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Proposal form for the evaluation of a genetic test for NHS Service
Gene Dossier/Additional Provider
Submitting laboratory: Exeter RGC
1. Disorder/condition – approved name and
symbol as published on the OMIM
database (alternative names will be listed on the
Approved: Sept 2013
Mandibulofacial dysostosis with microcephaly; MFDM
UKGTN website)
2. OMIM number for disorder/condition
3a. Disorder/condition – please provide, in
laymen’s terms, a brief (2-5 sentences)
description of how the disorder(s) affect
individuals and prognosis.
Rare syndrome with the following features:
Microcephaly, moderate to severe learning disability,
external ear malformations, deafness, cleft palate,
choanal and aural atresia, congenital heart
malformation, renal malformations, oesophageal
atresia. Facial dysmorphism is characterized by
microcephaly, mid-face hypoplasia, micrognathia and
characteristic external ear malformation with small,
simple, protuberant ears
3b Disorder/condition – if required please
expand on the description of the disorder
provided in answer to Q3a.
4. Disorder/condition – mode of inheritance
Autosomal dominant
5. Gene – approved name(s) and symbol as
published on HGNC database (alternative
elongation factor Tu GTP binding domain containing
names will be listed on the UKGTN website)
6a. OMIM number for gene(s)
6b HGNC number for gene(s)
7a. Gene – description(s)
Located on 17q21.31. Size: 53.34Kb; 27 coding exons
7b. Number of amplicons to provide this
test (molecular) or type of test
27 amplicons
7c. GenU band that this test is assigned to
for index case testing
8. Mutational spectrum for which you test
including details of known common
Missense, nonsense, splicing and small
insertion/deletion mutations.
9a. Technical method(s)
Sequencing of the entire coding region and conserved
splice sites.
9b If a panel test using NGS please state if
it is a conventional panel or a targeted
exome test.
9c. Panel/targeted exome Tests
i) Do the genes have 100% coverage? If
not what is the strategy for dealing with the
gaps in coverage?
Approval Date: September 2013
Submitting Laboratory: Exeter RGC
Copyright UKGTN © 2013
ii) Does the test include MLPA?
iii) Does this use sanger sequencing or
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)?
Sanger sequencing
iv) If NGS is used, does the lab adhere to
the Practice Guidelines for NGS?
10 Is the assay to be provided by the lab or
is it to be outsourced to another provider?
If to be outsourced, please provide the
name of the laboratory.
This lab.
11. Validation process
Please explain how this test has been
validated for use in your laboratory or submit
your internal validation documentation
Sequence analysis for the identification of
heterozygous and homozygous mutations is employed
for screening of >40 genes in the laboratory.
Primers were designed against reference sequence
NM_004247.3. All primers designed conform to in
house criteria (which include minimum primer length,
Tm, GC content, use of GC clamp, region of interest)
and are checked for specificity and the presence of
SNPs before ordering. Three patient samples with
clinical features suggestive of Mandibulofacial
dysostosis with microcephaly were used in the initial
set up and optimisation of the PCR and Sanger
sequencing assay. Sequencing data was checked in
Mutation surveyor against genbank files created from
12a. Are you providing this test already?
12b. If yes, how many reports have you
Please provide the time period in which
these reports have been produced and
whether in a research or a full clinical
diagnostic setting.
3 patients tested – reporting in progress.
12c. Number of reports mutation positive
12d. Number of reports mutation negative
13. For how long have you been providing
this service?
Since December 2012
14a. Is there specialised local
clinical/research expertise for this
14b. If yes, please provide details
15. Are you testing for other
genes/disorders/conditions closely allied
to this one? Please give details
Dr Charles Shaw-Smith has expertise in MFDM and
related disorders through the ‘Genetics of
Oesophageal Atresia’ project which has been running
since 2005, with funding from TOFS UK (patient
support group) and the Wellcome Trust.
Yes, we are offering testing for mutations in MYCN,
associated with Feingold syndrome (OMIM 164280).
Oesophageal atresia also occurs in this condition. (A
gene dossier for MYCN was approved by UKGTN
CSAG in Sept 2012).
Approval Date: September 2013
Submitting Laboratory: Exeter RGC
Copyright UKGTN © 2013
16. Based on experience what will be the
national (UK wide) activity, per annum, for:
16a. Index cases
16b. Family members where mutation is
17a. Does the laboratory have capacity to
provide the expected national activity?
17b. If your laboratory does not have
capacity to provide the full national need
please could you provide information on
how the national requirement may be met.
Most cases reported to date have been due to de
novo mutations; nonetheless, testing of parents is
recommended to exclude the possibility that either
parent is a heterozygous carrier but is non-penetrant
for the phenotype. Testing may be requested in some
instances to exclude recurrence due to germline
For example, are you aware of any other labs (UKGTN
members or otherwise) offering this test to NHS patients
on a local area basis only? This question has been
included in order to gauge if there could be any issues in
equity of access for NHS patients. It is appreciated that
some laboratories may not be able to answer this
question. If this is the case please write “unknown”.
18. Please justify the requirement for
another laboratory to provide this test e.g.
insufficient national capacity.
Approval Date: September 2013
Submitting Laboratory: Exeter RGC
Copyright UKGTN © 2013
19a. Estimated prevalence of condition in
the general UK population
19b. Estimated incidence of condition in
the general UK population
Please identify the information on which this is
20. Estimated gene frequency (Carrier
frequency or allele frequency)
Please identify the information on which this is
Not known
21. Estimated penetrance
Please identify the information on which this is
Penetrance is high, close to 100%. Mutations in
EFTUD2 have not been identified to date in patients
who do not have MFDM.
22. Estimated prevalence of condition in
the population of people that meet the
Testing Criteria.
Gordon et al (J Med Genet 2012 49:737-746)
identified mutations in or deletions of EFTUD2 in
10/14 patients who met diagnostic criteria for MFDM.
23. Please tick either yes or no for each clinical purpose listed.
Panel Tests: a panel test would not be used for pre symptomatic testing, carrier testing and pre natal
testing as the familial mutation would already be known in this case and the full panel would not be
Prognosis & management
(n/a for panel tests)
Carrier testing for family members (n/a for panel tests)
Prenatal testing
Presymptomatic testing
(n/a for panel tests)
Approval Date: September 2013
Submitting Laboratory: Exeter RGC
Copyright UKGTN © 2013
24. Analytical sensitivity and specificity
This should be based on your own laboratory data for the specific test being applied for or the analytical sensitivity and
specificity of the method/technique to be used in the case of a test yet to be set up.
Single direction sequence analysis using Mutation Surveyor software - sensitivity 99% and specificity
99% (in-house data).
25. Clinical sensitivity and specificity of test in target population
The clinical sensitivity of a test is the probability of a positive test result when condition is known to be present; the clinical
specificity is the probability of a negative test result when disorder is known to be absent. The denominator in this case is the
number with the disorder (for sensitivity) or the number without condition (for specificity).
Clinical sensitivity: based on the study of Gordon et al (J Med Genet 2012 49:737-746), the clinical
sensitivity is 10/14 or 71%. Clinical specificity: The likelihood of a negative test result when the
condition is known to be absent is close to 100%.
26. Clinical validity (positive and negative predictive value in the target population)
The clinical validity of a genetic test is a measure of how well the test predicts the presence or absence of the phenotype,
clinical condition or predisposition. It is measured by its positive predictive value (the probability of getting the condition given
a positive test) and negative predictive value (the probability of not getting the condition given a negative test).
Positive predictive value: Strictly, this is not known, because we do not have detailed knowledge of the
incidence of EFTUD2 mutations in the general population. The penetrance of a particular mutation
appears to be close to 100% based on knowledge obtained so far.
Negative predictive value: In a family in which the mutation is known, the value of a negative test is
extremely high, effectively ruling out any likelihood of the condition. The answer is less clear for an
individual with no family history. A negative genetic test would significantly reduce the likelihood of the
condition being present, but there would be a small residual and currently unquantifiable risk of the
condition still being present because of the possibility either of locus heterogeneity or of mutations
which might escape detection e.g. large deletions, promoter or regulatory.
27. Testing pathway for tests where more than one gene is to be tested
Please include your testing strategy if more than one gene will be tested and data on the expected proportions of positive
results for each part of the process. Please illustrate this with a flow diagram. This will be added to the published Testing
28. How will the test change the management of the patient and/or alter clinical outcome?
The confirmation of a clinical diagnosis of a childhood developmental disorder by means of a positive
genetic test marks a full stop in the diagnostic odyssey in which the child and his or her family may
have been participants for many years. The chief value in management is therefore that the clinician
and the family can draw a halt to other investigations directed towards achieving this end-point. As well
as providing diagnostic information, the identification of a mutation in a specific gene allows
investigation to be tailored to the expected phenotypic outcome for mutations in that gene- both in
terms of possible current diagnostic tests, and also future prognosis. Knowledge of the clinical impact
of EFTUD2 mutations is currently poor because so few cases have been reported- in part, this is due to
lack of an available genetic test. Improvements in our knowledge and understanding of the disorder,
gained by identifying more patients with it, will mean it will be possible to tailor investigation and give
more realistic advice about prognosis in the future.
Approval Date: September 2013
Submitting Laboratory: Exeter RGC
Copyright UKGTN © 2013
29. Benefits of the test for the patient & other family members
Please provide a summary of the overall benefits of this test.
The utility of providing accurate molecular-genetic based diagnosis for this condition is similar to other
rare genetic disorders and is well-rehearsed (see for example ‘Improving Lives, Optimizing Resources’ report December 2010). Briefly, these include the ability to provide an answer
for families that offers a complete explanation for their child’s problems; the ability to direct the family
towards a specific support group; the ability to provide testing of other at risk family members, and,
where applicable, a pre-natal diagnostic test.
30. What will be the consequences for patients and family members if this test is not approved?
If the test is not approved, then the ability to provide molecular confirmation of the diagnosis of MFDM
will be unavailable, with consequent loss of the benefits outlined in section 29.
31. Is there an alternative means of diagnosis or prediction that does not involve molecular
diagnosis? If so (and in particular if there is a biochemical test), please state the added advantage of
the molecular test.
32. Please describe any specific ethical, legal or social issues with this particular test.
33. Only complete this question if there is previously approved Testing Criteria and you do not agree
with it.
Please provide revised Testing Criteria on the Testing Criteria form and explain here the changes and
the reasons for the changes.
34. List the diagnostic tests/procedures that an index case no longer needs if this
genetic test is available.
Costs and type of imaging procedures
Costs and types of laboratory pathology tests
(other than molecular/cyto genetic test proposed in this gene
Costs and types of physiological tests (e.g. ECG)
Cost and types of other investigations/procedures (e.g. biopsy)
Total cost tests/procedures no longer required
Type of test
Cost (£)
35. Based on the expected annual activity of index cases (Q15a), please calculate the
estimated annual savings/investments based on information provided in Q33.
Number of index cases expected annually
Cost to provide tests for index cases if the
genetic test in this gene dossier was not
available (see Q34)
Total annual costs pre genetic test
Total annual costs to provide genetic test
Total savings
(a) 10
(b) £1200
(a) x (b) = (c) £12000
(a) x cost of genetic testing for index case = £6000
(c) – (d) £6000
70% test positive, therefore 30% still require other
tests 3x1200=£3,600
6000+3600=£9600 required
12000-9600= £2,400 cost saving
Approval Date: September 2013
Submitting Laboratory: Exeter RGC
Copyright UKGTN © 2013
In collaboration with the clinical lead, describe TWO real case examples:
1. prior to availability of genetic test
2. post availability of genetic test
to illustrate how the test improves patient experience and the costs involved.
Case example one – pre genetic test
A male patient was referred from a regional clinical genetics service for research based testing in 2010.
At the time he was two years of age. Clinical features were as follows: tracheo-oesophageal fistula,
cleft palate and dysmorphic features with dysplastic ears, ear tags and down-slanting palpebral
fissures, malar hypoplasia and micrognathia. He was microcephalic and had mild-moderate
developmental delay. His mother was of normal intelligence, but had some dysmorphic facial features
which included down-slanting palpebral fissures, malar hypoplasia and micrognathia. In addition,
bilateral choanal atresia had been present at birth. There was no other family history. The parents
were very keen to establish a genetic diagnosis for what seemed likely to be a familial condition with
dominant inheritance. In particular, the parents wished to have more children but were discouraged
from doing so because of the absence of information about recurrence risk and any possibility of prenatal genetic testing. By way of investigation, the child had had an array CGH test, and testing of
MYCN and CHD7 on a research basis.
Prior to 2012, it had not been possible to provide a syndromic diagnosis, beyond the generic one that
one of the mandibulo-facial dysostoses was likely. It now seems likely that this child has mandibulofacial dysostosis with microcephaly, MFDM, and molecular analysis of EFTUD2 is underway.
Costs and type of imaging procedures
Costs and type of laboratory pathology tests
Costs and type of physiological tests (e.g. ECG)
Cost and type of other investigations/procedures (e.g. biopsy)
Cost outpatient consultations (genetics and non genetics)
Total cost pre genetic test
Type of test
ArrayCGH, CHD7,
MYCN testing
Not relevant
4 genetics consults
Case example two – post genetic test
An example is taken from the literature as we do not yet have a positive genetic test result. She had
been followed up for many years following a post-natal diagnosis of oesophageal atresia. She
presented for consideration for EFTUD2 testing at the age of 17 years. She was referred for the
exploration of mild intellectual disability. On examination, she was noted to have microcephaly, mild
thenar hypoplasia, and 2/3 syndactyly of the toes. She had a high-arched palate with no cleft and
asymmetric and dysplastic ear helices. Agilent 105 K array CGH identified no pathological copy
number variant. Direct sequencing and qPCR of the MYCN and MIR17HG genes were normal. Direct
sequencing of the EFTUD2 gene identified a de novo nucleotide variant (c.2619-2621delinsGGTC)
presumed to result in a frameshift and a premature stop codon (p.Phe874ValfsX11).
Costs and type of imaging procedures
Costs and types laboratory pathology tests
(other than molecular/cyto genetic proposed in this gene
Cost of genetic test proposing in this gene dossier
Costs and type of physiological tests (e.g. ECG)
Cost and type of other investigations/procedures (e.g. biopsy)
Cost outpatient consultations (genetics and non genetics)
Total cost post genetic test
Type of test
- EFTUD2 genetic
Two consults
37. Estimated savings between two case examples described £1050
Approval Date: September 2013
Submitting Laboratory: Exeter RGC
Copyright UKGTN © 2013
UKGTN Testing Criteria
Test name:
Mandibulofacial Dysostosis, Guion-Almeida Type
Approved name and symbol of disease/condition(s):
Mandibulofacial Dysostosis with Microcephaly; MFDM
Approved name and symbol of gene(s):
elongation factor Tu GTP binding domain containing 2; EFTUD2
OMIM number(s):
OMIM number(s):
Patient name:
Date of birth:
Patient postcode:
NHS number:
Name of referrer:
Lab ID:
Referrals will only be accepted from one of the following:
Tick if this refers to
Consultant clinical geneticist
Minimum criteria required for testing to be appropriate as stated in the Gene Dossier:
Tick if this patient
meets criteria
Mandibulofacial dysostosis AND
Microcephaly smaller than -3 S.D
OR At risk family members where familial mutation is known.
If the sample does not fulfil the clinical criteria or you are not one of the specified types of
referrer and you still feel that testing should be performed please contact the laboratory to
discuss testing of the sample.
Approval Date: September 2013
Submitting Laboratory: Exeter RGC
Copyright UKGTN © 2013