* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
th Chapter 1 Petrucci 9 ed. © 2007 1 MATTER—ITS PROPERTIES AND MEASUREMENT Key Concepts 1. Define and use the terms listed in “Key Terms.” 2. Use the terms element, compound, homogeneous mixture, and heterogeneous mixture to describe common materials. 3. Write the names and chemical symbols of the more common elements. 4. Distinguish between physical and chemical properties and simple physical and chemical changes. 5. Describe the principal features of the scientific method and its limitations. 6. Know common units of measurement in the English system, and the relationships between them. 7. For the metric system, state the basic units of mass, length, and volume, and the common prefixes. 8. State the relationships between English and metric units. 9. Describe the distinction between precision and accuracy. 10. Determine the number of significant figures in a number. 11. Express the result of a calculation with the appropriate number of significant figures. 12. Express numbers in scientific notation. 13. Write a conversion factor from a relationship between two quantities, and use conversion factors to solve problems. 14. Express and use density in the form of conversion factors. 15. Express and use percent composition in terms of conversion factors. 16. Be able to convert between Fahrenheit and Celsius temperatures. 17. Solve algebraic equations that arise in the course of working chemistry problems. Example problems: 1. Which of the following is a physical property? a. density of lead b. sulfur burns in oxygen to form sulfur trioxide c. ozone reacts with silver to give silver oxide d. platinum metal does not react with hydrochloric acid 2. What is the answer (including correct number of significant figures) for (37.1 + 7.1 + 8.32)/10.3 – 8.2) = 3. A 400 g sample of sucrose is to be produced by evaporating to dryness a solution containing 9.5 % sucrose by mass. What volume of solution must be evaporated? 4. A 2.0 gal flask weighs 4.0 lbs when empty. When it is filled with liquid, the flask weighs 4536.0 g. What is the density of the liquid in g/mL? (1 gal = 3.785 L, 1 lb = 453.6 g) 5. Identify the following as a solution, heterogeneous mixture, compound, or an element: a. water b. salt water c. oxygen d. a cup full of salt water and sand from Zuma beach. Answers: 1. A 2. 25 3. 4.2 L 4. 0.36 g/mL 5. a compound, b solution, c element, d heterogeneous mixture