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Systolic murmurs
Sound and timing:
Holosystolic or
Usually a gentle blowing sound
throughout systole that does not vary
much in intensity.
Blood flowing through a structure that is
usually closed during systole, such as
regurgitation across the mitral or tricuspid
valve or blood flowing through a septal
Usually a harsh crescendodecrescendo murmur. It starts quietly at
the beginning of systole but gradually
gets louder, rising to a crescendo in
mid-systole before gradually quietening
down again (decrescendo) by the end
of systole.
Blood being forced through a valve that
is open during systole as is normal, but
has narrowed.
Usually a crescendo sound that starts
quietly in mid to late systole and
gradually gets louder.
A valve that functions normally at the
start of systole but begins to leak halfway
through systole.
Late systolic
Most common diagnoses:
Mitral valve incompetence
Tricuspid valve incompetence
Ventricular septal defect
Aortic stenosis
Aortic sclerosis
Pulmonic stenosis
A flow murmur – indicates
increased blood flow or blood
flow is faster than normal.
Mitral valve prolapse
Short, quiet systolic murmurs are often benign, but long systolic murmurs usually indicate disease or defect.
Systolic flow murmurs are often benign in children and pregnant women but may indicate, for example, fever, anaemia or hyperthyroidism.
Some sounds that do not originate in the heart, such as subclavian and carotid murmurs, may resemble systolic murmurs.