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Why Our Bodies Need Iodine
Why You Can’t Live Without It 4th Edition
---Complied by Elaine Walpole, RN, BS, MSA
From David Brownstein, M.D. - Leading Iodine Expert
Iodine is found in each of the trillions of cells in the body. Every cell in the body contains
and utilizes iodine. It is concentrated in our glandular system. The thyroid contains the
highest concentrations. Large amounts of iodine are also stored in our salivary glands,
spinal fluid and brain, stomach, breasts, ovaries, and eyes.
Iodine deficiency is a huge health problem for many people. Our diets are lacking in
sufficient amounts of iodine. In addition, we are also exposed to bromides from
carbonated drinks, medications, and bakery products: to fluorides from our drinking
water, toothpaste, medications; and to chlorides found in artificial sweeteners, swimming
pools, detergents. Exposure to these toxic substances can be the underlying causes of
thyroid disorders, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, breast and prostate cancer, and other
health issues.
According to Dr. Brownstein, iodine will bind to bromide, fluoride, and chloride, as well
as to mercury, so these molecules can be removed from the body. But that process
depends heavily on having adequate iodine in the body. If you are iodine deficient,
know that other toxic chemicals have taken its place in your body so that when you add it
back in, you’re both detoxifying these chemicals and adjusting to the new iodine.
Where Do We Get Iodine?
Iodine is not present in adequate amounts in most foods. Some plants absorb iodine when
it is present in the soil. The Midwest, including Michigan, is part of the “Goiter Belt”
since our soils are so deficient in iodine. The Goiter Belt is not close to an ocean where
fish & seaweed are plentiful. Iodized salt is an inadequate source due to low dosage and
reduced salt intake by the average person. And not all states add iodine to their salt
Iodine and our Thyroid Gland
Iodine is an essential ingredient of all our thyroid hormones. This gland does not
function well if we lack iodine. It is estimated that 13 million people in the US have
thyroid disease. ---Carnaris, Colorado Thyroid Study, 02/2000.The thyroid gland is regulated by
the pituitary gland, which releases a hormone called TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone).
This TSH stimulates the production of T4 (throxine) and T3 (triodothyronine). T3 drives
our metabolic functions. These primary thyroid hormones T3 and T4 are named for the
number of iodine atoms contained. For example T3 contains three iodine atoms and T4
contains four iodine atoms.
TSH is released by the pituitary gland to stimulate the thyroid gland to produce thyroid
Pituitary glandTSHThyroid GlandT4T3
According to the American Association Clinical Endocrinologists, this is the new normal
range for thyroid test results:
TSH - 0.3-3.0ug/dl
T4 - 4.6-12ug/dl-serum thyroxine; 0.7-1.9ng/dl free thyroxine
T 3 - 80-180ng/dl
Some Signs & Symptoms of Thyroid Imbalance---eHowhealth
Unusual weight gain/ or difficulty loosing weight, fatigue, brittle hair & nails, thinning
eyebrows, hair loss, joint /muscle aches, difficulty tolerating cold, low body temperature,
headaches, diminished libido, forgetful, fuzzy-minded, mood swings, constipation,
numbness or tingling in hands, puffy face and extremities, and sleeping more than
RDA Iodine Levels
The RDA (recommended daily allowance) of iodine is 150mcg to 290mcg per day. In the
U.S., The population today has decreased salt intake to lower blood pressure. Medical
experts and Dr. D. Brownstein, who treat iodine deficiencies, believe that the RDA is
inadequate to provide enough iodine to promote optimal thyroid, endocrine, and immune
system functioning. They also believe it is inadequate to prevent breast, prostate,
endometrial and ovarian cancer. ---The Lancet. 4.24.1976- Stradel, B.
The Japanese population ingests 100 times the RDA of iodine daily, mostly from
seaweed. They have remarkably lower levels of breast, endometrial and ovarian and
prostate cancers and a lower incidence of fibrocystic breast disease. ---J. Clin. Endo. 27:638647. 1967 – Nagataki, S.
Metabolism: How Thyroid Issues Affect Weight Gain
Reduced thyroid function may be the result of your thyroid’s ability to produce or use
this hormone. This causes your metabolism to slow down. Women are especially prone to
thyroid issues and weight gain because the thyroid is linked to our neurotransmitters,
reproductive hormones, and adrenal glands.
Consistent Nutrition Habits to Support Thyroid Function
* Choose optimal nutritious foods, according to your blood type
* Eat at regular times each day
* Include protein at every meal
* Eliminate gluten, alcohol, sugar, and junk foods as they have a negative impact on
thyroid function.
*Sea vegetables, salt-water fish. iodized salt, eggs, onions, radishes, watercress
*Organic dairy products, if appropriate for your blood type diet
Thyroid and Vitamin B
A 2009 study published in the Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association found B-12
deficiency in 40 percent of hypothyroid patients tested. Researchers also found a positive
correlation between B-12 deficiency and low thyroid function, according to a 2004 study
in the Bombay Hospital Journal. A Vitamin B-6 deficiency can make your immune
system more prone to attack your thyroid gland.
Read more: The Effect of Vitamin B6 on Thyroid Function |
Laboratory Testing for Thyroid Levels
This test is recommended before iodine intake. Once the iodine deficiency is determined,
iodine supplementation can be started.
Kit: Collect a 24-hour Urine Iodine Loading Test
1. First morning urine is discarded
2. Take 50mg of Iodoral R (iodine/iodide) with a glass of water
3. Collect 24-hour urine. Include the first morning sample at the end of the 24-hour
4. Send the sample to the 24-hour urine for evaluation of iodine status to Hakala Labs.
Research has shown that 90% excretion (45mg iodine) of a 50mg iodine loading test
indicates iodine sufficient state. Below 90% =deficiency state.
Iodine Dosage Guidelines
Iodoral 12.5 = (5mg iodine / 7.5 mg iodide): 1-4 tablets daily based on test results
Selenium 12.5 mg, every other day, to prevent thyroid storm or side effects from iodine.
Young Living’s OmegaGize Super B and Super C to support detoxification and adrenal
Possible Side Effects of Iodoral
Metallic taste, increased salivation, sneezing, headache, acne, feeling overstressed,
burnout, depression, eye strain, and rapid heart rate.
Overall, the benefits outweigh the minimal side effects. Dosage can be adjusted, based
on your thyroid test levels to eliminate side effects long term. Consult with your
healthcare provider.
The practice of iodine testing and treatment is a relatively emergent science that holds
tremendous potential for improving women’s immune, breast, and thyroid health and our
longevity. As we raise our awareness and understand more about how iodine works in the
body, we can overcome “iodophobia” and begin to appreciate the value of this essential
Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and not intended to
diagnose or treat any specific disease. We believe an informed consumer makes healthier
choices for themselves. Stay informed!
1. David Brownstein, M.D. -
Purchase at Medical Alternative Press 4173 Fieldbrook Rd West Bloomfield, Mi 48323
1-888-647-5616: DVD’S: $25: BOOK: Iodine Why You Need It, 4th Edition. $15
2. Iodoral Tablets
Upright Health & Wellness – (248-656-2063, Rochester, MI)
3. Testing Kits: Loading Testing Kits $70; Bromide $35; Fluoride $ 35 plus S&H
Hakala Labs 303.763.62.42
4. Daniel Purser, M.D. Preventative Medicine Institute; 801.796.7667;
(phone consultations addressing your specific needs, formulated several YL Products)
5. Jonathan Cayle, M.D. Cayle Clinic -586.991.0805, (Sterling Heights, MI)