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Multiple Choice
1. The term aponeuroses refers to which of the following?
A) Muscle fascia
B) Foot ligament
C) Adipose tissue
D) Broad tendons
Answer: D
2. The pharynx refers to which body part?
A) The part of the throat behind mouth and nasal cavity
B) The part in which air passes to the lungs
C) The inside lining of the bone ends
D) The valve between the right and left atrium
Answer: A
3. Protraction can be defined as?
A) Placing the palm anteriorly
B) Moving the palm into a downward position
C) Moving the arms at the shoulder anteriorly
D) Moving the foot in an outward position
Answer: C
4. The coronal plane divides the body________:
A) Into superior and inferior segments
B) Into left and right portions
C) Into front and back portions
D) Into thirds or left, middle and right segments
Answer: C
5. The portion of the skin that contains sweat glands is located_____:
A) In the dermis level of the skin
B) In the subcutis level of the skin
C) Below the aponeuroses
D) In the epidermis level of the skin
Answer: A
6. The largest artery in the body is which of the following?
A) Trachea
B) Arteriole
C) Aorta
D) Venule
Answer: C
7. The outermost layer of skin is which of the following?
A) Dermis
B) Subcutaneous
C) Epidermis
D) Subcutis
Answer: C
8. The small blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood from capillary beds to veins
are which of the following?
A) Arterioles
B) Arteries
C) Veins
D) Venules
Answer: D
9. Which of the following is a type of white blood cell?
A) Lymphocyte
B) Electrolyte
C) Organelle
D) Periosteum
Answer: A
10. The valve controlling blood flow between the left atrium and left ventricle of the
heart is which of the following?
A) Aorta
B) Bicuspid valve
C) Aponeuroses
D) Tricuspid valve
Answer: B
11. The mouth is __________ to the nose.
A) Inferior
B) Superior
C) Anterior
D) Posterior
Answer: A
12. Fingers are __________ to the forearm.
A) Medial
B) Lateral
C) Proximal
D) Distal
Answer: D
13. Picking up a dumbbell in your hand and moving it up to your chest involves which
type of movement at your elbow joint?
A) Extension
B) Flexion
C) Abduction
D) Adduction
Answer: B
14. __________ position refers to an erect standing position, with arms to the sides and
palms of the hands facing toward the front.
Answer: Anatomical
15. The __________ plane divides the body horizontally into top and bottom halves.
Answer: transverse
Answer: horizontal
16. The __________ plane divides the body into anterior and posterior portions, or front
and back.
Answer: coronal
Answer: frontal
17. The __________ is the outside surface of the bone.
Answer: periosteum
18. Skeletal muscles usually connect to bone via __________ or aponeuroses.
Answer: tendons
19. True or False? Supine position refers to the body lying face down on the stomach.
Answer: False
20. True or False? The bone shaft is known as the diaphysis.
Answer: True
21. True or False? The muscular system makes up about 40% of a person's total body
Answer: True
22. True or False? The peripheral nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord.
Answer: False
23. True or False? The urinary system is responsible for maintaining the body's fluid and
electrolyte balance.
Answer: True
Short Answer
24. What is the position in which the body is lying face up on the back?
Answer: supine
25. How many bones are in the body?
Answer: 206
26. What is the special connective tissue that separates muscles from one another and
holds them in place?
Answer: fascia
27. Which body system is responsible for defending the body against disease or foreign
organisms and produces lymphocytes to fight infections?
Answer: lymphatic
Answer: lymphatic system
28. Which body system is responsible for digesting food and eliminating waste?
Answer: gastrointestinal
Answer: gastrointestinal system
29. Describe the primary functions of the integumentary system and its basic structure.
Answer: See page 64 for complete answer
30. List the six different types of synovial or diarthrodial joints, providing an example of
each, and describe the types of movement available at each.
Answer: See page 66 for complete answer