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Why Finlandia?
We know what works. For over 30 years, we
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Psychosomatic Energenics™ to clear
emotional conflicts;*
ETA Bio-resonance scanning to assess the
body’s energy flow;*
Heart Rate Variability Assessment;*
Oxygen revitalization program*
Our friendly and skilled health
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* appointment required
For more information, please visit our website:
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Monday - Saturday 9:30 am - 6 pm
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TOLL-FREE: 1.800.363.4372
1111 West Broadway (at Spruce Street)
Vancouver, BC, V6H 1G1 Canada
for everyday living
Vol. V1 No. 2
OXYgen Revitalization
What it means for YOU...
xygen. It is literally the breath of life.
Without it, we would quickly die, like those
unfortunate canaries in the coal mines of
long ago. Yet are we getting enough oxygen
to keep us in tip-top shape, our bodies fit and
healthy, our minds sharp and keen?
To better understand this, let’s take a closer
look at oxygen and why it is so very
important to life. First, a little reminder of
how life as we know it came to be...
The answer is no. Very few of us inhale and
use the oxygen we need to stay truly healthy
and vibrant. But this can be changed,
through a powerful new program available
from Finlandia.
In the early days of Earth, very little oxygen
existed. Only 0.01 per cent of Earth’s
atmosphere was oxygen 3.5 billion years ago,
and 2.5 billion years ago this had only
increased to 0.1 per cent. (Today, oxygen
accounts for 20 per cent of the Earth’s
Oxygen revitalization (OXY-R) provides you
with Live O2 oxygen via a mask as you spend
15 minutes performing physical activity. It
sounds simple enough, but its effects are
far-reaching, literally detoxifying and
revitalizing your body and mind so that you
can have enough energy to get the most out
of your life.
Although we do not know exactly where
or how life originated, we do know that
oxygen was essential to its evolution. The
first life on Earth consisted of bacteria-like
organisms called prokaryotes. (Fossil
prokaryotes have been found in 3.4million-year-old rock in the southern part
of Africa, and in some older rocks k
continued from page 1.
in Australia.)
Prior to this, life was restricted to the
sea, lakes and rivers, as the high
volume of radiation from the sun would
have made life on land imposibile
A significant proportion of these primitive
lifeforms, the cyanobacteria (often referred
to as blue-green algae), began producing
more oxygen by photosynthesis. This free
oxygen was chemically captured by
dissolved iron or organic matter.
Over time, the primitive single-cell
structures became multi-cellular and
developed complex oxygen
transportation systems that enabled
them to live on land as well as in
the water.
At some point, believed to be about 2.3
billion years ago, the oxygen reserves
became saturated and oxygen began to
accumulate in the atmosphere. (High up
in the atmosphere, some oxygen (O2)
molecules absorbed energy from the sun’s
(UV) rays and split to form single oxygen
atoms. These atoms combined with
molecular oxygen to form ozone (O3), giving
rise to Earth’s ozone layer.
As an energy source, oxygen was—and
still is—unparallelled, enabling all lifeforms to exist and evolve. From minute
aerobic bacteria, through the entire
animal kingdom, to human beings,
oxygen is a necessity without which
we cannot possibly exist.
Why oxygen is so important
lthough estimates vary, scientists have put the number
of cells in a human body at close to 37 trillion. These cells all
have an important role to play in keeping themselves—and us—
alive, and rely on oxygen for their energy to do so.
Fatigue and a feeling of “being past our prime” is never attributable to simply growing older. Rather, it is a sign that
our oxygen reserves are low and that our organs are just not
getting enough of this vital gas. If you find this hard to believe,
After inhalation into the lungs, oxygen diffuses through the
membranes of tree-like structures called alveoli, and into the red
blood cells. Here they bind to the iron-rich haemoglobin,
changing it from a bluish colour to a bright red. Just one litre
of blood can dissolve and transport 200 cc of oxygen.
just take a minute or so to sit up straight and breathe in deeply.
We bet you are realizing just how shallow your breathing is. This
is how most of us breathe, most of the time. We sit hunched
up over our desks, using only the upper part of the lungs to
breathe. This area is not as rich in blood vessels as the lower
lungs, and so our blood is not as oxygenated as it should be.
Within the cell, oxygen is processed into adenosine triphosphate
(ATP) to be used as energy. This takes place inside tiny
organelles known as mitochondria. The number of mitochondria
inside a cell varies, with cells that require the most energy (such
as those of the heart), housing 10,000 or more.
As a byproduct of metabolism, the cell releases carbon dioxide
into the blood, where it combines with bicarbonate and
haemoglobin for transport back to the lungs. Here, it is
reoxygenated and the process repeats itself.
As we grow older, we lose many of our mitochondria, resulting
in an overall loss of cellular energy output. (Since mitochondria
need oxygen to generate cellular energy, and humans need a
constant supply of that energy to survive, people die within
a few minutes if deprived of oxygen.) Loss of cellular energy
output contributes to overall decrepitude and the diseases we
associate with aging: heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis,
cancers, and a general feeling of fatigue. By the time we are 40,
we have lost 20 per cent of our ability to utilize oxygen, and by
the time we hit 60, we have lost almost 40 per cent.
We will emphasize an important point here:
cell membrane
Golgi apparatus
endoplasmic reticulum
Human cell showing the energy-generating mitochondria (orange). These
diminish as we age, increasing our need for oxygen.
TEL: 604.733.5323 TOLL FREE: 1.800.363.4372 FAX: 604.733.5340
Oxygen is also essential for cellular detoxification. We take in
food and create waste, primarily in the form of hydrogen,
carbon, nitrogen and sulfur. This waste would not be excreted
from the body, were it not first combined with oxygen. Thus
hydrogen becomes water (H2O), carbon becomes carbon dioxide
(CO2), nitrogen becomes nitric oxide (NO2), and sulfur becomes
sulfur dioxide (SO2).
In fact, our bodies can become highly toxic as free radicals,
other byproducts of metabolism, and microbes build up inside
our tissues and organs.
In these forms, the toxic byproducts of living are easily excreted,
but the process is not as effective when the body’s oxygen
reserves are low.
Clearly, we need to find a way to increase our intake of lifegiving oxygen, and simply getting outside and working out may
no longer be enough.
A number of lifestyle factors/events can deplete
our oxygen reserves. These include:
• Alcohol consumption (the body uses three
molecules of oxygen to metabolize one
molecule of alcohol)
• Smoking
Further compounding the problem of toxicity is the fact we eat
a lot of foods that create an acidic environment. This results in
an excess of positively-charged hydrogen ions (H+) within the
tissues. These combine with, and use up, oxygen.
Oxygen depleters
• Radiation (including x-rays and cancer
• Using drugs (both pharmaceutical and
• Physical stress (working out heavily,
endurance pursuits)
• Having an infection
• Mental stressors (loss of a job, death
of a loved one, etc.)
• High noise levels
• Travelling (for business or pleasure)
• Surgery/trauma
• Consuming a lot of junk foods
• Having cancer
• Shallow breathing
The studies few have heard of...
Although many studies into the use of supplementary
oxygen have been carried out, not many have reached the
mainstream media.
capillaries could be reversed and the body restored to a more
youthful state. After a mere 15 minutes of EWOT, a dramatic
pinking of the skin could be seen.
Manfred von Ardenne (1907 - 1997), a German researcher and
applied physicist, carried out a number of studies into the
effects of oxygen on human health. (Von Ardenne was a
student of Dr. Otto Warburg, best known for his pioneering
research into oxygen depletion and cancer.) After measuring the
blood oxygen levels of thousands of volunteers, von Ardenne
discovered that the factors we have highlighted in the box
above can cause a significant decline in one’s ability to absorb
oxygen into the blood.
Von Ardenne had discovered the “switch mechanism” of blood
microcirculation, which depends on the body’s level of oxygen.
A high value of pO2 (partial oxygen pressure greater than or
equal to 50 mm of Hg) at the venous ends of the capillaries,
results in an increase in the blood microcirculation and,
consequently, a permanent elevation of the oxygen influx
and uptake.
Conversely, if the oxygen state gets worse and declines k
Much of the damage identified by Dr. von Ardenne, including
the development of cancers, is directly due to inflammation. He
went on to develop Oxygen Multistep Therapy, which is now
better known as exercise with oxygen therapy or EWOT. (OXY-R
is a type of EWOT, brought to you by Finlandia.)
While our bodies are built to deal with periods of stress without
experiencing major harm, the toll is cumulative. As a result of
stressors, we suffer from disease and premature aging.
One of von Ardenne’s many oxygen-related observations was
that, when a person exercises while breathing in oxygen under
partial pressure—meaning 100 percent oxygen—aging of the
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Courtesy of
continued from page 3.
below a certain threshold, e.g. in progressing age or after
long-term distress, the cross sections of the capillaries shrink due
to swelling of the endothelial (lining) cells, and the blood
microcirculation will be diminished for an extended period.
Since all our organs are also fed by a fine network of capillaries,
it can be deduced that the same benefits/harms accrue within
the heart, brain, lungs, kidneys, eyes etc.
The utilization of this switch mechanism for permanent
improvement of the oxygen flux into all the tissues appears to
play an important role in combatting the common cause of
many diseases and disorders associated with inflammation
and aging.
By 1981, Dr. von Ardenne had completed more than 10,000
measurements of his patients and volunteers’ blood oxygen and
had carefully documented the many beneficial effects he
observed. One of these was particularly interesting. After
spending three relaxing weeks in the fresh air of the mountains,
normal (healthy) people had a significant rise in blood oxygen
levels. Dr. von Ardenne found this puzzling as high altitude air
contains less oxygen than found at sea level. However, more
and more people returned happy and relaxed, with higher levels
of blood oxygen than when they were at home.
This caused Dr. von Ardenne to conclude that the increase in
oxygen was directly due to the reduction in stress, which
opened up the body’s ability to utilize oxygen.
improves overall health
If we want to remain lively and at the peak of fitness, we
need to draw maximum oxygen into our system—though a
process we call OXY-R (oxygen rejuvenation).
This method is considerably more effective in increasing oxygen
levels than, for example, running. Running will indeed increase
the intake of oxygen by your red blood cells, but this never
reaches the 100 per cent needed to function maximally. OXY-R
can deliver enough oxygen to maintain your blood oxygen levels
at 100 per cent, and get you back on the fitness track, whatever
your age and however fatigued you feel.
What might come as a surprise is that
intense or prolonged physical activity
actually depletes the body of O2. The
more strenuous the activity, the more O2
used up than what is taken in.
The value of healthy blood plasma is
often overlooked while we focus on the
red blood cells. However, plasma forms
55 per cent of the blood, while red
blood cells form 41 per cent. (The
remaining 4 per cent consists of white
blood cells and platelets.)
In addition to more powerful—and
beneficial—exercise, OXY-R increases
blood plasma oxygen levels. This is an important difference from
increasing the haemoglobin in red blood cells, which most
doctors will confirm is not possible through simply increasing
oxygen intake. (The maximum oxygen carried by red blood cells
is 97 per cent.) Increasing blood plasma oxygen levels is both
possible and desirable as this ensures delivery of higher oxygen
levels to all parts of the body.
As a result of increasing the hidden blood plasma oxygen level,
“suffocating” cells within the vascular system are rejuvenated
and prevented from clogging up the blood flow. Consequently,
circulation to all your body’s organs is greatly improved, and
metabolism increased. This increases youthful behaviour of all
the body’s cells, while reducing both fatigue and the process of
inflammation that ultimately leads to disease.
The all important switch
The all-important “switch” discovered by Dr. von Ardenne, is
often set very high—sometimes at four times healthy levels—
and more for people who are stressed.
Therefore, if you are looking for a way
to reduce inflammation and optimize
your health and well being, it is
imperative to choose an oxygen system
that actually reaches the threshhold of
von Adrenne’s switch—and not all do.
Hyperbaric oxygen chambers, for
example, lack the simultaneous oxygen
surplus and respiratory turbulence to
saturate and drive oxygen deeply into
the tissues.
Finlandia uses Live O2 oxygen training.
This system drives oxygen into parts of
the body where cells may have already
turned to fermentation for their energy
needs, (see Cellular energy and cancer, page 6).
Live O2 ensures the maximum amount of O2 is delivered to
where it is needed the most—to damaged and inflamed tissues
and individual cells that are not performing the way they should.
TEL: 604.733.5323 TOLL FREE: 1.800.363.4372 FAX: 604.733.5340
Oxygen’s effects on
We have touched on the process of inflammation, which health
professionals from all modalities agree is the root cause of most
disease. This is particularly true for those associated with aging,
such as arthritis, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease
and cancers.
A recent studyi, published in the December 2013 issue of the
Journal of Leukocyte Biology, determined that oxygen levels play
a critical role in determining the severity of the inflammatory
response (and how drug therapies might be improved using
this information). However, we think it makes more sense to
utilize oxygen to prevent or quell the fires of inflammation in
the first place.
Plasma oxygen is also the hidden connection between exercise
and a healthy immune response. The immune response of
first-time users of oxygen therapy has been tested and, in many
cases, has shown a rally just 24 hours after their first
training session.
Most of us live stressful lives—and stress is implicated in the
development and progression of a number of serious diseases
including heart disease and cancer. In 1967, psychiatrists
Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe listed stressful events such as
the loss of a loved one, serious illness or loss of a job/income as
major inducers of disease. What is not so well known is that
even minor stressful events in our lives can seriously impact
oxygen levels. Other oxygen depleters include smoking; drug
use (prescription and recreational); lack of physical activity; bed
rest; travelling (for business or pleasure); surgery/physical
trauma; extensive burns; cancer, infections and noise.
Let’s take a look at how oxygen impacts specific diseases.
Oxygen and aging
As we grow older, the amount of oxygen in our bodies
diminishes significantly. This increases the rate of cell death and
inflammation, giving rise to the many “diseases of aging.”
Finlandia’s OXY-R training system, using Live O2, retards aging
through carrying oxygen to all parts of the body.
By the time you’re 50 years old, your lung power is diminished
by an average 40 per cent. By the time you’re 80, you will have
lost over 60 per cent. However, even if you are in your 60s or
70s it is still possible to regain and maintain the lung capacity of
someone in their 30s through the use of OXY-R therapy with
Live O2.
In addition, evidence suggests that in earlier times, our air
contained about 35 per cent oxygen, and that this level dropped
significantly a few hundred years ago. Today, the average
oxygen content of our air has dropped to about 20 per cent. In
i. J. A. Marwick, D. A. Dorward, C. D. Lucas, K. O. Jones, T. A. Sheldrake, S. Fox, C. Ward, J. Murray, M.
Brittan, N. Hirani, R. Duffin, I. Dransfield, C. Haslett, A. G. Rossi. Oxygen levels determine the ability of
glucocorticoids to influence neutrophil survival in inflammatory environments. Journal of Leukocyte
Biology, 2013; 94 (6)
very polluted urban areas, that number can drop as low as
12-15 per cent. As oxygen levels drop, inflammation increases.
Your oxygen levels (pO2) measured in mm of mercury, should be
between 85 and 100. In general, older people have lower levels
of oxygen. However, there is no reason at all for your oxygen to
decline with aging, despite the fact that most doctors will tell
you that aging is the cause and is “normal.”
While exercising with a specially designed mask, you can double
the 20 per cent increased oxygen intake resulting from exercise
to between 35 and 40 per cent. With OXY-R you can literally
control the speed at which you age.
On average, our oxygen levels drop five points every 10 years,
with the most significant drop taking place between the age of
30 and 40.
The “danger zone” is an oxygen level of 60 or less. Some
researchers believe that you could live to 120 if your oxygen
intake is high enough and you remain in good health. Regular
OXY-R can maintain your oxygen levels at 100.
Oxygen and heart health
The entire cardiovascular system benefits from increased oxygen
intake. The arteries remain elastic, blood pressure stabilizes, and
the heart is no longer forced to beat harder to squeeze blood
Generate fresh mitochondria
Studies show that supplementation with CoQ10
can reverse mitochondrial
dysfunction and stave off
degenerative disease.
PQQ is a powerful antioxidant
that has also been shown to
thwart mitochondrial decay.
Now you can benefit from
both. Finlandia PQQ-20 with
Ubiquinol—the active fraction
of CoQ10— will help
rejuvenate aging
mitochondria and encourage
the production of new ones.
Ask us about this
outstanding combination
1111 West Broadway (at Spruce Street) Vancouver, BC V6H 1G1 Canada
Cellular energy and cancer
All cells require energy to absorb nutrients, to maintain their
internal environment, to respond to changes in their surroundings,
and to grow and replicate.
Cellular energy is created by breaking down nutrients through a
number of metabolic reactions collectively known as respiration.
This energy is stored in small molecules known as adenosine
triphosphate, or ATP. When the cells require energy to perform
their tasks, they use respiration to create molecules of ATP, which
they then break down and use as fuel.
Under normal conditions, healthy cells undergo aerobic
respiration—a metabolic pathway that requires oxygen. This
oxygen comes from the air we breathe. During the process of
creating ATP, the cells break down glucose into pyruvate, and
produce carbon dioxide as waste. When enough oxygen is not
available for the cell’s use, it switches to a process called
fermentation. During fermentation, the cells also break down
glucose into pyruvate to create ATP, but they produce lactic acid
instead of carbon dioxide. Aerobic respiration is much more
efficient than fermentation, producing 38 ATP molecules per
molecule of glucose, whereas the latter produces only two.
Since cancer cells
respire anaerobically, it
has been assumed that
providing them with
more oxygen would
somehow encourage
them to respire
aerobically, and thus
restore them to health,
but this has never
been shown to take
place. Reducing the
inflammation that
precipitates and
encourages cancer,
however, is another
story, and a major
benefit of oxygen therapy.
A University of Boston studyi reported in the March, 2015 issue of
Science Translational Medicine demonstrates another way in
which cancer patients can benefit from oxygen therapy: Raising
oxygen concentrations in the air energized immune cells to shrink
tumours in mice with lung and breast tumours.
About 40 per cent of mice injected with lung cancer, when placed
in an oxygen-rich environment, survived 60 or more days. In
contrast, mice that breathed normal air after being injected died
within about 30 days. The adenosine released by tumours in a
low-oxygen environment makes immune cells sluggish and
promotes tumour growth. Boosting oxygen levels counteracts
adenosine and invigorates both T cells and natural killer (NK) cells,
which then cause tumours to shrink, the researchers found.
i Hatfield, SM et al. Immunological mechanisms of the antitumor effects of supplemental oxygenation. Science Translational Medicine.­­­Vol. 7, March 4, 2015, p. 277ra30.
along compromised blood vessels.
William Campbell Douglass II, MD, a proponent of oxygen
therapy writes in his book Stop Aging or Slow the Process:
Patients with heart failure are uniformly helped with (exercise
with oxygen training). In every case I have treated, the result
was an increased exercise tolerance. Many could walk for
blocks following therapy, whereas before treatment they
often couldn’t walk out to the mailbox and back without
taking a rest.
You can read more about the effects of the OXY-R training
system on the heart, on the following page.
Oxygen and emphysema
Emphysema is a condition in which the air sacs of the lungs
are damaged and enlarged, causing breathlessness.
OXY-R can help many cases of emphysema, although the
treatment must be continuous.
Oxygen detoxification
Stressful modern lifestyles and environmental pollution
spell toxicity for the body. Add drugs to combat various
diseases, fast foods, caffeine and sugar, and it’s easy to see
that the need for detoxification is not just a New Age
paradigm, but a true necessity.
Increasing your body’s oxygen levels helps to eliminate toxins
and renews healthier function within the cells. OXY-R literally
flushes the overload of metabolic waste from your body.
A large amount of fresh oxygen helps reduce build-up of
toxins, excess carbon dioxide (CO2), inflammatory agents,
and lactic acid produced by the muscles, by flushing these
substances out of the body. It also increases the number of
mitochondria and fuels existing mitochondria—both
important for continued detoxification of the body.
You may wish to combine OXY-R detox sessions with our
ionic footbath and infra-red sauna treatments for enhanced
Oxygen and the
The Japanese call it Shinrin-Yoku , meaning “forest bathing.” It
is the practice of walking in Nature, which has been shown to
affect the body’s chemistry and wellbeing in profound ways.
During the day, trees photosynthesize and give off oxygen,
which is believed to contribute significantly to this
improvement in heath.
Also a tribute to the power of oxygen is the story of Shin
Terayama. At age 47, Shin’s oncologists gave up on him,
sending him home to die from the kidney cancer that had
spread to his right lung and rectum. But Shin was not about to
give up easily. With a wife and three children, he simply could
not afford to die.
During his early morning meditations, Shin noticed that the
birds always began singing exactly 42 minutes before
sunrise. The time remained constant, even as the time of
TEL: 604.733.5323 TOLL FREE: 1.800.363.4372 FAX: 604.733.5340
Oxy-R and your heart
Its beat is the pace of your lifetime—and it thrives on oxygen.
Shouldn’t you be making sure your heart receives all the oxygen
it needs to operate maximally? The entire cardiovascular system
benefits from increased oxygen. The arteries remain elastic,
blood pressure stabilizes, and the heart is no longer forced to
beat harder to squeeze blood along compromised blood vessels.
Knowing the condition of your arteries and heart, and
improving the elasticity of your arteries through increasing your
oxygen intake, will help reduce your risk of cardiovascular
incidents. Those who have an existing cardiovascular condition
will also benefit, but we recommend checking with a health
professional before increasing your level of physical activity.
State of the art cardiovascular screening
Arterial stiffness is a major risk factor for heart disease. Before
starting OXY-R we will get a picture of how your heart and
arteries are faring presently, through Max Pulse testing. Max
Pulse is a cardiovascular screening device that is non-invasive.
It utilizes pulsewave analysis technology. The pulsewave of the
blood is followed from the time it leaves the heart and travels
down the blood vessels to the finger. This snapshot of the
cardiovascular system evaluates arterial elasticity.
The test analyzes the following:
Overall cardiovascular health
Heart rate variability (HRV) and mean heart rate (MHR)
Overall elasticity of large, small and peripheral arteries
Progression of arteriosclerosis
Blood circulation and amount of blood remaining in the
vessels after systolic contraction of the heart
Left ventricular ejection, and contraction power
Mental stress, physical stress and resistance to stress
Great Outdoors
Taking a preventive approach to heart disease is one of the
smartest things you can do to protect your health. Book your
appointment with us today by calling 604.734.7760.
From this simple experiment, Shin deduced that the birds outside his
apartment began to sing as soon as the sky lightened, so that they
could fill their lungs with fresh oxygen from the trees. Accordingly,
Shin rose with the birds every morning to breathe in the “new air.”
Now, almost 30 years later, and fully healed from his cancer, Shin
believes that breathing in the “new air”— along with a number of
other natural healing modalities and playing his cello—helped
cure him.
1111 West Broadway (at Spruce Street) Vancouver, BC V6H 1G1 Canada
© Yuri Arcurs/People Images
sunrise changed. Shin thought hard
about this and hit upon
the idea that it could have something to do with the trees giving off
oxygen as soon as night turned to day. To test his theory, he took a
cylinder of oxygen and released some into the air of the room where
his pet birds were sleeping under cover. Although in total darkness,
the birds immediately began to sing. As soon as they stopped, Shin
repeated the release of oxygen, and the sleeping birds began to
sing again.
Harlan’s Corner
Oxygen therapy: great health for all!
In this newsletter, I am very excited to introduce Finlandia’s new
Oxygen Revitalization Program—something I’ve been planning
for a while now.
with oxygen which dramatically increases oxygen in the blood
plasma, pushing oxygen into the cells without the help of red
blood cells. This therapy is traditionally known as EWOT (exercise
with oxygen therapy).
The air we breathe normally contains roughly 20 per cent
oxygen, 78 per cent nitrogen and less than 1 per cent carbon
As explained elsewhere in this newsletter, extensive research was
dioxide. Changes in these levels—in crowded rooms and
carried out in the 1980s by a German researcher—Dr. Manfred
confined spaces—can occur rapidly and, as
von Ardenne—on thousands of patients.
a result, can make you feel you feel tired
Finlandia is offering one free trial After just 15 minutes on an EWOT
and lethargic. Yawning is an indication of
program, every organ is bathed in oxygen,
session for a limited time to
the body needing more oxygen. An oxygen
revitalizing the whole body.
promote this new and exciting
level below 17 per cent in a confined spaces
Just think about that! Only 15 minutes
health discovery.
is dangerous and can be fatal. (The safe
can give you oxygen-rich blood. Everyone
level of oxygen is 19.5 per cent.)
can benefit from this—from young,
Oxygen levels at high altitudes are about the same as sea level
seasoned athletes, to those with heart problems who cannot
but the atmospheric pressure is less. This results in reduced
walk to get the mail without feeling exhausted. Overstressed
oxygen uptake. Since there are fewer oxygen molecules per
people, those with Alzheimer’s, emphysema, and heart disease
breath, you may develop altitude sickness over an extended
experience immediate relief, which is long lasting with
period of time.
multiple treatments.
Oxygen—the life in our breath—is sometimes taken for granted,
but it is truly precious. City dwellers are “cheated” on oxygen
as the level is often low. Those who live in the countryside
however, have a better deal as plants give out oxygen during the
day. This is why when we are out in Nature—in a park or forest
for example—we feel so energized and in a more positive frame
of mind.
In highly polluted areas, or when smogs are present, oxygen
levels can fall as low as 12 to 15 per cent. The worse offender is
the carbon monoxide (CO) that comes from car exhaust.
Carbon monoxide competes for oxygen in the red blood cells
that supply our bodies with the oxygen needed to fuel life. Too
much carbon monoxide can be deadly because it blocks
oxygen uptake (which is why we should all have a carbon
monoxide detector in our homes). But lower levels of carbon
monoxide, common in city environments, can make us feel tired
and miserable.
One of the primary causes of aging is failure of the enzyme
system that is responsible for our oxygen uptake. Our cells
receive less and less oxygen and we degenerate and die. Oxygen
deprivation can occur with lack of exercise, stress or a poor
oxygen environment. This can be easily reversed by exercising
By age 50, we have lost 40 per cent of our ability to absorb and
burn oxygen. And if we don’t absorb oxygen, we will die
before our time. Between ages 20 to 40 we have lost 20 per
cent of our ability to use oxygen and to do medium heavy work.
Inactivity can reduce the body’s efficiency for utilizing oxygen,
which leads to chronic fatigue and rapid aging.
Our Oxygen Revitalization Program can reverse this in a few
15-minute treatments. the program can also have a profound
effect on blood pressure without the damage caused by drugs.
The average drop in blood pressure for patients using EWOT was
14 points.
Immunization, surgery, chemotherapy, and burns all reduce
immune function and the body’s capacity to carry oxygen. This
is reversed immediately with our Oxygen Revitalization Program.
Sports competitors can improve conditioning and improve
recovery using the program before and after compeition.
I have been so impressed with the results of the Finlandia
Oxygen Revitalization Program that I have purchased a home
unit which my wife, Beth, and I use regularly to keep us young.
Adequate oxygen utilization is the key to a healthy drug free life!
© Copyright 2013 Harlan Lahti, D.N.M. B.Sc. Pharm.
Disclaimer: The content of this newsletter is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional nor is it intended as medical advice. Rather, its
intent is the sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Harlan Lahti and other professionals associated with Finlandia Pharmacy. Harlan encourages you
to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. All persons shown in this publication are models.
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