.
c. They have a pouch like a Kangaroo to keep their young ones.
7) Name the following –
The monkey with the longest nose :
Ans. The male Proboscis Monkey
The smallest monkey :
Ans. The Pygmy Marmosets Monkey.
The smallest Rodent :
Ans. The Pygmy Jerboa
The bird having a Shoe like Bill :
Ans. Shoe Billed Stork
The largest snake also known as ‘The King of Snakes’ :
Ans. The King Cobra
Name two mammals that lay eggs :
Ans. Echidna and Platypus
Unit-3 Human Body
What is the average weight and size of a human brain?
Ans. The brain of an average human weighs about 1.5 kgs and is about 15cm long.
Name the main parts of brain.
Ans. The human brain has three main parts – Cerebrum, Cerebellum and the Medulla.
What is the function of Medulla or Medulla Oblongata?
Ans. Medulla joins the brain to the spinal cord. It controls and regulates our heart
beat, breathing, blood pressure, coughing, sneezing, swallowing, blinking etc. It also
helps to transfer the messages from the brain to the spinal cord.
Why are reflex actions important?
Ans. Reflex actions make us act quickly to avoid harm to our body.
How long can the brain go without Oxygen?
Ans. 6 mins
Why is our skin able to feel things?
Ans. Our skin can feel things because of the touch receptors or nerve endings in
Name the followingi.
Part of our body also known as ‘Master Computer’:
Ans. Brain
Nerve cells of the brain:
Ans. Neurons
Largest part of brain:
Ans. The Cerebrum
Part of brain which helps to balance the body:
Ans. The Cerebellum
Smallest part of brain:
Ans. The Medulla
The Pigment which gives dark or light colour to the skin:
Ans. Melanin
Unit – 4 Our Earth
1) Why does the Earth look blue when we view it from space?
Ans. About 75% of the Earth is covered with water. Water reflects the blue colour of
the sky above it and gives blue colour to the Earth.
2) Name the three layers of earth.
Ans. Three layers of earth are Core, Mantle and Crust.
3) What are Tectonic Plates?
Ans. The earth’s crust is made up of large blocks called Tectonic Plates.
4) How does the Earth’s magnetic field protect us?
Ans. The Earth’s magnetic field protects us from the harmful cosmic rays. It also
guides some birds during their migratory flight.
5) What is atmosphere? Give the composition of air.
Ans. The thin blanket of air that surrounds the earth is called the atmosphere.
Air is a mixture of many gases. It has 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, and the
remaining 1% is water vapors, carbon dioxide, dust and many other gases.
6) How does the atmosphere help us?
Atmosphere acts as a huge blanket, keeping the earth warm.
It provides oxygen to the human beings and animals for breathing.
It gives carbon dioxide to the plants for making food.
Ozone layer of the atmosphere protects us from harmful UV rays of the sun.
It protects earth from being hit by Asteroids and Meteors.
7) Name the following –
Five Oceans on earth:
Ans. Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic and Southern Ocean.
Lowest layer of atmosphere:
Ans. Troposphere
Process by which plants make their food:
Ans. Photosynthesis
Molten layer of the earth:
Ans. Core
The outer most layer of earth on which we live:
Ans. Crust
Instrument used to measure earthquake:
Ans. Seismograph
Four realms of earth:
Ans. The atmosphere, Lithosphere, Hydrosphere and Biosphere are called the
four realms of earth.