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Name _______________________________________ Date ___________ Period _____
Intro to Earth Science
Chapter 23 Study Guide
1. ____________________ is the planet that cannot be classified as either a
terrestrial or a Jovian planet.
2. The densities of the ____________________ planets are about five times the
density of water.
3. A planet’s ability to retain an atmosphere depends on its ____________________
and temperature.
4. A cloud of dust and gas in space is called a(n) ____________________.
5. Planets originally formed when bits of matter collided and clumped together to
form ____________________.
6. Because of its similarities to Earth, the planet ____________________ has been
called “Earth’s twin.”
7. The Martian polar caps are made of ____________________, covered by a thin
layer of frozen ____________________.
8. Although the atmosphere of ____________________ is very thin, extensive dust
storms with wind speeds in excess of 270 kilometers per hour do occur.
9. With at least 28 moons, the planet ____________________ and its satellites
resemble a miniature solar system.
10. The most prominent feature of ____________________ is its system of rings.
11. ____________________ are small rocky bodies that have been likened to “flying
12. The total mass of all asteroids is estimated to be only 1/1000 that of
Label the items
pointed out in Figure 23-1.
14. A meteoroid that reaches Earth’s surface is called a(n) ____________________.
Intro to Earth Science
Chapter 23 study guide
Name _______________________________________ Date ___________ Period _____
15. Which planets are known to have rings?
16. Which planets are the Jovian planets?
17. Which planets are the terrestrial planets?
18. What are the most obvious differences between the terrestrial and the Jovian
19. What are the characteristics of the Jovian planets?
20. What are the characteristics of the terrestrial planets?
21. In an astronomical sense, what is an ice?
22. What was the huge cloud of dust and gases that formed the solar system called?
23. What astronomical objects are not parts of our solar system?
24. Which planet shows evidence of water erosion?
25. Which planet has a cratered surface similar to Earth’s moon?
26. Which planet has the greatest temperature extremes? _______________________
Intro to Earth Science
Chapter 23 study guide
Name _______________________________________ Date ___________ Period _____
27. Which planet has a dense carbon dioxide atmosphere and high surface
temperatures? ______________________________________________________
28. On which thickly clouded planet has radar mapping revealed a varied topography
consisting of plains, highlands, and thousands of volcanic structures?
29. What is the atmosphere of Venus composed of? ___________________________
30. On which planet would Mons Olympus, a volcano the size of Ohio, be found?
31. Which planet, when viewed through a telescope, appears as a reddish ball
interrupted by some permanent dark regions that change intensity?
32. What process is currently responsible for the shaping of Mars’ surface?
33. Which features on Mars point to the possibility of liquid water on the planet?
34. Which planet is second only to the moon in brilliance in the night sky?
35. Which planet has a greater mass than the combined mass of all the remaining
planets and their moons? _____________________________________________
36. Which of Jupiter’s moons is volcanically active? __________________________
37. Which planet might best be described as a large, dirty iceball? _______________
38. Which planet is associated with the Great Dark Spot? ______________________
39. What is the smallest planet? ___________________________________________
40. Which planet’s axis of rotation lies nearly parallel with the plane of its orbit?
41. According to a relatively recent discovery, which planet has one satellite?
42. Which moon has a substantial atmosphere? ______________________________
43. Where does the lowest surface temperature in the solar system occur?
44. What characteristic distinguishes Neptune from the other planets?
45. What is it believed Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is?
46. What are Jupiter’s characteristics?
47. Which satellite of Uranus has the greatest variety of landforms of any satellite yet
examined? ________________________________________________________
48. The relatively small, rocky bodies generally found orbiting between Mars and
Jupiter are known as what? ___________________________________________
Intro to Earth Science
Chapter 23 study guide
Name _______________________________________ Date ___________ Period _____
49. What feat did the spacecraft Near Shoemaker accomplish?
50. Where are most asteroids found?
51. What direction does a comet’s tail always point?
52. What is the glowing head of a comet known as? ___________________________
53. Comets with short orbital periods are located in what region?
54. What are the small particles that produce a streak of light upon entering Earth’s
atmosphere called? __________________________________________________
55. The remains of extraterrestrial particles that are found on Earth’s surface are
called what? _______________________________________________________
56. What are most meteor showers associated with?
Additional notes:
Intro to Earth Science
Chapter 23 study guide
Name _______________________________________ Date ___________ Period _____
Intro to Earth Science
Chapter 23 study guide