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Dynamics of mechanical particle
particle systems (many body systems)
Single Mechanical Particle
Newton`s first law:
If no net force acts on a body, it will move on a straight
line at constant velocity or will stay at rest if it stays
initially at rest.
Inertial frame of reference:
The frame of reference in which Newton`s first law is valid
is called inertial frame of reference.
Product of the mass and the velocity vector of the
mechanical particle.
Particle Systems (Many Body Systems)
Single Mechanical Particle
Newton`s second law:
If a net external force acts on a body, then the body
accelerates. The mass of the body multiplied by the
acceleration vector of the body equals the net force
Momentum theorem:
The first time derivate of the momentum vector of the
body equals to the net force acts on the body.
Particle Systems (Many Body Systems)
Single Mechanical Particle
Newton`s third law („Action-reaction law”):
If a body exerts a force on a second body, then the
second body exerts a force on the first one. The two
forces have the same magnitude, but they show in
opposit direction. (The have same same direction but
different derectionality).
Action and reaction are always equal and opposite.
Particle Systems (Many Body Systems)
Single Mechanical Particle
Newton`s fourth law („Superposition law”):
If there are several forces acting simultaneously on a
body, the net force equals to the vector sum of the
acting forces.
Each of the forces exerts on the body as it would be
Particle Systems (Many Body Systems)
Single Mechanical Particle
Particle Systems (Many Body Systems)
Fundamental equation of dynamics:
If there are several forces acting simultaneously on a body,
the net force equals to the product of the mass and the
acceleration vector of the body. In this case the net force
holds all information from the neighbor (environment) of
the body.
Belongs to the
Belongs to the
Conservation of momentum theorem:
If the net force acts of the body is zero, then the
momentum of the body is constant.
It directly comes out from momentum theorem, if the force
is zero.
Single Mechanical Particle
a.) Consider a body that undergoes a displacement of
magnitude s along a straight line. While the body
moves a constant force acts on it in the same
direction as the displacement shows.
b.) If the force and the displacement do not parallel
to each other, then the work can be defined as:
c.) In general case:
Particle Systems (Many Body Systems)
Single Mechanical Particle
Kinetic energy:
𝐸 = 2 𝑚𝑣 2
Work-energy theorem:
The work done by the net force on a body equals the
change in the kinetic energy of the body.
Work of the gravitational force in the field of
Particle Systems (Many Body Systems)
Single Mechanical Particle
Work of the gravitational force is independent of the
path taken from A to B. It depends only on the
coordinates of the two end points (initial and final
points) of the path.
Conservative force:
If the force force is independent of the path taken
from A to B. It depends only on the coordinates of
the two end points (initial and final points) of the
The gravitational force is conservative force. The field
of gravity is a conservative field.
Potential energy:
Particle Systems (Many Body Systems)
Single Mechanical Particle
Particle Systems (Many Body Systems)
Conservation of mechanical energy theorem:
In a conservative field the total mechanical energy
(the sum of the potential and kinetic energy) is
constant. It means the total energy is conserved.
If the body moves around a closed path (closed
loop), the total work done by the conservative force
is always zero.
Nonconservative force = dissipative force,
an example:
Kinetic frictional force:
, where
perpendicular to the surface
Single Mechanical Particle
Power – instantaneous power:
The first time derivate of the work is defined as
instantaneous power:
SI unit of the dimension:
In a special case:
Particle Systems (Many Body Systems)
Dinamics of the circular motion
Single Mechanical Particle
Particle Systems (Many Body Systems)
Torque and angular momentum
Torque or moment:
Torque or moment is a physical quantity gives
angular acceleration for a body. It has an important
role at the rotational motion of a rigid body (see
Torque is the moment of a force relative to point O:
: lever arm
In the English literature the name moment is usually
used as term of the moment of force. Torques is
usually used for the net moment due to external
forces in systems where the vector sum of these
forces is zero.
Single Mechanical Particle
Angular momentum
The analog quantity of linear momentum
(momentum) of a mechanical particle is called as
angular momentum of a particle relative to a given
Angular momentum theorem:
The rate of change of angular momentum of a
particle equals to the moment or torque of the net
force acts on it. In other words:
The first time derivate of the angular momentum
gives the torque or moment of the net force acts on
Principle of conservation of angular momentum
If the torque or moment of the net force acts on the
body is zero, then the angular momentum of the
body is constant.
Particle Systems (Many Body Systems)