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BLUMEA A 28 (1982) 145 150 - revision of Badusa (Rubiaceae, Condamineae, Portlandiinae) C.E. Ridsdale Summary The and a Badusa genus diinae: it is new closely found Solomon a is with was but again suspect no that A. so Bull. 74 K. Proc. Schum. Am. in older (1930) 28; Lemee, Manila genera with short 1 (1859) 308; Nat. (1929) Pfl. 480. — 4, Flowers the base. Leaves lobes imbricate, usually shortly united anthers basifixed, shaped, attached at Flowering introrse. to septum Style at and clear was that Krukoff Botanist /. 4 the to and identity not be traced belongs to Badusa, in Benth. A. Stamens exserted. of & Hook. Disc arms, loculicidally. /., Gen. (1891) 54; Gillespie, Bishop O. Kuntze, in Post & PI. 2 Mus. Kuntze, Gray. Stipules shallowly inter- and inserted intra-petiolar, undulate to deltoid, inside petiolate. Inflorescence filaments long junction of Malesian was these However, to at an axillary thyrse. hypocrateriform, inside the base of the corolla, exserted, included part pubescent; small. Ovary 2-locular, ovules acropetally Seeds small, placenta imbricate. slightly winged or Botany, Rijksherbarium, Leiden, The Netherlands Y- Fruit crested end. B. A. from Fiji through New Guinea. by Nees, Corolla infundibular quincuncial. the base, capsule splitting septicidally one opposite, (4- or) 5-merous, pedicelled. pubescent; corymbifera the stem, annular, sheathing plant material intrapetiolar cup-like stipules Bathysograya Terminal vegetative bud shortly trigonal. the base and species: B. Hook. Fam. trees. at unusual Condamineae) Gray (Tribe & Prantl. Diet. Type Portlan- Palawan, far been traced. Small at an the type material could 62. — from literature. near (1903) with colleters *) from Biak, Lexic. connate Malesia this genus. far known from Tonga, so collected Acad. Arts 4 Engl. subtribe is described Macrocnemon parviflorum from the Moluccas also type material has Gray, (1873) 42; Condamineae Subsequently it Unfortunately BADUSA A. Badusa to collection two are from of Bikkia. in the the biakensis. pre-identified one Merrill. ssp. Cinchona supposedly in Madrid. Badusa and Bikkia I of possibly reported philippica locality being questioned by and corymbifera to palawanensis B. species of Badusa, species new Cinchoneae new specimens and Micronesia, further material Badusa B. materials indeterminate were I. Biak, the A found which had been under specimens from to Morierina. the through was transferred from subspecies Sorting Palawan is related a at C. 146 E. Ridsdale: Badusa KEY TO THE la. b. 2a. Calyx Corolla tube long. b. with filiform lobes 5-6 Calyx margin undulate over 10 or mm long. Calyx Fig. 80766). 1. 3-4 mm; lobes mm 5-8 mm long. Calyx arbores mediocres. sp. less than nov. — 2 mm 2 narrowly triangular, palawanensis. — a. cm habit 3. long Stipulae annulae, undulatae, 2-3 basi dorso cuneata, glabrae. nervis B. B. Folia 2-2.5 mm palauensis corymbifera b. flowers x 4; c. fruit (a. elliptica 7-10 lateralibus longi. Inflorescentia lateralia, axes x palawanensis Fig. 1. utrinque glabra, apice acuminata, pubescentia; petioli (1.5—) Badusa B. long 2. tube cm, chartacea domatia 1. Palawan Palau Corolla Frutices vel 2-3 long. SPECIES with triangular lobes less than 4 Badusa palawanensis Ridsd., 1. mm (Rubiaceae) 7-10 floriferae PNH x paribus, solitariae. 93357; b, c. PNH BLUMEA Flores 5-meri. Corolla lobis 5x2 oblongis Shrub 2 Leaves mm. 3 high, m axils. Petiole normal and reduced Flowers only lobes inside glabrous, crowned by 1 5-6 lobes pubescent; persistent calyx and 5x2 oblong, Note. 2. 348; 46 x Decoction (1935) 415. Small 5-15 tree 3-5.5(-6.5) acute; lateral of used roots domatia in the densely hairy lateral shoots, these on from upper 1 bearing 2 nodes. or glabrous. Calyx glabrous; mm, Capsule mm. tube 6 mm, 6 oblong, tube outside long, mm (PNH 80766, 91357). to malaria. cure 14150 m these sometimes bearing reduced leaves glabrous. Capsule 9 long. mm up — 45 (1931) Micron. (Enum. photo L). - PI.) Syntypes: 12-15 10-12 mm 2-3 x long. mm long. Leaves elliptic (-oblong), 6-13 and below 2 often mm cm densely long apex acute; base domatia villose with 2-3 lobes long; long; mm twisted or exserted, 5-6 narrowly triangular, outside rolled. stigma in major nodes, Flowers 5-merous. Pedicel cm. mm tube 10-12 mm, 12-14 Style x 3-4 glabrous; with 20 to up 5 to Calyx hypocrateriform; pubescent; lobes linear, anthers mm pairs, usually drying pallid, 6-7 Corolla long. 3-5 above long. Inflorescence axillary, long. Hypanthium Univ. (n.v.). 8-11 nerves (?t 1910 s.n. anno high. Stipules deltoid, cm mm Kraemer somewhat coriaceous, cm, (1930) 299; Kanehira, Bot. Mag. Tokyo Bot. Jahrb. 63 (1933) 353, fig. 183; J. Dept. Agric. Kyushu Imp. axils. Petiole 1-3 exserted, with glabrous. summit of limestone hill. Lectotype: — 14098, 2-2.5 undulate, remnants. palauensis Valeton, Engl. Fl. Micronesica Ledermann mm longis. pubescens, palauensis Valeton Badusa Badusa Rocky mm leviter glabrous; apex acuminate; long. Corolla infundibular; Distribution. Palawan, Lipuon Peak Ecology. below branching 2 Hypanthium mm 5-6 filiformis, long, shallowly mm pairs, inconspicuous, leaves, rather compacted filiform, lobis (L). long. Inflorescence terminal mm 147 longo, extus glabra intus chartaceous, above and 7-10 1982 1, longus, mm mm 80766 PNH s: known in bud, 5-merous. long; mm tubo 6 Stipules annular, cm, nerves evoluta, u y p diam. 2-3 (1.5-) T 2-3 x bene No. 28, 1.5 longum. Calyx mm — cm 7-10 elliptic, base cuneate; lateral 1.5 2 Hypanthium infundibularis, nondum VOL. glabrous, Stamens obovoid. inside 14—16 Disc mm small, long. Distribution. Micronesia: Palau. Ecology. Note. A manuscripts Kanehira photograph at notes and that the Rijksherbarium Jahrb. 63 (1930) Also 288-233). the plant of rocks. found among Veleton's recently were which included sketches coral on grows sketches some notes some for 'Fl. Mikronesien' (Bot. of Randia, species Oldenlandia, Amaracarpus, and Tarenna have been found. 3. Badusa Cinchona corymbifera (Forst. f.) corymbifera (1781) 144; Forst./., Nat. Hist. Selskab. 361; Linn., Syst. Forst. Fl. Nov. /., Inst. Austr. Kpbenhavn Veg. ed. 15 1 A. Gray Act. Soc. Prodr. Sci. Uppsala 3 (1786) 15; Vitm., (1790) 22; Symb. Bot. 2 (1780) 176; Linn., Sp. Sum. PI. 1 (1791) 37; Gmel., Syst. (Murray) (1797) 222; Lambert, Descr. PI. (1789) 461; Vahl, Nat. Genus Cinchona 1 Suppl. Skrift. (1792) (1797) 14, C. E. 148 ForstHerb. 25, fig. 5; Austr. Ridsdale: Method. Lamarck, Encycl. 1 part Bot. Nom. G. 358; Bot. 9. (1811) 6, ed. ed. A Home, Hist. (1840) 1 2, 1,1 (1821) 331; Gen. Don, 1 6, Cinchonae in year Gillespie, Bishop Yuncker, Bishop 3 623. Badusa Fiji (1881) 257; Mus. Bull. Mus. Bull. A. corymbifera Drake del 220 Bot. 111. Castillo, Forests Brit. Solom. I. Fl. Bull. Is. 5 Thunberg) (1830) Nom. Ins. Prodr. Acad. Arts Mar. 4 Pacific (1859) 308; (1890) 1853; (1940) 418; Bot. Club 67 (1964) 187, fig. 67; 168. C. (1819) 20; Steudel, 4 Torrey (1966) (1805) 197; (1836) 175; Steudel, Am. Proc. Gray, 1 (praside (1826) 227; DC., Fl. Suds. (1959) 246; Parham, PI. Fiji to Bot. Cinch, Chinae Bemerk. Sum. (1798) 959; Vitm., Suppl. Schultes, Syst. Veg. (1930) 28, fig. 37; Fosberg, 74 264, fig. 78; Whitmore, Guide & Bergen, Monograph. (1834) 482; Endlicher, — 2 1, Dissert. Roem. corymbifera Von PI. sp. (1804) 36, 73; Pers., Synop. (1806) 36; Forsberg, Exostemma — (Rubiaceae) (1797) 7, 16; Willd., (1802) 263; Rohde, Monogr. PI. Badusa rev. ed. (1972) Type: Forster, Tonga — (n.v.). Badusa Guill., occidentalis Arn. J. Arb. 13 KEY TO Corolla lobes 5-8 la. mm (1932) 3. Type: — (n.v.). dentate. shallowly to Solomon I b. 393 THE SUBSPECIES lobes undulate long. Calyx Guillaumin Tonga, Fiji subsp. Corolla lobes 12 over long. Calyx lobes deltoid. Biak mm to corymbifera subsp. biakensis subsp. corymbifera 3a. Tree 7 to up m high, d.b.h. up to 8 bark outer cm; glabrous, 5-15 base x inside with colleters 3-7(-9) acute to at the base. Leaves attenuate; lateral long. Inflorescence axillary, bracts merous flowers sometimes present in Hypanthium 3-5 reduced leaves up x oblong, 5-8 exserted, crowned stigma clavate. by persistent mm Disc calyx small, and mm long, glabrous, Petiole 1-3 exserted; Capsule Corolla lobes 8-10 ovate- 5-7 long. Style mm and septicidally 4- long. outside cupular, pubescent; mm cm (come mm glandular. cylindrical, dehiscing remnants, (3—)5—15 apex anthers 4-5 (-oblong), acuminate; these sometimes somewhat inside to 5-merous usually Pedicel shallowly dentate, glabrous. disc Flowers cm. 0.5-1.5 to mm acute major nodes, inflorescence). outside long, Stamens 8-10 mm. 1.5 x same lobes undulate tube 5-7 1.5-3 5 to long, outside obovate to apex mm pairs, usually drying pallid. long, with 3 cm long, glabrous. Calyx mm glabrous, inside pubescent; hypocrateriform; 6-8 nerves (2-)5-20 bearing or (elliptic-) oblong chartaceous; above and below glabrous; cm, inner bark light brown, fissured; soft, yellowish white; wood hard, yellowish brown. Stipules deltoid, 3-5 mm long, slightly loculicidally. Distribution. Tonga; Fiji: Ovalau, Viti Levu; New Hebrides; Aneityum, Espiritu Santo; Solomon I: Guadalcanal, Nggela, Malaita, New Georgia. Ecology. notes growing beach 3b. Commonly plant growing on on reported limestone in from secondary coral limestone in Solomon I. beach and ridge forest. and Chew Wee-Lek RSNH 312 Tonga but here also reported on plutonic Gillespie notes plant rocks near {BSIP 12302). subsp. biakensis Ridsd., subsp. Differt ab subsp. corymbifera Tree 20 m; bole 6 m, fissures, slightly peeling, Stipules deltoid, 3-4 mm 18 nov. corollae lobis cm diam.; majoribus outer inner bark whitish long, apiculate. 13 bark yellow; Leaves mm longis. greyish — T y p u brown with heartwood s: BW2365 many shallow pallid yellowish elliptic (-oblong), (L). 7-16 x brown. 3-6 cm. BLUMEA cymes, 10-25 Inflorescences axillary 4 up to 4 x cm. Flowers 5-merous. 6-7 mm long. Corolla tube mm long. Capsule 5-8 VOL. mm; 1, 149 1982 long, with 3 major nodes bearing reduced leaves cm 2-3 Hypanthium lobes No. 28, 13 mm long. mm. Calyx 14 Stamens 1.5 lobes deltoid,0.5 mm; exserted; anthers mm 4-5 long. mm Distribution. New Guinea: Biak, Arjombokar. Ecology. Note. In B. between forest Secondary form of the the and corymbifera limestone. on and calyx B. corolla this is rather intermediate subspecies palauensis. DUBIOUS SPECIES 1. Macrocnemon M. 2 Curae Post 88. (1841) [Hort. Roxb. parviflorum Syst. Veg. parviflorum Roxb. Beng. (1814) 85, G. (1827) 73; Type: Roxburg — nud.], nom. Gen. Hist. Don, 3 Fl. Ind. 1, ed. 2 (1824) 144; Spreng., Nom. (1834) 512; Steudel, Bot. Shrubby, leaves short-petiolate, lanceolate, entire, smooth. Stipules annular, Peduncles Badusa Cinchona Badusa Note. that the 4 (1797) 15, Roem. & Schultes, Syst. s.n. Merrill area and, prope the as this plant mentioned was locality PI. Vase. in Santa Manila excluded Chinae Bot. (1834) 482; Steudel, Nom. Rev. 329; Rohde, Monogr. t. Dissert. Bot. Cinch, Bergen, Monograph. philippica Vidal, Nees Type: from the 3 philippica Von (1821) 331; Gen. Hist. Ic. (1805) 196; Forsberg, Bot. 1 Exostemma 1 been always American genus in ed. me are in as allied young to of Badusa has a Y-shaped placenta edge, comparable acropetally En. traced known this it standpoint G. Don, 3 (1923) 106. 576. — Madrid). had of range 1, ed. App. (1880) Philip. in 9. Bot. (1830) 360; Novis. F.-Vill., nothing approaching 4 (1811) 6, been recollected Badusa, suggested should be questioned. POSITION Cinchoneae where it has been considered nature of the that Badusa seeds. Further, to the compared is a very to few genera of base the of the atypical the corolla; (1979) reports the Unfortunately same I aestivation have not in quincuncial. all been able the genera to examine Bikkia. shaped in section) and bears one 106; 1 Nom. corolla lobes; when the corolla is 5-merous, it is Portlandia which she studied. buds Prodr. Laguna (not However, (1804) 36, 71; Pers., Thunberg) part Exostemma, Hintonia, and Schmidotia. Badusa has Coutarea, that Aiello note C. anthers with filaments attached It to Cinchonae (1819) 20; Steudel, 5 2,1 (1840) de la always in the the interesting the have imbricate aestivation of is Veg. outside the then error. particularly Cinchoneae have basifixed to I (praside Filip. (1888) 150; Merr., Cruz species was placed Exostemma. member of this tribe, those known truncate. Moluccas. native of (1826) 226; DC., SYSTEMATIC Badusa has A Vidal philippica (Cav.) philippica Cav., Synop. 2, further collections known from the Moluccas No Note. 2. Corolla «cetabuliform. axillary, many-flowered. ed. (not traced). s.n. imbricate, to attached more or to the septum in the central that illustrated for Bikkia (Grisea) comparable portion (here less horizontal, scarcely winged seeds attached perhaps to Cigarella and by Halle. The ovules Ceuthocarpus (Aiello, T- at are J. C. 150 Am. Arb. 60,1979: 'wing'. or Cigarella Cinchoneae; presence where appear In it to most Ridsdale: 38-126), slightly Aiello excludes consider that the E. correct or mucronate at of raphides closely approaches the subtribe free and which was not into the short develops a place in mentioned. Hedyotideae Despite this I of Badusa is in the Condamineae subtribe Portlandiinae the New be few differences between these aestivation (Rubiaceae) from Condamineae suggesting absence position Badusa Caledonian genus Morierina; indeed there two genera, except the size of the floral parts. Portlandiinae differs from the remainder of the Con- damineae; Coutarea, Exostemma, Hintonia, and Schmidotia differ from this subtribe only in the orientation of the seeds and their mode of attachment. However, the remainder of the Cinchoneae observations). recognition at is also Further heterogeneous study tribal level. might in well this respect indicate (Ridsdale & Friskus, that the Portlandiinae unpublished are worthy of