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Which planet is closest to the sun? (Mercury).
Which planet is called the red planet? (Mars).
What is the largest object in our solar system?
(The Sun).
Include questions that focus on recent changes
in how we think about our solar system such as:
How many planets are in our solar system? (8).
Which dwarf planet is the largest? (Eris).
Learning Objectives
1) Understand that our solar system is made up of
planets, dwarf planets, moons, asteroids, and
our star, the Sun.
2) Understand what a star, a planet, and a dwarf
planet are.
Know that each planet and dwarf planet rotates
on an axis and orbits the sun.
4) Realize that there are currently 8 planets in our
solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune;
5) Realize that there are currently three dwarf
planets in our solar system; Ceres, Pluto, and
6) Understand the difference between a planet and
a dwarf planet.
Suggested Activities
Make a Model of the Solar System
Ask students to work in pairs or small groups.
Using classroom supplies (or have students
brainstorm supplies they can bring from home
to complete the project) have groups construct
a small scale model of the solar system.
Students should make sure that their planets are
comparatively sized, that they are the correct
colors and composition (encourage creativity
when constructing the gas planets), and that
their orbits are as accurate as possible.
Anticipatory Set
Have a “Solar System Quiz” to see what the
students already know. Ask them questions
such as: Which planet is the largest? (Jupiter).
9) Mercury has so many craters because:
a) It is so close to the sun
b) It has very little atmosphere
c) It orbits slowly around the sun
d) It is very large
10) Which planet is called the red planet?
a) Mars
b) Mercury
c) Eris
d) Neptune
1) The Sun is the largest object in our solar
system. ___T ___F
2) Solar wind is the force that pulls the planet’s
orbit around its sun (star). ___T ___F
3) All of the planets and dwarf planets in our solar
system orbit the sun. ___T ___F
4) All planets and dwarf planets have a spherical
shape. ___T ___F
5) Uranus rotates on its side like the other planets
do. ___T ___F
6) Which of the following is true about Jupiter?
a) It is the largest planet in our solar system
b) It is a gas planet
c) The Great Red Spot is a storm on its surface
d) All of the above.
7) Which planet is known as Earth’s sister planet?
a) Venus
b) Mars
c) Mercury
d) Ceres
8) Ceres is:
a) Small, about the size of Texas
b) Is a dwarf planet
c) Lies inside of the Asteroid Belt
d) All of the above
100% Educational Videos® is a SchoolMedia, Inc. company
©2007 SchoolMedia, Inc.
1T, 2F, 3T, 4T, 5F, 6D, 7A, 8D, 9B, 10A
Additional Resources
International Astronomical Union
Nat’l Aeronautics & Space Admin
Axis – The invisible line on which a planet rotates.
Dwarf Planet – An object just like a planet, except it is smaller and has
other objects, like asteroids, in its path around the sun.
Gravity – The invisible force that pulls objects toward the center of an
object, like a planet or the sun.
Moon – Large rocky object that orbits a planet.
Orbit – One complete turn around the sun.
Planet – An object that is round, orbits the sun, and whose path is free
of other objects.
Revolve – to move around an object in a circular motion.
Rotate – to spin.
Sunspot – A dark region on the surface of the sun that is cooler than
the area around it.
Solar system – Literally means “sun system,” the sun and the planets.
Solar Wind – Particles that are blown out from the sun into space.
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