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ELECTROCHEMICAL GAS SENSORS SPECIFICATION SHEET FOR OXYGEN SENSOR TYPE O2/M-100 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Nominal Range Maximum Overload Expected Operation Life (1) Output Signal Sensitivity Resolution t90 Response Time Temperature Range Temperature Coefficient Pressure Range Pressure Coefficient Relative Humidity Range Baseline in pure Nitrogen Expected Long Term Output Drift Recommended Load Resistor Bias Voltage Repeatability Output Linearity 0 – 30% 100% 3 years in air 1.6 to 2.6 mA in air 100 ± 24 μA / % 0.05% < 10 sec - 40 °C to + 50 °C 0.3% signal / °C Atmospheric ± 10% No data 15% to 90% R.H. noncondensing 0.1% equivalent < 2% signal loss/month 10 Ohm -600 mV < 2% of signal Linear PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Weight Position Sensitivity Storage Life Recommended Storage Temperature Warranty Period ~ 5.4 g None Six months in container 5 °C – 20 °C 12 months from date of dispatch RoHS compliance Conformity to RoHS directive Miniature-Size Outline Dimensions BOTTOM VIEW Reference Sensing Counter 90° (1) The lifetime is not limited by the consumption of internal components Performance data conditions: 20 °C, 50% RH and 1013 mbar 18 mm SIDE VIEW 13.5 mm PCD 20 mm Further information can be found in the document MEM2 Application Note Oxygen Sensor. APPLICATIONS Safety and Environmental Control For Portable Gas Detectors REV.: 08/2011 Phone: +41 43 311 72 00 Fax : +41 43 311 72 01 Email: [email protected] www.membrapor.ch 5 mm Pin Projection 1.5 mm Pins on 13.5 mm PCD Page 1 of 2 MEMBRAPOR AG Birkenweg 2 CH-8304 Wallisellen Switzerland ELECTROCHEMICAL GAS SENSORS SPECIFICATION SHEET FOR OXYGEN SENSOR TYPE O2/M-100 TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE The output of an electrochemical sensor varies with temperature. The graph below shows the variation in output with temperature for this type of sensor. The result is shown in the graph as a mean for a batch of sensors, along with observed extreme values. The sensitivity dependence is expressed as a percentage of the signal at 20 °C. Sensitivity Temperature Dependence 110% Output (referenced to 20 °C) 105% 100% Mean Max Min 95% 90% 85% 80% -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Temperature [°C] LINEARITY AND RESOLUTION Resolution Output Signal vs Concentration 200 28 180 24 160 140 20 Signal [uA] Signal (% O2 indication) 32 16 12 8 Output Signal 4 Linear Response 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 Oxygen Concentration [%] 25 30 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Oxygen [%] The data contained in this document is for guidance only. Membrapor AG accepts no liability for any consequential losses, injury or damage resulting from the use of this document or the information contained within it. The data is given for guidance only. Customers should test under their own conditions, to ensure that the sensors are suitable for their own requirements. REV.: 08/2011 Phone: +41 43 311 72 00 Fax : +41 43 311 72 01 Email: [email protected] www.membrapor.ch Page 2 of 2 MEMBRAPOR AG Birkenweg 2 CH-8304 Wallisellen Switzerland