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Name: ________________________________ Science 7-______ Johnston Date: ___________________________
Weathering, Erosion, and Natural Catastrophe Test Review
Complete each statement.
1. Most of the work of mixing humus within the soil is done by ___________________.
2. Reusing water in a factory to cool hot machinery is a way to _________________ water.
3. ____________________ are organisms in the soil that break down and digest the remains of dead
4. Natural hazards can cause __________________ events that change Earth's crust.
5. The process in which sediment is laid down in a new location is called ___________________.
6. What type of energy is involved when a river moves sediment and erodes its banks?
7. _________________ causes mechanical weathering of rock by means of freezing and thawing of water.
8. A ____________________ can occur when there is too great a demand for water in an area.
9. List five natural hazards. ____________________________________________
10. Erosion by water or wind can cause the loss of soil that is not protected by _________________.
11. A rock containing iron becomes soft and crumbly and reddish-brown. It probably has been chemically
weathered by ______________.
12. Farming is difficult in many parts of the world for the following reasons too much _____________ in
13. A lake ____________ be formed by water flowing quickly through a narrow channel.
14. The growth of plant roots and animal activity may result in ________________________.
15. Most of Earth's ________________ is found in huge masses of ice near the North and South Poles.
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minutes for the upcoming assessment. A parent signature adds 5 bonus points towards the upcoming test.
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Name: ________________________________ Science 7-______ Johnston Date: ___________________________
16. The decayed organic material in soil is called ______________.
17. As water moves slowly through a ____________, plants within it filter out waste materials.
18. The mixture of rock particles, minerals, decayed organic material, air, and water is called
19. A hot and wet climate causes weathering to take place ____________ than when the climate is dry and
20. Cutting down forests is a human activity that can make the impact of natural hazards more
21. Potential energy changes to kinetic energy as ___________ pulls water down a slope.
22. A geologist finds deep gouges and scratches on bedrock in an area once covered by a glacier. These
scratches are evidence of the type of erosion called _____________.
23. The energy that produces ocean waves comes from __________ blowing across the water's surface.
24. Living organisms in soil help to mix the soil and make ___________.
25. In a cross section of soil, the _________________ consists of clay, minerals, and little humus.
26. The type of soil called _________ is made up of nearly equal amounts of silt, sand, and clay.
27. Label each cross section of soil and list what it is composed of.