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6-7th Grade Mathematics Curriculum Guide
2015 – 2016
Unit 1: Fractions and Decimals
Time Frame: Quarter 1 – about 20 days
Connections to Previous Learning:
By the end of grade 4, students are expected to fluently add, subtract, multiply and divide multi-digit whole numbers. In grade 5, procedural fluency is defined by the Common
Core as “skill in carrying out procedures flexibly, accurately, efficiently and appropriately”. In the elementary grades, students were introduced to division through concrete
models and various strategies to develop an understanding of this mathematical operation (limited to 4-digit numbers divided by 2-digit numbers). In 6th grade, students
become fluent in the use of the standard division algorithm. This understanding is foundational for work with fractions and decimals in 7th grade. Students are also expected to
fluently add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals to hundredths. 6th graders will extend these skills to include any decimals using standard algorithms for each operation.
Students have a great deal of background in operations from K-6 that will lead to achievement of the expectations in this unit. In the primary grades, students build
understanding of whole number addition and subtraction. In the intermediate grades, students build understanding of multiplication and division with whole numbers and
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with fractions and decimals. 6th grade students learn to divide fractions by fractions with understanding and work to build an
understanding of the value of integers. All of these concepts are crucial for students to be successful in this unit on operations with rational numbers. In the past, students have
used number line models with whole numbers, fractions and decimals. 6th graders have represented integers on vertical and horizontal number line diagrams, but this is their
first experience in adding and subtracting positive and negative rational numbers.
Focus within the Grade Level:
Sixth graders will extend these skills to dividing a fraction by a fraction. There is not one single standard algorithm; however, a standard algorithm is a strategy that works every
time. Some well-known algorithms include partial sums, differences, products and quotients, tradition algorithms for each operation (including regrouping). However, some
students develop algorithms that are efficient, allow for fluent calculation and demonstrate understanding of both the value and the operations. If students can justify their
reasoning for an algorithm, it may be categorized as a “standard algorithm.” Students will be able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers fluently as well as solve
real-world and mathematical problems. In this unit, students will represent their calculations using number line models, equations or expressions, and real world applications.
Connections to Subsequent Learning:
Students can add, subtract, multiply and divide using decimals and fractions to solve complex application problems. In seventh grade students will use percents and scale factors
to determine percent of increase or percent of decrease, discounts and markups. Students will use their understanding of rational numbers and apply them to linear functions.
Mathematical Practices
1. Make Sense of Problems and Persevere in Solving Them.
2. Reason Abstractly and Quantitatively.
3. Construct Viable Arguments and Critique the Reasoning of Others.
4. Model with Mathematics.
Unit 2
5. Use Appropriate Tools Strategically.
6. Attend to Precision.
7. Look for and Make Use of Structure.
8. Look for and Express Regularity in Repeated Reasoning.
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6-7th Grade Mathematics Curriculum Guide
Stage 1 Desired Results
2015 – 2016
Transfer Goals
Students will be able to independently use their learning to…
Apply a sense of number size to their lives.
Meaning Goals
Students will understand that…
The two types of division – quotative (partitive) and measurement are applied to
fractions and decimals as well as to whole numbers.
Multiplication and division are inverse operations.
The relationship of the location of the digits and the value of the digits is part of
understanding multi-digit operations.
Division can be represented using multiple formats (manipulatives, diagrams,
real-life situations, equations).
Operations on decimals and whole numbers are based upon place value
Problems of area of polygons can be solved by composing and decomposing the
• How is division related to realistic situations and to other operations?
• What role does place value play in multi-digit operations?
• How can division be represented and interpreted?
• How are rational numbers used and applied in real-life and mathematical situations?
• What is the relationship between properties of operations and types of numbers?
Acquisition Goals
Students will know…
Standard algorithms for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of multidigit decimals
Unit 2
Students will be skilled at…
• Compute quotients of fractions divided by fractions. (6.NS.1)
• Explain the meaning of a quotient determined by division of fractions, using visual
fraction models, equations, real-life situations, and language. (6.NS.1)
• Divide multi-digit numbers fluently using the standard algorithm. (6.NS.2)
• Fluently add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals to solve problems. (6.NS.3)
• Identify the factors of any whole number less than or equal to 100. (6.NS.4)
• Determine the Greatest Common Factor of two or more whole numbers less than or
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6-7th Grade Mathematics Curriculum Guide
2015 – 2016
Unit 2
equal to 100. (6.NS.4)
Identify the multiples of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12 and determine the
Least Common Multiple. (6.NS.4)
Use the distributive property to express a sum of two whole numbers 1-100 with a
common factor as a multiple of a sum of two whole numbers with no common factor.
Add and subtract rational numbers. (7.NS.1)
Represent addition and subtraction on a horizontal or vertical number line
diagram. (7.NS.1)
Use words, visuals and symbols to describe situations in which opposite quantities
combine to make 0. (7.NS.1)
Represent addition of quantities with symbols, visuals and words by showing
positive or negative direction from one quantity to the other. (7.NS.1)
Show that a number and its opposite have a sum of 0 using visuals, symbols, words and
real-world contexts. (7.NS.1)
Use the term “additive inverse” to describe 2 numbers whose sum is zero. (7.NS.1)
Use commutative, distributive, associative, identity, and inverse properties to add and
subtract rational numbers. (7.NS.1)
Use the term “absolute value” to describe the distance from zero on number line
diagram and with symbols. (7.NS.1)
Multiply and divide rational numbers. (7.NS.2)
Use the distributive property to multiply positive and negative rational numbers using
symbols, visuals, words and real-life contexts. (7.NS.2)
Interpret products of rational numbers by describing real-world contexts. (7.NS.2)
Identify situations when integers can and cannot be divided. (7.NS.2)
Use words and real-world contexts to explain why the quotient of two integers is a
rational number. (7.NS.2)
Identify and apply properties used when multiplying and dividing rational numbers.
Convert a rational number to a decimal using long division. (7.NS.2)
Identify terminating or repeating decimal representations of rational numbers. (7.NS.2)
Solve real world and mathematical problems involving the four operations with rational
numbers. (7.NS.3)
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6-7th Grade Mathematics Curriculum Guide
Materials Needed for Unit:
Holt Course 1
Holt Course 1 Common Core Curriculum Companion
2015 – 2016
Additional Materials
Engage NY 6 Grade Module 2
CMP 2 Bits and Pieces II
Prerequisite Skills
• Add, subtract and multiply fractions.
• Divide fractions by whole numbers and whole numbers by fractions.
• Use area models for fraction or decimal computation situations.
• Fluently add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers.
Stage 1 Established Goals: Common Core State Standards for Mathematics
6.NS.A Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions.
6.NS.A.1 Interpret and compute quotients of fractions, and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to
represent the problem.
6.NS.B Compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and find common factors and multiples.
6.NS.B.2 Fluently divide multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm.
6.NS.B.3 Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation.
6.NS.B.4 Find the greatest common factor of two whole numbers less than or equal to 100 and the least common multiple of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12. Use the
distributive property to express a sum of two whole numbers 1–100 with a common factor as a multiple of a sum of two whole numbers with no common factor.
7.NS.A Apply and extend previous understandings of operations with fractions to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers. (fractions & decimals)
7.NS.A.1 Apply and extend previous understandings of addition and subtraction to add and subtract rational numbers; represent addition and subtraction on a horizontal or vertical
number line diagram.
7.NS.A.1d Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract rational numbers.
7. NS.A.2 Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division and of fractions to multiply and divide rational numbers.
7.NS.A.2a Understand that multiplication is extended from fractions to rational numbers by requiring that operations continue to satisfy the properties of operations,
particularly the distributive property, leading to products such as (–1)(–1) = 1 and the rules for multiplying signed numbers. Interpret products of rational numbers by
describing real-world contexts.
7.NS.A.2b Understand that integers can be divided, provided that the divisor is not zero, and every quotient of integers (with non-zero divisor) is a rational number. If p and
q are integers, then –(p/q) = (–p)/q = p/(–q). Interpret quotients of rational numbers by describing real-world contexts.
7.NS.A.2c Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide rational numbers.
Unit 2
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2015 – 2016
7.NS.A.2d Convert a rational number to a decimal using long division; know the decimal form of a rational number terminates in 0s or eventually repeats.
7. NS.A.3 Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving the four operations with rational number.
Explanations, Examples, and Comments
Overview of Suggested Assessments & Performance Tasks for Unit
Mid-Unit Assessment –
Vocabulary will be listed next to each standard - multi-digit, quotient, dividend, divisor,
End-of-Unit Assessment–
remainder, reciprocal, inverse, greatest common factor, least common multiple, prime
numbers, composite, factor, multiple, commutative, distributive, prime factorization, visual
fraction model, rational numbers, integers
Mid Unit Assessment – P. 161, 7 Engage NY Module 2
Formative assessments for this unit
Overview of Performance Tasks for Unit
Georgia Department Of Education: (available on P: drive)
• Estimation is the Root of Fluency 6.NS.3
• Finding Common Factors 6.NS.B.4
• Back to School 6.NS.B.4
• Secret Number 6.NS.B.4
• Let’s Distribute 6.NS.2/6.NS.4
The Repeater versus the Terminator 7.NS.2
The Factor Game 6.NS.4
Inside Mathematics
• Rabbit Costumes (6.NS.1)
Vocab - multi-digit, quotient, divisor, remainder,
Unit 2
Howard County
• Maddy’s First Debit Card (7.NS.1)
Teacher should use assessment data to determine which of the materials below
best meet student instructional needs. All materials listed may not be needed.
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6-7th Grade Mathematics Curriculum Guide
Students are expected to fluently and accurately divide multi-digit whole numbers. Divisors can
be any number of digits at this grade level. As students divide they should continue to use their
understanding of place value to describe what they are doing. When using the standard
algorithm, students’ language should reference place value. For example, when dividing 32 into
8456, as they write a 2 in the quotient they should say, “there are 200 thirty-twos in 8456” and
could write 6400 beneath the 8456 rather than only writing 64.
Unit 2
2015 – 2016
This is the first time students are introduced to the “algorithm” of long division.
In 5 grade, they use strategies based on place value, the properties of
operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division.
Holt Common Core Companion – TE (p. 92) & SE (P. 4)
Holt Course 1 Lesson 1-1A Common Core Companion Divide Multi-Digit Whole
Numbers (2+) - EXTRAS
Additional Materials if needed
EngageNY, Module 2, Lessons 13-15
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Unit 2
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2015 – 2016
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6-7th Grade Mathematics Curriculum Guide
The use of estimation strategies supports student understanding of operating with decimals.
• First, students estimate the sum and then find the exact sum of 14.4 and 8.75. An
estimate of the sum might be 14 + 9 or 23. Students may also state if their estimate is
low or high. They would expect their answer to be greater than 23. They can use their
estimates to self-correct.
Answers of 10.19 or 101.9 indicate that students are not considering the concept of place value
when adding (adding tenths to tenths or hundredths to hundredths) whereas answers like
22.125 or 22.79 indicate that students are having difficulty understanding how the four-tenths
and seventy-five hundredths fit together to make one whole and 25 hundredths.
Students use the understanding they developed in 5th grade related to the patterns involved
when multiplying and dividing by powers of ten to develop fluency with operations with multidigit decimals.
Unit 2
2015 – 2016
Holt Course 1 Lesson 3-2 Estimating Decimals Review (1)
Holt Course 1 Lesson 3-5 Multiplying Decimals Review (1)
Holt Course 1 Lesson 3-5 Hands on Lab Explore Decimal Multiplication and
Division (1)
Holt Course 1 Lesson 3-6 Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers (1)
Holt Course 1 Lesson 3-7 Dividing by Decimals (1)
Holt Course 1 Lesson 3-8 Interpret the Quotient (1)
Recommended Performance Tasks
From Georgia Department Of Education: (available on P: drive)
• Estimation is the Root of Fluency
Additional Resources if needed
Holt Course 1 Lesson 3-1 Representing, Comparing, and Ordering Decimals Review (1)
Holt Course 1 Lesson 3-3 Hands on Lab: Explore Decimal Addition & Subtraction
Review (1)
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6-7th Grade Mathematics Curriculum Guide
Vocab - rational numbers
Visual representations may be helpful as students begin this work; they become less necessary
as students become more fluent with the operations.
• Use a number line to illustrate:
 p-q
 p + (- q)
 Is this equation true p – q = p + (-q)
2015 – 2016
Engage NY 7 grade Module 2 (5)
Teacher – Lesson 4-9
If additional practice is needed
Holt Course 2 Lesson 3-2 Adding & Subtracting Decimals
Holt Course 2 Lesson 3-8 Adding & Subtracting Fractions
Suggested Performance Task
Howard County
Maddy’s First Debit Card (7.NS.1)
-3 and 3 are shown to be opposites on the number line because they are equal distance
from zero and therefore have the same absolute value and the sum of the number and it’s
opposite is zero.
Continued on next page……
You have $4 and you need to pay a friend $3. What will you have after paying your friend?
4 + (-3) = 1 or (-3) + 4 = 1
Vocab - greatest common factor, least common multiple, prime numbers, composite, factor,
multiple, distributive, prime factorization
In elementary school, students identified primes, composites and factor pairs (4.OA.4). In 6th
grade students will find the greatest common factor of two whole numbers less than or equal to
Unit 2
Holt Course 1 Lesson 4-1 Divisibility –(1)
Holt Course 1 Lesson 4-2 Factors and Prime Factorization –(1)
Holt Course 1 Lesson 4-3 Greatest Common Factor (1)
Holt Course 1 Lesson 5-1 Least Common Multiple (1)
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6-7th Grade Mathematics Curriculum Guide
• What is the greatest common factor (GCF) of 24 and 36? How can you use factor lists or
the prime factorizations to find the GCF?
Solution: 2² · 3 = 12. Students should be able to explain that both 24 and 36 have 2
factors of 2 and one factor of 3, thus 2 x 2 x 3 is the greatest common factor.) 
• What is the least common multiple (LCM) of 12 and 8? How can you use multiple lists or
the prime factorizations to find the LCM?
Solution: 2³ · 3 = 24. Students should be able to explain that the least common multiple
is the smallest number that is a multiple of 12 and a multiple of 8. To be a multiple of
12, a number must have 2 factors of 2 and one factor of 3 (2 x 2 x 3). To be a multiple of
8, a number must have 3 factors of 2 (2 x 2 x 2). Thus the least common multiple of 12
and 8 must have 3 factors of 2 and one factor of 3 ( 2 x 2 x 2 x 3).
• Rewrite 84 + 28 by using the distributive property. Have you divided by the largest
common factor? How do you know?
• Given various pairs of addends using whole numbers from 1-100, students should be
able to identify if the two numbers have a common factor. If they do, they identify the
common factor and use the distributive property to rewrite the expression. They prove
that they are correct by simplifying both expressions.
2015 – 2016
Recommended Performance Tasks ……………….
From Georgia Department Of Education: (available on P: drive)
• Finding Common Factors 6.NS.B.4
• Back to School 6.NS.B.4
• Secret Number 6.NS.B.4
• Let’s Distribute 6.NS.2/6.NS.4
The Factor Game
Engage NY Unit *this link provides activity for applying greatest common factor as
it relates to the distributive property. (see example given starting on p. 147)Lesson
o 27 + 36 = 9 (3 + 4)
63 = 9 x 7
63 = 63
o 31 + 80
There are no common factors. I know that because 31 is a prime number, it only has 2
factors, 1 and 31. I know that 31 is not a factor of 80 because 2 x 31 is 62 and 3 x 31 is 93.
Vocab – dividend, reciprocal, inverse, visual fraction model
Contexts and visual models can help students to understand quotients of fractions and begin to
develop the relationship between multiplication and division. Model development can be
facilitated by building from familiar scenarios with whole or friendly number dividends or
Unit 2
*Review if Needed
*Holt Course 1 Lesson 4-6 Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions
*Holt Course 1 Lesson 5-7 Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers (1)
*Holt Course 1 Lesson 5-7 Lab Model Fraction Multiplication (.5)
*Holt Course 1 Lesson 5-7 Multiplying Fractions (1)
*Holt Course 1 Lesson 5-8 Multiplying Mixed Numbers (1)
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6-7th Grade Mathematics Curriculum Guide
2015 – 2016
divisors. Computing quotients of fractions build upon and extends student understandings
developed in Grade 5. Students make drawings, model situations with manipulatives, or
manipulate computer generated models.
Holt Course 1 Lesson 5-9A Common Core Companion TE (p. 100) & SE (P. 12)
Hands on Lab: Model Fraction Division in Context (1)
Holt Course 1 Lesson 5-9 Dividing Fractions & Mixed Numbers (1)
Mary read 573 pages during her summer reading challenge. She was only required to read 399
pages. How many extra pages did Mary read beyond the challenge requirements?
Additional Resources, if necessary
CMP 2 Bits and Pieces II Investigation 1 Estimating with Fractions
CMP 2 Bits and Pieces II Investigation 2 Adding and Subtracting Fractions
CMP 2 Bits and Pieces II Investigation 3 Multiplying with Fractions
CMP 2 Bits and Pieces II Investigation 4 Dividing with Fractions
Students may use several approaches to solve the problem including the traditional
algorithm. Examples of other methods students may use are listed below:
• 399 + 1 = 400, 400 + 100 = 500, 500 + 73 = 573, therefore 1+ 100 + 73 = 174
pages (Adding up strategy)
• 400 + 100 is 500; 500 + 73 is 573; 100 + 73 is 173 plus 1 (for 399, to 400) is 174
(Compensating strategy)
• Take away 73 from 573 to get to 500, take away 100 to get to 400, and take
away 1 to get to 399. Then 73 +100 + 1 = 174 (Subtracting to count down
399 + 1 is 400, 500 (that’s 100 more). 510, 520, 530, 540, 550, 560, 570, (that’s 70
more), 571, 572, 573 (that’s 3 more) so the total is 1 + 100 + 70 + 3 = 174 (Adding by
tens or hundreds strategy)
MARS performance task
Rabbit Costumes (6.NS.1)
Computation algorithm. A set of predefined steps applicable to a class of problems that gives
the correct result in every case when the steps are carried out correctly.
Computation strategy. Purposeful manipulations that may be chosen for specific problems, may
not have a fixed order, and may be aimed at converting one problem into another.
(Progressions for the CCSSM; Number and Operation in Base Ten, CCSS Writing Team, April 2011,
page 2)
3 people share pound of chocolate. How much of a pound of chocolate does each
person get?
Solution: Each person gets lb of chocolate.
Unit 2
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6-7th Grade Mathematics Curriculum Guide
2015 – 2016
Manny has yard of fabric to make book covers. Each book is made from yard of
fabric. How many book covers can Manny make?
Solution: Manny can make 4 book covers
Continued on next page…………….
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6-7th Grade Mathematics Curriculum Guide
Unit 2
Clover Park School District DRAFT 6/5/14
2015 – 2016
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6-7th Grade Mathematics Curriculum Guide
2015 – 2016
7.NS.A.2 (Rational numbers)
Vocab - integers
Engage NY 7 grade Module 2 (4)
Teacher – Lesson 13-16
Multiplication and division of integers is an extension of multiplication and division of whole
• Examine the family of equations. What patterns do you see? Create a model and context for
each of the products.
Recommended Performance Tasks ……………….
From Georgia Department Of Education: (available on P: drive)
• The Repeater versus the Terminator 7.NS.2
If additional practice is needed
Holt Course 2 Lesson 3-10 Lab Model Fraction Multiplication & Division
Holt Course 2 Lesson 3-10 Multiplying Fractions & Mixed Numbers
Holt Course 2 Lesson 3-11 Dividing Fractions & Mixed Numbers
Students use order of operations from 6th grade to write and solve problem with all rational
• Your cell phone bill is automatically deducting $32 from your bank account every month.
How much will the deductions total for the year?
7.NS.3 is covered while teaching with the materials from 7.NS.1 & 7.NS.2.
-32 + -32 + -32 + -32 + -32 + -32 + -32 + -32 + -32 + -32 + -32 + -32 = 12 (-32)
• It took a submarine 20 seconds to drop to 100 feet below sea level from the surface. What
was the rate of the descent?
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6-7th Grade Mathematics Curriculum Guide
2015 – 2016
Stage 2 - Evidence
Evaluative Criteria/Assessment Level Descriptors (ALDs):
6.NS.A – (SBAC Target B)
Formative assessments (available on P: drive)
Level 4 students should be able to use visual models in settings where smaller fractions
Spaced Learning Over Time (SLOT - entrance & exit slips)
are divided by larger fractions. They should also understand and apply the fact that a
Checking for understanding (CFU’s)
fraction multiplied or divided by 1 in the form of a/a is equivalent to the original
Lesson Quizzes
Classroom Assessments
Level 3 students should be able to apply and extend previous understandings of
multiplication and division to divide a fraction by a fraction and be able to connect to a
SBAC Examples
visual model.
Level 2 students should be able to apply and extend previous understandings of
multiplication and division to divide a whole number by a fraction between 0 and 1,
divide a mixed number by a whole number, and be able to connect to a visual model.
Level 1 students should be able to apply and extend previous understandings of
multiplication and division to multiply a fraction by a fraction, divide a fraction by a
whole number, and be able to connect to a visual model. They should understand the
effect that a fraction greater than or less than 1 has on a whole number when
multiplied and use or create visual models when multiplying a whole number by a
fraction between 0 and 1.
6.NS.B – (SBAC Target C)
Level 4 students should be able to make generalizations regarding multiples and factors
of sets of numbers (e.g., state that a particular set of numbers is relatively prime).
Level 3 students should be able to fluently divide multi-digit numbers and add, subtract,
multiply, and divide multi-digit decimal numbers. They should be able to find the
greatest common factor of two numbers less than or equal to 100 and the least
common multiple of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12.
Level 2 students should be able to divide multi-digit whole numbers and add and
subtract multi-digit decimal numbers. They should be able to find common factors of
two numbers less than or equal to 100 and multiples of two numbers less than or equal
to 12.
Level 1 students should be able to add, subtract, and multiply multi-digit whole
numbers and decimals to hundredths. They should be able to use the distributive
property to express the sum of two whole numbers with a common factor.
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6-7th Grade Mathematics Curriculum Guide
7.NS.A (SBAC Target B)
Level 4 students should be able to solve real-world problems involving proportional
relationships and measurement conversions in various formats (e.g., verbally, tabularly,
graphically) in a contextual scenario that involves identifying relationships between
elements presented in various formats.
Level 3 students should be able to identify, represent, and analyze proportional
relationships in various formats; find unit rates associated with ratios of fractions; and
use unit rates to solve one-step problems involving rational numbers. They should be
able to analyze a graph of a proportional relationship in order to explain what the
points (x, y) and (1, r) represent, where r is the unit rate, and use this information to
solve problems.
Level 2 students should be able to find whole number proportionality constants in
relationships presented in graphical, tabular, or verbal formats in familiar contexts.
They should also be able to identify proportional relationships presented in equation
formats and find unit rates involving whole numbers.
Level 1 students should be able to identify proportional relationships presented in
graphical, tabular, or verbal formats in familiar contexts.
2015 – 2016
Stage 3 – Learning Plan Sample
Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction that serves as a guide to a detailed lesson planning
**Days may change depending on any tasks or assessing you choose to do.
Day 1: Exponents and Order of Operations Remember to use “GEMA”, not “PEMDAS”
• Holt, Course 1, Lesson 1-3
• Holt, Course 1, Lesson 1-4
Optional: Review Divisibility – (1)
• Holt Course 1 Lesson 4-1
Day 2-4: Divide Multi-Digit Whole Numbers
• Holt Course 1 Lesson 1-1A Common Core Companion
Unit 2
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6-7th Grade Mathematics Curriculum Guide
Stage 3 – Learning Plan Sample
Optional: Estimating Decimals Review (1)
• Holt Course 1 Lesson 3-2
2015 – 2016
Day 5: Hands on Lab Explore Decimal Multiplication and Division (1) and Review Multiplying Decimals
• Holt Course 1 Lesson 3-5
Day 6: Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers and by Decimals
• Holt Course 1 Lesson 3-6
• Holt Course 1 Lesson 3-7
Day 7: Interpret the Quotient (1)
• Holt Course 1 Lesson 3-8
Day 8: Converting Between Fractions & Decimals Using Equivalent Fractions (Use this lesson for converting decimals to
• Engage NY Module 2 Lesson 13
Converting Fractions to Decimals Using Long Division (Use this lesson for converting fractions to decimals.)
• Engage NY Module 2 Lesson 14
Day 9: Factors and Prime Factorization – (1)
• Holt Course 1 Lesson 4-2
Day 10: Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple (1)
• Holt Course 1 Lesson 4-3
• Holt Course 1 Lesson 5-1
Day 11: Model Fraction Multiplication (1)
• Holt Course 1 5-7 Lab (Review if needed)
Day 12: Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Numbers
• Holt Course 1 5-7
• Holt Course 1 5-8
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6-7th Grade Mathematics Curriculum Guide
Stage 3 – Learning Plan Sample
2015 – 2016
Day 13: Hands on Lab: Model Fraction Division in Context (1)
• Holt Course 1 Lesson 5-9A Common Core Companion
Day 14: Dividing Fractions & Mixed Numbers (1)
• Holt Course 1 Lesson 5-9
Daily Lesson Plan Format
Learning Target:
• Whole Group:
• Small Group/Guided/Collaborative/Independent:
• Whole Group:
Checking for Understanding (before, during and after):
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