Velocity Triangles for Turbo
... Impulse-Reaction turbine • This utilizes the principle of impulse and reaction. • There are a number of rows of moving blades attached to the rotor and equal number of fixed blades attached to the casing. • The fixed blades are set in a reversed manner compared to the moving blades, and act as nozz ...
... Impulse-Reaction turbine • This utilizes the principle of impulse and reaction. • There are a number of rows of moving blades attached to the rotor and equal number of fixed blades attached to the casing. • The fixed blades are set in a reversed manner compared to the moving blades, and act as nozz ...
print - Software Carpentry
... Why indentation? Studies show that's what people actually pay attention to – Every textbook on C or Java has examples where indentation and braces don't match Doesn't matter how much you use, but whole block ...
... Why indentation? Studies show that's what people actually pay attention to – Every textbook on C or Java has examples where indentation and braces don't match Doesn't matter how much you use, but whole block ...
Chapter 9. Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
... As mentioned in Section 9.1, FLUENT provides three approaches for modeling problems that involve both stationary and moving zones: • the multiple reference frame (MRF) model • the mixing plane model • the sliding mesh model The MRF model [146] is the simplest of the three. It is a steadystate approx ...
... As mentioned in Section 9.1, FLUENT provides three approaches for modeling problems that involve both stationary and moving zones: • the multiple reference frame (MRF) model • the mixing plane model • the sliding mesh model The MRF model [146] is the simplest of the three. It is a steadystate approx ...
Evaluation of Air/Cavitation Interaction Inside a Vane Pump
... Significant results were obtained about the influence of expansion/compression of noncondensable gas on the cavitation evolution. The adopted approach is generic in nature, and the obtained results can be easily use to optimise other pump designs as well. 1. INTRODUCTION Two different processes in l ...
... Significant results were obtained about the influence of expansion/compression of noncondensable gas on the cavitation evolution. The adopted approach is generic in nature, and the obtained results can be easily use to optimise other pump designs as well. 1. INTRODUCTION Two different processes in l ...
... Constant heat flux on the channel walls – The boundary condition on the microchannel walls is assumed to be axially constant wall heat flux with circumferentially constant wall temperature. The heat flux along the length of the channel is constant, while the wall temperature varies along the channel ...
... Constant heat flux on the channel walls – The boundary condition on the microchannel walls is assumed to be axially constant wall heat flux with circumferentially constant wall temperature. The heat flux along the length of the channel is constant, while the wall temperature varies along the channel ...
lagrangian evolution of hairpin structures in the temporal transition
... identified from Eulerian velocity fields at a time instant, so there is still a lack of a description for the dynamic, continuous temporal evolution of vortical structures. For studying the vortical structures in wall turbulence, the vortex identification methods are of importantce, and they can be ...
... identified from Eulerian velocity fields at a time instant, so there is still a lack of a description for the dynamic, continuous temporal evolution of vortical structures. For studying the vortical structures in wall turbulence, the vortex identification methods are of importantce, and they can be ...
Dimensionless velocity component in x
... 106, Hartmann numbers between 0 and 100 and Prandtl numbers (0.054–2.05). The heat transfer characteristics were presented in the form of streamlines and isotherms. They concluded that the average Nusselt number decreased with an increase of Hartmann number and increased with an increase of Grashof ...
... 106, Hartmann numbers between 0 and 100 and Prandtl numbers (0.054–2.05). The heat transfer characteristics were presented in the form of streamlines and isotherms. They concluded that the average Nusselt number decreased with an increase of Hartmann number and increased with an increase of Grashof ...
Modeling the Sedimentation of Red Blood Cells in
... variations of the scaled terminal settling velocity and the DI due to the change of W with the external body force fixed at 369 pN. From Table 1, we can determine the importance of the wall effect of the duct. On one side, if the settling velocity is the same due to the non-slip boundaries, the exis ...
... variations of the scaled terminal settling velocity and the DI due to the change of W with the external body force fixed at 369 pN. From Table 1, we can determine the importance of the wall effect of the duct. On one side, if the settling velocity is the same due to the non-slip boundaries, the exis ...
Equation Chapter 1 Section 1 The Mechanics of Metamorphic Fluid
... Although it is widely accepted that fluid expulsion occurs during metamorphism, it is not widely appreciated that this process is mechanical and as such strongly dependent on rheology. To illustrate this dependence consider a minimal model for vertical flow in which: the fluid and rock are inelastic ...
... Although it is widely accepted that fluid expulsion occurs during metamorphism, it is not widely appreciated that this process is mechanical and as such strongly dependent on rheology. To illustrate this dependence consider a minimal model for vertical flow in which: the fluid and rock are inelastic ...
PowerPoint Presentation - An Introduction to Differential Equations
... remains constant enough that the flow can be considered incompressible. ...
... remains constant enough that the flow can be considered incompressible. ...
Separation in three-dimensional steady flows
... 7 – Do not forget some fundamental theorems: Kelvin, Helmholtz. A vortex cannot originate nor terminate within a flow, it must closes on itself or be in contact with a material boundary, or goes to infinity (except if destroyed by viscosity!) ...
... 7 – Do not forget some fundamental theorems: Kelvin, Helmholtz. A vortex cannot originate nor terminate within a flow, it must closes on itself or be in contact with a material boundary, or goes to infinity (except if destroyed by viscosity!) ...
Relative motion of lung and chest wall promotes uniform pleural
... regions of close proximity, and thus prevents contact. Such a process serves to maintain uniform pleural space thickness and reduce shear stresses during breathing. We approach this phenomenon through the fluid dynamics of shear flow when bounding surfaces are not parallel, but contain local unevenn ...
... regions of close proximity, and thus prevents contact. Such a process serves to maintain uniform pleural space thickness and reduce shear stresses during breathing. We approach this phenomenon through the fluid dynamics of shear flow when bounding surfaces are not parallel, but contain local unevenn ...
... values for the pressures P1 and P2. The selection of a valve having the necessary capacity is determined from the maximum required velocity condition. It should be noted that neither of the pressures can be less than zero so, for example, during extension, the maximum value of the force ratio, R, th ...
... values for the pressures P1 and P2. The selection of a valve having the necessary capacity is determined from the maximum required velocity condition. It should be noted that neither of the pressures can be less than zero so, for example, during extension, the maximum value of the force ratio, R, th ...
Compressible flow

Compressible flow (gas dynamics) is the branch of fluid mechanics that deals with flows having significant changes in fluid density. Gases, but not liquids, display such behaviour. To distinguish between compressible and incompressible flow in air, the Mach number (the ratio of the speed of the flow to the speed of sound) must be greater than about 0.3 (since the density change is greater than 5% in that case) before significant compressibility occurs. The study of compressible flow is relevant to high-speed aircraft, jet engines, rocket motors, hyperloops, high-speed entry into a planetary atmosphere, gas pipelines, commercial applications such as abrasive blasting, and many other fields.